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Arnold reveals details about Terminator: Genesis plot

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Schattenjäger;105752522 said:
If this was happening while T2 was the last movie - id be so mad

But T3 and T4 happened already so I have absolutely no problem with this movie

Bring it on !

I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.

Blame McG for fucking up so badly at doing something new with the franchise that studios are going back to ripping off T2.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.

Actually after T2 I think the movie people would have been most ok with was a side story set in James Cameron's version of the future war.

Terminator 3 was over a decade ago so it's too late to go back but if they absolutely HAD to make a Terminator 3, that would have been ideal, but maybe I'm just speaking for myself.

Also keep in mind that Arnold is not the only T-800 model.
Fucks sake, I want dark skies, skull piles, 80s techno and violet plasma guns. I don't want an 120 year old looking Arnie that walks like he's shit himself. Stop DESTROYING my childhood.


I can buy the skin deteriorating as they get older, since they presumably don't have anything to sustain it. But surely it would eventually rot off instead of looking like a pensioner.
They should make a movie chronicling the convoluted saga of the rights and subsequent prequels and reboots of this franchise.

First 2 films still hold up. The only redeeming part of T3 is the last 5 minutes and salvation should have been the war with the machines. I'm not sure what salvation was other the a POS
Looks like this is going to be a Star Trek style reboot-sequel. Still in-universe with the originals, but with a changed timeline.

I guess I'm okay with that. It makes enough sense with the internal logic of the franchise. T4 set a precedent for it as well, with all the time travel hijinks in that timeline culminating in the early creation of the T-800.

The timeline can be changed and has probably already gone through a few loops before the first movie ever began. We never even saw the original timeline in the first place. And here a new loop begins again.

I'm not too upset about the old-Terminator reasoning, either. The original concept of the terminator was to be an older man to highlight the fact that the skin is just a covering and what is underneath is powerful and scary. This is just sort of reusing an old Cameron concept.

As for seeing the terminator both young and old, how cool would it be if the same terminator fought itself? Old Future Terminator vs Young Past Terminator, the exact same one at different times. That would be crazy. Maybe they could form a paradox by having the future T be the one that subdues the past T for reprogramming.
First I've heard of Skynet's living tissue aging. It was never quoted as being "human flesh" before.

I wish they would just do a proper one like T1 and T2, and leave Arnie out of it. He's the original and best, but he can't do it any more.

I'm pretty sure Kyle Reese referred to it in Terminator 1 when describing it to Sarah.

Dr. Silberman: Okay, okay. But this cyborg, if it's metal...
Kyle Reese: Surrounded by living tissue!
Looks like this is going to be a Star Trek style reboot-sequel. Still in-universe with the originals, but with a changed timeline.

I guess I'm okay with that. It makes enough sense with the internal logic of the franchise. T4 set a precedent for it as well, with all the time travel hijinks in that timeline culminating in the early creation of the T-800.

The timeline can be changed and has probably already gone through a few loops before the first movie ever began. We never even saw the original timeline in the first place. And here a new loop begins again.

I'm not too upset about the old-Terminator reasoning, either. The original concept of the terminator was to be an older man to highlight the fact that the skin is just a covering and what is underneath is powerful and scary. This is just sort of reusing an old Cameron concept.

As for seeing the terminator both young and old, how cool would it be if the same terminator fought itself? Old Future Terminator vs Young Past Terminator, the exact same one at different times. That would be crazy. Maybe they could form a paradox by having the future T be the one that subdues the past T for reprogramming.

I still maintain my theory that the original John Connor was NOT fathered by Kyle Reese, everything Terminator 1 and on fucked the timelines up, Back to the Future style.
I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.

No, the story people want to see is the first 10 minutes of T2 stretched out into a trilogy. The future war, complete with mountains of human skulls, etc, and robot skeletons marching like zombies over a nightmarish nuclear hellscape battlefield.
I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.

They showed him in T3 deleted scenes.

No, the story people want to see is the first 10 minutes of T2 stretched out into a trilogy. The future war, complete with mountains of human skulls, etc, and robot skeletons marching like zombies over a nightmarish nuclear hellscape battlefield.

That's what we all want. I can't imagine the budget though for this type of movie that would give it any justice.
Are they gonna keep with the whole "learning computer" bullshit from T2? Thereby allowing old-man Arnold Terminator to have been around so long he's able to function as a human and essentially just be normal wisecracking Arnold?


I'm actually okay with this. This at least on paper sounds better than T3 or Salvation.

I totally can buy the Terminator's skin aging. At the very least, T2 describes the flesh as living tissue.
Why not just let this franchise die? T1 is a god tier horror/suspense film. T2 is a god tier action film. The rest was all hot garbage.

They just don't know what to do with the franchise, that much is clear, just let it die.
I get the feeling he's just explaining how it still makes sense for him to play the T-800, and you folks are reading into it and thinking that's the actual story for the movie. They aren't making a trilogy about being old, I hope.

I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.
Well, it's called Genesis, it's the first in a trilogy, and Arnold says there's a young version of him, so I assumed that's probably what we're going to see for at least part of this movie.


It's so funny to remember how bad T4 is every time I remember it's real. It gives us everything most of us thought we wanted (Bale as John Connor, it's the goddamn future war, Linda Hamilton does Sarah Connor's voice, and Arnold has a cool brief cameo), but it all came together as the worst of them all. No real talent or vision or fun. Even the fucking Arnold cameo made us all ask a bunch of questions that we shouldn't have had to ask, because it was so bad (
why would it pick up and throw John instead of just fucking ripping him open immediately? John didn't hesitate to immediately start shooting because he knows these things don't fuck around, but then it gets close to him and just fucks around.

I remember my girlfriend at the time got a really nice projector and wanted to see a cool action movie on it, and her friends were like "let's watch T4!" and I was like "no, you guys were blinded by hype when you saw it the first time, it's not good" and by the end they were like "oh god, that was so bad, what the hell?"
I still maintain my theory that the original John Connor was NOT fathered by Kyle Reese, everything Terminator 1 and on fucked the timelines up, Back to the Future style.

Oh, definitely. I've thought that for a long time now. I think that Terminator 1 was probably the third loop. Each time it goes around it changes some more.


Random Terminator related thought.

In Terminator 2, the moment Sarah and John figure out that Skynet was made through the technology of the Terminator from the original movie, that John should instantly let himself die.

John dying means no John leading the resistance. No John leading the resistance means Skynet sends no Terminator back through time to kill Sarah. No Terminator back through time means Skynet doesn't get created.

Why am I even bothering trying to figure out Terminator time travel
Random Terminator related thought.

In Terminator 2, the moment Sarah and John figure out that Skynet was made through the technology of the Terminator from the original movie, that John should instantly let himself die.

John dying means no John leading the resistance. No John leading the resistance means Skynet sends no Terminator back through time to kill Sarah. No Terminator back through time means Skynet doesn't get created.

Why am I even bothering trying to figure out Terminator time travel

It's true that it is futile with no definite right answer, but it's certainly fun to think about.

Personally, I think those things only accelerated Skynet, rather than creating it. We never get to see the original timeline in the series to see how it came to be naturally.

The broken 800 in T1 gave Cyberdyne a head start.

The Connors in T2 caused a delay, but only for a few years thanks to that headstart Skynet had.

In T3 (ugh), it is implied that the T-X from the future may be what jump-starts Skynet's creation. The "virus" was already shutting systems down globally not long after the T-X connected to the web, before the young Skynet was even brought online. In fact, in the previous timeline, it took Skynet 25 days to become self aware, while the T3 Skynet was instantly self aware. This was due to the 'starter kit' the T-X uploaded.

In T4 it is shown that all of the time travel hijinks have accelerated Skynet's growth. The T800 in the last loop was developed near the end of the war in 2026, while in the revised timeline they were first created early in 2018.


Terminator Salvation
Worst Terminator movie IMO, between the bland action, most boring characters, and lack of direction until the last 30 minutes, it was a complete mess, I'm hoping this new one is actually good.
Trying to make sense of the Terminator time line is a good way to end up institutionalized like Sarah Connor. Just kind of roll with it at this point, smile and nod.


If this means that the characters will be sneaking through recreations of scenes from the first two movies, then I'm down. I love that kinda shit.


I feel like the story everybody wants to see is... like, the story of the man they modeled the T-800 after. It's kind of the obvious thing to do.
So I'm really confused as to why they're making a movie about a killer robot getting old instead of that.

I was interested in the original plot of the sequel to Salvation where it would have focused on the doctor that created the T-1000. That sounded like a neat idea to me and could have filled in more of the Terminator background but of course they have their own ideas. I wonder if they'll pull a Disney and act like certain things didn't happen.


Guys, if you've ever seen Arnold's DVD commentary, he really isn't the best at assessing plots or understanding nuance. I would not put any stock in what he has to say about story.

Davey Cakes

Based on Terminator: Salvation, I hope this new movie has a TERRIBLE trailer.

Because Salvation had a really great trailer and ended up being shit.


I liked Sculli's circular T1 to T2 timeline. Though I guess that's out the window with all of the newer films, though I believe Genesis is a complete reboot, correct?


Based on Terminator: Salvation, I hope this new movie has a TERRIBLE trailer.

Because Salvation had a really great trailer and ended up being shit.

Part of that is due to Christian Bale. John Connor was written in as a secondary character. Christian Bale would only agree to do the film if he was written as the lead. Essentially, they had to rewrite the whole script to get him in the movie.
In Terminator 2 they spend the entire film trying to destroy the arm of the first film's Terminator, and then they succeed, yet they completely forget about the broken arm that the second film's Terminator has stuck in a gear in the steel mill.
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