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First images from Tyrminatir: Genesis

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I'm not understanding the timeline here. Emilia is about Sarah's age in the first movie, Kyle being sort of the same, but then we've got John Connor cast as well, but that could be future John, so it could still be the first movie.... but with an old T-800? So if it's a soft reboot of the first movie, where does the old T-800 come in? Has it been there since Sarah was a kid protecting her? If so, why send Kyle?

Trying to figure out the timeline is making my head hurt...

Haha god, it's funny to me how they can't even manage to capture even the slightest feeling I got from T1/2 with all these sequels/whatevers.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not an old man shaking my fist into the air because nothing can come close to my beloved "originals", I welcome a well made new Terminator movie. This just (again) doesn't look to be it.

Yeah, I would love for it to be great, but I think it can't happen. The first Terminator was a sorta low budget 80's action flick, with a cool story. T2 was a higher budget early 90's action flick. But action movies have changed so much since then, so making a 00's or 10's type action movie of Terminator just doesn't work. And making a 90's type, or 80's type action flick today wouldn't work either, it would be perceived as cheesy.
Just look at Total Recall and Robocop reboots, completely different movies, just cause an action flick in 2010+ is so much different from the 80's and 90's.

So is this a sequel or reboot or what? How is Kyle alive? Why is the T800 being played by an old guy? Why is the TX being replaced by an inferior T1000 again?

... How did a sentient super intelligence create awesome human killing machines like this and lose? Because in Salvation it didn't look like the resistance was even a decent threat.

T-1000 being inferior to the T-1000? come again? only way to kill the T-1000 was to literally melt it, it got shattered into a million pieces, riddles with bullets and grenades. T-X had... boob powers? Yeah I know, it had weapons in it's hands, but how many times can they be used before they run out of fuel? If T-X had laserguns from the first 2 movies (in the future), then... maybe, but I think the almost indestructible T-1000 still would be superior.


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Conner? Isn't she like 5' 1"? Not exactly intimidating.

What made Linda Hamilton's Sarah Conner the best heroine since Ripley, was her ability seem just as dangerous as the Terminator.



Nice! I had no idea that Emilia Clarke was playing Sarah Connor. That makes two GoT actresses taking up the role. Maybe in 20 years we'll get to see her played by Maisie Williams... hopefully next to Arnold haha.
I thought Salvation was far worse. For all its problems, ROTM wasn't pretentious in the slightest - it knew it didn't have the gravitas to elevate it T1 or T2. Viewed as a fun (expensive) B-Movie romp, Arnie smashing up LA going after the truck at the start, the bombs falling and hell even the maybe wonky attempts at humour - without a Cameron at the helm, we're just going to get poe faced attempts to make this run and run over three more movies that will just go over old ground.

Yeah, T3 is good fun.


Jai Courtney gets one more shot for me. He was good in Spartacus, horrible in Die Hard but that was a bad movie, and just kind of there in Jack Reacher. If this turns out to be a somewhat decent movie and he is bad in this I will write him off.

Clarke is not a standout in Game of Thrones by any means but never thought Dany is that great of a character anyway.
Dat Clarke synergy. I am surprised, with how fucking stupid Hollywood is, that they both got the parts with the same last name.

Also it is odd to see John Connor in a suit.


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Conner? Isn't she like 5' 1"? Not exactly intimidating.

What made Linda Hamilton's Sarah Conner the best heroine since Ripley, was her ability seem just as dangerous as the Terminator.

I don't really care for Emilia Clarke, but in her defense, Sarah Connor wasn't exactly a badass in the first Terminator movie. I'll wait to see this Sarah's evolution first.
Wonder which one of them shot the giant teddy bear that's sprawled behind them?

I was at a prop house this week that's servicing the production, and they were in the process of pulling 100's of guns for the film. It looked amazing, there were like 5 carts stacked full of firearms, every kind imaginable.


At least there will be guns.
Were you guys being serious when you said that Arnold is looking good? I don't think any of those pictures look too terrible. Terminator 3 wasn't bad, that salvation, after hearing a few people say that it wasn't worth watching, I couldn't bring myself to watch it like 4 or 5 years ago when it originally came out.


There were a few more set pictures recently. No Arnold in these ones but Kyle / Sarah (stunt doubles) shooting out the back of a van at a police car. Would post the pics here but the site doesn't let you do that. Unless someone else wants to figure out a way. It's on the Daily Mail website. Just type into Google Terminator Genesis Daily Mail and it'll be the second link down.


Grey haired Arnold looks badass. Dyeing made him come off as fake, wearing his age makes him more believable.


So whats this BS story to why the terminators have aged now?

Since T1 its been stated that it is living human tissue over the metal endoskeleton. The flesh still ages, as Arnold said in a recent interview. Not really BS as he's clearly aged in T1, T2, T3.
Arnold visibly ages between films 1 2 and 3 so now's not a good time to start complaining.

sorry Newlove didn't see your post.
Especially in T1 his face doesn't look as lean as it does later, I'm not sure if that's youth or because he was just more bulked up then but it's not something that should please someone expecting an identical cyborg in each movie.


There's something I still don't understand. This is a sequel? Or a complete franchise reboot (As if it ignores all the previous movies and starts a new canon).

Say what you want about Salvation, but I was looking forward to a sequel to that movie and see the full scale war, and eventual destruction of Skynet that Kyle Reese mentioned on the original. Salvation was leading into that. And now we won't see that?


Jai Courtney is such a bland gorilla. Hated him from the moment he popped up on Spartacus. For some reason they thought making him John McClane's kid over Aaron Paul would be a good idea. Granted, Die Hard 4 had already ruined the franchise so wtf why not. Kyle Reese strikes me as another role that an Aaron Paul type would be a good fit for.

I'm not really convinced that Emilia Clarke can pull off Sarah Connor for that matter. The only reason I'd tune in for this thing to see if it could somehow out-suck Terminator: Salvation. I think they've got a real shot.

I feel like we are kindred spirits or at least have one thing in common.


I see y'all have the Internet Hate Machine all warmed up!

I'll wait til we get a trailer at least. Then I'll still see it. Hopefully its like Terminator+ Time Crimes.
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