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Doctor Who's Matt Smith to take up "major role" in new Terminator trilogy

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Courtesy of Deadline Hollywood.

Here is something that should create a geek frenzy. Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are setting the final major piece of the final trilogy of Terminator films. I’m told they are casting Matt Smith, who plays Doctor Who, in a major role that will grow in the second and third films.

Smith will join Game Of Thrones‘ Emilia Clarke (Sara Connor), Zero Dark Thirty’s Jason Clarke (John Connor), Jai Courtney (Kyle Reese), Day Okeniyi (Danny Dyson, son of the brainiac cyborg developer played by Joe Morton in Terminator: Judgment Day), and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who reprises his signature cyborg. The time-travel saga Terminator: Genesis is directed by Alan Taylor and has a July 1, 2015 released date. Smith is repped by UTA and Troika.

Nice to see him getting big work post-Who

EDIT: Confirmed by Skydance Productions


The Autumn Wind
I hope he's not gonna play the Terminator
First image:



The 'H' stands for hentai.
I read the thread then I thought, "this couldn't be 11th Doctor Matt Smith"

To my pleasant surprise it is, looks like I am watching the movie :)
Great, now if I see this movie on opening night I will have to put up with a bunch of cooing and screaming teen age girls who literally know nothing of The Terminator series and will simply go to see his pretty face.

Not that the Franchise hasn't been unwatchable for for the past decade anyway.


Gold Member
I hate this guy so much, even though I can't explain why. There's just something about him that makes me angry. Irrational dislike, I guess.
Great, now if I see this movie on opening night I will have to put up with a bunch of cooing and screaming teen age girls who literally know nothing of The Terminator series and will simply go to see his pretty face.

How do you know some of those "cooing, screaming teenage girls" haven't already seen some of the Terminator series?


Wacky scientist.


Hope not.

Oh god, I bet you're on the money.

Or even worse... wacky doctor. They'll even do a stupid joke where he references himself as the doctor....for the experiment.. or some stupid shit like that.


Great, now if I see this movie on opening night I will have to put up with a bunch of cooing and screaming teen age girls who literally know nothing of The Terminator series and will simply go to see his pretty face.

Not that the Franchise hasn't been unwatchable for for the past decade anyway.

Matt Smith is quite an odd looking guy. Will that happen outside of Doctor Who?
Is that offensive to you? It's no different them pandering to teenage boys by putting overly sexualized women into a movie or video game to get them to buy it.

I don't like pandering, sorry if it offends.

You don't even know that it's pandering. And you're being pretty reductive as to an entire show's fanbase, as well as the quality of the acting by the person in question in suggesting the only thing he's got going for him is that "cooing, screaming" teenage girls think he's cute or something.

Basically, you're coming off as a grumpy, crusty dude upset at the idea people you don't approve of might like the things you like.
You don't even know that it's pandering. And you're being pretty reductive as to an entire show's fanbase, as well as the quality of the acting by the person in question in suggesting the only thing he's got going for him is that "cooing, screaming" teenage girls think he's cute or something.

Basically, you're coming off as a grumpy, crusty dude upset at the idea people you don't approve of might like the things you like.

Ok. I feel it's pandering. Agree to disagree. No need to call names. Makes you look like a petulant, spoiled little brat that is entitled to his own opinion, but nobody else can have theirs. :)
Ok. I feel it's pandering. Agree to disagree. No need to call names. Makes you look like a petulant, spoiled little brat that is entitled to his own opinion, but nobody else can have theirs. :)

I didn't call you names. I said it makes you SOUND that way. I didn't say you WERE crusty & grumpy. Just that you were coming off that way :)

I don't see how it's pandering still, unless you're cynical enough to believe the only reason Matt Smith could possibly be cast in anything is because executive producers consider the teenage-girl segment of the Doctor Who audience to be a necessary component of international box-office success.

I mean, I don't think Ryan Gosling made him the lead of his debut film because Gosling was like "I need that Doctor Who cooing and screaming if people are going to take me seriously as an artist."


Oh god, Matt Smith and Kelly C in one movie. I might actually have to watch it. Oh and Arnold is in it too I guess.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and John Connor are all gonna be together in one movie? And Dyson's son?

I hope there's not a "good guy" Terminator this time because that's more than enough on the human side of the conflict, unless they want to do a storyline like in Sarah Connor Chronicles where a sect of the Skynet hivemind breaks off and forms a third party that doesn't seek to exterminate humanity.
I didn't call you names. I said it makes you SOUND that way. I didn't say you WERE crusty & grumpy. Just that you were coming off that way :)

I don't see how it's pandering still, unless you're cynical enough to believe the only reason Matt Smith could possibly be cast in anything is because executive producers consider the teenage-girl segment of the Doctor Who audience to be a necessary component of international box-office success.

I mean, I don't think Ryan Gosling made him the lead of his debut film because Gosling was like "I need that Doctor Who cooing and screaming if people are going to take me seriously as an artist."

With that same defense I can say that I didn't SAY you were a cooing screaming girl for liking Matt Smith. You made it SOUND that way with your highly reactive first and second post to me.

With your first two posts too me I can't reasonably assume you are looking to debate in good faith. Only that you took offense to something I said because you ASSUMED it related to you. You instantly came off like someone with a personal axe to grind.

I was not reductionary, I singled out specifically "cooing, screaming teenage girls" I didn't say you or anyone else was that way.

I do not believe Matt Smiths female following is the only reason he got the part. But I think it's pretty ignorant to think that money hungry execs are not aware of the draw he brings from that crowd and would not factor that in when casting him.
I hope there's not a "good guy" Terminator this time because that's more than enough on the human side of the conflict, .

that seems like it's going to be a given. Ever since Cameron introduced the idea in T2, there's been one. I'd imagine some people would consider it some sort of cop-out if there WASN'T a good Terminator.

That probably says something about how far away from the original every sequel's gotten - even T2.

With your first two posts too me I can't reasonably assume you are looking to debate in good faith. Only that you took offense to something I said because you ASSUMED it related to you. You instantly came off like someone with a personal axe to grind.

I dont' think it relates to me at all. I'm a 36 year old man. That's my picture right there to the left. Thought never crossed my mind. :)

The idea of "good faith debating" is kinda thrown over your shoulder like crumpled up paper with your opening gambit, though.

I do not believe Matt Smiths female following is the only reason he got the part. But I think it's pretty ignorant to think that money hungry execs are not aware of the draw he brings from that crowd and would not factor that in when casting him.

I don't think "money hungry execs" really have anything to do with his casting at all aside from writing his checks once the director/producer choose him.
that seems like it's going to be a given. Ever since Cameron introduced the idea in T2, there's been one. I'd imagine some people would consider it some sort of cop-out if there WASN'T a good Terminator.

That probably says something about how far away from the original every sequel's gotten - even T2.

I dont' think it relates to me at all. I'm a 36 year old man. That's my picture right there to the left. Thought never crossed my mind. :)

The idea of "good faith debating" is kinda thrown over your shoulder like crumpled up paper with your opening gambit, though.

I don't think "money hungry execs" really have anything to do with his casting at all aside from writing his checks once the director/producer choose him.

My "opening gambit" was never intended to lead to some drawn out debate with someone who takes offense to my implying that many of Smiths fans are teenage girls.

They are.

He clearly also has fans whom are 36 year old men too. And that is absolutely fine. I don't understand why you PERSONALLY seemed so offended by a remark that clearly was directed at a group of people who are obviously not you.
Terminators are always muscly and chiselled... a weedy and goofy looking one would blend in well.

Glad Smith's not finding it hard to get work after Who like some do.
Having Smith as a closer representation of what Cameron's initial idea of how a Terminator should blend in would be interesting.

Didn't he initially want Henriksen as the Terminator at one point in pre-production?


fwiw, Gosling actually did hire Matt Smith because of Doctor Who, though apparently never watched the show himself and was only just aware of it.
Having Smith as a closer representation of what Cameron's initial idea of how a Terminator should blend in would be interesting.

Didn't he initially want Henriksen as the Terminator at one point in pre-production?

I think your right about Henriksen, I remember reading that somewhere years back.
fwiw, Gosling actually did hire Matt Smith because of Doctor Who, though apparently never watched the show himself and was only just aware of it.

No fucking way, really? Link that shit.

I thought Smith simply killed in an audition.

edit: Nevermind. Found it.

Can you talk about, in great detail, your first meeting with Ryan Gosling?
It was in New York. I think my head exploded. Like, Whoa. He’s the dude. He’s really clever and a really good bloke. He has a really singular yet collaborative sort of personality. I was really impressed. I just thought, Wow, you’re really going to make something extraordinary. He afforded great freedom to his actors and he gave me great confidence and courage to try and be something really different. Weirdly, the way that he heard about me was because of that speech in “The Pandorica Opens.”

Yeah. You know when I’m talking to the aliens? I’m playing a bit of a lunatic in his movie and he said, “Imagine if there were no spaceships and that character was just on his own, talking to no one. How mad would he seem?”

That’s what he said he was going for?
Yeah! It was cool that it was Doctor Who. I think he just stumbled across it on BBC America one day.

Okay, that's a little different than what I was thinking, but it's still not a matter of Gosling going "Gotta get those Doctor Who fans." More like "Holy shit, that's a great performance. Now imagine I put that in my movie, and set it in the real world with an unhinged person..."
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