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Baltimore Man robbed/stripped in front of a bunch of people (wsh video careful)

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Why dos the term reverse racism exist?Isn't racism just racism no matter who it is?

Time Wise critiques it here as well giving examples of reverse racism. Long article so I can't quote it all but I'll share some segments. The bold are mine

That so many people find this kind of argumentation persuasive would be humorous were it not so dangerous, and so indicative of the way in which our nation has yet to come to grips with its racist history. Had we honestly confronted racism as an issue, past and present, it is unlikely that such positions would make sense to anyone. After all, every month has been white history month (this in response to the silly idea that Black History month is discriminatory), even if they weren’t called that. White history has been made the normative history, the default position, and when your narrative is taken as the norm–indeed, when it gets to be viewed as synonymous with American history–the need to racially designate its origins is obviously a less pressing concern. White folks’ contributions have never been ignored, diminished or overlooked. As such, to now demand special time to teach about the people we’ve already learned about from the start seems a bit preposterous.

As for racial slurs, while it is certainly fair to point out that their use is always inappropriate, no matter whom they’re directed against, to think that a term like hillbilly is truly equivalent to those used against people of color, like “nigger,” “spic,” “raghead,” or “chink,” requires one to exhibit a profound ignorance of history. These and other slurs against people of color not only sound more hateful, they have operated in a more hateful manner, by forming the linguistic cornerstone of systematic oppression and institutionalized racial supremacy. Hundreds of thousands were enslaved and millions have died at the hands of those who thought of their victims as “niggers,” “spics,” “ragheads” and “chinks,” and used those terms as they went about their murderous ways.

And the idea that whites working for white empowerment or “white rights” is no different than people of color working for the empowerment of their group (through such mechanisms as the NAACP, or the Congressional Black Caucus, for instance), also makes sense, only if one takes a fundamentally dishonest glimpse at the nation’s past. After all, groups representing persons of color were created to address the unique disempowerment experienced by those groups’ members. Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans have been systematically denied opportunities in the U.S. solely because of their group membership. Their “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S., as whites, such that organizing as whites would have made sense.

To have a White Student Union (in response to the suggestion of black student unions being discriminatory), especially at a college where whites were in the clear majority, would be absurd, for this reason. To have a Congressional White Caucus, given the way in which white elites dominate the government would be even worse. To have a White Entertainment Television would ignore that whites already predominate on most all existing networks, and that shows pegged to people of color are few and far between, and usually limited to a handful of smaller networks and cable outlets.

Though many argue that affirmative action has made whites the victims of massive “reverse discrimination,” and thus necessitated the rise of a white rights movement to secure white collective interests, the evidence simply doesn’t support such a view. Although individual whites have likely experienced instances of discrimination–and anecdotal data suggests this is true, though far, far less often than the occasions when people of color experience it–there is nothing to indicate that such incidents are a widespread social phenomenon, against which whites now require organizations to protect them.

So, for instance, whites hold over ninety percent of all the management level jobs in this country (1), receive about ninety-four percent of government contract dollars (2), and hold ninety percent of tenured faculty positions on college campuses (3). Contrary to popular belief, and in spite of affirmative action programs, whites are more likely than members of any other racial group to be admitted to their college of first choice (4). Furthermore, white men with only a high school diploma are more likely to have a job than black and Latino men with college degrees (5), and even when they have a criminal record, white men are more likely than black men without one to receive a call back for a job interview, even when all their credentials are the same (6). Despite comparable rates of school rule infractions, white students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks and Latino youth to be suspended or expelled (7); and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are youth of color



Find a video of a bunch of white thugs attacking a black person then.

Why? My whole point is that the video is the only thing that makes this story newsworthy. I've personally witnessed it and I grew up in upper class white suburban America. I just recently witnessed a white chick get her ass kicked by a white dude in the middle of a crowd of 50+ people (nobody intervened). Do you go outside?

I just couldn't think of any urban areas densely populated by white thugs.

Fortunately, there are plenty of thugs of all colors in the suburbs.

And the fact that you labeled the people in my hypothetical klansmen when I said no such thing says something about you. All I said was people in the South.

Yes, I'm sure referring to 'white thugs from the deep south' as klansmen says something really serious about me.


Yeah, sure. This type of things happens in the suburbs all the time. *roll eyes*

You should probably try reading your local police blotter sometime.

Or just attend a major drinking event. This happens at almost every major bar crawl I've been to


That the WLF saw this as an opportunity to create a hypothetical where the races were reversed and rave about how there'd riots if their fantasy were actually the case. They are ridiculous and rightly mocked.

Mock away, just try making your targets clearer in future. Using a catch all term like 'White Liberation Front' looks cowardly to me. Name names, tackle arguments, ridicule the ridiculous.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, other than Philly, Baltimore is the worst city I've ever been to. A complete cesspool.



Correct me if i'm wrong , but I thought the term "Reverse Racism" was in reference to when someone obtains an advantage due to their race. An example would be someone getting a promotion over another simply because a company has to fill their quota on diversity in the work place.

Atleast thats how I have usually heard the term used the majority of the time.


Black people get singled out and mugged/assaulted by white people at every major bar crawl you've been to?

No, but somebody does. My argument doesn't rely on it happening exclusively to black people. It's your ridiculous argument that it never happens to black people (inconceivable, in fact, unless it is in the deep south). My point is that it is an unremarkable event and it happens to black people as well as any other race.
Why wear a skirt in the presence of a bunch of guys? She was asking to be raped!

This is a very poor retort, simply because of reasonable expectation. Wearing a skirt around a bunch of males does not automatically carry the reasonable assumption that the female might get raped (far to specific of an event) the expectation is that if the skirt is low enough she might get some attention. If you go skydyving for fun, then the reasonable assumption is that you are putting yourself in danger and each time you jump you increase the risk of something bad happening. That is simply a reasonable assumption. I can throw out a throwaway comment aimed to discredit that without actually addressing the reasonable concern.

Why jump out of a plane like that? He is just asking to get hit in the face by a flying bird!

It is simple. If you KNOW you are going out to drink, why on earth would you wear a 1300 watch. That just indicates you might attract unwanted attention or even a more tame conclusion, you might drop/lose watch in drunken stupor.

So, for instance, whites hold over ninety percent of all the management level jobs in this country (1), receive about ninety-four percent of government contract dollars (2), and hold ninety percent of tenured faculty positions on college campuses (3). Contrary to popular belief, and in spite of affirmative action programs, whites are more likely than members of any other racial group to be admitted to their college of first choice (4). Furthermore, white men with only a high school diploma are more likely to have a job than black and Latino men with college degrees (5), and even when they have a criminal record, white men are more likely than black men without one to receive a call back for a job interview, even when all their credentials are the same (6). Despite comparable rates of school rule infractions, white students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks and Latino youth to be suspended or expelled (7); and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are youth of color


It is always brutal to hear the numbers like that.

Mock away, just try making your targets clearer in future. Using a catch all term like 'White Liberation Front' looks cowardly to me. Name names, tackle arguments, ridicule the ridiculous.

I don't like using catch all terms either but it is hard not to when you see a wave of such talk and behavior come from many people propagating many sources. From youtube, to yahoo, cnn, daily mail, even on forums such as gaf, there seems to be a very large and very loud group that seems to want to scream out about racial injustice against whites in america and they do so at time using the most ignorant arguments around and seem to enjoy repeating them. Sometimes it is simply easier to try to throw all that falls under this catagory into one term.

Black people get singled out and mugged/assaulted by white people at every major bar crawl you've been to?

No but I imagine if there was a drunk black guy wandering around in the middle of a prominently white neighborhood, things might not be so great for him either.
Hey it's Baltimore. What a shocking turn of events.
I lived near Baltimore for 2 1/2 years. Yes, stuff happens there at times, but it's no where near as bad as the media portrays the city. There are some bad areas, but also some really nice ones which are some of the better areas in the US to live in (such as Howard County which is SW outside the city, and Owings Mills is pretty nice to the NW). Like any major city, there are spots you are just better off avoiding.
Dont go to Baltimore.
Do not go to certain areas of Baltimore makes more sense. Inner Harbor was usually decent, some areas NE of the city are not that bad. Just avoid the Brooklyn area, Cherry Hill, Reistertown Rd. going into Baltimore, etc.

Same w/ DC area, there are areas of PG county I'd avoid or even areas of Montgomery county even, but there are some areas which are just fine. I pretty much miss Baltimore/DC and would move back if I could find the job I wanted in the area.

Dude Abides

Mock away, just try making your targets clearer in future. Using a catch all term like 'White Liberation Front' looks cowardly to me. Name names, tackle arguments, ridicule the ridiculous.

I explicitly said "the OP" and "you," referring to the person to whom I was replying, in my initial response. Is that insufficiently specific for you? As for your last sentence, there'd actually have to be an argument to tackle.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
And because we don't have magical mind machines, or a thought crime forensic tool, the only way we can infer hate crimes is by outwards behavior and demeanor. And shouting hateful stuff while committing a crime is certainly the easiest way to have a target painted.

Thank god hate crimes are more clearly defined than this.

Holy fuck


Junior Member
Newsflash; If you're by yourself and look out of place or like an easy target in a major U.S. city, you will probably get robbed by groups of criminals.

Welcome to America.


I explicitly said "the OP" and "you," referring to the person to whom I was replying, in my initial response. Is that insufficiently specific for you? As for your last sentence, there'd actually have to be an argument to tackle.

You also added 'and other members of GAF's White Liberation Front'. That was insufficiently specific for me. I like how you ignored 'name names' and 'ridicule the ridiculous', choosing only to focus on the one part of my last sentence that you had an answer for.

Look, I don't really want to scrap with you about this. There's no point. This is a non-topic and I doubt any reasonable discourse on hate-crime legislation will arise from it. Forget I said anything and go about your business tackling the 'WLF'.


No but I imagine if there was a drunk black guy wandering around in the middle of a prominently white neighborhood, things might not be so great for him either.

He would be fine in any white neighborhood with the exception of a trailer park.
Is that a chick that runs his pockets when he's down?

Classy ladies, two shaking there ass while the guys set him up then rob then attack him. Then the one in all blue with the fitted cap runs his shit.
Off course this was a hate crime. They wouldn't have done this to him if he was a black brother, methinks :/

Trust me the same thing would have happened. It happens everyday.

Is that a chick that runs his pockets when he's down?

Classy ladies, two shaking there ass while the guys set him up then rob then attack him. Then the one in all blue with the fitted cap runs his shit.

I doubt many ladies are classy when they party and get drunk.


Black Canada Mafia
In the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, the victim of a hate crime may be an individual, a business, an institution, or society as a whole. In 2010, the Nation’s law enforcement agencies reported that there were 8,208 victims of hate crimes. Of these victims, 9 were victimized in 4 separate multiple-bias incidents.

By bias motivation
An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:

48.2 percent were victims of an offender’s bias against a race.
18.9 percent were victims of an offender’s bias against a religion.
18.6 percent were victims of an offender’s bias against a particular sexual orientation.
13.7 percent were victims of an offender’s bias against an ethnicity/national origin.
0.6 percent were victims of an offender’s bias against a disability.
(Based on Table 1.)

Racial bias
Among the single-bias hate crime incidents in 2010, there were 3,949 victims of racially motivated hate crime. A closer examination of these victim data showed that:

70.0 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.
17.7 percent were victims of an anti-white bias.
5.1 percent were victims of an anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
1.2 percent were victims of an anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias.
6.0 percent were victims of a bias against a group of individuals in which more than one race was represented (anti-multiple races, group).

US 2010 hate crime stats. Does that look like white people aren't hate crime victims ever?

By race
In 2010, the races of the 6,008 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

58.6 percent were white.
18.4 percent were black.
8.9 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
1.1 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
1.0 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
12.0 percent were of unknown race.

Does it look like black people never commit hate crimes?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Off course this was a hate crime. They wouldn't have done this to him if he was a black brother, methinks :/
Is this entirely because of race? No.

I understand that people are all high off race cakes lately, but even the Zimmerman ordeal isn't a hate crime.

You can say some fucked up shit to a person while kicking their ass - unless the entire assault is based purely on race, gender, creed, sex, religion, etc. then it remains an assault. Hate crimes are really hard to make a case for.

edit: black people don't attack black people now? lol. shit, black people are in the top 3 when it comes to racism against blacks.
US 2010 hate crime stats. Does that look like white people aren't hate crime victims ever?

Does it look like black people never commit hate crimes?

They'll probably just tell you because blacks commit a majority of crime in America it's only logical that they would commit most hate crimes.
Thank god hate crimes are more clearly defined than this.

Holy fuck

Uh huh.

Yes, hate crimes are defined clearly.... but what is NOT clear is human thought process. Take for instance the situation with Zimmerman. Given the situational evidence, whether it was motivated by race is unclear and I don't think anyone can say without any doubt that he did act because he actively hated/distrusted black people. It would be an assumption and one that you cannot prove.

But if during that 911 call, he actually DID use a slur (I don't think he did, it sounded like Punks to me) that would give insight to his behavior and lead people to believe that he did act that way because of some sort of bias.

I have seen these situations happen so many times it is not even funny. Things get escalated when throwing around slurs and an event that could be construed as run of the mill, is now colored when things actually get verbalized.

Off course this was a hate crime. They wouldn't have done this to him if he was a black brother, methinks :/

You are kidding right?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
He would be fine in any white neighborhood with the exception of a trailer park.

He'd be fine there, too. People in a trailer park usually don't know the names of their adjacent neighbors. The idea that they would attack an outsider for being an outsider is laughable. The idea that walking through a trailer park would get your robbed is even more laughable. Most trailer park crime is mostly drug stuff gone wrong. It's personal stuff. Domestic disputes, arson, and so on.


Is this entirely because of race? No.

How do you know?

Also this excuse that this kind of thing happens a lot in that area no matter their colour so it is nothing to do with race is quite the excuse.

If the same reasoning was used in a case where a black guy was jumped in a white area by all white dudes, in an area where white dudes also assault other white dudes ...... well it would still be put down to race.

Are some posters on here saying that black, asian, latino people cannot be racist? ..... either to each other or to white people?
Uh huh.

Yes, hate crimes are defined clearly.... but what is NOT clear is human thought process. Take for instance the situation with Zimmerman. Given the situational evidence, whether it was motivated by race is unclear and I don't think anyone can say without any doubt that he did act because he actively hated/distrusted black people. It would be an assumption and one that you cannot prove.

But if during that 911 call, he actually DID use a slur (I don't think he did, it sounded like Punks to me) that would give insight to his behavior and lead people to believe that he did act that way because of some sort of bias.

I have seen these situations happen so many times it is not even funny. Things get escalated when throwing around slurs and an event that could be construed as run of the mill, is now colored when things actually get verbalized.

You are kidding right?

Why would I be kidding? I honestly don't think he would have been as poorly treated if he was black. Why is it absurd that I think that?
If the guy was black, nobody would have noticed him.

He would have been just another guy at the bus stop. No chicks would have been humping him, no muti-cam angles recording PRIOR to the attack.

His race made him a target, his money and attempt to defend himself made him an assualt victim.


Because he simply stands the fuck out. Ghetto black people clown on white people all the fucking time. I'm not saying it wont happen to a black person, but more often than not its seen as more of an opportunity when theres some lonely, goofy looking white dude on the street. I know this from experience, I grew up in the ghetto having all black friends, they did it because he was white. Simple as that.

Honestly, that's how I saw it. It's a little difficult to describe this situation racially without also implying that this was typical racist behavior, but I think this was a succinct description.

But I guess legally that would be a double standard.

EDIT: Also, they did more than just "clown on" him; the suggestive dancing and the camera pics were where it stopped. What they did is abominable and everyone involved should be jailed.


He would be fine in any white neighborhood with the exception of a trailer park.

You guys have got to be kidding me with this nonsense. I looked at only one police blotter and managed to come up with two examples of this kind of shit happening. There is no mention of the race of the victims or assaulters, but my point is that it happens in any neighborhood regardless of race:

A 25-year-old Hoboken man was allegedly assaulted by four unknown men on Sunday night in the area of the Shoprite, police said.

The incident took place at Ninth and Monroe Streets around 11 p.m., according to reports.

The victim told police he was walking with a friend to Shoprite when they encountered a group of four unknown men, according to reports. The four began to verbally antagonize the duo, police said, until the two walked into Shoprite.

When they walked out, police said, the altercation turned physical. The 25-year-old was punched multiple times and pushed against the wall, police said. The victim also fell to the ground and was kicked in the face, police said.

Police was unable to find the four alleged assaulters, but saw blood on the sidewalk by the Shoprite building, according to reports. There was no usable footage on the surveillance cameras, police said.

No arrests were made.

Two Hoboken teenagers were the victims of a robbery on Friday night, according to police reports.

Around 8:45 p.m., a 16-year-old and a 15-year-old, walked from Church Square Park to Washington Street, after allegedly being harassed by a group of 10 to 15 people who were hanging out in the park, according to police reports.

According to the police report, the group started talking "smack" to the teens. The two left, but the group chased them down Fifth Street, police said. One victim was allegedly struck in the back of his head by a man in cargo shorts and a blue t-shirt, police said.

As a result of the punch, the victim fell and struck his mouth on a parked car, police said, causing a split lip.

At the same time, another member of the large group, grabbed the other teen's shirt and punched him in the neck, police said. The victim said that $15 that belonged to him fell on the ground in the course of the fight and was taken, police said.

The group then dispersed and ran up Park Avenue, police said.

No arrests were made

From wikipedia:
The racial makeup of the city was 82.24% (41,124) White
The Census Bureau's 2006-2010 American Community Survey showed that (in 2010 inflation-adjusted dollars) median household income was $101,782 (with a margin of error of +/- $3,219) and the median family income was $121,614 (+/- $18,466).

The only thing remarkable about the story in the OP is that a video exists and its proximity in time to the Treyvon Martin uproar. People get jumped daily, all over the country and if you really think it's just black people doing it I just don't know what to tell you


I'm fairly certain that Chris Rock is the first person to coin the phrase reverse racism on Bigger and Blacker: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=/watch?v=MdQg7jTXUt8&v=MdQg7jTXUt8&gl=US

I work two blocks from where this happened and I can tell you that this guy was just at that wrong place, at the wrong time. It would have happened to anyone in his same position. The fact that he was white didn't help him, and certainly elevated the chances of these guys making a move on him because he was an easy target. But it's the camera that put it all over the top.

That part of town is just as safe as anywhere in this country. Why he chose to stand there - behind the courthouse on St. Paul - in a crowd of strangers is beyond me. It's wrong to blame someone who is attacked like that, but common sense should tell you that no good can come from allowing yourself to be in that kind situation. There are very few bars in that area and only one or two real clubs, so I'm kind of shocked that this went down where it did.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Uh huh.

Yes, hate crimes are defined clearly.... but what is NOT clear is human thought process. Take for instance the situation with Zimmerman. Given the situational evidence, whether it was motivated by race is unclear and I don't think anyone can say without any doubt that he did act because he actively hated/distrusted black people. It would be an assumption and one that you cannot prove.

But if during that 911 call, he actually DID use a slur (I don't think he did, it sounded like Punks to me) that would give insight to his behavior and lead people to believe that he did act that way because of some sort of bias.

I have seen these situations happen so many times it is not even funny. Things get escalated when throwing around slurs and an event that could be construed as run of the mill, is now colored when things actually get verbalized.
Yeah, we don't use mind-readers or Tom Cruise fortunately. The Zimmerman thing has a confrontation that was most likely started because of casual racial profiling/stereotyping. That is entirely different than explicitly targeting someone because of their race, gender, sex, religion, etc.

That case is not about a race infused hate crime like omfgeveryone wants to go off on. Its about a vigilante, stereotyping, and a police department that has a history of discrimination and/or negligence.

Just because race, gender, sex, religion comes up in a crime, it doesn't immediately elevate that crime to a hate crime. You have to prove that one of those factors was a primary factor (in Zimmerman's case, it is not [however, the handling of that entire ordeal just stirs up a lot of bad blood]) and that is very, very hard to do.
Honestly, that's how I saw it. It's a little difficult to describe this situation racially without also implying that this was typical racist behavior, but I think this was a succinct description.

But I guess legally that would be a double standard.

EDIT: Also, they did more than just "clown on" him. What they did is abominable and everyone involved should be jailed.

Yep, like you said, it's really hard to define, but I've been "clowned" before by a couple of my black friends... Off course I didn't fight back and didn't mind the joking and played along, but that's exactly what happened. Then the guy didn't appreciate it as much probably because he was drunk and somebody tried to steal his 1300 dollars watch, and fought back and got assaulted =/ it's a shame.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
How do you know?

Also this excuse that this kind of thing happens a lot in that area no matter their colour so it is nothing to do with race is quite the excuse.

If the same reasoning was used in a case where a black guy was jumped in a white area by all white dudes, in an area where white dudes also assault other white dudes ...... well it would still be put down to race.

Are some posters on here saying that black, asian, latino people cannot be racist? ..... either to each other or to white people?
You're leaping with the assumption that it is. And that entire back and forth of "how do you know?" vs "how do YOU know?" is a waste of time that I'm not even going to entertain.

Why are you even going off on the tangent that minorities can't be racist? That's utterly ridiculous. Why do you feel that way?

And again, not every black guy who's assaulted and gets called a nigger is a victim of a hate crime. I'm sure legalGAF can school you on it a lot better than I can but at least give it a look.


You're leaping with the assumption that it is. And that entire back and forth of "how do you know?" vs "how do YOU know?" is a waste of time that I'm not even going to entertain.

Why are you even going off on the tangent that minorities can't be racist? That's utterly ridiculous. Why do you feel that way?

I am asking do some believe that?

Most instances you here of white people being attacked by a minority group most people, especially representitives of that minority will do their upmost to deny or downplay the race issue.


And you both would be wrong. It's not even very complicated. These people are pieces of shit and were looking to put on a show in front of the camera. It's that simple. This guy was an easy target and just as easily could have been black, purple or any other color.


And you both would be wrong. It's not even very complicated. These people are pieces of shit and were looking to put on a show in front of the camera. It's that simple. This guy was an easy target and just as easily could have been black, purple or any other color.

So would the same logic be applied if the races where reversed?

I believe if the races where reversed it would be jumped all over as a race issue.

You know what's funny. Reverse the situations. Even though; I fully know that all of you will come pouring down on my post. It doesn't make any one of you any smarter than me, or just because you have a majority agreeing with you makes my post wrong / invalid factually.

If said incident were to happen and the races were reversed, guess what happens? Yes, it doesn't change the fact that it was a robbery and not a hate crime as there was no evidence he mugged the white dude just because he was white but if the races were reversed; every single goddamn idiot would probably question the motivation(s) behind the whole robbery. The keyword, motive. There's an underlying motive, that's what the fucking media would play up to. It wouldn't been seen as a straight robbery like it is here. And that's a fact no matter how many ways you will try and deny it.

I believe it's fair to call it reverse-racism and as far as I see it. It is. He was a white guy there and got mugged. They simply couldn't find another black guy down the street? Pretty sure he got mugged because he was white.

And I've never been afraid to go into a prominently dominant white neighborhood whereas if you asked me to go to a dominant black neighborhood? I'm going to question many things and the outcome. Why? Because I've never really seen ghetto white thugs, but I've seen tons and tons of black ghetto thugs just hanging around in ghetto areas.

You want to know what's brilliant about this? The fucking double standards. Plainly disgusting.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Also, if the races were reversed you'd probably never even hear about it to be honest. I could dig up plenty of names and events most people have never heard of or given a fuck about it that turned my little community upside down. Shit, we can't even get two missing black girls on CNN in a year's timeframe yet. But geez... why do you guys feel so left out?
I am asking do some believe that?

Most instances you here of white people being attacked by a minority group most people, especially representitives of that minority will do their upmost to deny or downplay the race issue.
Look... you're not even asking. Good ahead and just lay it out there. So I can at least address what is on your mind specifically.

Again, for the record. A racial insult is hurled during a crime does not make it a hate crime. Race can be a factor in a crime without it being a hate crime. I'm not defending some degenerate lowlifes of anything - these dudes are not only fucked in the head, but they're playing up to a camera too. They belong in jail. Legally though, its damned hard to prove a hate crime.
I am asking do some believe that?

Most instances you here of white people being attacked by a minority group most people, especially representitives of that minority will do their upmost to deny or downplay the race issue.

Why did you try to do the same thing in the Zimmerman thread. Why is this suddenly a racially motivated crime and that isn't?

You know what's funny. Reverse the situations. Even though; I fully know that all of you will come pouring down on my post. It doesn't make any one of you any smarter than me, or just because you have a majority agreeing with you makes my post wrong / invalid factually.

If said incident were to happen and the races were reversed, guess what happens? Yes, it doesn't change the fact that it was a robbery and not a hate crime as there was no evidence he mugged the white dude just because he was white but if the races were reversed; every single goddamn idiot would probably question the motivation(s) behind the whole robbery. The keyword, motive. There's an underlying motive, that's what the fucking media would play up to. It wouldn't been seen as a straight robbery like it is here. And that's a fact no matter how many ways you will try and deny it.

I believe it's fair to call it reverse-racism and as far as I see it. It is. He was a white guy there and got mugged. They simply couldn't find another black guy down the street? Pretty sure he got mugged because he was white.

And I've never been afraid to go into a prominently dominant white neighborhood whereas if you asked me to go to a dominant black neighborhood? I'm going to question many things and the outcome. Why? Because I've never really seen ghetto white thugs, but I've seen tons and tons of black ghetto thugs just hanging around in ghetto areas.

You want to know what's brilliant about this? The fucking double standards. Plainly disgusting.

Don't worry, Fox News has your back.

Also, being hispanic, I've been scared in white neighborhoods so shut the fuck up.

White thugs wear sheets, not baggy pants.
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