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Batman Arkham Asylum/City Remaster (Rumor)

A list of remasters versus new titles would prove that statement very untrue.

What kind of list would you have if you eliminated sequels to long running franchises and ports of PC indy games? It would still be much bigger, but that isn't saying much. This generation is in desparate need of new IPs.
What kind of list would you have if you eliminated sequels to long running franchises and ports of PC indy games? It would still be much bigger, but that isn't saying much. This generation is in desparate need of new IPs.

There are quite a few, but that then brings up the questions of which of them "count" on the grounds of quality, if they are exclusive, if they are AAA or indie games, or some other qualification.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So you're saying that anyone who complains about remasters should be banned because all people who do it are biased uneducated idiots who don't have any grounded reasons whatsoever.

The salt is so real with this one.

Im honestly waiting for somebody to prove otherwise.

Why don't you go ahead.

The ONLY complaint I agree with is the price. GoW3 should not be $40
So its bullshit if someone who hasn’t played the game (And has a PS3 or 360) would rather play it on their current console that has a much faster UI that allows them to stop and go back into the game whenever they want, allow them to record and share gameplay footage with ease, all while having the best quality version of the game?

Seriously, its getting to the point where bitching about remasters should be a banable offense because it NEVER comes from a place of logic or consideration for others but instead comes from a place of selfishness and assumptions about how games development, resource management, return of investment and gaining interest in a franchise for future titles actually works.

This is also very true. For me, I would look forward to getting good remasters again and being able to stream and capture specific gameplay moments with ease.

Only reason why I think Origins isn't included is that they didn't want to include the multiplayer portion. But why couldn't they just leave that out?


i dont get the remaster hate, you dont want it , dont get it.
its not like they waste human ressource on this kh remaster was a one man team, and lots of these arent done by the one who make the sequel, bluepoint ...
and if you think its bad for the market get it down the line thats what i do.
i got sleeping dogs for 20€ on ps4 since i got from plus on ps3 and wanted to replay it.
Would i have gotten it for 40 no, but 20-25 yes.
i'll get the metro remaster Gow3 too and this one but not at full price.


this is what bums me out :(

I'm fine with remasters... but when they aren't even remotely as good looking as the pc version... something feels a bit itchy.

But the consoles aren't as powerful as typical gaming PCs, so why would you expect it?

They use AMD gpus, not nvidia.

That was sarcasm obviously

I wonder if this will include the PC exclusive PhysX and other effects.



Hope they are separate, I cannot get into City at all, but loved Asylum.

Of all the re-masters to bitch about, I never thought this. Was there anything like this noise from Sleeping Dogs?

Not that I condone a generation of remasters, or something, but it could be a worse game.
What kind of list would you have if you eliminated sequels to long running franchises and ports of PC indy games? It would still be much bigger, but that isn't saying much. This generation is in desparate need of new IPs.

Yeah, if you want to break it down to its molecules and throw cross-gen titles into the mix along with what you said above, the list of 'new' current gen console-only titles isn't anything to write home about. Still, that poster's comment was not true and I responded accordingly.

As for new IPs, agreed but unfortunately the gaming market has been inflicted with sequel-itis for years now. With the rising costs of game development, that's certainly not about to change as a failed big budget title can sink jobs and even companies in the current climate.


already have them all with all the DLCs
and they are Remastered

Eh, I'm not frustrated. And I can't say I give a damn about all of this, actually. I've actually been playing FFX on my Vita and have DmC PS4 sealed next to my PC right now.

Still, count the number of remaster announcements versus the number of original game announcements we've had in the past week. If you don't understand where people's anger is coming from, well...
Ahh so the point/argument has changed from the total amount of games to the amount of reveals THIS WEEK. I See, is this where I post the Simpsons Disco graph pic about trends?

So you're saying that anyone who complains about remasters should be banned because all people who do it are biased uneducated idiots who don't have any grounded reasons whatsoever.

The salt is so real with this one.
I never called anyone idiots but the truth of the matter is that the only comments I have ever heard about remasters have been wrong and doesn’t consider facts:

1- All we get are remasters – actually the amount of remasters compared to new games is far, far greater in the new games favour.
2- I want new games, not remasters/The team could work on new games instead of wasting resources/money – The standard practice of bringing out a remaster is to either pay another dev to create the port for a relatively small cost (Compared to what they will get back from sales) or if the main team works on it, it’s a fraction of them and doesn’t impact on new games development. The only known case that this wasn’t the case was ND with TLOU:R but they have said the work done on porting TLOU:R greatly helped them shape their engine and made future work on Uncharted 4 much easier than it would have been.
3- Everyone has played this game/ PS3/360 had a combine install base of 150 million – Well funnily enough, many of the games ported have a total lifetime sales of anywhere from 2 million to 15/20 million. What about the other 130-148 million last gen owners who didn’t pick the games up, or the people who are new to gaming or didn’t have a last gen console?

As I said, the arguments are invalid and have no worth to them.

*Edit* Actually there is only one argument i can understand and that is price, but in that case you say your complaint about that specific price point for that game and dont just lump ever remaster in.
Im honestly waiting for somebody to prove otherwise.

Why don't you go ahead.

The ONLY complaint I agree with is the price. GoW3 should not be $40

Well, you yourself agreed on one thing. By that virtue alone, that doesn't make everyone against the idea unreasonable idiots, which was the only point of contention I took issue with concerning Dirtyshubb's post.

I'm speaking as someone that isn't even against the idea of remasters, I'm largely ambivalent. My first post in the thread was asking why Origins wasn't being remastered along with the original two. The only other (valid) issue I can think of (aside from the price complaint) on the topic of remasters is their presence so early in this generation, especially since the previous gen consoles are still being sold and still being supported by both their manufactures and third-party developers (which then goes back to another loud complaint about this generation being "cross-gen" ports before remasters reared their heads).


Hope they are separate, I cannot get into City at all, but loved Asylum.

Of all the re-masters to bitch about, I never thought this. Was there anything like this noise from Sleeping Dogs?

Not that I condone a generation of remasters, or something, but it could be a worse game.

People were annoyed at Sleeping Dogs being 30ish fps and not really being a huge difference while still being $60.

If this is both games for $40 then it's not too bad.
Not sure why Origins wasn't included, seeing as it never got a 'complete version' with DLC included.

Because it's probably under contract-hell since the multiplayer was farmed out to Splash Damage while Warner Bros did the single-player campaign. Meanwhile, Rocksteady did all of Asylum and City themselves, and with Arkham Knight just around the corner, they are still under contract with Warner Bros. publishing.

On top of that, Origins also used an entirely different set of voice actors for the cast members (most notably Batman and the Joker). And because they used guild members, there are royalty contracts to consider.

Welcome to publishing contract purgatory.


i dont get the remaster hate, you dont want it , dont get it.
its not like they waste human ressource on this kh remaster was a one man team, and lots of these arent done by the one who make the sequel, bluepoint ...
and if you think its bad for the market get it down the line thats what i do.
i got sleeping dogs for 20€ on ps4 since i got from plus on ps3 and wanted to replay it.
Would i have gotten it for 40 no, but 20-25 yes.
i'll get the metro remaster Gow3 too and this one but not at full price.

One of the things i don't understand as it pertains to this board specifically is that so many ppl turn their nose up at Backwards compatibility saying that "I don't buy a new console to play old games/if i want to play older games i'll just bring out the system it originated on"

But then all these remasters of games that aren't even all that old come out and everyone pisses their pants with excitement.

I personally don't really care for the influx of remasters considering i'm part of the minority that would prefer legit backwards compatibility (although i understand the various reasons why it's not implement and probably never well be as far as future consoles are concerned) but i also believe in the whole "if you don't want it, don't buy it" mantra

But that disconnect is the thing i don't get
My best guess is because it wasn't made by rocksteady, and at least imo, Origins is a noticeable step down in quality.

Leaving objective quality out of it I haven't seen that many remasters that don't include all the games when they're doing a "pack".

I'd wait for the official announcement first, failing that I'd guess there are technical issues as to why they didn't include it. It was a step up graphically on pc for sure and it had issues performing on last gen.
already have them all with all the DLCs
and they are Remastered


GOTY's with all DLC content but not remastered, just running better because they are on PC.

these remasters could be the same thing but for xbone and ps4 or they could have brand new models and lighting, they could also be cheap, who knows outside of rumors.
No, I don't even own a PS4/One, I find disgusting this new trend to release old games for basically full price.

Take GOW3 Remastered. 40€. The game is done, you didn't spend so much money on it to port it, why are you charging for 40€, almost full price of an AAA release?

We don't even know whether it's full price yet so relax. None of us are experts here on the cost of porting GoW to PS4 either so you can't judge the €40 price tag.

Another studio is also likely working on these remasters allowing rocksteady to focus on Batman AK too so no need to get worked up.


I liked origins, It wasn't "as" polished as the rock steady stuff, I think they should of kept it more suedo open world like Arkham Asylum, it would of been MUCH better. They did some neat stuff with the boss fights. I'm expecting Knight to have similar/better boss fights.
One of the things i don't understand as it pertains to this board specifically is that so many ppl turn their nose up at Backwards compatibility saying that "I don't buy a new console to play old games/if i want to play older games i'll just bring out the system it originated on"

But then all these remasters of games that aren't even all that old come out and everyone pisses their pants with excitement.

I personally don't really care for the influx of remasters considering i'm part of the minority that would prefer legit backwards compatibility (although i understand the various reasons why it's not implement and probably never well be as far as future consoles are concerned) but i also believe in the whole "if you don't want it, don't buy it" mantra

But that disconnect is the thing i don't get
Two points: 1 – unless you have a list of specific people doing this you should be careful because its quite close to a ‘Gaf hivemind’ style post and 2 – There is a major difference between backwards compatibility where the game plays the same as the previous console played it and a remaster that updates game performance, graphics etc.


I don't mind... haven't played much of them, so I'll get them once they hit the discount bin.

EA should follow and give me Mass Effect.


I already got this remaster, it's called "PC version" :p

Honestly though, remasters of PS3/Xbox360 games 1yr into the new gen are just unnecessary IMO.
I never called anyone idiots but the truth of the matter is that the only comments I have ever heard about remasters have been wrong and doesn’t consider facts:

The argument that all people who complained about remasters should be banned from the forums I'll admit did make me feel this was the insinuation you were going with, in which case you have my apologies there.

1- All we get are remasters – actually the amount of remasters compared to new games is far, far greater in the new games favour.
2- I want new games, not remasters/The team could work on new games instead of wasting resources/money – The standard practice of bringing out a remaster is to either pay another dev to create the port for a relatively small cost (Compared to what they will get back from sales) or if the main team works on it, it’s a fraction of them and doesn’t impact on new games development. The only known case that this wasn’t the case was ND with TLOU:R but they have said the work done on porting TLOU:R greatly helped them shape their engine and made future work on Uncharted 4 much easier than it would have been.
3- Everyone has played this game/ PS3/360 had a combine install base of 150 million – Well funnily enough, many of the games ported have a total lifetime sales of anywhere from 2 million to 15/20 million. What about the other 130-148 million last gen owners who didn’t pick the games up, or the people who are new to gaming or didn’t have a last gen console?

As I said, the arguments are invalid and have no worth to them.

Agreed on the first two points, but I'm iffy on the third point as the PS3 and 360 are still being manufactured and are still getting new games, so I don't imagine it would be too difficult for past-gen games to be obtained in this regard. If support had stopped for them completely and it was only the PS4/XBO on the market, then I would otherwise wholeheartedly agree.

*Edit* Actually there is only one argument i can understand and that is price, but in that case you say your complaint about that specific price point for that game and dont just lump ever remaster in.

Fair point.


Do you guys think that next gen we'll have remastered remasters? Batman Arkham Asylum Remaster: Remastered...I can only hope so.

Personally, as long as a remaster doesn't delay a sequel / follow up I really don't care. I mean, people buy Blu-Rays of old movies all the time with "remastered everything" so its a trend that probably wont die anytime soon. If anything, it is in it's infancy.


If you ask Cliff Blezinski. It's OUR fault. The gamers.

He's right. Gamers are never happy. Waaah we want a shorter console generation. Waaaah these consoles are underpowered. Waaaah why do we have all of these delays?

Gamers are going to waaaah the the industry right into the ground, and then they'll be waaaahing even more.


Purple Drazi
I don't mind... haven't played much of them, so I'll get them once they hit the discount bin.

EA should follow and give me Mass Effect.

Well, here's hoping BioWare's Aaryn Flynn didn't visit GAF and make that "hey guys, what would you like to see from a Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster?" thread a few months ago for no reason. I've been anxious ever since. My 360 was effectively (I'm sorry) nothing more than a Mass Effect machine, and after five full runs I was finally feeling pretty complete and I sold the thing. But now I find myself wanting it all over again, and shinier.

Remasters are becoming something of a blight, but I admit I'm still digging some of them anyway. This Arkham schtick works for me because speaking of last-gen console shenanigans, my PS3 finally kicked the bucket a few months ago. My friend and I had made it through Asylum but not yet City, so... hype.

It's a huge double standard of mine. I want companies to come out with a few specific things (other stuff worth mentioning would be FFXII, DQVIII, the Mega Man X Collection, Xenosaga, and some Suikoden goodness) but then I want them to immediately shut up and make new games.
Considering how mindnumbingly repetitive the combat is I'm not sure why you'd really want to play the two of these back to back and then fire up Knight which is the same combat with some open world driving slapped on.
What're you complaining about? It's not like you have to buy it, and it's not like an amazing new Arkham game isn't coming out real soon.

Pretty much this.

If it was Rocksteadys main team doing the remaster and they put off Arkham Knight to do it, then I see the point in complaining......but this isnt the case at all.

If this is true, its coming out after the NEW Arkham Knight. Nothing is being sidelined to make this remaster happen.


GAF sure is in a whiny mood lately. I doubt the work on these remasters is affecting any new games in any great capacity.
This should have been a pre order bonus for Arkham knight lol
If Bayonetta can equip a copy of the first installment with every purchase of Bayonetta 2 then so can everyone else


But the consoles aren't as powerful as typical gaming PCs, so why would you expect it?

Well most remasters so far have been pc ports at the highest settings (at 30fps). While I get the reason why, its crappy that console folks can't get what pc folks experienced... 4 years ago.

I don't know but those effects require CUDA so unless that has changed....Physx will be in the game though, the basic one that is.
Advanced GPU Physx usually are Geforce exclusive, but again I don't know about the new Physx SDK and to what extent it's possible to port them on AMD GPUs.

actually... do we know anything about the Borderlands remaster and if that will have any physx effects?
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