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Batman Arkham Asylum/City Remaster (Rumor)

Just confirmed by "trusted sources" of IGN Italy, as you can check here.

Coming to PS4 and XB1.

My question is... Why not the whole trilogy?

I sat here for a moment wondering how an Asylum + City + Knight bundle would make sense. Excluding Origins was probably a good idea, given how horrible (and apparently forgettable) it is.

This remaster trend needs to end. Like, right now. And, yes, it is a trend.
I already beat those game multiple times so I have no reason to purchase them again this time. But good for those who haven't played them, they are damn great games.
This should have been a pre order bonus for Arkham knight lol
If Bayonetta can equip a copy of the first installment with every purchase of Bayonetta 2 then so can everyone else
Yeah, definitely if you put a bundle for all the Arkham games for $80, I would probably buy it.
Agreed on the first two points, but I'm iffy on the third point as the PS3 and 360 are still being manufactured and are still getting new games, so I don't imagine it would be too difficult for past-gen games to be obtained in this regard. If support had stopped for them completely and it was only the PS4/XBO on the market, then I would otherwise wholeheartedly agree.
I get where you are coming from and while that is a valid viewpoint to have I think we need to look at the current situation with this gen and last gen. We have seen that last gen has died off a LOT compared to how previous generations have typically gone, with sales of new PS3’s and 360’s very small in comparison to PS4 and XBO. So while there are still a lot of people left there who could pick up the last gen versions of the games, its also not a worthwhile proposition for the devs because there aren’t many new people going into that gen who might want their games.

Also, I think that for many people who did own a 360 or PS3 at the time that its not necessarily that they don’t want to play those games but could be as simple as they just didn’t get round to buying the game at the time due to certain factors. I wanted to get Origins for example but at the time didn’t have the money so put it off. Of course then new games came out when I did have the money and so I picked those up instead and never got round to getting Origins, even though it can be got for cheap now. So the idea that for their brand new gen console to get a new, better version of the game they never got round to getting is a tempting one for some people im sure.


Two points: 1 – unless you have a list of specific people doing this you should be careful because its quite close to a ‘Gaf hivemind’ style post and 2 – There is a major difference between backwards compatibility where the game plays the same as the previous console played it and a remaster that updates game performance, graphics etc.

You can take a look at past threads that discuss the subject. There are clearly ppl who support it and advocate for it but a lot are on PC where BC is pretty much standard and expected but a lot dont care with some even suggesting the whole concept makes no sense.

I agree that remastering a game and improving it's performance is different however shouldn't that imply that we'd be getting more remasters from games earlier on from the previous generation? Using GOW 3 as a prime example, a lot of the games that get remastered aren't even that old and/or preform well in the state that it was originally released.

Additionally, i also feel like ppl suggesting that these remasters are for ppl who didn't have XYZ system last generation seems like an exaggerated thing to stand behind. It makes it sound like as if there was one console that had no sales and that very little people had the opportunity to play said game.

There's no way that critically acclaimed games like TLOU and GOW 3 are being remastered solely because "so many" ppl never had a ps3 or never played those games.
Because it's probably under contract-hell since the multiplayer was farmed out to Splash Damage while Warner Bros did the single-player campaign. Meanwhile, Rocksteady did all of Asylum and City themselves, and with Arkham Knight just around the corner, they are still under contract with Warner Bros. publishing.

On top of that, Origins also used an entirely different set of voice actors for the cast members (most notably Batman and the Joker). And because they used guild members, there are royalty contracts to consider.

Welcome to publishing contract purgatory.

These are actually some pretty fair reasons. Thanks for clearing that up.
I've never felt more comfortable in not owning a console. Havent owned one since the OG PS2. Usually there are a couple of games to tempt me by the time consoles are rolling into their 3rd year. This time there has only been 1 game that has come out on either system that would have been worth it and that is Bloodbourne. I would feel like a class-A sucker right now if I was one of the people that got conned into buying one of the RemasterStationBoxes.
This should have been a pre order bonus for Arkham knight lol
If Bayonetta can equip a copy of the first installment with every purchase of Bayonetta 2 then so can everyone else

Good idea, that would actually encourage my first $60 launch purchase in several years. Then again, the other side of my brain is telling me to hold out for the inevitable GOTY Knight in 2016....
This should have been a pre order bonus for Arkham knight lol
If Bayonetta can equip a copy of the first installment with every purchase of Bayonetta 2 then so can everyone else

There is a ludicrous amount of difference between a remaster of a game and a port with no significant changes.


I already completed this remaster, it ran on a PC.

The only reason to feel bad for not owning a console is bloodborne IMO.
Yeah. This. Why wouldn't they have released it last year when Knight was originially "planned" to come out.

Because it's a cash grab, they just want to make easy money without putting a lot of resources.

There is a ludicrous amount of difference between a remaster of a game and a port with no significant changes.

Not really, it's even probable that this is just a port of the Pc version.


It had the best story of all the games. It's not even debatable.
Sure, but that's not exactly a high standard to hold it to. The other stories were mediocre at best too, and I really didn't find the Origins story very impressive, either. For me, the stories in the Arkham games have essentially been vehicles for Batman fanservice through cool setpieces, bossfights and Batman trivia. Maybe the story in Origins was slightly better written, but I enjoyed the story in Asylum and City far more because it took me to far more interesting Batman moments. A decent story with an obvious, dumb plot twist does not make up for the cash-grab that was the rest of that game for me. I legitimately believe that Arkham Origins is a bad game.
I get where you are coming from and while that is a valid viewpoint to have I think we need to look at the current situation with this gen and last gen. We have seen that last gen has died off a LOT compared to how previous generations have typically gone, with sales of new PS3’s and 360’s very small in comparison to PS4 and XBO. So while there are still a lot of people left there who could pick up the last gen versions of the games, its also not a worthwhile proposition for the devs because there aren’t many new people going into that gen who might want their games.

In fairness, the PS3/360 are notable for having a longer generation lifespan than previous consoles (at least longer than the Xbox/GC anyway, PS2 still got support well into the early 2010s), so I can understand your argument here.


Surprisingly enough, I purchased a next gen console for new games. Not last gen games brought over.

Even more surprising is that new games will continue to work just fine on your next gen console even after this finds its way onto store shelves.


No. It takes a fuck of a lot more than 4 people to make stuff like this. And a lot more than a couple days. Way, way more. This post is ridiculous and simultaneously fellating naughty dog, which is strange in a batman thread

Unless you can provide sources you really shouldn't say shit like this.
This is one example but you get the picture, porting the game is not really all that time consuming or hard.

"ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS."

This was a quote from a Lab zero Dev from E3 2013, I'm sure the porting process is even easier now with updated tools and SDK's. Optimization and testing may take a little more time however.


Good lord, if only we had as many NEW game announcements as remasters, this generation might be more exciting.

I don't mind a remaster here and there of good OLD games that could really really use them, but seriously? Arkham City? The game STILL looks decent and not "outdated" at all.

Meanwhile you have classic games that could use a much needed remaster that look far far more outdated.

Instead it seems they are just"remastering" last gen games that are easy/simple to do without much work involved to then charge 60 bucks for again.

It's feeling like this generation is the generation of "playing games you already did last generation" and on the very very rare occasion we might get a good "new" game.
You can take a look at past threads that discuss the subject. There are clearly ppl who support it and advocate for it but a lot are on PC where BC is pretty much standard and expected but a lot dont care with some even suggesting the whole concept makes no sense.
Oh im sure there are people who did but my point was just that its frowned upon to say things like “Everyone says one thing then does another” without actually specific examples because it is generalising and not factually based. Just looking out for you is all :)

I agree that remastering a game and improving it's performance is different however shouldn't that imply that we'd be getting more remasters from games earlier on from the previous generation? Using GOW 3 as a prime example, a lot of the games that get remastered aren't even that old and/or preform well in the state that it was originally released.

Additionally, i also feel like ppl suggesting that these remasters are for ppl who didn't have XYZ system last generation seems like an exaggerated thing to stand behind. It makes it sound like as if there was one console that had no sales and that very little people had the opportunity to play said game.

There's no way that critically acclaimed games like TLOU and GOW 3 are being remastered solely because "so many" ppl never had a ps3 or never played those games.
Well theres a few points here that I will tackle and hopefully answer some points you have:

Even a game released at the tail end of last gen can hugely benefit from getting a remastered treatment, I mean look at what a huge difference TLOU:R was in comparison to last gen, and I considered it at the time to be one of the best games ever made (Including performance). In theory it makes sense that only early gen games be remastered but in actuality any game from last gen will have been hampered by the hardware and could benefit from better hardware. Just look at any late PC port thread on Gaf to see how much people appreciate the difference.

As for the exaggeration point, Sony themselves mentioned at one point that the majority of PS4 owners were new to the Playstation brand, coming from either a Microsoft console, Nintendo console or just didn’t have a games console last gen so I think it is a fair enough point. Plus, you add in all the people who would like to double dip or just didn’t get round to getting a game and would now like to do so on better hardware it makes it a worthwhile thing to do to bring out remasters. Hell, companies wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t the case.

I think my main point is that people need to look at the big picture, and not from an insular one because there are many factors that makes this a good thing rather than a bad thing. In fact, I can say that the only real bad thing about remasters is that it just adds more games to my ‘want to play list’ when that list is already far too big as it is compared to the available time I have to play :)

In fairness, the PS3/360 are notable for having a longer generation lifespan than previous consoles (at least longer than the Xbox/GC anyway, PS2 still got support well into the early 2010s), so I can understand your argument here.
Oh yeah that was definitely a huge part of it I agree, of course I think there are probably other factors such as many people being more willing to spend a few hundred on a new piece of tech compared to previous gens (Because of tablets, phones etc.).
There is a ludicrous amount of difference between a remaster of a game and a port with no significant changes.

-different controls and perhaps UI
-the same or similar grafix
-may be a bad port

Remastered Port

-different controls and perhaps UI
-Improved or identical grafix
-Possible gameplay tweaks (for better or worse)
-on nugen hooray

Ludicrous, indeed.
Good for people who never played them. These need to be no more than half off of MSRP though.

Even if I didn't own these on PC, there'd be so little reason for me to go back to Aslyum. There's too much about that game that's been outclassed by its sequels. Asylum needed to be a full remake to be worthwhile here, in my opinion. Redone overworld, added abilities from the sequels (small stuff like how the grapnel works or stealth takedown options), redone boss encounters, changed ending, etc. I'd prefer a remake be a standalone thing too, but that's asking too much, especially only six years after the original came out.

Ah, I was waiting for you to show up in this thread, since I highly respect what you have to say about the Arkham series.

On the one hand, I'm inclined to agree with most of your post. Asylum does feel pretty bare bones compared to its successors. You could argue that it is outdone by City and Origins in pretty much every way; combo options, number of gadgets and gadget abilities, stealth options, etc.

But on the other hand, you COULD leave Asylum as-is. There is a certain enjoyment at being as limited as Batman is in that game. Take the comboing abilities, for example. In Asylum, it's almost pure free-flow, and very little gadget and/or other help, which means you have to be good at comboing but also think quick. It's a different skillset than, say, City, where if you're surrounded by an overwhelming amount of thugs and want to keep your combo going neatly, you can "buy yourself time" by doing a beat down on the current thug. I don't know how to explain it, but it doesn't feel as bare bones or "pure" as Asylum. [Disclaimer: I absolutely love beat-downs, I think it's one of the greatest things to happen to the transition from Asylum to City].

I'm looking for an analogy but can't find one. Let's go with Mario. Would you take Yoshi from Galaxy 2 and retroactively add him to Galaxy 1? Would you take the additional power-ups from Galaxy 2 and retroactively add them to Galaxy 1? You could argue in either direction, but there's a charm, a "platforming purity" and a different skill set required that makes Galaxy 1 worth playing in its current state, even if it's inferior or less fun than Galaxy 2 because of Yoshi or the additional power-ups. Again, maybe this is a bad analogy but it's what I could come up with at the moment.

I'm currently in the process of going through my second 100% of Asylum, and will attach my thoughts to either an existing LTTP or create a new one.
This should have been a pre order bonus for Arkham knight lol
If Bayonetta can equip a copy of the first installment with every purchase of Bayonetta 2 then so can everyone else

This sums up perfectly how I feel. I'm not outraged by the remaster, but it's a missed opportunity. Maybe not give them for free like Bayo, but something like a bundle with the new game for $20 bucks more.


Oh im sure there are people who did but my point was just that its frowned upon to say things like “Everyone says one thing then does another” without actually specific examples because it is generalising and not factually based. Just looking out for you is all :)

Is making generalized statements about the board a bannable offense? (I'm genuinely asking, i have no idea if it is)

Well theres a few points here that I will tackle and hopefully answer some points you have:

Even a game released at the tail end of last gen can hugely benefit from getting a remastered treatment, I mean look at what a huge difference TLOU:R was in comparison to last gen, and I considered it at the time to be one of the best games ever made (Including performance). In theory it makes sense that only early gen games be remastered but in actuality any game from last gen will have been hampered by the hardware and could benefit from better hardware. Just look at any late PC port thread on Gaf to see how much people appreciate the difference.

As for the exaggeration point, Sony themselves mentioned at one point that the majority of PS4 owners were new to the Playstation brand, coming from either a Microsoft console, Nintendo console or just didn’t have a games console last gen so I think it is a fair enough point. Plus, you add in all the people who would like to double dip or just didn’t get round to getting a game and would now like to do so on better hardware it makes it a worthwhile thing to do to bring out remasters. Hell, companies wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t the case.

I think my main point is that people need to look at the big picture, and not from an insular one because there are many factors that makes this a good thing rather than a bad thing. In fact, I can say that the only real bad thing about remasters is that it just adds more games to my ‘want to play list’ when that list is already far too big as it is compared to the available time I have to play :)

Don't get me wrong, i'm not advocating that we approach remasters with a "burn it with fire" mind set. For me personally, it's just disheartening to know that BC has been abandoned due to, in my opinion, no real reason other than the fact that it's extremely cost effective to have a game outsourced and remastered and have the masses (re)purchase it. I still have my GOW 3 disc. If they offered up a remaster with no additional content (which seems to be the case) but my PS4 had BC, there'd be no way in hell i'd buy that game again. Whereas now, the only reason i'd entertain buying the remaster is for the convenience of not having to switch back to my PS3 (a convenience that BC would afford me as well)

In short, remasters for the most part just read as pubs/manufacturers seeing the convenience that BC offers and figuring that there's a way they can capitalize on that that allows them to make more money.


My question is... when is this going to end? Remasters need to die a horrible death.

Umm... why? What's wrong with remasters?

Edit: Are we going to use the "If they weren't spending time on remastering xgame, they could have been making a new ygame instead?" Maybe i'm missing something...


Good lord, if only we had as many NEW game announcements as remasters, this generation might be more exciting.

I don't mind a remaster here and there of good OLD games that could really really use them, but seriously? Arkham City? The game STILL looks decent and not "outdated" at all.

Meanwhile you have classic games that could use a much needed remaster that look far far more outdated.

Instead it seems they are just"remastering" last gen games that are easy/simple to do without much work involved to then charge 60 bucks for again.

It's feeling like this generation is the generation of "playing games you already did last generation" and on the very very rare occasion we might get a good "new" game.

Yeah, man, this year it's going to be so rare to get a great new game. I mean there's only Evolve, Bloodborne, Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid V, Persona 5, Witcher 3, Helldivers, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Halo 5, Zelda Wii U, Rock Band 4, etc etc
My question is... when is this going to end? Remasters need to die a horrible death.
this is getting ridicolously out of hand..
i mean how old is batman even? 4?5?6????
i want NEW games, i want remaster of VERY old games, I don't want remaster of every frigging game from gen x to gen x+1..
this is getting out of hand because people kept saying "ok", "goty", "you can avoid buying if you don't want", but ultimately some people just nod and buy them again..
ultimately they use a LOT of assets already there and simply sell the game anew.. if even a small (yet decent) amount of people buy them, this way they will profit anyway, and companies just love profit..
equation? they can still reap profit from old content, so no need to push for NEW games where they have to try their luck with consumer approval on the final product, it's safest to just remaster a NOT-SO-OLD successful game..
and it's not limited to this, see the last of us..
heck, see final fantasy x/x-2 with S-E releasing it for ps3, for vita... and now for ps4...
give me a break...
I do not understand this "remaster needs to die mentality"

1. They are selling on average pretty well.
2. Those sales are helping to fund new games.
3. They are almost all universally being done by separate, smaller devs and teams which isnt affecting development of new titles at all.
4. No one is forcing you to buy them.
5. There's no backwards compatibility on these consoles. There's plenty of people who want to replay through some of their favorite games on better more modern hardware.

The whole anti remaster thing going on doesn't make much sense at all.
One of the reasons I keep my 360 handy is to play these games so I'm more than happy with this.

Thats why I've been hanging onto my ps360 combo as well, but those systems have other uses to me as well, namely 360 BC with OG xbox, and ps3 BC with ps1 physical and digital, ps2 digital, as well as the ps3 being needed for certain titles to be transferred to my Vita. With the lack of BC for the new consoles, it looks like many big name titles from last gen will be remastered. Speaking of which, where's the Read dead remaster( or a PC version)?


This sums up perfectly how I feel. I'm not outraged by the remaster, but it's a missed opportunity. Maybe not give them for free like Bayo, but something like a bundle with the new game for $20 bucks more.

I have a hunch that there's a bundle in the offing further down the line. Maybe as the GOTY version of AK?

Velcro Fly

This is exactly what we get with no BC. We get to pay full price for the same games over and over again.

HD collections from last gen came out mostly toward the end of the consoles lifespan, contained 2+ games each, and contained games that were 5+ years old at least, often times way older.

It was a bad omen when TLoU and GTAV were both put out on the PS4 and had success only a year after they were released.
Kind of sick of games from last gen getting remasters to be honest, why not give us remasters of games that would really benefit from the technical boost? Two good examples are Halo 2, and Phantom Dust, 2 games that are more than one console old that have gotten/getting the remaster treatment. The current run of last gen remasters is starting to feel very redundant to me.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I do not understand this "remaster needs to die mentality"

1. They are selling on average pretty well.
2. Those sales are helping to fund new games.
3. They are almost all universally being done by separate, smaller devs and teams which isnt affecting development of new titles at all.
4. No one is forcing you to buy them.
5. There's no backwards compatibility on these consoles. There's plenty of people who want to replay through some of their favorite games on better more modern hardware.

The whole anti remaster thing going on doesn't make much sense at all.

Wrong. They make perfect sense because "I don't want them and I feel everyone should want what I want"

I mean what more reason do you need?

yes, that was sarcasm


I do not understand this "remaster needs to die mentality"

1. They are selling on average pretty well.
2. Those sales are helping to fund new games.
3. They are almost all universally being done by separate, smaller devs and teams which isnt affecting development of new titles at all.
4. No one is forcing you to buy them.
5. There's no backwards compatibility on these consoles. There's plenty of people who want to replay through some of their favorite games on better more modern hardware.

The whole anti remaster thing going on doesn't make much sense at all.

It's the perfect scapegoat for all the delays to AAA games and the general lower volume of AAA output.


this is getting ridicolously out of hand..
i mean how old is batman even? 4?5?6????
i want NEW games, i want remaster of VERY old games, I don't want remaster of every frigging game from gen x to gen x+1..
this is getting out of hand because people kept saying "ok", "goty", "you can avoid buying if you don't want", but ultimately some people just nod and buy them again..
ultimately they use a LOT of assets already there and simply sell the game anew.. if even a small (yet decent) amount of people buy them, this way they will profit anyway, and companies just love profit..
equation? they can still reap profit from old content, so no need to push for NEW games where they have to try their luck with consumer approval on the final product, it's safest to just remaster a NOT-SO-OLD successful game..
and it's not limited to this, see the last of us..
heck, see final fantasy x/x-2 with S-E releasing it for ps3, for vita... and now for ps4...
give me a break...

Yes, no need to push new games... like the new game they're putting out before this...
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