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Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 9 (2015)

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I've watched all of these for apparently NINE years now. Damn do I feel old haha. Pretty poor start to this year though :/


Gives all the fucks
He did say that not every video will be like this.
Yeah, pretty sure it's just the YouTube ones that'll be like this, while Cinemassacre.com exclusives will be similar to the older format. So about 10 of the 31 videos will be on YouTube since they said 1/3rd would appear on YT.

Just a shame that Cinemassacre's video player is terrible.


Fucking Mike, i'm out. Dude is horrendous. Terrible at game, horrible knowledge of movies and just comes across as all round douche.

Lol poor guy, gets shit on so bad.
He's willing to play newer games, which is not something you can say about James. He's a bit of an annoying guy though, always trying to be the funny one.


I love Rolfe's horror reviews, and wish this year was more traditional. Mike can't carry an intelligent conversation and his babbling becomes too annoying to watch.
I liked the vid. I also have no problem with Mike being there.
My only complaint is that they both seemed down on The Ring. TBH, I've never watched the American version. I had Ringu on VHS for about a year before The Ring came out.
Everyone I showed that movie liked it and thought it was very scary.
Anyways, I love MM and I'm not about to bail.


I'm a little puzzled at the complaints about Mike - he was fine and brought up a few good points for discussion. James actually seemed to have a harder time articulating his thoughts.

It was nice seeing both of them in the video, but I agree that this format would probably be better for movies they really like or about which they're more enthusiastic and want to share that with viewers. Either way, here's to a fun month of videos.


Yeah, I didn't think it was that bad at all. It's obviously a lot lower effort than the fully-produced videos, so I don't mind having a few of them mixed in to lighten his load. 31 videos in 31 days has got to be a burden either way.
I liked the vid. I also have no problem with Mike being there.
My only complaint is that they both seemed down on The Ring. TBH, I've never watched the American version. I had Ringu on VHS for about a year before The Ring came out.
Everyone I showed that movie liked it and thought it was very scary.
Anyways, I love MM and I'm not about to bail.

The American version has a little girl with incredibly goofy angry monster make up.
I'm a little puzzled at the complaints about Mike - he was fine and brought up a few good points for discussion. James actually seemed to have a harder time articulating his thoughts.

It was nice seeing both of them in the video, but I agree that this format would probably be better for movies they really like or about which they're more enthusiastic and want to share that with viewers. Either way, here's to a fun month of videos.

it always feels like even if james is having a harder time articulating his thoughts, he's much smoother about it and is able to convery what he thinks in an intelligent and agreeable manner when he does get around to saying what he feels whereas mike doesn't really have that ability and doesn't seem to add much to the discussion.
Fucking Mike, i'm out. Dude is horrendous. Terrible at game, horrible knowledge of movies and just comes across as all round douche.

I like Mike. I've chatted with him through Facebook. The guy could have easily ignored me, but he didn't. We chatted about the Neo-Geo on several occasions. He's really a down to earth dude who is pretty good at classic games and is trying to get more into modern games.
It's still amazing that he's been doing this for NINE years now. I was freakin' 15 when he started doing this.

Wonder if he'll do something special next year for the 10th anniversary.

Same! Honestly I got really into films because of these videos that James made.
I'm a little puzzled at the complaints about Mike - he was fine and brought up a few good points for discussion. James actually seemed to have a harder time articulating his thoughts.

It was nice seeing both of them in the video, but I agree that this format would probably be better for movies they really like or about which they're more enthusiastic and want to share that with viewers. Either way, here's to a fun month of videos.

Yup, that's what I thought too. He added interesting points to discuss, like the horse scene. I never got the hate for Mike. No, he's not the greatest speaker in the world either, but he's not as terrible as people claim.





I thought you guys were being overly critical of the new format...until I watched it myself. Yeah, it's disappointing. It lacks the smartness and finesse of his usual format.

It also won't be very rewatchable seeing James having to correct or clarify everything for poor Mike.


It's not just Mike, James is absolutely terrible at improvising and ad-libbing. He's no good without a script.

After watching his movie, you could say he's no good with a script either sometimes.


Agreed. They are not good at just conversing. Glad to see they won't all be that way. No doubt that first video was easier for them to make but it was just awful because it wasn't thought out at all. Just them trying to remember the movie. It's the opposite of what I expect from Monster Madness where each video is a deep dive into each film with footage.


The traditional way of doing it with James doing the voiceover over the movie clips was much better than James and Mike talking about it. Hope they get better.
Wasp Woman review is everything I like about James on full display. Some inside baseball, personal nostalgia, and a random mention of the Elvira special with commentary.


I went them to talk about a movie they give a fuck about.

The Wasp Woman review is fine like wine but if they want the new format to work, talk about they watched and really remember.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man people really hate Mike lol.

I like Mike.

I like Mike. The format is terrible. Cinemassacre already has WAY too much fucking content that is them rambling incoherently about bullshit. They have a weekly show dedicated to it. It doesn't fit a daily horror movie countdown.


I didn't know Mike was hated so much, I always liked these 2 together. Maybe it doesn't help for this series, but in general I like how natural or real it feels when they just shoot the shit, without any overacting that you usually see in YouTube videos about games.

That one poor guy that plays newer games with Mike gets some ridiculous hate,too. The dislike bar on those videos will have you thinking it's DSP.


Gives all the fucks
I'm fine with Mike for the most part, it's just the format itself I don't like. It was more interesting watching the Wasp Woman review because I actually got to see clips of the movie & understand what they were talking about, plus it was neat hearing little tidbits & behind the scenes stuff about the movie.

But I guess I'm usually more for scripted than unscripted when it comes to reviews.


I don't hate Mike. I don't really get why people hate him but when I watch Cinemassacre or Monster Madness, it's for a James review with clips and stuff, not Mike or watching them both talking on screen with no clips.
I hated Mike in the past as a tryhard. Now it is just the exact opposite. I feel that Mike is genuine and puts everything into it, while it's such a bore to watch James alone.


James seems kinda unenthused this year. That Sleepaway Camp review wasn't good.

I feel the same way :/. It's sad, always loved his horror movie reviews, he just seems so exhausted and bored with it though, he used to sound so passionate about doing these videos


I just looked up the ending.

I watched that movie too young. As James suggests in the video, the ending has an even greater effect when you don't know its coming and the rest of the film in standard affair.
James doesn't like to spoil endings.
If you're really curious
The killer is Angela, and she's actually a boy.
Ah sorry, I meant I wanted to see him talk more about the ending in a spoiler section or something. I of course know it.
Mike is fine, I don't have an issue with him. I want them to review Cannibal Holocaust, if he was shocked about a CG horse getting mangled in a propeller I'd be interested in his thoughts on that film lol.
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