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Community S4 |OT| I Remember When This Show Was About Community College

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But he was supposed to be obnoxious and stalkery. It's like the episode with the annoying kids.

I get that that's what he's supposed to be, I just didn't like having that character in at all. I did like the idea of seeing an outside perspective of the study group act as the viewer and join them, I just didn't like that it had to be Jack Black.
Only started watching two weeks ago and almost caught up. Such a good show. So will the fourth be the last season? Maybe NBC will want to get to syndicatation status...
I get that that's what he's supposed to be, I just didn't like having that character in at all. I did like the idea of seeing an outside perspective of the study group act as the viewer and join them, I just didn't like that it had to be Jack Black.

But JB wasn't supposed to be an audience surrogate; we were supposed to hate him just as much as they do.


But JB wasn't supposed to be an audience surrogate; we were supposed to hate him just as much as they do.

I dunno, I think he was supposed to be both. I figured they established him as an audience surrogate when he says something to the effect of, "I was in the back of the class as I watched you guys grow closer as a group last semester," as well as providing reactions similar to fan's in his flashbacks.

Can't be worse than last season

I dunno, I didn't particularly like last season that much, but rewatching it in prep for this upcoming season I've grown to like it a lot more as I accepted it was an entirely different thing than it used to be.


The author needs an editor, so I'll take the liberty of editing it down for him:

I don't think your synopsis is necessarily wrong, rather it doesn't do justice to the author. It's a tad too reductive. But then, I love someone like Tim Rogers' style of writing and often speak in tangents myself, so there is a natural affinity between this author and I :)

Atleast you read the entire thing.

I like the original better. Though the first half is a bit long, once he starts to wrap up TBBT it really gets its stride. The entire Community stuff is gold and needs no editing.

It's a great and intelligent comparison of the two series and is exactly why I hate TBBT so much and love Community so damn much.


Anyway, roll on S4. My VPN and Hulu+ accounts are ready and waiting! Might do a rewatch of S3 in preparation.

I dunno, I think he was supposed to be both. I figured they established him as an audience surrogate when he says something to the effect of, "I was in the back of the class as I watched you guys grow closer as a group last semester," as well as providing reactions similar to fan's in his flashbacks.

I think you nailed it. Given how strong the rest of the cast and season were, JB's (relative) unfunniness had to have been intentional. At least, I like to give the troubled writing team that credit!

The Real Abed

In most TV threads (such as Dexter), one the show airs, it is fine to leave spoilers unmarked. Otherwise, we would be plagued with black bars.

rule in TV threads is that as soon as something airs anywhere in its native country, it's free to post. i.e. west coast US people can't complain that east coast US people are posting what's happening, and US people can't complain about PBS lag time in a thread for a BBC show.
Good. Because I hate those black bars. I just want to come in and talk about what I am watching and not worry about hiding things that might be spoilery.


Nope. There are plenty of other guest stars though, some who do become reoccurring, but I don't think he is.


There are plenty of things to spoil about character changes from season 1 compared to the other seasons. Current Troy and Britta aren't even the same character compared to their season 1 incarnation. But yeah, for the most part, there are very little plot points to spoil.

Britta is now the worst character in the show. I remember liking her character in the first season too.


Britta is now the worst character in the show. I remember liking her character in the first season too.

For what it's worth, that gives her character a lot of potential for growth. It seems the writers went too far with the "Britta'd" thing once it caught on with fans.


For what it's worth, that gives her character a lot of potential for growth. It seems the writers went too far with the "Britta'd" thing once it caught on with fans.

One can only hope she has some growth this season! No one in my circle of friends enjoy her any longer.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I find it tough to accept that anyone ever found Britta enjoyable.

In Season 1 she was cast basically as a straight man for Jeff, which is hilarious because she has evolved into one of the most ridiculously illogical characters in TV history.

As the group's Meg at least she serves as a decent escape goat.
Said it in the last thread and I'll say it again here. Britta didn't get dumbed down. She just let down her guard and showed the group more of her real personality.
Britta is now the worst character in the show. I remember liking her character in the first season too.

The funniest thing about Britta right from the start was when she would say something awkward and uncool, revealing her true personality which clashed with her projected image. Then by season 3 she does the pizza dance in front of the group. Awesome.

Having said that, her awkwardness and uncoolness is great, but she doesn't have to actually be dumb. I think the show still has plenty of room to work with that.

big ander

troy actually had some funny lines. "secret dogs!" but otherwise yeeeaaahhhh
and let me reiterate that britta is amazing and you all suck.


troy actually had some funny lines. "secret dogs!" but otherwise yeeeaaahhhh
and let me reiterate that britta is amazing and you all suck.

She's still my favourite character that isn't Abed, I just hope she's got more to do than be the butt of jokes for the majority of her screen time.
Don't worry; am pretty sure its because the editor cut out any pausing or pacing between characters speaking. Actual episode should feel a wee bit better (I hope :()

She's still my favourite character that isn't Abed, I just hope she's got more to do than be the butt of jokes for the majority of her screen time.

Why would you want to britta Britta?


The funniest thing about Britta right from the start was when she would say something awkward and uncool, revealing her true personality which clashed with her projected image. Then by season 3 she does the pizza dance in front of the group. Awesome.

Having said that, her awkwardness and uncoolness is great, but she doesn't have to actually be dumb. I think the show still has plenty of room to work with that.

That's my biggest issue with her. If she was simply uncool and awkward, then I would like her character a lot. However, her idiocy is really irritating. If the bold is fix, then her character can be redeemed.

The Real Abed

I still hold out hope for some interesting "experimental" episodes. That and a proper ending if it is indeed the last season. I really don't want to do the whole "SAVE COMMUNITY NBC IT IS AWESOME YOU SUCK HERES SOME PAPER GOATEES PLEASE BRING IT BACK SEASON FIVE!" thing again. As much as I'd love Community to last as long as some of the other lesser sitcoms I enjoy like 30 Rock, Office, HIMYM, etc, I'd rather it go out properly before it gets "My Name is Earl'd" and just ends up not coming back after a big cliffhanger episode. Fucking NBC. We should have stopped trusting you right then and there! WHO IS EARL JUNIOR'S FATHER??? WE'LL NEVER KNOW!

The Real Abed

I want to believe the cast is smart enough to realize this will be Community's final season.
Me too. No more NBC runaround. End it properly and let us enjoy what we got while we could. 80-ish episodes of really good unique TV. It'll be a long time before we get another Community.


I find it tough to accept that anyone ever found Britta enjoyable.

In Season 1 she was cast basically as a straight man for Jeff, which is hilarious because she has evolved into one of the most ridiculously illogical characters in TV history.

As the group's Meg at least she serves as a decent escape goat.



I find it tough to accept that anyone ever found Britta enjoyable.

In Season 1 she was cast basically as a straight man for Jeff, which is hilarious because she has evolved into one of the most ridiculously illogical characters in TV history.

As the group's Meg at least she serves as a decent escape goat.

The writers Britta'd Britta. I found her to be varying in range, between "ha, that's humorous" to "what." I do like Britta, but the writers need to ground her back to more than being a Meg.

I think the idea was they wanted to find a bridge between "straight man" and "ridiculous", and be somewhat more like the study group, but that ended up going out the window by season 3, where she ended up probably being the second/third most ridiculous behind Troy and Abed.


Shirley is just... there. She adds nothing to the show, whilst she isn't the worst one the show she feels like the most useless one. Brita could have been so much more at the very least.
That's my biggest issue with her. If she was simply uncool and awkward, then I would like her character a lot. However, her idiocy is really irritating. If the bold is fix, then her character can be redeemed.

Yeah, and there was nothing that couldn't be fixed. I still thought Britta was a good character much of the time, and I didn't see most of what she did as being "stupidity." Awkward, weird, uncool, all good.

The one thing that did make her seem stupid was making ridiculous, basic errors on psychology. Like "edible complex." That wasn't funny and hurt her character. Cut out that stuff and she'll be fine.


Shirley is just... there. She adds nothing to the show, whilst she isn't the worst one the show she feels like the most useless one. Brita could have been so much more at the very least.

Shirley is there as the conscience of the group.

But in actuality, she provides little to the show. I remember there being talk of making Shirley more relevant, and all she got was that foosball episode as a Shirley-centric episode.
Really looking forward to S4. Anyone else read that article about why The Big Bang Theory is a terrible show, with Community used as a reference point?


Thanks for linking. My first time reading it, and I agree with the author. Ain't now way TBBT is ever going to be brought down, though. It's not Chuck Lorre's fault that his shows are so damn popular. They're just easily consumed television.

The Real Abed

Looks fine to me. Just what I expected. More of season 3 style craziness. I hate to say it but it was obvious they weren't planning on going back to season 1/2 style. I'm just going to sit back and let it happen to me. Enjoy it while I can before it's gone forever.

I mean we already know about the
Hunger Games parody, the Inspector Spacetime Convention and the Die Hard Christmas
episodes. And those are the ones I'm looking forward to most.

Really looking forward to Magnatude
not being allowed to say Pop Pop anymore

big ander

shirley hasn't had a ton, but the foosball ep was great and people forget how good she was in a lot of season 1. like when she got paired up with abed for that plot about abed's sister.
Really looking forward to Magnitude
not being allowed to say Pop Pop anymore
really? that looks like textbook desperate fan service.. and at the very most that'll be the entire joke, not like it's going to be a running plot...I hope


Just listened to the Firewall and Iceberg Podcast where they basically tear the two episodes they've seen to shreds. Both sounded heartbroken. The consensus is that everyone involved is desperately trying to maintain the tone of the Dan Harmon era but without him actually being involved, it's a losing battle.


Not Pop?

In all honesty that trailer showed me what I expected. It's going to be a fun season, but without Harmon it will feel a bit "off".


I'm going to keep an exceptionally open mind for the first few episodes of Season 4.

However, from the very moment Dan Harmon left, every fan should have prepared for the likelihood that Community-as-we-knew-it had essentially been cancelled.
However, from the very moment Dan Harmon left, every fan should have prepared for the likelihood that Community-as-we-knew-it had essentially been cancelled.

This mindset is what is going to cause this season to review poorly regardless of how good it could possibly be. Too many people have been predicting doom well before knowing anything. It's already souring the OT and there hasn't been a single ep aired.

Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions but its beginning to feel more like a pile on thread than a thread about the fourth season.
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