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DQIX TO DS. DS WINS NEXT GEN WAR! (DQ gets cash cowed!)

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Blackace said:
why because you want to play on a console? besides this is just a stopover for DQ..
Yeah, because I want to play it on a console. I didn't put the IMO there for that but it's just my opinion from seeing what most devs are doing and looking at what people are buying that I don't like the direction the market is going over there. I'm sure the Japanese love it and that's good for them, just not really into it.

Red Scarlet

Wow, I can't believe I read the whole thing! :lol

Trin, I pm'd you my first posted reply in the thread after the announcement.
..and just as DQ8 battle song comes up on winamp. :lol

Well, like I said earlier, I do not mind the platform, as I have a half-working DS (which looks like it will need to be fixed or replaced before mid 2007).

I *am* concerned about the switch to an action rpg..as I am really not a fan of those. However, if I am able to play this online with a couple of people, then it could be fun. As long as it's not an mmorpg, I'll give the game a whirl. It could be a fun romp to play some DQ with other people. I would imagine that the job system will reappear, and actually hope that it does for this type of game. I could have a lot of fun casting Thief Nose and looking for stuff in chests or pots in town while the crappy people playing with me go to shops and stuff.

Does that mean I like the change? No. I'd prefer 9 (which I am still in shock of it being what was announced) to be like the other ones, and right now hope 10 reverts to the usual. Really, my biggest/only right now complaint about it being on the DS and not a console is that I can't make videos of it. :lol

Over the years, I've gone through many games I hold dear to my heart make big changes. Some I've recovered from and kept going with them (Castlevania, Final Fantasy), others I have long since stopped acknowledging their existence (Zelda, Mega Man). It seems as though this series has now arrived at the gauntlet.

I originally had no interest in Dragon Quest 8 due to not really liking the original 5 nor 7 much, but gave 8 a shot and was glad I did. Even if 9 blows ass, it may go back to form in 10. If 9 is awesome, by principle I'd rather it go back for 10, but if it doesn't, I'll probably give that a try too.

I know Trin was expecting a suicide note, but really, I've gotten and played through some FF games I really dislike for awhile now, even multiple times. DQ has gone through that too, except now it's reached the 'quite a change' period, which could go either way. Anyway, I'll get the game and I may love it, or I may hate it 5 minutes in. Either way, I'm buying it and hope I enjoy it, but deep down I still would like the 4th trilogy to go to a console and be what I've come to expect and love about these games.

The graphics don't matter to me, I am more in the club of the overworld possibly suffering in comparison to 8's since it is a 3d game, and more about the action rpg aspect. But playing DQ with a couple other people could be fun, even if it is not the usual DQ I have come to expect. Maybe it'll be awesome, maybe it'll suck ass. Who knows.

I'd like to end this post with a request to the mods. It's finals week right now, and I just spent over 1/4 of a day keeping up with this thread and blabbing on irc, and I shouldn't be. I'd like to request a ban until 12:01 AM EST 12/16(/06). Thanks.
reminder said:
Square Enix about PS3: "We don't want the PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them. But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much."

Square Enix about DS: "We want the Nintendo DS to be the overwhelming winner."

DS is already the overwhelming winner, without SE games. They just want a piece of its success. Honestly, do you think the DS needs this game? You people make it sound like the DS and PSP are neck-in-neck, with the inclusion of a main DQ game in the DS library enough to tip the scale to Nintendo's favor...


Lord Helmet said:
Should have named the thread "PSP discontinued." :D

Oh the PSP has been dead for a while there this is like next gen in japan discontinued.

Edit: Holy hell it is an action RPG too? I missed that. Man that sucks too


Oh well, the DQ makers go where the money goes. Still tho, I was expecting either the PS2 or the Wii. Releasing a new main DQ on a handheld is certainly a surprise.

Then again, considering that besides DQVIII, DQ games in general wasn't really known for it's excellent graphics or sound, so I guess it kinda makes sense.


reminder said:
Square Enix about PS3: "We don't want the PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them. But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much."

Square Enix about DS: "We want the Nintendo DS to be the overwhelming winner."

The PSP is already doing "not too great but not too bad either", while the DS is already the overwhelming winner. SE didn't and doesn't have to do anything with either, they are just riding on the current trend.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
OH MY GOD! How in the hell is this suposed to be taken!? A Main DQ series in the portable... I can't understand this. Millions of players in japan are gona explode.

"DQ will be in the platform with the bigger userbase" am totally confirmed. Yuji Hori wins next gen.


jjasper said:
DS? That sucks, I was really expecting it to go to Wii or PS2. I guess they are serious about putting it on the highest selling system even if it is a handheld.

Who the hell wants to play a 100 hr RPG on the go?
No one, thats why it'll be a FF:CC, PSO, etc. styled game, more action RPG than classic DQ. Its SE taking a good long piss on the series for the sake of cash, as per their norm in recent years. I'm sure this will be a good title on its own, but it should have been a side game/spin off with a true epic as the centerpiece for the new iteration in the series. Apparently SE's "polymorphic content" bullshit buzz line only extends to franchises with proven global milking capabilities.
MrSardonic said:
I think your argument is a little problematic.

Nintendo’s entire strategy was built around capitalizing on the direction that MS/Sony were taking. It’s pretty clear that the industry has increasingly suffered from a series of growing problems:

- increasing hardware R&D costs
- increasing hardware production costs
- increasing hardware prices for consumers
- increasing losses on launch hardware
- slower hardware production
- longer software development times
- increasing software development costs
- increasing complexity of development environment

And I’m sure a few others that could be considered issues that have yet to be dealt with – concentration of software sales upon a few select titles, recent rises in software prices for consumers, overall risk-aversion from the manufacturer & developer perspective (the Dual-Shock being perhaps the ultimate example).

From this traditional perspective, Microsoft haven’t made too many significant errors in my opinion. They got their console out one year ahead of Sony; they provided most of the next-gen features gamers wanted; they did so at a reasonable price (and X360 will be significantly cheaper than PS3 next year); they secured more 3rd party support; they have a good 2007 software lineup. MS have also made efforts to help developers reduce costs, have a bit more creative freedom, provide an arena for different types of experience (XBLA), etc. They made a lot of improvements over Xbox.

So I don’t think Wii looks set to be a success simply because MS handed them the market, or Sony delayed and overpriced their console. The real issue is that Nintendo trod a different path that has appealed to people who still wouldn’t give a shit about PS3 if it was $300 at launch. Your mother isn’t going to play PS2 with her friends for $99 and she sure as shit won’t play PS3 for $300…but Wii, she might.

The real issue here is that you CANNOT make a $300 console (at launch) that has X360-like features...and forget a console that provides X360 graphics and a Wii-like interface for $300. The arms-race over graphics has forced Sony & MS into producing consoles that they hoped would wow people with their graphics but at the cost of increased price. If people want a return to sub-$300 consoles then they should be hoping that MS/Sony will absorb some of the concepts that Wii has materialized by going against the trends I laid out above.

Console manufacturers need to reduce their own emphasis on massive graphical improvements each generation and realize that gamers will accept a slower rate of visual improvement as long as there are other reasons to purchase the new hardware. I’m sure not many sane developers would lament the loss of the graphics arms-race either. Overall, the result would be lower costs across the board for all involved and that situation has to be healthier for the industry and the consumer.

In summary, Nintendo did capitalize. They capitalized on their competitors continuing down the same road. Even well executed strategies carved out on this same road were going to have some problems compared to Nintendo’s strategy carved out on a different road. Overall, I hope that the Wii restores a bit of sanity to the entire industry – stop making such huge losses on hardware, stop placing such an emphasis on enormously expensive leaps in graphics, reduce the cost for the consumer, reduce the cost and risk-aversion of software development. You don’t need to copy Wii to adopt those concepts…Wii is just one materialization of an attempt.

Well said.
Wow, that armor/weapons screen looks AWESOME. I will definitely buy this game now that I have seen more screens.

I can't believe this thread is on 60+ pages now.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
I hope they design DQ IX a la Pokémon, and becames a game that keeps the player with short time sessions, if not, we're killed of.
Blackace said:
I think Nintendo needs this series...badly

Looking at the Japanese chart recently, I'd say otherwise. 3 years ago, I would have agreed with the statement, "If you have DQ and FF, you have Japan." Now, I don't think that's the case at all. Simply put, if you have Nintendo, you have Japan.


Blackace said:
I think Nintendo needs this series...badly

No they definetely don't. They have games like AC, Mario, Pokemon and BT along with tens of other million sellers that are equally succesful to DQ (worldwide), games that are currently helping them expand the userbase of both their systems. Nintendo sells great with nobody's help but their own effort.
So DQIX is an action-RPG? Amazing. I may actually enjoy the game now. I was very impressed with the visual-style of VIII but never got into it due to old-school RPG design. If it is indeed action-based then I couldn't be happier. Are we talking actual control ala Zelda, or something along the lines of Mario RPG?


DQS (Wii) art from Toriyama.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I don't mind it being on DS... but that really sucks if it's an action RPG... there's too many of those nowadays anyways :(
Did you know that a day after the DQS art was shown (ie. about 2 weeks ago IIRC), some guy drew hentai of the goth-loli chick. Japan works quickly.


Fady K said:
First off, its not 600 over there, its around 415 (20gb) and ~500 (60gb), also many of the hardcore fans of DQVIII would appreciate seeing a sequel in next-gen glory.
Yet a typical salaryman might be taking home 200,000 yen a month. The low end PS3 costs a quarter of his monthly salary. Try to think in terms of cost of living instead of OMG IT'S LESS DOLLURZZZ!!!

U think price will matter much when it comes to Dragon Quest? Btw, the PS2 Dragon Quest 8's japanese retail price was almost 80 US dollars. If 4 MILLION sold for SUCH an expensive game, i dont think they would mind buying the 400-500 dollar PS3 which will also have FFXIII at the very least and MGS4.
But strangely DQ8 did NOT sell 4 million. It only just sold over 2 million and it was one of the lowest selling DQs in history.


djtiesto said:
I don't mind it being on DS... but that really sucks if it's an action RPG... there's too many of those nowadays anyways :(

Do we know for sure that it is an action RPG? I haven't read the whole thread, but I can't seem to find definite confirmation of that.

I hope it isn't, although that second screenshot seems to indicate it is.
this seems like a "wait and see" move, they wanted to get a big game out there to make some $$ or w/e, but didn't know which home console to support because the user bases are tiny, and no-one knows who is going to come out on top at this stage.

So all they are doing is using the DS to raise cash while they wait, then they will no doubt support whichever of the 3 (wii, ps3, 360) kicks the most ass.


shuri said:
I like how everybody is suddenly a hardcore DQ fan!

Hm, I don't agree, I'm seeing many people admit they aren't the biggest fans of previous DQ games (yet have sth to say about this unexpected development). Me for example.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Mato said:
No they definetely don't. They have games like AC, Mario, Pokemon and BT along with tens of other million sellers that are equally succesful to DQ (worldwide), games that are currently helping them expand the userbase of both their systems. Nintendo sells great with nobody's help but their own effort.

They need this kind of show of 3rd party support, though.
Jonnyram said:
But strangely DQ8 did NOT sell 4 million. It only just sold over 2 million and it was one of the lowest selling DQs in history.
Funny, I thought DQ8 sold 3.5 million and was the second-highest selling DQ.


Mato said:
Why? They are running out of plastic as it is, they just don't need anything or anyone atm.

Well, there's more countries in the world than Japan. I do agree that they don't need this in Japan, but this game (and more importantly, the japanese game flood that'll hit as an aftershock) will have a big impact in the states.


Mr. Pointy said:
Funny, I thought DQ8 sold 3.5 million and was the second-highest selling DQ.

I believe it outsold VI but not VII in Japan. It sold ~1 million in the West, though, so that alone makes it one of the most successful games in the series in terms of worldwide sales.


I think this game will be really good, and look forward to it. DQ's battle system bored me to tears in VIII, but the presentation and story was fantastic.

Just seems a shame they didnt start trying new gameplay formula's on consoles. The gaming industry just seems too often like its "1 step forward, 2 steps back". Like you can only ever have 1 improvement at the sacrifice of something else.

Japan's gaming industry really does look like swirling nonsense to an outsider though. Its like its trying to will itself backwards away from next-gen. Are we going to see some big splits soon? Those that do want to work on next-gen consoles, and those that want to revel in less powerful hardware but roll in money.

I also don't know what Sony are doing. They needed to buy DQ9 as an exclusive, badly for the PS3 even. The PSP really is ****ed now.

But yeah, I'm excited for this, even though it confuses me and sort of makes me let out another confused "oh japan" sigh.


OMG OMG OMG where to begin??!!??!! Oh, I know:


Just when we all think you've actually realized progression does this series good, and you go and take two mother****ing steps BACKWARDS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's so awesome to know you care more about selling your games to as many people as possible than, you know, improving on them!

Confliction total for me though, cause Level-5 is developing, which means I'm still getting it day one. Those screens look ok for the DS, but still utter shit compared to VIII and where I'd like DQIX to be.

This totally explains Layton now too, as Level-5 didn't even have to get the dev kits since SE got 'em for them already for IX. Smart move by Hino.

OMG too many thoughts going through my head, and this thread is too awesome. Greenpanda's 'fagtronic' had me rolling. Brilliant word.

And BTW Jonny, DQVIII did do 3.5m in Japan, and including the massively increased western sales, was far and away the best selling DQ worldwide ever made, even though VII did about 600k more in Japan. GOOD THING THEY GOT AWAY FROM THAT! DIMINISHING RETURNS TOTAL!


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
Wow, how the hell did I miss this? DQ IX on DS??? Nintendo wins next gen wars, both handhelds and home consoles war.
Jonnyram said:
Yet a typical salaryman might be taking home 200,000 yen a month. The low end PS3 costs a quarter of his monthly salary. Try to think in terms of cost of living instead of OMG IT'S LESS DOLLURZZZ!!!

But strangely DQ8 did NOT sell 4 million. It only just sold over 2 million and it was one of the lowest selling DQs in history.
DQ VIII sold more than what you said in just one week Jonny. :)


After seeing the off-screen projector pics from Dengeki Online, I think this game looks great. Personally I'm disappointed that Horii seems to be taking the series away from its traditonal routes, but I'm a huge fan of character dress-up and customization and wifi play with 3 other friends sounds great. If Level 5 can replicate the amazing stuff they did in DQ8 on the DS with DQ9 it's going to be a very special experience.


Jonnyram said:
Sorry, finger slipped from 3 to 2 :p
Maybe 3.5 million if you include US, but it was a big drop from VII.

Dragon Quest VII PS Enix 4,103,250 (JP)
Dragon Quest VIII PS2 Enix 3,609,000 (JP)

I don't think it's that 'big drop'.


gconsole said:
Dragon Quest VII PS Enix 4,103,250 (JP)
Dragon Quest VIII PS2 Enix 3,609,000 (JP)

I don't think it's that 'big drop'.
Don't forget VII only did like 100k in NA (no Europe release I don't think) whereas VIII did 1.5m in both combined.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I still wonder why those choose the DS over the PS2.. there were rumblings about DQ9 being on the PS2, I don't get why they called this DQ9, and not a new Dragon Quest series seeing as it looks to be very far away from the roots of the series.


Its going to be shitty waving goodbye to decent music and voice acting. Graphics will hold up well because Squeenix found how to open a wormhole in the DS to better hardware every time you play one of their carts, but stuff like a smaller overworld sucks.
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