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Ethan of H3H3 retracts defamatory claims against WSJ writer (WSJ responds)

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Yes he does. Everyone does. Racism and white supremacy is a fairly straightforward condemn/not condemn issue. By staying silent on it you're saying loud and clear you can live with it.

So what's your opinion on Northern Ireland over the last 90 years? Apparently always getting personally involved in issues involving oppression is an imperative. So are you UDF or IRA?


H3H3 must understand the only real outcome of this

Forgive me, but

how about condemning the shit he said?
He really should.

But of the various ways other youtubers like Boogie and TB have handled it (trying to shame people for bringing attention to it rather than confronting the actual issue), if Ethan doesn't want to talk about it in public since he knows Jon, I get that from a flawed human perspective.

In comparison to how some of Jon's other Youtube friends have really embarrassed themselves, Its one of his less bone headed choices here.

Its not the right thing to do, more popular Youtubers should speak up against him rather than let Jon fly by without major backlash and consequences aside from losing a video game cameo but I get it. If I was in the same position, I wonder if I would take the route of just privately breaking all ties from Jon rather than bringing a megaphone to it on a youtube page.




Not to derail but he was being sarcastic.


Considering youtube already claimed they have a problem, I'm not sweating this over someone's fandom to H3H3 or any other youtuber. YT has issues regardless of who makes videos claiming whatever.
Either the WSJ faked their screenshots, or the dude with a video called "Chief Keef Dancing to Alabama Nigger" faked his.

I don't put it past a random reporter looking to make a name for himself to do this sort of thing. I also don't put it past a random dude who posts videos with "nigger" in the title to do the other thing.

There are reporters -- major reporters -- still working today who have a history of putting bullshit out there. But really, a screencap from the Alabama Nigger guy is going to just flip me 100% the other way on this WSJ thing?

That just plays into this YouTuber persecution complex a little too conveniently. There *is* a problem with a bunch of shitty, open racists on YouTube getting their shit monetized. Even if the WSJ reporter is exaggerating his smoking gun evidence of it, the baseline fact is still there.

YouTube is a potential way for the types of dudes who used to sell mimeographed screeds to 50 other Nazis to make a living off unsuspecting advertisers. Yet Ethan is utterly unconcerned about that and is going all in on this war against new media narrative that just hilariously overstates what amounts to one reporter who may or may not be exaggerating his claims.

I mean, if Ethan's evidence is 100% true, that still leaves us with 5 or so days of monetization for a video with "Nigger" right in the fucking title. What else gets to slide by?

Yep this is a really good post.
Amazing how he seems much more concerned with this than the actual content that has been ad supported. There is no doubt that some truly deplorable content has had ads attached to it, and even if some shady stuff happened with the WSJ (which they should be held accountable for if true) doesn't mitigate anything else that is going on at all

It's insane how so many prominent youtubers want to sidestep bigotry either because it will cost them money or they actually align with it.
WSJ is part of News Corp, this is probably a hit against new media like Youtube which is draining the revenues of old media like newspapers and TV owned by News Corp.
strange, considering how much he likes to have an opinion on anything and everyone else.
I mean I swear you people think human beings are robots based on how you talk, most people don't just publicly denounce previous GOOD friends when they find out they are shit, they will usually just stay quiet and slowly disassociate themselves because as humans we are more complex than being just black and white I mean it's all well and good for some of you to claim how you would react were it you but I'm highly doubtful it would be much different than what Ethan is doing now.


Well that's nonsense. Fake news is a thing because a hostile nation spent hundreds of millions of dollars to spread bullshit stories largely using social media as the avenue and in fact deliberately avoiding mainstream ousts because they usually do basic fact checking and add their own editorial bias.

The mainstream media certainly dropped the ball on reporting and exposing the fake news phenomenon but they had nothing to do with its creation. Fox News certainly softened up the credulity of a huge segment of the population but it is not a normal mainstream news outlet and never had been.

Every mainstream outlet will make mistakes, run poorly sourced or deliberately skewed and sometimes even falsified stories but it is absolutely not Fake News.

WSJ is a corporatist right wing voice of the financial establishment but that's a far cry from Comet Pizza and Hillary murder stories.

Your claim is demonstrably false.

I didn't parse what he said like that. I think he was saying that the idea that the media has been hemorrhaging integrity for the last 30 years is what made the cultural space for the fake news phenomenon to grow.


paid requisite penance
To answer the thread derailers: if, as is the case with Ethan and JonTron, you had a very good friend who you were deeply indebted to - because he helped you get a job, supported you when you were depressed, saved your life, whatever - and he came out as a racist, what would you do? I don't know about you, but I sure as shit don't know what I would do.

I'll tell you what I wouldn't do though: I wouldn't just crucify him publicly, because I'm not a fucking monster/machine. My mind doesn't go "If "questionable belief" is "yes", then "publicly shame friend and sever all ties". I'd consider it a private matter. And no, that wouldn't mean I'm fine with my friend's beliefs, let alone agree with them.

Human beings and relationships are complicated. Get a grip.
So what's your opinion on Northern Ireland over the last 90 years? Apparently always getting personally involved in issues involving oppression is an imperative. So are you UDF or IRA?

Speaking out against a friend being racist is not anywhere NEAR the level of having an opinion on a geopolitical issue with roots going back hundreds of years.

Seriously. Racism is bad full stop. There is no other fucking side.


False narrative. Lmao.

I've watched this guy for years. Your head is in the fucking sand if you don't see what he's become lately. You're the one not living in reality.
Dude, you think he's a racist Alt-righter.

That's literally the opposite of what he is. He calls out peoples BS using humor. He has on many occasions called out REAL racists and their YouTube videos promoting racist views. He had Joey Salad on to tell him to his face that his video was racist and was damaging to the BLM movement.

Recently he called out Prank Invasion for his sexcist and Muslim damaging video.

So again, you have created some false reality and are now refusing to see evidence to the contrary.

Ethan is more liberal in his views than most people I know. (I live in Florida)


How about providing evidence backing up your claims?

Here's one to the contrary. H3H3 exposes and interviews a guy for creating a fake prank video which was racist, which he'd presented as being real.

Now it's your turn. Post a video that demonstrates "what he's become."


And he lost every single ounce of credibility as someone who's against racists when he clammed up about JonTron. I don't give a shit if they're friends. I'd straight up dissavow any friend I've ever had who started talking about the gene pool like that. It's an open and shut case, there's nothing complicated about it.


To answer the thread derailers: if, as is the case with Ethan and JonTron, you had a very good friend who you were deeply indebted to - because he helped you get a job, supported you when you were depressed, saved your life, whatever - and he came out as a racist, what would you do? I don't know about you, but I sure as shit don't know what I would do.

I'll tell you what I wouldn't do though: I wouldn't just crucify him publicly, because I'm not a fucking monster/machine. My mind doesn't go "If "questionable belief" is "yes", then "publicly shame friend and sever all ties". I'd consider it a private matter. And no, that wouldn't mean I'm fine with my friend's beliefs, let alone agree with them.

Human beings and relationships are complicated. Get a grip.

I probably wouldn't joke about the accusations being made on twitter while never outright defending or denouncing it. But maybe my relationships aren't that complicated.
To answer the thread derailers: if, as is the case with Ethan and JonTron, you had a very good friend who you were deeply indebted to - because he helped you get a job, supported you when you were depressed, saved your life, whatever - and he came out as a racist, what would you do? I don't know about you, but I sure as shit don't know what I would do.

I'll tell you what I wouldn't do though: I wouldn't just crucify him publicly, because I'm not a fucking monster/machine. My mind doesn't go "If "questionable belief" is "yes", then "publicly shame friend and sever all ties". I'd consider it a private matter. And no, that wouldn't mean I'm fine with my friend's beliefs, let alone agree with them.

Human beings and relationships are complicated. Get a grip.

I've personally had relationships damaged by finding out the bigotry and racism of friends. As a black gay male it's hard to not run across at least one instance of it. I'll personally say that I was not afraid to call that shit out in public whenever it happened and completely distance myself from the person. As someone with a much larger platform and who makes money off that platform, the idea that you should just avoid a topic because you are good friends with someone doesn't apply. I'll continually call out that cowardice

And going even further, I will say this exactly how hatred and acceptance of hatred spreads. We become too scared to stand up to family members/friends/acquaintances who hold abhorrent beliefs and let the ideas propagate giving these people the idea that it is ok.


This video doesn't really accomplish much when it all comes down to it. Google already admitted and apologized to ad agencies about the content appearing on their platform.

Not like the WSJ matters much in this anyway too as Google and Facebook are bullies in the ad industry so many agencies are using this time to finally fight back against them.


Speaking out against a friend being racist is not anywhere NEAR the level of having an opinion on a geopolitical issue with roots going back hundreds of years.

Seriously. Racism is bad full stop. There is no other fucking side.

It is bad, I'm not saying it isn't. Suggesting that I am is a neat rhetorical trick to make me sound bad though so thanks.

The point of that blatantly ridiculous question was to demonstrate that it obviously isn't a moral imperative in and of itself to speak out and be involved in every issue involving oppression. There are more complicated issues at play here. At the end of the day people have to pick their battles. You can question why someone picks the battles they pick, but challenging the fact that choices are made is ridiculous.

Would it be good for him to speak out publicly? Of course, and I'd like to say if I was in his shoes I would.


To answer the thread derailers: if, as is the case with Ethan and JonTron, you had a very good friend who you were deeply indebted to - because he helped you get a job, supported you when you were depressed, saved your life, whatever - and he came out as a racist, what would you do? I don't know about you, but I sure as shit don't know what I would do.

I'll tell you what I wouldn't do though: I wouldn't just crucify him publicly, because I'm not a fucking monster/machine. My mind doesn't go "If "questionable belief" is "yes", then "publicly shame friend and sever all ties". I'd consider it a private matter. And no, that wouldn't mean I'm fine with my friend's beliefs, let alone agree with them.

Human beings and relationships are complicated. Get a grip.

If they went on a rant about needing to clean the gene pool, they're done. That's it. Doesn't matter what our history is. If they change later they can reach out, but change as drastic as JonTron needs rarely comes when you're rich, white, and sheltered in your late 20's/early 30's.
People are really expecting Ethan to publicly denounce JonTron? That's the standard? He's an asshole if he doesn't publicly denounce the dude who essentially launched his career? His good friend for years going back to when JT was a self described liberal and hadn't formed any of the views causing his recent controversy. He needs to denounce him?

Some of these posts sound insane. Of course that's a difficult situation and staying silent is completely understandable.


1. This dude is friends with Youtube racist and idiot Sargon of Akkaad.

2. He's sidestepping the fact that Youtube has a major problem with racist and white nationalist channels and advertisers are pulling out anyway.

Sargon of Akkaad is racist? I've only ever watched one video of his, which was a response video to a Crash Course video on human geography. He claimed the video was racist and Crash Course had to admit it's error and take down the video in order to rework it. If i'm not mistaken the human geography video series has yet to be reposted.
This video doesn't really accomplish much when it all comes down to it. Google already admitted and apologized to ad agencies about the content appearing on their platform.

Not like the WSJ matters much in this anyway too as Google and Facebook are bullies in the ad industry so many agencies are using this time to finally fight back against them.

and this was even before this "smoking gun tape"


it was on the 21st vs 24th for the tweet

but great to see the new gamergate being born to defend racists


If they went on a rant about needing to clean the gene pool, they're done. That's it. Doesn't matter what our history is. If they change later they can reach out, but change as drastic as JonTron needs rarely comes when you're rich, white, and sheltered in your late 20's/early 30's.
Isn't Jon ethnically Iranian? The hypocrisy is what baffled me the most about his rambling.
First post of this thread is literally the worst post I've ever seen here.

OT: Holy fuck is this a bombshell. Good on Ethan, dude

If they went on a rant about needing to clean the gene pool, they're done. That's it. Doesn't matter what our history is. If they change later they can reach out, but change as drastic as JonTron needs rarely comes when you're rich, white, and sheltered in your late 20's/early 30's.

Do we have any reason to believe Ethan and Jon and still buds now after Jon said what he said?
People are really expecting Ethan to publicly denounce JonTron? That's the standard? He's an asshole if he doesn't publicly denounce the dude who essentially launched his career? His good friend for years going back to when JT was a self described liberal and hadn't formed any of the views causing his recent controversy. He needs to denounce him?

Some of these posts sound insane. Of course that's a difficult situation and staying silent is completely understandable.

He's willing to go after plenty of other people but it's ok if he keeps his mouth shut because Jon helped him at some point? Gotta love those goal posts. If he's truly against what he says he is, then yes he should be denouncing the disgusting shit he's been saying for ages. This isn't a one time thing that happened the other month.
People are really expecting Ethan to publicly denounce JonTron? That's the standard? He's an asshole if he doesn't publicly denounce the dude who essentially launched his career? His good friend for years going back to when JT was a self described liberal and hadn't formed any of the views causing his recent controversy. He needs to denounce him?

Some of these posts sound insane. Of course that's a difficult situation and staying silent is completely understandable.

So you would stand in silence if your friend who has a prominent platform was spewing racism?

I see.


Many old medias are now part of the new media and have adapted. There is no us versus them. Google essentially pays for all the video hosting, so many are using YouTube's service.

Any hit piece on a YouTuber doesn't even bring in clicks to buy a meal at McDonalds.

Old medias great concern is about all the media outlets and dilution of audience. That's they're only concern, it's not even a fear, just a concern.



The tweet clearly says that two ads were played before the video.

Claiming "photoshop!" because they have the same video count and everything is odd because.... the writer of the tweet is claiming that the ads occurred one after the other.
Since when does youtube play two ads in a row?


I feel like this thread has gone a bit off topic in reguards to the subject of YouTube and the Wall Street Journal

The H3H3 OT might be a better place for the Jontron/H3H3 discussion


H3h3 constantly speaks against racism.

Oh no he remained quiet about Jon Tron, possibly due to a work related relationship, or because Jon Tron helped him in the past. Or he just doesn't want to get involved with some one else's drama, because he has already enough drama being sued and all.

Oh no he pointed out all the shady tactics the media used against PewDiePie. Without ever actually defending PDD, or what he said.

100% confirmed racist.
Do I need the /s
First post of this thread is literally the worst post I've ever seen here.

OT: Holy fuck is this a bombshell. Good on Ethan, dude
Not really a bombshell. Pretty much comes down to:

1) The WSJ journalist has photoshopped some photos and put it on Twitter (not in the article).
or 2) The uploader of a racist video has photoshopped the image of his earnings.

So it really say as much as it seems at first. Was pretty surprised also, but when going to Youtube, just do a few refreshed and the views and suggested videos stay the same.

Since when does youtube play two ads in a row?
Go to a video, do a refresh. It won't always update straight away it seems, so it is possible the photos are real. Fooled me also for a bit, as seen in my posts earlier in the thread.
If they went on a rant about needing to clean the gene pool, they're done. That's it. Doesn't matter what our history is. If they change later they can reach out, but change as drastic as JonTron needs rarely comes when you're rich, white, and sheltered in your late 20's/early 30's.

Life isn't as black and white as you try and make it out to be. You don't know the relationship between Jontron and Ethan, so your comments come from a cozy privilege place where you deem yourself fit to pass judgement on people for 'sitting on the fence' as you so put it.
First post of this thread is literally the worst post I've ever seen here.

OT: Holy fuck is this a bombshell. Good on Ethan, dude

A bombshell in terms of the ethics of the WSJ? Maybe. It changes nothing when it comes to actually advertising unless you think Google hadn't already researched the issue extensively themselves.
People are really expecting Ethan to publicly denounce JonTron? That's the standard? He's an asshole if he doesn't publicly denounce the dude who essentially launched his career? His good friend for years going back to when JT was a self described liberal and hadn't formed any of the views causing his recent controversy. He needs to denounce him?

Some of these posts sound insane. Of course that's a difficult situation and staying silent is completely understandable.

Makes a career out of calling people out on their bullshit.

His best buddies, of course, are exempt, you're in the wrong if you think that's hypocrisy!!

Not really a bombshell. Pretty much comes down to:

1) The WSJ journalist has photoshopped some photos and put it on Twitter (not in the article).
or 2) The uploader of a racist video has photoshopped the image of his earnings.

So it really say as much as it seems at first. Was pretty surprised also, but when going to Youtube, just do a few refreshed and the views and suggested videos stay the same.

Go to a video, do a refresh. It won't always update straight away it seems, so it is possible the photos are real. Fooled me also for a bit, as seen in my posts earlier in the thread.

If its option 1, that's obviously a bombshell. Sorry if our definitions of that word don't overlap.
The WSJ using possibly fake screenshots probably won't matter in the long run since YouTube is aware of the problem of ads being on videos containing hate speech and are trying to get it sorted out. But is using fake screenshots to get advertisers to pull ads from a site even considered legal? Not to mention this could get the editor in BIG trouble. I hear there's already a hashtag to get the guy fired for it.

Is this true?


If this is true H3H3 assumptions could be completely wrong. The video could still be showing ads but the money was not going to the uploader.

Not really a bombshell. Pretty much comes down to:

1) The WSJ journalist has photoshopped some photos and put it on Twitter (not in the article).
or 2) The uploader of a racist video has photoshopped the image of his earnings.

So it really say as much as it seems at first. Was pretty surprised also, but when going to Youtube, just do a few refreshed and the views and suggested videos stay the same.

Go to a video, do a refresh. It won't always update straight away it seems, so it is possible the photos are real. Fooled me also for a bit, as seen in my posts earlier in the thread.
Except it doesn't have to be 1 or 2 but apparently that's irrelevant since everyone has ignored that.


so if h3h3 doesn't publicly denounce Jontron he is an alt right racist atlhough he has exposed racists before?

na, that's not how it works
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