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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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I feel like there's going to be a huge gap for new players hitting 50 in mechanic learning based on gear distribution. Since you can get to i110 from hunting alone, it will change the dynamics.

We had to go:

50 > WP / AK > Relic > HM dungeons > CT > EX Primals > 1st Coil > EX Dungeons > 2nd Coil > CT2 > Hunting > 3rd Coil

Now it will be:

50 > Hunting > Relic > Hunting > EX Primals (for clear) > Turn 5 > Turn 9 > 3rd Coil
As of 2.4 it'll basically be 50 > Relic > Sold gear/weapon > Poetic gear > Coil > etc etc

Hunting isn't worth it as much since Myth gear won't be worth it with easier to get i100 gear floating around as a stopgap until you accrue enough Poetic to get new gear. Why settle for i90 gear? The worst bit will be having to clear CT for ST for ?T in 2.5.

Only if you put down the bow forever.
Keep your dirty caster gear.

I need some clever pun for it.

WE PLAY PRIMAL SONGS. Seriously. We need some Soken for six.


Hah, I didn't see this post. I'll be blunt. Don't be stupid. The reward is the head start you had on the item. If you don't like nerfs, stop playing MMOs. It's better for all of us.

Well I've never played an MMO before so this is quite new to me. Thanks for your helpful and polite answer though. I'm sorry if this will put you out but I think I will continue playing for a little while longer.


Oh. You were serious.

Atma isn't really effort so much as a display of having a lack of anything better to do. Which made it the perfect late-2.38 activity. But the relic quest is a string of disasters and anything to make it suck less is a clear improvement for the game.

Maybe I will get a third set!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Got some solid practice in T9 last night. Hoping to get some more time in this week. Hopefully I wasn't too terrible :|

This is why we have Punch focus on it and not the MT.
But here is this handy chart:

When Punchi was saying "East/West" which pattern was he talking about in these pictures?


Hunting isn't worth it as much since Myth gear won't be worth it with easier to get i100 gear floating around as a stopgap until you accrue enough Poetic to get new gear. Why settle for i90 gear? The worst bit will be having to clear CT for ST for ?T in 2.5.

Hunting = Soldiery (no longer capped) + Oils/Sands to gear in i110. Not i90.

Dragons come out during Bahamut's Favor and OT has a billion seconds to look north, put a mark to the right of the first dragon he sees clockwise, and that's it.

Same answer in response.


That live version of Under the Weight was too good.

It really was


Hunting = Soldiery (no longer capped) + Oils/Sands to gear in i110. Not i90.

Still would take an inordinate amount of time unless you're primarily hunting for the tomes. Why would you bother buying weathered gear to unweather it when Poetic will give you a superior piece without collecting 750 seals per? I can see people hunting for a sand for an unweathered i110 weapon maybe, but I guess it depends on how the tome economy shakes itself out. I just anticipate people skipping i70/80/90 and going either to basic i100 on their way to hitting Poetic gear; similar to how Darklight versus Myth shook out way back when.


Still would take an inordinate amount of time unless you're primarily hunting for the tomes. Why would you bother buying weathered gear to unweather it when Poetic will give you a superior piece without collecting 750 seals per? I can see people hunting for a sand for an unweathered i110 weapon maybe, but I guess it depends on how the tome economy shakes itself out. I just anticipate people skipping i70/80/90 and going either to basic i100 on their way to hitting Poetic gear; similar to how Darklight versus Myth shook out way back when.

Because you can't get a full set of Poetics in one week? I have no idea what the prior discussion was lol.

Same answer in response.

Poor Asami. You should underperform a bit on purpose so you don't get tasked with all the fun jobs in FCOB.

Also kick Ultima Drew and let me OT; I feel like I'd really develop as a person and player in that group.


Still would take an inordinate amount of time unless you're primarily hunting for the tomes. Why would you bother buying weathered gear to unweather it when Poetic will give you a superior piece without collecting 750 seals per? I can see people hunting for a sand for an unweathered i110 weapon maybe, but I guess it depends on how the tome economy shakes itself out. I just anticipate people skipping i70/80/90 and going either to basic i100 on their way to hitting Poetic gear; similar to how Darklight versus Myth shook out way back when.

People forget how it was when 2.2 rolled out. Took 2 weeks for a body armour then you were i91. 2.4 gearing will be slow. We'll get some free i120 gear from Shiva maybe? That's it. Rest will be locked within Coil and Weekly tombstone caps until 2.5.


Poor Asami. You should underperform a bit on purpose so you don't get tasked with all the fun jobs in FCOB.

Me and Asami run the strategy section of the group as everyone else is focused on doing their jobs. We have to watch what we're doing, tell the group what to do, and then watch what the group is doing to comment on where to improve.

Every static usually has that dynamic.

EDIT - Or maybe they don't. Only been in two statics and I've run both. A FF11 Salvage Static and our FF14 static.


Who is Koji and what happened last night that was so amazing? Anyone have a link?

Koji-Fox is the localization team leader. You saw him at E3 translating the Live Letter and translating a lot during Fan Fest. However, last night he sang all the parts of Good King Moogle Mog by himself and then sang Under the Weight beautifully.

It was magical, and elevated him up to God status with YoshiP and Soken,


Koji-Fox is the localization team leader. You saw him at E3 translating the Live Letter and translating a lot during Fan Fest. However, last night he sang all the parts of Good King Moogle Mog by himself and then sang Under the Weight beautifully.

It was magical, and elevated him up to God status with YoshiP and Soken,

Was he the bigger guy or the going bald guy? Any links to a video of the concert?


Suffering From Success
If Poetics is anything like soldiery it will take you 3 months to outfit one role... to 120. That's assuming Poetics weapon works the same way as UAT weapons did, which is reasonable considering Sands and Oils are coming back with a vengeance.


Crystal Tower / Labyrinth of the Ancients - A lot of dumb mechanics to worry about. Nobody queues for this, however, so you'll probably have an awful queue time. Experience inside will vary. You should probably find a guide since there's a lot of individual mechanics for the bosses (and trash).

Syrcus Tower - its a circus

Incidentally, it's not like you really have options outside of just DFing them so ... yeah.

As for the Atmas, they're getting their drop rate adjusted next week so you can wait on those.

They're both pretty easy, particularly if you're tanking. Especially the first part (Labyrinth of the Ancients), which fills in double the tanks it actually needs. And if you tell your party up front that you're new, I'm sure they'll give you a quick potted explanation of what you need to do, but it's pretty simple stuff.

As for the relic upgrades, the answer is 'only if you want to'. It is a massive time, gil and effort sink to get something that has comparable equivalents. But it does look pretty awesome and perhaps there's something to be said for experiencing the struggle with other people doing the same grind? :V

Cool, I'll try them out sometime soon as I'm curious to see the content at least once, and if I get any sort of upgrade out of them then great. Will probably read up a bit ahead of time just in case. I just remember how some folks reacted to tanks in Praetorium and the other 8 man story bit if they didn't know the place (i.e. they were vile), and wish to avoid that again.

For the relic upgrade, I'll table that until 2.4 hits (didn't realize the Atma change folks were talking about was happening then, so that's encouraging). Not sure how resilient I'll be to the grind beyond the Atma collection stuff, so we'll see if it continues beyond that (and if those upgraded weapons can be further upgraded in the expansion or become essentially worthless).

I will rage about the cash shop if and when it interferes with fish desynth.

DoL/DoH don't have a hard lockout, but there's a pretty big gil sink involved in melding them out. Getting the master recipes/artisan tools involves some not cheap crafting, and then getting supra involves the ridiculous expensiveness that is desynth.

It's worth max leveling all crafting classes for self-repair and self-melds, and the game doesn't straight up bar you from being a master of all crafts, but it's very much takes money to make money.

Gathering again has meld costs, time consuming gathers for the forager equipment (silver sovereigns ugh), then more gathers for supra plus expensive demimateria.

It's a personal ROI thing; it sounds like they'll be making changes to make catch up easier in 2.45 (best patch!), but right now it really makes more sense to get everything to 50 and then play favorites.

Not really interested in leveling them as a money making thing (just don't have the time to properly manage that and do it right), but I would like to give an honest attempt at maxing even one crafting and one gathering profession on this go round (was just curious about the maxing them all, as that's definitely pie in the sky thinking). Like the above, may wait until 2.45 to give that a serious go.

Appreciate the helpful replies!


Cool, how are the ps4 graphics?

Supposed to look really nice, the FPS isn't always 60FPS all the time but it stays close apparently. I play PC, a friend plays PS4 and I've never seen him have trouble. Especially since you can use KB/M setup on it.


I'm sure most people are aware that the ATMA weapon is a means to an end and not the end itself. I don't even use it. And I don't know where you are getting 2-3 hours from. It would take you about three weeks to get a sol weapon which will never go above 110 and is not customisable.

Atma drop rate changes in 2.4 where Soldiery uncaps. UAT + 1300 Soldiery will basically just be an afternoon of hunts and an ST run. It won't be a weapon that takes week to get but a few days even done casually. Compare that to needing to do Atmas and then all your Animus books to get an i100 weapon.

As you said yourself: it's optional and presents advantages over when you can buy so I don't think asking people to put a little "effort" in is unreasonable. Bah whatever. The moaners got what they want now so no point b*tching about it. But I'll think twice before I go the extra mile to unlock stuff in this game.

I started in August and got my Nexus about 2 weeks after it was added. So I went through it too. Just saying that gating it at every step, including the ones that result in an outdated weapon compared to the new baseline will make it a really hard sell to new players. "So I have to do 40-50+ hours of stuff to get a weapon as good as the one from hunts?"

You still have to do -> Animus to even reach the new baseline anyway.

Edit: Actually, I guess just Animus, maybe Novus for new baseline. Depends if you think i100 or i110 will be the new norm.


We probably should have switched Riou to MNK and have our OT as the MT ages ago. But with where we are in practice at this point, it's not worth switching.
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