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Gamestop Conference: God of War 1 & 2 Collection on Blu Ray this Fall w/ Trophies $40


The full GOW3 releases three months later.
It's not like FF13 where there's an eternity between a taster and the final product. :p


this seems like a very good deal

it's a bit strange that people are getting so excited about this though. when i said backwards compatibility was important to me in another thread everyone started getting pissed off


Sipowicz said:
this seems like a very good deal

it's a bit strange that people are getting so excited about this though. when i said backwards compatibility was important to me in another thread everyone started getting pissed off

It's exciting because of the enhancements being made to it.



Yesh pleashe.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Sipowicz said:
this seems like a very good deal

it's a bit strange that people are getting so excited about this though. when i said backwards compatibility was important to me in another thread everyone started getting pissed off

For me it's not the aspect of 'backwards compatibility' and more of the aspects of 720p and Trophies that engaged my excitement.


Wow, God of War 1 & 2 on a Bluray disc with trophies? Nice! :D I will definitly buy this day one, and the trophies will probably make the game more enjoyable to play through God of War 1 & 2 again :) I mean, i think that God of War 1 & 2 are already enjoyable even without trophies, but having trophies probably wont make the experience any worse when i play through God of War 1 and 2 again :)
_leech_ said:
So, 2xAA and I got my last question answered :lol

That's pretty damn disappointing tbh 2xmsaa and 720p is hardly top tier IQ, they'll have to manage a 100% rock solid 60hz refresh with zero tearing to impress me now.

Getting rid of the tearing and the often dodgy framerate would be a huge improvement, so I could excuse the so-so IQ if they nail that aspect.

Hopefully they get at least 4xaf in there at least, presuming they implement mip-mapping of course.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Other pubs seem at least curious about the idea of re-releasing some of their ps2 back catalogue on ps3 in a similar way:


“We are constantly exploring unique ways to expose players to some of our legacy titles such as Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill” a Konami representative told us. “Re-releasing games on Blu-ray presents an exciting opportunity for a publisher, however we have no announcements at this time”.

“I don’t want anyone reading this the wrong way (as I’m not saying anything like this could happen) but I’m seeing some interested for DMC to get this treatment” said Capcom’s Christian Svensson, posting on the company’s Unity forums. “Are there other titles you’d like see go this way? I’m looking for some temperature readings”.

“We’re always looking at new ways of getting content on PS3″ Sony’s Patrick Seybold told us, “but as of now, [God of War] is the only one planned.”

Square Enix, sadly, refused to offer comment.

Maybe ought to go to your favourite games' publishers and let them know what you'd like. A mini-industry could pop up for smaller devs handling porting duties on such titles too which would be cool.


How long before someone finally asks Sony if they've even thought of doing this for SoTC and ICO? It's the question that everyone wants asked when it comes to these BR releases.
I like that pubs are at least open to the idea judging by that above quote. I guess it all depends on how this blu-ray GoW does. Hope it sells a ton.

That Sly Cooper Trilogy box up there looks hot.
gofreak said:
Other pubs seem at least curious about the idea of re-releasing some of their ps2 back catalogue on ps3 in a similar way:


Maybe ought to go to your favourite games' publishers and let them know what you'd like. A mini-industry could pop up for smaller devs handling porting duties on such titles too which would be cool.
Silent Hill 2+3 HD pleeeeease.

The fact that Svensson mentioned DMC and not Resident Evil 4 means that RE4 is already happening, by the way :lol


gofreak said:
Other pubs seem at least curious about the idea of re-releasing some of their ps2 back catalogue on ps3 in a similar way:


Such a stupid idea.

Maybe Konami should worry about making a good Silent Hill and stop letting The Collective ruin the series.

A mini-industry could pop up for smaller devs handling porting duties on such titles too which would be cool.

No. Those developers should be tasked with creating original ips and innovative ideas we haven't seen before.


RbBrdMan said:
For me it's not the aspect of 'backwards compatibility' and more of the aspects of 720p and Trophies that engaged my excitement.

i thought that the PS3 already does upscaling.

are trophies the PS3 version of achievments?


Sipowicz said:
i thought that the PS3 already does upscaling.

are trophies the PS3 version of achievments?

It does upscale. However, these are being remastered to be native 720p. The PS3 upscaling won't come close to looking as good as this collection will look on a HDTV.

Honestly, the upscaling job PS3 does for PS2 games is pretty meh.


gofreak said:
Other pubs seem at least curious about the idea of re-releasing some of their ps2 back catalogue on ps3 in a similar way:


Maybe ought to go to your favourite games' publishers and let them know what you'd like. A mini-industry could pop up for smaller devs handling porting duties on such titles too which would be cool.

I'm guessing publishers are going to be watching sales closely. As long as the sales are ok or better, the green light for multiple projects will be lit. It can't be too expensive to remaster PS2 games at this point.

I really want an ICO/SOTC package next. Same setup, 60fps, 720p, and 40 bucks I'm there day one.


The IGN interview basically confirms that this was only possible for GOW. I'm not gonna get my hopes up for seeing other PS2 titles getting this treatment.

Too bad, I've never played the Silent Hill series. Would've loved a compilation of that one.
I don't care, I hope this idea takes off. As someone who doesn't have the rig nor the know-how to set up a PS2 emulator to run games at high resolutions, I would willingly pay to replay some PS2 gems in HD, with trophies (thats just a bonus).
The plus is that many of my favorite games from last gen are 1st/2nd party games, so the chance is high.

For once I want SE to whore out the same games on a 'different' platform. FFX and XII would be awesome to play again they way I remember them. Reality bites.


I should be doing hw said:
I don't care, I hope this idea takes off. As someone who doesn't have the rig nor the know-how to set up a PS2 emulator to run games at high resolutions, I would willingly pay to replay some PS2 gems in HD, with trophies (thats just a bonus).
The plus is that many of my favorite games from last gen are 1st/2nd party games, so the chance is high.

For once I want SE to whore out the same games on a 'different' platform. FFX and XII would be awesome to play again they way I remember them. Reality bites.

I would KILL for remastered editions of FFX international (with it's superior sphere grid) and FFXII international or whatever it's called that introduced a class system.
I want konami and Koj Prod to "remaster" me an MGS 2 & 3 package and a godly ZOE 1 & 2 package... then finally violate the backside of my wallet with a ZOE 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


Is it strange that I'm more excited about this than 90% of the other releases this holiday?

For me, these games are the main reason I wanted BC on my PS3. I only briefly played GoW 1 and never touched GoW 2 so I can't wait to finally experience these.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Blu_LED said:
Interview on IGN

Two separate trophy lists
Two platinums
They are not touching the art
Trying not to add high res textures
No God of War III demo
All God of War extras included
God of War II extras are having trouble getting in, because of seconds disc

Two platinums, the fuck?

Too bad about no GoWIII-demo, I hope they understand how much it would increase the sales of the package.

ACE 1991

SolidSnakex said:
How long before someone finally asks Sony if they've even thought of doing this for SoTC and ICO? It's the question that everyone wants asked when it comes to these BR releases.

I believe they were asked about doing it in the recent IGN interviewa bout the GoW collection.


bish gets all the credit :)
Blu_LED apparently can't read.

It says
So what we're exploring is putting that content in what's called a media file, so you'll be able to use your PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar, go over into the Media area and have all the functionality of that to view those movies. So, one of the benefits is that you'll now be able to stop the stuff, rewind, fast-forward, so you'll treat them just like media files. So that's pretty cool.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Not touching the art, no high-res textures... mmmh, this smells more and more like emulation to me (no, no BC for all PS3's :p, I am just still going by the game-profile [extracted with the PS2's Performance Analyzer] assisted emulation... basically PS3 code that launches the compilation and each title is packed on the disc with its own optimized emulator profile and emulator).


_RT_ said:
DVD's can't fit on a Blu-Ray? I don't get it.

It's not about the space, if they just put the video on the blu-ray to view as an FMV, you can't forward, rewind, pause, etc. like in a player. It'll be like the Street Fighter anniversary thing on PS2 that had the SF2 anime movie, which you would have to sit through from beginning to end.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Panajev2001a said:
Not touching the art, no high-res textures... mmmh, this smells more and more like emulation to me (no, no BC for all PS3's :p, I am just still going by the game-profile [extracted with the PS2's Performance Analyzer] assisted emulation... basically PS3 code that launches the compilation and each title is packed on the disc with its own optimized emulator profile and emulator).

not as simple as that I'd say"

John Hight: That's a good question. So, we're still kind of evaluating, but we were prepared to upgrade the textures, at least on Kratos on both games, but honestly it's looking so good that we're thinking, you know what? It's probably better to keep it in its pure form. We're playing around with potentially swapping out textures on some of the user interface and the fonts just to make them a little more readable. It looked great back on the PS2 on a regular TV, or even an HDTV, but once you get into an HDTV running at 720p, some of the text gets a little weedy, so we are going to swap that out.


I know it will never happen, but I would love to see a Clover collection with Viewtiful Joe, Okami and God Hand.

It's cool that Capcom and Konami are both at least a little interested in the idea. A DMC collection and an MGS collection would both be great.


Sorry but this thread is a mess, how much will this be on release?

Also I would like some other publishers to re-release old games with trophys; Resident Evil 4 on PS3 with trophys =D
Christopher said:
Sorry but this thread is a mess, how much will this be on release?

Also I would like some other publishers to re-release old games with trophys; Resident Evil 4 on PS3 with trophys =D
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