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George Zimmerman auctioning off gun that he used in Trayvon Martin shooting.

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Hi guys, german here. This case was even news here back then, with the general consensus that this guy only walked free because of some weird ass self defense law.

Now, question that I have: Since then, has this law changed? Are there at least attempts by sane politicians to change this bullshit so something like this can't happen again?

I think that specific law has actually spread with more states adopting it since.
You mean to tell me that George Zimmerman is a liar???



I think that specific law has actually spread with more states adopting it since.

Ok, I think that's enough U.S.-Stuff for me for today. If this is really the case, I feel physically sick.

And to think that ten years ago I was actually contemplating a move to the U.S....

When I was a teenager during the 90s I always looked to North America as an exciting and cool place to some time end up, not dull and full of small town neo nazis like germany. Mind, we had Hoyerswerda at the beginning of the 90s ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoyerswerda_riots ) and stuff, and our politicians actually catered to this scum back then by changing our asylum laws.

Nowdays, with the rise of Trump and all the news we hear here about police fuck ups in the U.S., I'm really happy to live here, especially after Merkel basically told all the right wing extremists to fuck off during the refugee crisis, while being the head of our moderate right wing party.

AYF 001

Glad to see my hunch about the site being able to take it down was right. I'd be interested to see if they post a statement regarding why they did it, but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. Of course, there's still other gun auction sites on the Internet, and Zimmerman clearly isn't the type of person to learn from their actions, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it pop up somewhere else.


Junior Member
Bastard deserves to be in prison. He's pure scum, and I have zero doubt that he lied about every single thing that happened the night he shot that kid in cold blood.
Ok, I think that's enough U.S.-Stuff for me for today. If this is really the case, I feel physically sick.

The law played zero part the case, because
A. Zimmerman did seek Martin out and
B. It was presumed that, since he could not retreat at a certain point, he could not use this as a defense.

Thus, the defense used self-defense rather than making a claim under castle doctrine or SYG.

Castle doctrine(your home, car, and place of work) and stand-your-ground(anywhere you have a legal right to be) absolves the duty to retreat if you can in many circumstances. However, once the fight began, if Zimmerman was on his back, there was no ability to retreat, and thus neither law would protect him in this case, although self-defense may have. This was the weakness of the defense's case, since he had the right to be there, but went into harm's way, leaving Martin ALSO open to self-defense, as he not only had the ability to retreat, but WAS retreating until the fight, which, other things equal, Zimmerman corroborated, as did the non-emergency dispatch call.

This law has since spread, that much is true, and there have been a number of cases that attempted to use it as a defense but failed to reach the required standard for it. More, in fact, than have been successfully used as a defense.

As an example, if your ex-husband is trying to take your children, and you go out to your car, grab your gun, and return, before firing a warning shot, you are not covered under self-defense, castle doctrine, or stand your ground, because you retreated and then came back.

If an intruder breaks into your home, and flees at the sight of a gun, and you fire as they are fleeing, you are not covered under any of these, because the assailant here was fleeing, and stand-your-ground only counts when the felonious intent of the assailant is clear.

If an intruder breaks into your home, and you lie in wait for them, knowing they will come, before gunning them down, premeditation removes every defense you have, even if they were armed, with felonious intent.

If you shoot someone at your door because you were scared, but there was no threat, then there is no defense.

If an intruder breaks in, is armed, and actively threatened your family, you have the right to defend yourself within your home, without the duty to run away.

If a gunman began to open fire at a public place, and you are carrying a weapon, you do not have a duty to retreat, as the gunman clearly has felonious intent.

All-in-all, the law has been a net negative because people don't actually understand it, but then, I think all of these would happen regardless of SYG, and most cases that use it as a defense successfully would have also been covered under self-defense. The issue is that it creates a culture that nurtures the 'gunslinger hero' archetype, and there are PLENTY of people who carry because of that alone. 's just not right.
Wasn't surprised to hear a conservative radio station spin this story into how a "crazy leftie" will buy it as a political statement.


how is this person still alive

i don't personally believe in vigilante justice but i'd figure that there are enough people that do that somebody would've found him and killed him by now
how is this person still alive

i don't personally believe in vigilante justice but i'd figure that there are enough people that do that somebody would've found him and killed him by now

Well, there was one attempt, but I don't think it had anything to do with BLM, it was just another crazy guy with a gun.


this is like OJ auctioning the gloves from his trial. as a piece of "american history"

Or working with a ghostwriter on a book called "If I Did It", or something like that. But that'd be absur...



(But, as a somewhat happy epilogue to that story, the rights to the book were transferred to the Goldman family, with a somewhat different presentation of the cover:)



Kills Photobucket
Yeah the law screwed up in this.

Basically, people can stalk a person and if that person resists in any way they are not allowed to stand their ground. The stalker can use deadly force on the persuaded are stalking. It's absolutely sickening.

Then there's the right wing nuts who always shout to the heavens about how the black kid should have listened to police whenever they're shot, yet don't say a thing about Zimmerman ignoring police instructions to not chase Martin.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well, after all it's Zimmerman we're talking about:
Shortly after his Twitter account was banned.
He's going all out for quite some time now.

Edit: Also Gunbroker.com is listing him as a verified member.
Holy fucking shit O_O

I didn't even notice that Punisher quote at the end. Jesus Christ.
Punisher...? It's an old Latin quote from the 5th century. :\

I'm sure it surprises no-one, but the Smithsonian have confirmed that they've never had any interest in this gun:

I am shocked, shocked, that he'd lie about this like he did about everything else!

Looks like the auction was taken down?
Oh good.


Wow. My mistake for thinking he couldn't possibly be a bigger piece of shit than he already was. Just thinking about all the diet racism and bullshit excuses being thrown around during the trial from his supporters makes my blood boil.

Edit: It got take down. Good. Unfortunately, given his history, I know we haven't heard the last from him. He'll be in the news again.
Ok, I think that's enough U.S.-Stuff for me for today. If this is really the case, I feel physically sick.

And to think that ten years ago I was actually contemplating a move to the U.S....

When I was a teenager during the 90s I always looked to North America as an exciting and cool place to some time end up, not dull and full of small town neo nazis like germany. Mind, we had Hoyerswerda at the beginning of the 90s ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoyerswerda_riots ) and stuff, and our politicians actually catered to this scum back then by changing our asylum laws.

Nowdays, with the rise of Trump and all the news we hear here about police fuck ups in the U.S., I'm really happy to live here, especially after Merkel basically told all the right wing extremists to fuck off during the refugee crisis, while being the head of our moderate right wing party.

if you live in the large cities (LA< NY, Chicago, Seattle, Miami) you won't see that non-sense. even the mid size cities are more liberal than their conservative state representatives.


Is it legal to ship a firearm using only Priority Mail or UPS Ground shipping?

Wouldn't you need a special license to do that?

I know you can't even ship alcohol in some states without a license or permit.

Transfers like this are done through a FFL (Federal Firearms License) holder. You give the seller your FFL holder's info for shipment, etc. - most gun shops will receive the shipment, then handle the background check, etc. for a nominal fee to keep everything legal.


aka IMurRIVAL69
George Zimmerman, who shot and killed the teenager, had planned to auction what he called "an American icon" on the website Gun Broker on Thursday.
But the web posting was removed just as the auction was due to begin with an opening bid of $5,000 (£3,450).

United Gun Group will now host the auction, however their website is currently offline.
Mr Zimmerman, 32, a neighbourhood watchman, was cleared over the death of the teenager in February 2012 after saying he acted in self-defence.

In a statement on Facebook, United Gun Group says that their stance is that as long as Mr Zimmerman "is obeying the letter of the law, his personal firearm sale will be permitted on our network." Todd Underwood, who owns United Gun Group, confirmed the listing and told the Washington Post that "I don't support it, I don't condone it, I don't have anything against it. It's his property, it's his decision."

A statement on Gun Broker's website said that Mr Zimmerman had made the posting himself, without consulting with website administrators.

"We want no part in the listing on our web site or in any of the publicity it is receiving," the statement read.


It's still happening.

Red Mage

I wish that I was uber rich. I would hire the best professional thief who exists and have the gun disappear. Only way I can think of to keep him from profiting from killing Trayvon.

Why do people still pull that B. HUSSEIN Obama bullshit? What, do you think he's secretly Saddam in disguise?

Actually, I am pretty sure that they do it because they know that it pisses people off.


B. Hussein Obama...

So is Zimmerman just trying to go full OJ Simpson, or is he trying to go even further beyond?
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