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GFW Radio (97.5 - The Brodeo) 08/27/08


madmook said:
What? Is this some other "inside joke" or something?

Its sounds like that community manager Tina.

if you guys are confused just by this, then cutting the rest of the show was a good idea(tm)

edit :: yeah, it's tina.


Confirmed Asshole
Shig said:
The issue with Euro comics is that there's very little being distributed here. Some publishers will dabble (Marvel currently has a small line of reprinted French stuff) but it always falls pretty flat and then inevitably goes dormant. Perhaps it's time for a comic swap in the same vein as the candy one?
Well, that's unfortunate. We get all the american stuff over here, so it's definitely an imbalance.

You should of course be able to find lots of specific collectors at conventions, but it seems like prices would be rather high considering what you say about retail supply.

FartOfWar said:
Yeah, if there's any translated stuff outside of the classics, Inhumanoid's library, and other such stuff let us know. Any comics about Moroccan immigrants, for example?
Inhumanoid's library - I don't know what that is.

I don't know any comic series about Moroccan immigrants.

Vittorio Giardino has some books with a protagonist that was involved in the Spanish Civil War; he's constantly confronted with his past through agents that recognize him et cetera. I can't recall the series' title, but Giardino is pretty good in general anyway.
That was weird. As soon as I heard Ryan say he has a TV show to talk about, I started thinking that it would be Burn Notice before he said it. What the hell. Burn Notice is a fun show to watch.


darkressurection said:
Hey skip, you should give the cut hour of the show to PAX 1UP Yours attendees.:D

not a bad idea, but I don't have the time nor the budget to burn tons of CDs!

(plus really you're not missing all that much)
skip said:
not a bad idea, but I don't have the time nor the budget to burn tons of CDs!

(plus really you're not missing all that much)
When are you guys flying out to Seattle? I can't wait to meet you all at the meetup.
Hey if you guys wanna check out Burn Notice its on Hulu, its all ive been watching since moving into the dorms. The first season expires in a couple days tho. Shawn, I'd love to hear your take on the lead girl's lips.

Also, we now know Nick Suttner is from some "common wealth" country.


but ever so delicious
Oh sweet Demigod talk next week.

Just checked wikipedia, hell i didnt know demigod wasnt out untill next year, thought it was coming out in a month or two.


Buttonbasher said:
Check the 1up Radio feed. It was in there on the Fantastic Zune Marketplace™!

uh-uh.. this seems familiar.

edit, BTW I just checked its def not on itunes.

edit2, no youre right, it was in the 1upradio feed.


I actually came in to read this thread because I knew that "Chris" could not be a guy. Sanity +1.

I watched season one of Burn Notice a couple of months ago and thought it was a very good summer show. I quit watching season two a couple weeks ago. That whole secondary plot started driving me nuts. It just seemed so formulaic and forced. Sadly, it just sucked the fun factor out of the show for me. Blah, blah, blah. Call it a defect, but I just hate melodrama.


Neo Member
Burn notice is pretty fun if not completely formulaic. After seeing two episodes you know exactly how each episode is going to pan out. It's still a lot of fun to watch, but if they switched up the rules a little every once in a while, it would keep the tension. The actors in the show are enjoyable to watch. If they made the show into a game you'd go in with some tape and a bag of cell phones. That's all you need.


eznark said:
I just read that HBO passed on The Preacher
Was Mark Steven Johnson still attached to the project? If he was, maybe it was for the better. After MSJ (in my eyes) f'd up both the Daredevil and Ghost Rider movies, Preacher would have been better off without him....


yeah, he was. Said they were in the planning/budgeting stage.


Apparently not. Mark Steven Johnson told Comics Continuum that they've passed on the series. "We were budgeting and everything and it was getting really close to going. But the new head of HBO felt it was just too dark and too violent and too controversial. Which, of course, is kind of the point! It was a very faithful adaptation of the first few books, nearly word for word. They offered me the chance to redevelop it but I refused. I've learned my lesson on that front and I won't do it again. So I'm afraid it's dead at HBO."

But, Johnson says that he's heard that someone is trying to obtain the rights for a big screen adaptation, and that he hopes it happens -- and that whoever nabs it can do the stories justice in a series of films. "Someone" doesn't narrow it down much, but shall we let our imaginations run wild? Frankly, in this world where the legendarily un-filmable (Lord of the Rings, Watchmen) is being made every day, I can't believe Preacher remains untouched. Isn't every studio dying for its own mature comic franchise? Isn't there a daring young filmmaker who's just dying to be boycotted, picketed, and harassed? Aren't we constantly hearing that all publicity, no matter how bad and hysterical, is desirable? Let's put it to the test. Whoever that "someone" is that's angling for the rights, may they succeed, and get Preacher on the big screen.


Lost all credibility.
Holy crap, for a while I thought it was a real kid and Shawn was gonna end up getting fired from 1UP by the human resources dept.


FartOfWar said:
I'm asking what happens when they let us change our characters/builds between spawns not rounds. The current set up is a design choice not a beta bug. It has to do with the way that the game tracks stats per character.
So you guys have word from dice that skill resetting is an in game feature? Many of the beta testers are unsure if it's something that's intended, or something that's just there for them to test different build sets.

As for the potentially overpowered class combo discussion, I don't think your argument is completely valid. Reason being you were playing in a coordinated team , while the opposition was a disorganized group of pubbers. I'd say it's DICE's intent to have skill combos that work well together ; in the case of coordinated teams, the opposition would then be able to use some sort of combo of their own as a counter. Of course, that's not to say that combo isn't unstoppable, or that there is no combo with those qualities.

It's also funny that you guys picked up on WW that fast. Haven't played in a while but I bet everyone must be whoring it.


A Euro comic I've enjoyed is the Dungeon series by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim. There are several volumes available in English, as well as another title by Trondheim, A.L.I.E.E.N.

A recent good read was Suspended in Language, a comic biography of Niels Bohr. Good stuff.


Suburban Cowboy said:
Also, we now know Nick Suttner is from some "common wealth" country.

He is from South Africa. He has always been from South Africa. He will always be from South Africa.


skip said:
(plus really you're not missing all that much)


can you upload it separately and post a link. the more brodeo there is on commutes the better. it really doesn't matter what they're talking about.


Hold up.

I will back up the Booster Gold recommendation. It's not profound or anything, it's just a really fun time travel adventure comic. If that doesn't interest you, fair enough.


FartOfWar said:
Blah blah blah. I have tons of euro books. First-rate art, often second class storytelling. But yeah I have all of Gimenez's stuff, Enki Bilal, Frezzato, Moebius, Jodorowsky, etc. I'll take recommendations but find me one as good as Chris Ware. Manara doesn't count.

Edit: What the fuck? Ennis is an Irishman. Inoue is Japanese. Sacco is the one American I mentioned.

Have you read anything by Jason? http://forbiddenplanet.co.uk/blog/?p=4515


Neo Member
Do you think Battlefield Heroes will pull the Battlefield Bad Company players from Xbox and PS3? I feel like one of the big draws for BF:BC is the destructible environments and it looks like Battlefield Heroes won't have them.


FartOfWar said:
There was Warhead talk. It might've been sandwiched in the bullshit we cut. Sorry!

DarkRes -- I'm in Seattle now.
Shit, really? I'm assuming you'll be at the 1up meet-ups. And Darkres, have you been by 'that other place' we're gathered at?
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