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I'm surprised that Mel Brook's Spaceballs seems generally disliked.

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I have super fond memories of it as a kid but i enjoy it less every time I see it. I remember buying it on sale a few years ago and immediately just thinking, "Why?"
I dislike all "stupid" comedies including this one. Leslie Nielsen movies were the worst. I'd rather pour salt into an open wound than watch that crap.

I watched Spaceballs for the first time a while ago. It was a bit hit and miss, but that's most Mel Brooks films for me. I'll take ZAZ over Brooks any time.


Spaceballs got voted our official senior class movie in high school. lol

Seems like pretty much everyone around my age liked it growing up.


It's OK I think people love it but realistically its corny and not funny at all lol...I liked it when I was 15 though.
Typically the kind of people that point to this as a classic or say it's "fucking hilarious man!" have terrible taste and are also the type to tell a bad joke. I bet 99% of the people who make bad puns as their first response to every thread LOVE spaceballs.


I've never met a person who doesn't like it. It's not Mel Brooks greatest by a long shot, but it's enjoyable.

He had a helluva career and I always found it hard to wrap my head around that he produced The Fly and Elephant Man.


good credit (by proxy)
I thought I loved it from when I was a kid, then tried to watch a year ago and couldn't get past halfway through. It stinks.

"I see your schwarz is as big as mine" is still funny though.
I disliked it when I was younger because it's pretty witless comedy and I was a wanna-be film snob. It wasn't as good as Airplane or Naked Gun. Or even Hot Shots. But I tried watching it again when I became a bit older and I learned to appreciate it for it's cheesy, 'bad joke' qualities.


I'm a huge Mel Brooks fan. Young Frankenstein is my favorite parody movie of all time, followed by Blazing Saddles. And I really, really dislike Spaceballs.
I think it's a good film, but the humor is outdated. Might be why it's getting low ratings today.

I think it's funny as hell, but it's not the kind of humor people look for now.

I saw that said in another thread but most of its jokes still work today, are actually very few where the references may be missed by a younger generation. The movies it borrows from are all classics, is only a couple of advert jokes that might not be picked up on.


I'm opposite. I can't grasp its popularity. Never cared for it. To hear people quote it makes me cringe inside.

Hardware Wars is my preferred parody. Spaceballs just isn't my brand of dumb humor.


I'm willing to bet most people here saying they love it probably watched it first when fairly young? I watched it for the first time at 21 and... yeah? it was okay? The humour is kinda juvenile and I really wouldn't compare it to being as funny as many other Mel Brooks films. Definitely wouldn't rewatch it.

54% on Rotten Tomatoes seems pretty accurate to me.


I love Spaceballs as well as Men in Tights. I have more trouble getting into his movies that came out before I was born.

Pizza the Hut was totally disgusting though and made me nauseous when I was a kid :lol


I disliked it when I was younger because it's pretty witless comedy and I was a wanna-be film snob. It wasn't as good as Airplane or Naked Gun. Or even Hot Shots. But I tried watching it again when I became a bit older and I learned to appreciate it for it's cheesy, 'bad joke' qualities.

Hot Shots is barely watchable compared to those.


just echoing a lot of posts in here, I've never met a single person who didn't at least think spaceballs was enjoyable and funny


It's OK I think people love it but realistically its corny and not funny at all lol...I liked it when I was 15 though.
Typically the kind of people that point to this as a classic or say it's "fucking hilarious man!" have terrible taste and are also the type to tell a bad joke. I bet 99% of the people who make bad puns as their first response to every thread LOVE spaceballs.

The thing I notice about a lot of (not all) nerds and geeks is that their sensibilities, especially in terms of humour, tend to lock into place around the age of 12 or 13 and never really progress beyond that.


I'm willing to bet most people here saying they love it probably watched it first when fairly young? I watched it for the first time at 21 and... yeah? it was okay? The humour is kinda juvenile and I really wouldn't compare it to being as funny as many other Mel Brooks films. Definitely wouldn't rewatch it.

54% on Rotten Tomatoes seems pretty accurate to me.

Bad juvenile humor in parody movies is more like those rash of Epic, Not Another *insert here* movies that were being churned out some years ago. Those were just awful vapid parody movies.


I'm a Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles person. I haven't seen Spaceballs in a long time, but I didn't really like it as a kid.


I was thinking about this earlier in the thread. If you had to ask me which I would re-watch, Spaceballs or Star Wars it would be spaceballs without question.

I think I'm leaning the same way. I was born the year before Return of the Jedi came out so my first exposure (that I can remember) was actually watching this spoof on Cinemax when I was about 7 or 8. It got to the point I was scouring the TV Guide to find the next showing so my mom finally just taped it. I think I wore that VHS out. I didn't get introduced to Star Wars until much much later when I went to a sleepover at a friend's house and his older brothers made us watch them. I really did think they were awesome but I couldn't get Spaceballs out of my head. As soon as I got home, I had to rewatch Spaceballs so I could have an even greater appreciation for it!

I know some will say that is sacrilege but there it is.

This has to be one of the worst movies made.


The oldest trick in the book!


Hot Shots is barely watchable compared to those.

I loved Hot Shots when I was 12. I saw it in the theatre. I probably wouldn't be able to get through ten minutes of it now.

Really, the only silly movie from that era I can still watch is UHF, and only because it's sort of a proto "Tim and Eric".
It's OK I think people love it but realistically its corny and not funny at all lol...I liked it when I was 15 though.
Typically the kind of people that point to this as a classic or say it's "fucking hilarious man!" have terrible taste and are also the type to tell a bad joke. I bet 99% of the people who make bad puns as their first response to every thread LOVE spaceballs.

My god, some of you people need to get over yourselves in this thread. I like Spaceballs. I also like PG Wodehouse, and Black Adder, and Mitch Hedberg standup and numerous other things that run the artifical gamut of low to high humor*. Accept that taste is subjective.

(*Which, like the manufactured distinction between literary fiction and genre, is bullshit. Literarure (with a capital L) is marketing nonsense. Its all literature, its not a signifier of quality.)


My god, some of you people need to get over opurselves in this thread. I like Spaceballs. I also like PG Wodehouse, and Black Adder, and Mitch Hedberg standup and numerous other things that run the artifical gamut of low to high humor.

(Which, like the manufactured distinction between literary fiction and genre, is bullshit. Literarure (with a capital L) is marketing nonsense. Its all literature, its not a signifier of quality.)

Dont you dare lump Mitch Hedberg with the rest of that


I never met anyone who hated or even just disliked Spaceballs.

I've have met people who have never seen Spaceballs, but once I ask them to watch it with me I have never heard anyone say they hate it. It's a really funny and charming movie.
Never met anyone that hated it, but met plenty that didn't find it to be very funny. I'm one of them that thinks that it's a tad bit overrated in retrospect, like Ghostbusters or so many other "classic" comedies of the '80s. I watched it when it released at the theatres when I was fourteen, liked it well enough, but kinda-sorta grew more or less to feel that it was a bit mediocre once it started to run on cable constantly by '89 and on. It's definitely not on the same level as Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein, anyway, and those were already old when I was old enough to appreciate them. Aside from some bits, like the VHS gag or the hair pick the black not-stormtroopers are using to 'comb' the desert, it's all a bit flat. For something similar, I'd rather rewatch Ice Pirates.
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