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Insomniac/Ted Price talk about Sunset Ovedrive, helmed by Resistance leads


What about Ninja Gaiden 3's Wii U version? It was apparently being published by Nintendo but is now on PS360.

I think Nintendo distributed, but was published by Tecmo-Koei.

Most of the XBLA games like Limbo, Castle Crashers and Braid were published by Microsoft on the 360. Regardless of their timed exclusivity, Microsoft was the publisher of those games.

Regarding Mass Effect and Ninja Gaiden 2, it's not important how they changed platforms. The fact of the matter is that EA and Tecmo wanted them to be on PS3, so they found a way to make them on PS3.

That's the risk you run when you publish a game without owning the IP. As long as Microsoft doesn't directly develop the game in-house, there's not that much they can do if the IP holder wants to go elsewhere once the contractual period has expired.
Being a publisher of an XBLA game doesn't involve splashing millions of dollars publishing it, in fact Giantbomb stated that publishing could mean as weak as just giving out slots (Like D3 always does) Those games were contracted on the basis of them being timed exclusive regardless of the publisher. Also, the fact you are comparing XBLA games to full blown AAA game is laughable.

As said, ME comparisons needs to stop. EA bought them and was allowed to do whatever they want with IP. I can't see anyone buying Insomniac, especially as they have stayed so long to be independent developer. And Ninja Gaiden games were quite an upgrade. One could say they were made so it would barely escape the legality of things. I thin Msoft by now would rather sign a full punctuated deal to retain any advantage from the competitor.

They can't do much once the contract deal expires but they have a choice of lengthening that time of the deal. Once that time arrives you would have moved on (Like Limbo)


What about Ninja Gaiden 3's Wii U version? It was apparently being published by Nintendo but is now on PS360.

these guys (teamninja/tecmo) are notorious for releasing rehashed formerly exclusive games across every platform. it was bound to happen.

i dont see that happening with insomniac. much less if this game is a success.


someone in the xbox thread made the avatar for me based on the rumors. I sported it for good fun.

I'm legit excited about the Xbox One and how it will allow us to rapidly update the game and interface with players. on a personal level, I'm super stoked on how the Xbox One interfaces with TV/video and sports apps/blu-ray/skype w/ fast-app switching etc. i'm also excited about the lineup of exclusives.

(oh, and I have a PS4 pre-ordered too... I'm still as hardcore as they come... Nov will be an expensive month).

How do you personally feel about the Big Brother invasive type of Control that Microsoft is pushing onto Xbox customers?
Wait... if Resistance guys are heading this then who was in charge of Fuse? I guessed it was a lot of the core Resistance guys + some Ratchet fokes but I never cared enough to look it up.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Sony owns both the Ratchet and Resistance IP so it's not like Insomniac had much of a choice. Abandoning ship would've also meant abandoning their brand new franchise and game engine.
Both were a choice Insomniac originally made, to allow the publisher to own those IPs. Nothing should have stopped them from creating new IPs sooner and finding a publishing partner that would let them keep those IPs, while still working with Sony on the Ratchet and Resistance IPs if they wanted. They certainly didn't need to lock themselves into making a total of 8 games for those two franchises on the PS3 before deciding to move on.

And as much as they may own the Sunset Overdrive IP, its fortunes in the short to mid-term are exclusively tied to one console, so the merit of owning the IP is essentially in stasis until that plays out.

Agent X

Gold Member
And as much as they may own the Sunset Overdrive IP, its fortunes in the short to mid-term are exclusively tied to one console, so the merit of owning the IP is essentially in stasis until that plays out.

I have my doubts about whether the Sunset Overdrive IP would appear on another console anytime in the foreseeable future. If the game fizzles on Xbox One, then the franchise is dead at one game. On the other hand, if it's successful (even moderately so), then certainly both Insomniac and Microsoft would want to continue their partnership in an effort to repeat that success.

If we ever see any more Insomniac games on a Sony system in the future (and I hope that we do), then it's highly unlikely to be this game, or anything related to it.

Ploid 3.0

Any reaction from Yoshida or Cerny? They're probably more sad than pissed.

Although it's a shock to fans, it's a standard thing for those types of people. Cerny worked with them so he'd probably wish them all the best and I'm sure some of them are probably friends with him.


Ninja Gaiden was changed as a Sigma. Madd Effect was bought and paid heavily by EA and XBLA games were all timed-exclusive...

Mass Effect isn't an appropriate comparison since EA purchased Bioware after Mass Effect released, and for the most part, EA is very much a multiplatform publisher. Ninja Gaiden, too, isn't an appropriate comparison since Itagaki was pushed out of Team Ninja , who was the single most influential man within the business, and the reason why Team Ninja games were exclusive to the Xbox platform in the first place.
I guess the best example in current media would be when South Park references things almost immediately after they happen, which is kind of crazy on a scripted TV show. We plan to be similar with pop-culturally relevant items while they are still fresh.


Nice one Insomniac. Just keep twisting that knife in the back of your long time fans.
Mass Effect isn't an appropriate comparison since EA purchased Bioware after Mass Effect released, and for the most part, EA is very much a multiplatform publisher. Ninja Gaiden, too, isn't an appropriate comparison since Itagaki was pushed out of Team Ninja , who was the single most influential man within the business, and the reason why Team Ninja games were exclusive to the Xbox.

I don't think you quite understand what I'm trying to say. I'm saying the IP holder has ultimate control over where their games go. If the IP holder and publisher are not the same company, the IP holder can get a different publisher to put their game somewhere else if they so desire. It doesn't matter what the specifics of the situation are - the final say always comes down to the owner of the IP.

It just so happens that people like Itagaki and Cliffy had very strong ties to Microsoft and XBOX - as extremely influential people who worked for the IP holders, they were the reason games like Gaiden and Gears were exclusive. If they changed their minds or other people took control of those IPs, they could go anywhere. They could even go to Nintendo systems if another publisher was willing to put them there.

For a good example, look at the PC versions of FFVII and FFVIII. Sony published the PS1 versions of those games in North America. Square then let Eidos publish the PC versions.


I don't think you quite understand what I'm trying to say. I'm saying the IP holder has ultimate control over where their games go. If the IP holder and publisher are not the same company, the IP holder can get a different publisher to put their game somewhere else if they so desire. It doesn't matter what the specifics of the situation are - the final say always comes down to the owner of the IP.

It just so happens that people like Itagaki and Cliffy had very strong ties to Microsoft and XBOX - as IP holders, they were the reason games like Gaiden and Gears stayed exclusive. If they changed their minds or other people took control of those IPs, they could go anywhere. They could even go to Nintendo systems if another publisher was willing to put them there.

For a good example, look at the PC versions of FFVII and FFVIII. Sony published the PS1 versions of those games in North America. Square then let Eidos publish the PC versions.

Gears of War is a Microsoft-owned IP, so you can't really use that as an example...?

Also, I'm /pretty/ sure FF has always been a Square-owned IP, disregarding the console. Square chose the console because more power.

Nice one Insomniac. Just keep twisting that knife in the back of your long time fans.

I'm pretty sure long time fans would know that Insomniac were independent since they existed.
Gears of War is a Microsoft-owned IP, so you can't really use that as an example...?

Also, I'm /pretty/ sure FF has always been a Square-owned IP, disregarding the console. Square chose the console because more power.

Incorrect. Gears of War is, and has always been, owned by Epic. Not Microsoft. It is entirely Epic's decision where those games go. They chose to make the games exclusive to the 360 because of their strong relationship with Microsoft and seemingly Cliffy's serious loyalty to the Xbox brand. They could easily put them elsewhere if they so desired and someone was willing to publish for them.

And yes, Square has always owned FF. They chose to work with Sony because the N64's cartridges would've held FF7 back. And they then chose to bring FF7 and FF8 to the PC later on with Eidos' help.


I don't think you quite understand what I'm trying to say. I'm saying the IP holder has ultimate control over where their games go. If the IP holder and publisher are not the same company, the IP holder can get a different publisher to put their game somewhere else if they so desire. It doesn't matter what the specifics of the situation are - the final say always comes down to the owner of the IP.

It just so happens that people like Itagaki and Cliffy had very strong ties to Microsoft and XBOX - as extremely influential people who worked for the IP holders, they were the reason games like Gaiden and Gears were exclusive. If they changed their minds or other people took control of those IPs, they could go anywhere. They could even go to Nintendo systems if another publisher was willing to put them there.

For a good example, look at the PC versions of FFVII and FFVIII. Sony published the PS1 versions of those games in North America. Square then let Eidos publish the PC versions.

And your point is? That there's a chance of Insomniac's game coming to the Playstation 4 if the company undergoes some sort of noteworthy internal restructuring?


I'm going to second the previous poster as well. The cries of betrayal are really childish, at best. Understanding how this industry works should have blossomed somewhere around the time the MGS trailer was shown at the MS conference, or the Destiny play through was featured at sony's. these studios have to do what is best for them.

Edit: and im not trying to single you out here, EMT0, but I can't help but roll my eyes when people act like they are personally betrayed. 'hypocritical and spiteful?' Im sorry, but that's a pretentious bit of nonsense.

Developers can do what they want. I don't take it personally. With my statement I was just making it very clear that any Dev that does an exclusive deal with MS is, in my view, endorsing Xbone systems and DRM policies, and I'll take that into account if they ever try to sell me something on another platform.

They doubly endorse it when community managers come on GAF talking about how said title can only be done using the amazing "cloud" capabilities as jstevenson has done here. If a Dev wants to come on here and parade PR "cloud" doublespeak that MS uses to justify their anti-consumer behavior (as if it's come out of some MS PR manual), then that developer had better be prepared to understand that some of us don't agree with it.
And your point is? That there's a chance of Insomniac's game coming to the Playstation 4 if the company undergoes some sort of noteworthy internal restructuring?

My point is that the game could go to PS4 if Insomniac wants it to. That's all that matters - what the IP holder wants.


My point is that the game could go to PS4 if Insomniac wants it to. That's all that matters - what the IP holder wants.

I don't really get the point of talking about hypotheticals. Remedy and Quantum Dream are both independent studios that could easily make games for the competition, but just because that's a legitimate possibility doesn't mean it's going to happen.

It's not like Sony didn't already have their chance at the franchise. Insomniac went to publishers, and Microsoft was the only one willing to fund the project while allowing Insomniac the opportunity to maintain the rights to the franchise.
It's not like Sony didn't already have their chance at the franchise. Insomniac went to publishers, and Microsoft was the only one willing to fund the project while allowing Insomniac the opportunity to maintain the rights to the franchise.

From the sounds of it, they didn't even approach Sony with this game. Their plan was always to go multiplatform with everything they made from FUSE onward, not counting Ratchet or Resistance. Why would they approach Sony with their new multiplatform IP?
R2 would of been a reason to have low expectations, R3 should of raised them ever so slightly.

Sorry, but Resistance 3 was a piss poor sequel and easily the weakest of the franchise IMO.

The single player and multiplayer ESPECIALLY felt like a weak ass generic CoD ripoff.
What made you guys decide to go with Microsoft instead of sticking with Sony? Just wondering.

its likely because their last 5-6 games got B/C reviews and underperformed in sales and Sony didn't feel like sinking more money into them if they can't pump out prestige titles

I'm pretty sure long time fans would know that Insomniac were independent since they existed.

And? For 11 years I've been able to play Insomniac games by owning a playstation. For 11 years I have bought every single Insomniac game because I know Insomniac are great devs.

This what Ted said in 2011:

We recognise we have a very loyal fanbase among Sony players, and we love them. We're definitely dedicated to them. However, we've always wanted to reach out to an even broader audience.

I'm guessing Fuse messed their plans :/

Insomniac know 99% of their fans are on PS but I guess money talks. I would of bought any other console to play this game but not the Xbox one. I wish Insomniac all the best luck with Sunset Overdirve and hope they find success because tbh the game represents what I love about their games: the charming characters, crazy weaponry and humour. It was the one game that stood out for me in the MS conference.

I'm curious, were you this upset when they did Outernaughts for Facebook? Because I have a hard time remembering the rallying cries of the forsaken betrayed.

You know, I suspect if half of the "outraged fans" that have suddenly sprung from the woodwork in the last week went out and bought Fuse, insomniac would be in a much better position these days, right? :)

Seriously though, give it a rest.

I'm sorry for derailing the thread. I will stop now.
Man, "Fans" can be an entitled bunch.

Yes, it's almost like some people like a developer and feel bad about not having the chance to play their new game! So entitled.

Seriously, some people both sides of this issue are just being ridiculous. There are definitely some Insomniac fans taking the negativity too far, but if you're insulting people for being disappointed they can't play a new game from a developer they clearly like, then you clearly don't understand how to interact with other people.

As long as they aren't mailing death threats to Jstevenson or writing long "shot themselves in the foot" posts, why does it matter how people feel about what Insomniac's doing?
conference didn't have anything to do with that beyond the price point.

I understand why people did, I still think if you're rating a conference, you're rating a conference.
I gave the conference a rather harsh rating, because of price and the presentation. I didn't feel any passion for next gen games at all, the presentation was pretty soulless. Game after game without any time to introduce them properly. After the conference ended I forgot most of the games already and actually struggled to remember some of them, the presentation was that unmemorable.

Between the bad Ryse demo and the decision to bring Killer Instinct back without putting Rare on it, I'm not sure MS really gets what I want. They seemed to work with a checklist on "how to impress the core gamer", but it didn't reach me at all.

Not talking about the DRM issues was another problem besides all of that. I liked some of the games they showed, but the presentation, price and the elephants in the room that remained unaddressed dragged the whole thing down immensely.
The conference didn't give me enough reasons why I should want to pay $500 for that system. That means the conference failed for me.


oh, btw, you were the first person on the internet to be right on top of it when you figured out Xbox execs were following insomniac along with all the other first-party partners.

everybody dismissed you, but you were dead on. We were scared to get them to stop following us and Ted as we figured you might check and find that even more mysterious.

Odd One was our hero during those speculation days. He kept that Xbox new IP thread alive and kicking.

On topic, has anyone announced the release window for the game? Or will it make the next E3?

Definitely one of the ONE titles shown at E3 I'm looking forward to,


All the best to Insomniac.

I played Spyro as a kid and enjoyed it. The Ratchet & Clank series was great, probably my favorite of all their franchises. I thought the concept Resistance was built on was great, but I didn't enjoy the game that much. I haven't had a chance to play FUSE yet.

If I decide to buy a Xbox One I'll def. check this game out. Be it demo or full game. Concept seems very cool & interesting if you guys can deliver.


lol i honestly felt terrible for Insomniac after E3. They spent most of the generation riding out the PS3 with Sony, and were one of PS3s best supporters early on. I think they found success in the early days with Ratchet and Resistance too. Somewhere along the way though, they lost the plot. And now yet again they're on the console that faces a really steep challenge, perhaps even moreso than PS3. Good luck to them. Too many wrong bets and bad games will take its toll.
Eh, I wish nothing but the best for all the Insomniac people, but will not support the type of DRM-scheme that Microsoft is trying to set up, and that unfortunately means I also won't support those willing to back it/cheerlead for it.

It's been a fun ride, thanks for the great games.
About JStevenson's avatar, i see it as salt being poured over an open wound, or just you know... rubbing it in... "oh PS fans aren't happy?... awww..." and then BAM!, "only on xbox" 'ish, and no... i don't see it as having a sense of humour.

And if insomniac won't make another R&C game due to Sony's sunny forecast, then i'm sure that someone like Sanzaru could make one that's at least decent.


its likely because their last 5-6 games got B/C reviews and underperformed in sales and Sony didn't feel like sinking more money into them if they can't pump out prestige titles

Sony's sinking money into a Ratchet and Clank movie, though...?! If they feel R&C isn't a profitable title, then Ratchet shouldn't be on every sony related thing ever, should it?


I hope it'll pay off for Insomniac in the end. It's a smart move for them to do a console exclusive early on in a its lifecycle. It does give the game some nice free PR on a bigger stage and exclusivity does certainly raise awareness and excitement amongst the audience. It's just a downer that I won't be there to enjoy it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
We were always independent.

Microsoft and Xbox One is the publisher and platform that best fit this game and what we all want to do with it. What all of that means will become more apparent as we get into more detail.

Insomniac is welcome to do what they want, but I don't appreciate bullshit like the above being used to justify it. If there is a console on the market that is open to games other then "dudebro of the month" that would be the Playstation platform.

Considering how it looks as if the Xbone is going to turn out, I hope you guys got a really good deal that is not dependent on sales...

Best of luck Insomniac.
Insomniac is welcome to do what they want, but I don't appreciate bullshit like the above being used to justify it. If there is a console on the market that is open to games other then "dudebro of the month" that would be the Playstation platform.

seriously I can't believe I'm seeing jstevenson of all people spouting dishonest PR drivel like that. really sad.


Insomniac is welcome to do what they want, but I don't appreciate bullshit like the above being used to justify it. If there is a console on the market that is open to games other then "dudebro of the month" that would be the Playstation platform.

Considering how it looks as if the Xbone is going to turn out, I hope you guys got a really good deal that is not dependent on sales...

Best of luck Insomniac.

We literally know nothing of the game other than a teaser trailer, though? How would anyone know the operation of a game if there is no actual footage being shown, and then decide automatically that the PS4 is the best console for it? At least wait for a gameplay trailer before sounding off any judgement, like with FUSE.
“Sunset Overdrive is an always changing, open-world shooter set in the not-so-distant future. A catastrophic event has left your city overrun by mutants. While the majority perished or transformed, you flourished. It turns out your calling isn’t picking up trash or serving food, it’s mutant destruction. With an arsenal of kick-ass, overpowered weapons and a knack for traversing the city with hyper agility, it’s not the end of days for you. Your story is just beginning.”

Honestly, this sounds crazy good.

Also great news that the Resistance leads are on point. Possibly the best news that could have come out about this game.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Sorry, but Resistance 3 was a piss poor sequel and easily the weakest of the franchise IMO.

The single player and multiplayer ESPECIALLY felt like a weak ass generic CoD ripoff.

Take yourself out back to the outhouse and blow your damn top off! Resistance 3 was infinitely better than Resistance 2 and a return to form for the series. Ughhh I wish they'd just flesh out the series, there are too many mysteries and the series has (seemingly) ended on a very cryptic note. Oh well. I still wonder though, what happened to Insomniac from a technological standpoint. They crafted Spyro which was technically beyond crash and I'd argue R&C were better than J&D from a gameplay and technological standpoint. However at the opening of this gen, ND has heavily outpaced them in all criteria of game development except for maybe fun factor. I hope that they find that "spark" they had all those years ago
We literally know nothing of the game other than a teaser trailer, though? How would anyone know the operation of a game if there is no actual footage being shown? At least wait for a gameplay trailer before anything happens...?

No one needs a trailer to know that "xbox one was the best fit for our game" is PR drivel. The Respawn people have been trying to spin the same thing and yet seem perfectly capable of making the game for the PC. So what gives? Why is it a fit for Xbone and not PS4? If it is money just come out and say it. if it is a good agreement with MS, come out and say it, but don't try to pull the wool over our eyes and tell us the Xbone is the best fit for the game. It is is easy to see through.


someone in the xbox thread made the avatar for me based on the rumors. I sported it for good fun.

I'm legit excited about the Xbox One and how it will allow us to rapidly update the game and interface with players. on a personal level, I'm super stoked on how the Xbox One interfaces with TV/video and sports apps/blu-ray/skype w/ fast-app switching etc. i'm also excited about the lineup of exclusives.

(oh, and I have a PS4 pre-ordered too... I'm still as hardcore as they come... Nov will be an expensive month).

Glad to hear and looking forward to the work you guys do in what sounds like a unique idea with cool implementation.

Also glad to see you stepping in and standing up while people are being rude to you and unreasonable.

All the better it will feel when this new game is a huge hit. Day 1.


Insomniac is welcome to do what they want, but I don't appreciate bullshit like the above being used to justify it. If there is a console on the market that is open to games other then "dudebro of the month" that would be the Playstation platform.

Considering how it looks as if the Xbone is going to turn out, I hope you guys got a really good deal that is not dependent on sales...

Best of luck Insomniac.

seriously I can't believe I'm seeing jstevenson of all people spouting dishonest PR drivel like that. really sad.
What's going on here? Some of the stuff I am reading lately is unbelievable.
Fair enough. However, note the the only posts warranting any kind of response are generally over-the-top, betrayalton ilk. There is a difference from people voicing their disappointment, and those dismissing insomniac as disingenuous turncoats unworthy of consideration or success. The former deserve to have their questions and concerns addressed, while the latter need to grow up.

Agreed. There's a way to express your disappointment with a developer without acting like a petulant baby.

I am disappointed that I won't get to play Insom's new game, but if they release a game on any platform where I will be able to play it and it's as good as some of their previous wins - UYA and ACiT are among my favorite games on their respective platforms - I'll be there day one. It's silly to hold grudges.

I'd love another chance to run around the Insomniac Museum in 1080p.
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