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Justice Dept. Grants Immunity to Hillary Clinton's Staffer for Email Server

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So the more famous/influential she is, the less likely she is guilty?

No, the more famous/influential she is, the more likely they'd press charges if they had something.

Famous/Influential people indeed get away with many things, but there's also a very very large political party who absolutely despises her and would jump at the chance to pin anything on her.

The fact that nothing has come of this is telling of it being a wild goose chase.


I'm sick of people being apologists for this shit. I work in government, EVERYONE knows you can't do this. If I sent my work to my home address, I'd be fired on the spot and it's not even highly classified, just sensitive.

It doesn't matter if you're a "Bernie bro" or a Hillary supporter. This is at worst a felony, at best the sort of conduct that should disqualify you from having any further involvement with matters of national security.

If you think otherwise (or at least pretend to) I don't even know what to say to you.

3 SoS, that we know of, did this (although to be fair to Rice she personally didn't use email, her assistant handled all her email). 3! If EVERYONE knows this, the memo must have missed the state department. And while Kerry didn't do it as SoS, he actually sent information subsequently graded as classified from his personal email account to Clinton's while she was SoS and he was a sitting senator.

This kind of suggests the practice was rampant.


Basically this just adds to the extensive case against her having good judgment. Yet people will continue to vote for her as the President of the free world.


So that makes it OK?

I'm not saying that. I'm saying it appeared to be reasonably standard practice at the State department and it's senior staffs through three SoS, that offers some pretty clear mitigation for Clinton. There was obviously a breakdown in security practice and policy at the State Department, and while it occurred on Clinton's watch and she should take responsibility for that, it didn't start there. It suggests a failure in the institutional policy rather than nefarious behavior from one individual.

It's worth pointing out that during the Bush administration senior staffers regularly used various RNC email addresses gwb43.com, georgewbush.com, rnchq.org for official business. Far from being unusual, strange or clearly verboten it appears to be a common practice in Washington, presumably due to a mixture of paranoia, avoidance of FOIA and technical incompetency/limitations (being fair to Bush era staffers, I'm not sure how the smart phones of the day handled multiple accounts)


I'm sick of people being apologists for this shit. I work in government, EVERYONE knows you can't do this. If I sent my work to my home address, I'd be fired on the spot and it's not even highly classified, just sensitive.

It doesn't matter if you're a "Bernie bro" or a Hillary supporter. This is at worst a felony, at best the sort of conduct that should disqualify you from having any further involvement with matters of national security.

If you think otherwise (or at least pretend to) I don't even know what to say to you.

And here I was beginning to think that in fighting between Clinton and Sanders supporters was unproductive and that we should be backing Clinton in favor of weakening our stance against Trump. Thank you for putting it into perspective person who benefits from this directly.


I'm sick of people being apologists for this shit. I work in government, EVERYONE knows you can't do this. If I sent my work to my home address, I'd be fired on the spot and it's not even highly classified, just sensitive.

It doesn't matter if you're a "Bernie bro" or a Hillary supporter. This is at worst a felony, at best the sort of conduct that should disqualify you from having any further involvement with matters of national security.

If you think otherwise (or at least pretend to) I don't even know what to say to you.

I vote democrat but Hillary's email scandal is an instant turnoff for the general election, specifically for voters who ever thought about a security clearance. It correlates with Hillary's drop in favorability/trustworthy poll ratings as well. Now the FBI is cracking down like she's FIFA, yikes


This is one of the weakest scandals concocted. It's really hard to muster much of any fucks.

Seconded. They already spent 25 million dollars, and thousands of man hours on trying to get her. If there was some meat to it the GOP would have her in handcuffs


Where is the evidence for, like... any of the above? It sounds like an episode of "Tales From My Ass".

That's the annoying thing about this whole situation. People keep making claims like that but there is never any evidence of wrong doing in the end. Even the server itself wasn't wrong at the time. So many keep wanting there to be a smoking gun but it just isn't there time and time again.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
We are dealing with big national security issues here that can't be hand waved away by saying other officials have had private email accounts themselves and isn't a big deal or claming that this whole situation is being fueled by partisan politics.
Former CIA Director: Of course Clinton's emails were hacked by our enemies; 2-28-2016
“Do you think there is some real danger here in terms of a threat to national security?” asked Zakaria.

“If I were still at NSA, and someone told me that Sergei Lavrov or someone like that had a personal email account that was just his unclassified stuff, I’d have moved heaven and earth. Think of the insights that a foreign service would get even to unclassified information.

“I’m just saying, Secretary Clinton is a legitimate foreign intelligence target, and her personal government - but unclassified, just assuming that to be true - emails would be of great interest to a foreign intelligence service. I would lose respect for a whole bunch of intelligence services around the world if they weren’t thumbing through the pile now.”
umm sorry but if our CIA director or NSA chief didnt know that Hilary had a private server that was vulnerable to an attack then he is the one who should tried for negligence and simply poor intel.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Im not in the Hillary camp, but the email scandal could be nothing. It could also be something pretty bad though, namely political favors in exchange for clinton foundation support through the state department. The classified email stuff is meh.

Regardless, her un favorability is over 50%. That's crazy high.


Gold Member
I'm sick of people being apologists for this shit. I work in government, EVERYONE knows you can't do this. If I sent my work to my home address, I'd be fired on the spot and it's not even highly classified, just sensitive.

It doesn't matter if you're a "Bernie bro" or a Hillary supporter. This is at worst a felony, at best the sort of conduct that should disqualify you from having any further involvement with matters of national security.

If you think otherwise (or at least pretend to) I don't even know what to say to you.

I work in the private sector, if I sent out work emails through Gmail I would be fired too.

The idea that this stuff would be brushed aside because Clinton is on blue team is gross.
We know 99% of politicians do shady shit, so I couldn't give two shits about this email "scandal". I don't even like Hilary, but I'm unbiased enough to say that I wouldn't care, no matter who's name is attached to this accusation.

boiled goose

good with gravy
We know 99% of politicians do shady shit, so I couldn't give two shits about this email "scandal". I don't even like Hilary, but I'm unbiased enough to say that I wouldn't care, no matter who's name is attached to this accusation.

To me it depends on what it is.
Clear corruption would be a big thing for me.
If there was any chance of anything coming from this, she wouldn't have ran for president. She isn't stupid, if there was anything worthwhile there, she'd know it, the DNC would probably know it, and they'd put someone else up to run.

Remember, it was her who actually started this whole email thing in the first place.

There's been so many lies and made up stories about this whole thing, I have a hard time believing, or really, caring at all, any time this story comes up with some new damning evidence that never goes anywhere.

I work in the private sector, if I sent out work emails through Gmail I would be fired too.

The idea that this stuff would be brushed aside because Clinton is on blue team is gross.

The Republican SOSs before Hillary did the same thing. Nobody cares about them. So this "people only don't care because she's a democrat" stuff is nonsense.

In fact, it's because she's Hillary that this seems to be made into a huge deal.
Gonna try not to draw any conclusions on this until an investigation actually turns something up. "Investigation undergoes routine steps" is not too concerning to me. But maybe I'm giving her a bit more leeway than I should since I also don't think, were she to be found guilty, that it would really be that big of a deal. Like, politically, it would matter, but I'm not convinced it makes a difference otherwise.
Interesting development, is this political, to check one more witness off the list or do they think his person knows something? Fascinating. Such a wild card investigation that the normal expectations are out the window.


If I'm not mistaken they just recently changed the stuff to classified, if the data in the emails wasn't classified in 2008, what more is there to investigate?
It's clear that if no charges are filed it is because Clinton has received special treatment and not that any wrongdoing didn't occur.


If I'm not mistaken they just recently changed the stuff to classified, if the data in the emails wasn't classified in 2008, what more is there to investigate?

They need to investigate how hard it is to grasp at these straws.

Really I doubt anything will come of this seeing how many witch hunts Hillary has faced. Seeing as Powell and Rice did the same damn thing they would have to convict them too.

It's clear that if no charges are filed it is because Clinton has received special treatment and not that any wrongdoing didn't occur.
If this is "Special Treatment" I'd hate to see how they treat their enemies.


not characteristic of ants at all
Is there a thread on GAF for the actual released emails? Some are pretty concerning..
Yet another witch hunt for Hilary. Unfortunately it falls under the reality of politicians being shitty, but I find it hard to get worked up about Hilary's emails when A) she isn't the first SoS to receive classified emails on private servers and B) Bush administration committed countless war crimes and neither he or Cheney will ever be investigated C) Obama is currently committing war crimes via drones and we let it slide because of the anti-terror fervor the previous administration whipped up that he was happy to maintain.

Emails on a private server pail in comparison to the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in the mideast. Oh yeah, and then there is Wall St.... blah blah. I would love to see this much effort placed in prosecuting all political crimes, especially those that directly end or ruin people's lives.


Dammit, I am already rooting for Trump if Bernie loses the nom, don't make me vote for him too.

Shady as fuck.


umm sorry but if our CIA director or NSA chief didnt know that Hilary had a private server that was vulnerable to an attack then he is the one who should tried for negligence and simply poor intel.
You can't be serious. In what reality are you living in?


I'd rather put up with a email scandal then deal with a republican president. The extremism of the right is much more damaging to the nation then email are.
My ass would have been thrown in the brig had I just casually left TS classified documents laying around or unencrypted emails sent out when I was the military.


Corporate Apologist
I don't get the replies in this thread.They gave one of the staff members, not Clinton, immunity. If anything that bodes poorly for Clinton, since it sounds like they are going to have the staff member testify against Clinton and aid in the investigation.


Gold Member
The Republican SOSs before Hillary did the same thing. Nobody cares about them. So this "people only don't care because she's a democrat" stuff is nonsense.

In fact, it's because she's Hillary that this seems to be made into a huge deal.

No, it's because Dubya ran a blatantly partisan and political DOJ. Remember Monica Goodwin, etc? No way would that administration have investigated their own. The fact that Rice and Powell did it is just more evidence of the administration's incompetence.

Still this idea that the SOS is keeping classified documents on an easily hackable private server... hell yea I care. It's a huge problem!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

I don't even know where to begin with this. If these "facts" were anywhere close to accurate, Clinton would be jail for one, and for two, wouldn't have run for President given she had access to her own email servers and willingly turned them over.

Complaining about the number of "sheer violations" is like saying the average GAFfer is guilty of "sheer violations" of an anti-masturbation law that's going to be passed next year.
Bernie bros eagerly perpetuating rightwing hit jobs on Hillary is unsurprising but still sad to witness.

I think that every day Bernie remains in the race he does real damage to the party and the country because of shit like this.

Lol. Are you saying this author is a BernieBro?

As if this bullshit BernieBro narrative should reflect negatively on Bernie himself - who has disavowed the email scandal and called for an end to online harassment.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lol. Are you saying this author is a BernieBro?

As if this bullshit BernieBro narrative should reflect negatively on Bernie himself - who has disavowed the email scandal and called for an end to online harassment.

I don't think he's talking about the author, I think he's talking about how the OP who linked a bunch of nonsense as "fact." The emails that have been classified were classified after the fact; most of them were simply cc'd to her; it wasn't illegal at the time; there's no evidence to support OP's claim that Hillary personally directed patently illegal communications over the servers. It's ridiculous.

It's a straight up right-wing hit-piece which OP presented to further an anti-Hillary narrative. Whether that's because he supports Bernie, is a right-winger, is misinformed, or just generally hates Hillary Clinton remains to be seen.

The concept that the Hillary conspiracy runs super deep yet somehow, despite being completely and obviously guilty and having access to her own servers the entire time, she ran for president anyways is just absurd.
Was this her existing email server or was it set up specifically for her as SoS? If she'd been using it as First Lady and then as a senator it would be easy to see why she wouldn't have switched to using another account.
How does she get away with it? First Bill Clinton breaking sacred election rules (and still not arrested) and now this.
The concept that the Hillary conspiracy runs super deep yet somehow, despite being completely and obviously guilty and having access to her own servers the entire time, she ran for president anyways is just absurd.

It really is. It assumes Hillary is incompetent and doesn't know what's going on. That she didn't double check every part of her record to make sure she was clean for the election. That the DNC didn't do this, either. That Obama didn't know what was happening and didn't vet Hillary either.

The DNC wouldn't have let her run. She wouldn't have wanted to run.


Bernie bros eagerly perpetuating rightwing hit jobs on Hillary is unsurprising but still sad to witness.

I think that every day Bernie remains in the race he does real damage to the party and the country because of shit like this.
What a load of anti-democratic shit this mentality is.
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