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Killzone 3 Single Player Demo released on PSN (for everyone)


Did anyone else think that the sound lacked a bit of punch during cutscenes?

For example, when Sev
gets hit by the title wave. The title wave hardly had any sound to it, so there was a lack of impact when it hit him which in turn kind of killed the joke because it wasn't as funny.

There were a few other examples where the sound sounded muted to me.
Damn, just woke up. Thought I'd download the demo before work off my ancient HK account. Looks like the got wise and took the demo down. Can't even find it through search.

Guess I'll just wait until it's properly released for the us people who haven't bought into Plus.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Reluctant-Hero said:
Damn, just woke up. Thought I'd download the demo before work off my ancient HK account. Looks like the got wise and took the demo down. Can't even find it through search.

Guess I'll just wait until it's properly released for the us people who haven't bought into Plus.

I've pm'd you my dummy acc details, you'll find the demo in the download history as it was taken out of the demo section.
JohngPR said:
Did anyone else think that the sound lacked a bit of punch during cutscenes?

For example, when Sev
gets hit by the title wave. The title wave hardly had any sound to it, so there was a lack of impact when it hit him which in turn kind of killed the joke because it wasn't as funny.

There were a few other examples where the sound sounded muted to me.

Yeah, during the cutscene where Sev and Rico are talking on the Intruder after the opening section I found it really off that there was hardly any background noise coming from the intruder or from gunfire or anything. I wonder if this is just an older demo build.


electroshockwave said:
Yeah, during the cutscene where Sev and Rico are talking on the Intruder after the opening section I found it really off that there was hardly any background noise coming from the intruder or from gunfire or anything. I wonder if this is just an older demo build.

The sound mixing during cutscenes sucked in KZ2, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if that trend continued in KZ3. The sound while playing is great, but the cutscenes here blew.


Forgot to post my impressiosns:

I Played the demo last night both with a controller and the Move and came away impressed.

The graphics are really great, they definitely stepped it up a notch. Textures are great and the sound effects are good for the most part (more on that later).

The gameplay was definitely tightened up. Although I appreciated what KZ2 did with its momentum based aiming which gave each gun some weight to them, it's gone for the most part from this game.

Admittedly, I didn't really miss it nearly as much as I thought I would. The shooting feels good to me, and you aren't given a zillion guys to shoot at at once so firefights are fun and don't kick you in the dick like they do in other shooters....at least in the demo.

There were a few things however that felt off, presentation being one of them. The camera angles and graphics were great during cutscens, but there were a few rough edges that didn't ruin things but definitely took you out of the moment a little.

There are a few fade in and fade outs, which take away from the seamlessness of the experience. Obviously a lot of that has to do with the fact that they decided to do some of the cutscenes as video footage as opposed to rendering all of them in real time like Killzone 2.

That decision sort of forces Guerilla Games to make some concessions with the presentation so there's a few transitions that aren't as smooth as they should be. Not only that, but it seemed like the sound lacked a bit of punch during cutscenes.

For example, there's a cutscene when Sev
gets hit by this huge wave that's supposed to act as a bit of comic relief. The title wave hardly had any sound to it so there was a lack of impact when it hit him which in turn kind of killed the joke because it took away from the oomph.

I played through the demo a second time with the Move controller to see how it felt and it worked a lot better than I expected. Aiming with the Move is definitely more accurate although it takes a few minutes to get used to holding a DS2 in your left hand while using the Move with your right. It uses the same method of movement that Metroid Prime used on the Wii where you aim the reticle at the sides of the screen to turn left and right. This works pretty good since the Move is really precise. So going from turning to aiming at someone wasn't that hard to do.

The one thing that was a pain in the ass was using the jet pack with the move controls. For whatever reason, the aiming is twice as sensitive while wearing a jetpack as it is when your aiming regularly. Not sure why they chose to do that, but it's pretty stupid. It doesn't make the jet pack area in the game impossible or anything, but I don't see the point of changing the sensitivy for that part because it caused you to oversteer and over aim as well.

Still, it was fun playing with the Move and I'd probably give it a shot for the single player. Not sure how that woud fare in the multi if it's even included in the mutli at all.

This is definitely a must play for me, but the demo isn't going to make me rush and get it day one. I'll probably hold off on buying it until I clear come of my backlog first and seeing as this game is coming out very soon, I don't see myself buying it day one.

electroshockwave said:
Yeah, during the cutscene where Sev and Rico are talking on the Intruder after the opening section I found it really off that there was hardly any background noise coming from the intruder or from gunfire or anything. I wonder if this is just an older demo build.

Yep, that was another cutscene where I noticed that the sound was off.


Tried the demo and it's fantastic. The MP left a sour taste in my mouth but the SP seems incredible.

The graphics are out of this world, but I really miss some of that KZ2 motion blur. It would be nice to have combined the excellent KZ3 IQ with the KZ2 motion blur. It would have looked epic.
lowrider007 said:
I've pm'd you my dummy acc details, you'll find the demo in the download history as it was taken out of the demo section.

Nice, thanks a lot! Downloading now, and wow, HK PSN store has a quick download speed. Puts the US store to shame.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
travisbickle said:
It keeps telling me "I can't sign in using someone else's id"

ok use mine, I'll pm you the details, I guess the other dummy acc has become to popular.


Remember to create a new user profile when using the acc's user name and password.


Thanks to those who provided move tips and settings for me a few pages back, I will try them when I get home from work today. One question I forgot to ask...how the hell do you crouch or take cover with the Move controls? And am I the only one playing with a Navi + Move controller and not using the DS3 for movement? :p

Reading the last couple of pages, I see a lot of people saying this looks worse than KZ2? I Played KZ2 up until the radec fight and didn't have any desire to continue. Some effects have been turned down, but overall when I loaded up the demo really the first thing I thought was "wow". I think I agree with JB when he said 2 felt like more of a muscular shooter, but I still think the pure visceral effect you get from shooting the helghast is still present. And who knows maybe the full game will have moments where it will feel as muscular as KZ2.

One final note, I'm amazed at the feature list that this game has:

-3d support
-move support
-sharpshooter peripheral
-co op
-7.1 audio?

Sorry for any typos, posting from EVO at work :p
spats said:
"...Really?" when the wave hit Sev was cringe-worthy.

Yeah, that was a Nathan Drake-esque line. First thing I thought of.

My favorite part which I thought was done well, with Sev's facial expressions and everything, was when he imitated a Helghast soldier.
JohngPR said:
The one thing that was a pain in the ass was using the jet pack with the move controls. For whatever reason, the aiming is twice as sensitive while wearing a jetpack as it is when your aiming regularly. Not sure why they chose to do that, but it's pretty stupid. It doesn't make the jet pack area in the game impossible or anything, but I don't see the point of changing the sensitivy for that part because it caused you to oversteer and over aim as well.
They need to adress this. I thought the jetpack was a bit unplayable because of this. Anyy udden movement resulted in a spastic retard getting killed
lowrider007 said:
ok use mine, I'll pm you the details, I guess the other dummy acc has become to popular.

Thanks, it's downloading now.

I created a new user logged in with your details, then logged off the user, is that correct?
Sound is definitely a low point for this demo and there are a number of animation issues as well. In the scene where Sev gives a hand up to Rico there seems to be an entire animation segment missing. In KZ2 helping Garza up had a real sense of weight and immersion, but this time around it just seems so empty.

Those intruders are pretty ridiculous as well - no one is holding on to anything but the are moving around so fast and irratically yet the characters show almost no weight or reaction.

I did finally attempt to play through with move but gave up in disgust during the jet pack section. I really hope that GG can comment on this before feb 22 and release a patch to correct it. Turning at 3 or 4 times the normal speed is too disorienting and just makes those sections tedious.


Comparison I saw at B3D.Can't wait to play some darker levels as the lighting stands out much more.

Norml said:
Comparison I saw at B3D.Can't wait to play some darker levels as the lighting stands out much more.
indeed. The demo section was very bright (which makes perfect sense with snow and ice) but i really loved the dark atmosphere in Killzone 2.


Norml said:
Comparison I saw at B3D.Can't wait to play some darker levels as the lighting stands out much more.


Now tell me with a straight face gaf that KZ2 looks visually better?

I dare ya'

Killzone 2 looks inferior in almost every way. (although the comparison is in diferent lighting)


Licorice-flavoured booze?
CozMick said:
Now tell me with a straight face gaf that KZ2 looks visually better?

I dare ya'

Killzone 2 looks inferior in almost every way.

KZ2 looks better in motion, and although this is subjective I also much prefer KZ2's art atheistic.


the_prime_mover said:
Sound is definitely a low point for this demo and there are a number of animation issues as well. In the scene where Sev gives a hand up to Rico there seems to be an entire animation segment missing. In KZ2 helping Garza up had a real sense of weight and immersion, but this time around it just seems so empty.

Those intruders are pretty ridiculous as well - no one is holding on to anything but the are moving around so fast and irratically yet the characters show almost no weight or reaction.

I did finally attempt to play through with move but gave up in disgust during the jet pack section. I really hope that GG can comment on this before feb 22 and release a patch to correct it. Turning at 3 or 4 times the normal speed is too disorienting and just makes those sections tedious.
Adjust the sensitivity to your liking?


Angst said:
Adjust the sensitivity to your liking?

You're aware that the jetpack sensitivity and the regular sensitivity differ from each other, right? This is a serious Move issue and needs to be rectified by GG fast.


BeeDog said:
You're aware that the jetpack sensitivity and the regular sensitivity differ from each other, right? This is a serious Move issue and needs to be rectified by GG fast.
Aha, no I didn't realize that when playing. Although thinking about I had more trouble aiming with the jetpack on.


Y2Kev said:
Demo needs more music.
Exactly. Everything just felt so fucking dead and it was irritating. From the first firefight in the game it was just quiet for no good reason. Play SOMEthing.
tiddles said:
Do you have RGB range set to "Full" in your PS3's options? It should be set to "Limited" unless you have a tv with an extended gamut (not many folks do, as I understand it), otherwise the HGH logo will appear dark no matter how high you set the brightness.
Ohhh, thanks! I'll try this later today. Thanks a bunch!


hide your water-based mammals
Always-honest said:
indeed. The demo section was very bright (which makes perfect sense with snow and ice) but i really loved the dark atmosphere in Killzone 2.
LOL OMG everyone is so back and forth. First they say the hated the constant dark, I didn't mind. Now it's too bright, which I welcome. The balance is there but game makers wonder why it's so hard to please people. Not directly attacking you btw.
I thought the aiming with the jetpack went faster because it has mounted guns and therefore is mechanically assisted ... I liked it, had to get used to it also, but got used to it pretty quickly. The jetpack controls ditto - at first I messed up a few times when fighting (the jumping no problem from the start), but soon enough I was jumping from the stairs up to shoot at helghast, then land, rinse, repeat. Cool stuff. The L3 boost is very cool also, wonder if you can kill helghast on impact with it.

And yeah, Move is available in multiplayer. Only not in split screen co-op, I think ... (not sure, haven't tested).
lowrider007 said:
KZ2 looks better in motion, and although this is subjective I also much prefer KZ2's art atheistic.
Agreed i pretty much prefer KZ2 in every regard. Visuals, art, MP, controls. Only thing i see KZ3 beating 2 in is story and sound.

I dont get the gritty atmosphere anymore from KZ3.


lowrider007 said:
Maybe, but,

Issues I have with KZ3 in comparison to KZ2,

  • Less weighty control scheme
  • gfx clipping
  • shimmering which makes the aa look poor.
  • no object blur
  • shooting from cover or around a corner my bullets are hitting an invisible wall quite often.
  • poor water effects
  • Frame rate isn't as smooth.

Overall the game just doesn't feel as polished as KZ2.

* Agreed, though I prefer the way it is now.
* I think clipping is tremendously rare in both.
* Whilst shimmering is there due to the MLAA, overall it's still a much cleaner and sharper experience in KZ3 because of it. I recommend turning your sharpness down, all the way down.
* Object blur is there, it's just been toned down.
* Haven't experienced that
* Poor water effects? Really? They are far more elaborate and dynamic than KZ2's.
* Frame rate is a solid 30fps locked according to LensofTruth and Beyond3D

In-fact, according to both the above sources, the number of new additions to visual fidelity are quite surprising. Everything from an improved lighting and HDR engine, better shadows (higher res), 4x the texture resolution, 3x the draw distance, 3x the polycount, more complex geometry, inclusion of MLAA (no doubt allowing for some of the rest due to less GPU load), improved particle effects and shaders and who knows what else.

I'd say KZ3 looks substantially better. Whether it does artistically however, is up to personal preference. But technically it is head and shoulders above it's predecessor.
Lovely to look at. I think I'll enjoy the single player much more this time around too.

I'm not a big fan of Winstones voice for his character, but everything else looks and sounds great.
K3 demo mission was more varied and interesting than anything i saw in killzone 2, i suppose that game was heaven for the Connoisseur of industrial grey and dog puke green.
//B1G said:
The AI is so smart on the hardest difficulty. A firefight between myself and 4 Helghast can take up to 5 minutes. Everything is very cohesive now and I love using cover when I didn't use it at all in the second. The sprinting, sliding, vaulting, brutal meleeing, etc makes the shooting scenarios flow so well and I love it.

Thats what I like to hear. The A.I. makes this game so dynamic compared to other shooters.


fuzzyreactor said:
Agreed i pretty much prefer KZ2 in every regard. Visuals, art, MP, controls. Only thing i see KZ3 beating 2 in is story and sound.

I dont get the gritty atmosphere anymore from KZ3.

I did not realize the entire game will be one snow level like the demo...
How can people judge the art direction of the entire game based on a 30 min demo?
NameIess said:
I did not realize the entire game will be one snow level like the demo...
How can people judge the art direction of the entire game based on a 30 min demo?
yea becasue the demo level is the only footage ive seen of anything from KZ3....

Ive seen plenty of levels, plenty of MP maps and they just dont appeal to me as they did in KZ2. Everything is all contrasty now.
Norml said:
Comparison I saw at B3D.Can't wait to play some darker levels as the lighting stands out much more.


Looking at this pic, I think they made the right choice. You look at that and think, man they both look fucking awesome, I dont know which I would choose...but I don't have to choose because we get both games. Granted, I would like a bit more motion blur but it gives KZ3 its own visual identity. I like when devs make sequels that don't cancel out past entries just by adding a little hear and there and rendering the older version obsolete.

Uncharted and MGS is a good example of this. You can play U2 but after all the globe trotting, you can go back to the original and enjoy a more intimate story and the single location adds to the atmosphere. MGS games are never similar so you can go all the way back to the original and still feel like its worth playing. It's the developers responsibility to create a new and unique (relative) experience with each game, otherwise you are going to be labeled KZ2.5 or whatever.

Edit: not saying KZ3 is perfect, I'd like some heft to the controls and a few things here and there but overall its looking great.
LiquidMetal14 said:
LOL OMG everyone is so back and forth. First they say the hated the constant dark, I didn't mind. Now it's too bright, which I welcome. The balance is there but game makers wonder why it's so hard to please people. Not directly attacking you btw.
i was allready shouting stuff at you when i read this line. Thought you were putting words in my mouth. But it's fine. Your house is safe, for now... ;P


JohngPR said:
Did anyone else think that the sound lacked a bit of punch during cutscenes?

For example, when Sev
gets hit by the title wave. The title wave hardly had any sound to it, so there was a lack of impact when it hit him which in turn kind of killed the joke because it wasn't as funny.

There were a few other examples where the sound sounded muted to me.

The sound during cutscenes is terrible. What the hell is the deal? It has no weight or impact at all.

The sound for multiplayer is amazing... except they need custom soundtracks back. Has that been dropped?
JohngPR said:
For example, there's a cutscene when Sev
gets hit by this huge wave that's supposed to act as a bit of comic relief. The title wave hardly had any sound to it so there was a lack of impact when it hit him which in turn kind of killed the joke because it took away from the oomph.
Ugh, that cutscene was horrible. Not only in terms of sound but also the way it played. The slow motion when
the debris hits the jetpack
was so awkwardly done. Then the
wave comes in and washes him but he's completely dry
. I don't know, I think compared to the other cutscenes that one was poorly done.

Also, I found it kind of odd that he took out
just one anti-aircraft gun
so that then all the remaining forces would
face a full group of AA guns, being blown out of the sky in the process
. I just thought it was less than ideal how it was setup.

I'm probably not going to care once I'm playing co-op, but if I had to nitpick (and that's all I'm doing) those would be my first two non-gameplay issues.

I still wish I could carry more than one primary weapon, though. Would love to be able to carry two assault rifles or one assault and a shotgun, or assault+sniper. ): I suck with the pistol.


I think I'm late for the SP demo. At least I finally downloaded the Lair trial xD

Just created a HK account but looks like they removed it from this store, like from the Japan store.

So no SP demo for me? :/
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