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Liam Robertson (of Unseen64 fame): "NX is not aiming to compete on a power level"

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Well, I don't think that this is a major concern anymore, now that Nintendo seems to open to other mobile platforms. Besides, I am not talking about good ol Mario, more about certain other IPs which didn't make it on WiiU - or even Wii.

This fantasy people have that Nintendo would start making stuff like F Zero again as a third party is hilarious. If Nintendo were third party they would be playing it even safer and concentrating only of their biggest brands.
I wouldn't mind seeing any new handheld from Nintendo be able to play on my TV wirelessly "through" the NX, should it be a home console. Like, using the same tech as the Wii U Gamepad. Then there would be no need for bullshit like the Playstation TV that I bought and never use.


I wouldn't mind seeing any new handheld from Nintendo be able to play on my TV wirelessly "through" the NX, should it be a home console. Like, using the same tech as the Wii U Gamepad. Then there would be no need for bullshit like the Playstation TV that I bought and never use.
I'd rather just have a HDMI output.


Well, I don't think that this is a major concern anymore, now that Nintendo seems to open to other mobile platforms. Besides, I am not talking about good ol Mario, more about certain other IPs which didn't make it on WiiU - or even Wii.
Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it.


Three things I fully expect Nintendo to do for the NX:

- Move over the new Zelda. I know Nintendo says otherwise, but it simply makes too much business sense: having a big budget AAA title at launch certainly helped to give the Wii core appeal. Coupled with Wii Sports it was the perfect one-two punch, possibly the best launch line-up ever. Nintendo is going to need that more than ever now that its launching 'mid-generation', as the other consoles are really hitting their stride, games-wise.

I don't think it'll even be a case of 'Twilight Princessing'. I think they'll cancel the Wii U version outright, simply because dedicating resources to making it work on the U/coming up with game pad stuff would not be worth it. On the other hand, the GameCube version of TP didn't hurt the Wii, mostly because the GameCube had a pretty mediocre installed base anyway. Since the Wii U's installed base is even worse, it might be a 'why not?' sort of thing, as well as a nice gesture towards their loyal customers. But it depends on how far along the game is and how much more powerful the NX will be compared to the U (and/or whether or not it'll have another 'unique' controller). I think most hardcore Zelda fans would rather have a game optimized for newer hardware anyway.

- Release enhanced ports of the Wii U's biggest hits to spruce up the launch line-up. Specifically, I expect an Ultimate Edition of Mario Kart 8: all the DLC, an exclusive new cup or two and possibly a bump to 1080p (assuming NX can handle it). Smash Bros. and 3D World are also prime candidates. Loyal fans will want them for the improvements; many newcomers I think have been looking for an excuse to bite (and if the NX is indeed priced at $199 that's as good an excuse as any).

- Relaunch Virtual Console as a comprehensive service and position it as a major selling point. Simply making available the library of games that the Wii had in the end, plus everything Wii U and 3DS added (including the Ambassador games) should do. Give away fondly remembered classics (the NES Mario games, for example) for free at launch. One reason I expect this is because things have been awfully quiet on this front in the last few years -- and it's not because Nintendo doesn't understand the value of its classics. I'm hoping it's because they're retooling VC.


Nintendo is going to be a Havard Business Case of missed opportunities and incompetence if they don't come up with a better strategy to implement beginning with NX. This is a trend of Japanese technology companies in general and maybe even the entire nation itself. Remember they were poised to overtake the United States in the 1980s. Japan has completely missed the rise of the internet and cannot compete with Korean and now Chinese firms in many areas.


I have a funny feeling Liam will end up being right. Won't care if it's weaker as long as the console is good.

I think it'll be stronger than Wii U and not have the Gamepad with it. What's that mean? I have no idea. Maybe there'll be a Handheld and a Console and they'll both be the same price but the Console will have higher specs to accommodate for the lack of a screen? That'd be kinda rad. I don't think it's possible, though.

I feel like people will find a reason to bitch about NX regardless of what it is or what it does. If it's as powerful as PS4, people will complain it's not more powerful and lacks the games of it and Xbox One. If it's more powerful, people will say Nintendo is wasting their resources because no external developer would use that extra power effectively because there'd be no reason to do so on a system with little to no install base. If it's weaker, people will complain that Nintendo simply isn't trying.

I personally want a better system in general. The thing can't be slow as shit. Taking 20+ seconds to go into system settings then another minute into Data Management is terrible (Data Management in general is a mess as well). 2-4 hour Day One updates should not happen. I want effort. I want to look at NX and say 'okay, Nintendo believes in this thing' because if you look at Wii U, they sure as shit did not. Confusing messaging, branding, you didn't if games were coming to it or not at launch. Time and again, Wii U was a question mark because they probably didn't even know what it was. How they could apply their weakest first party output (The DS) to the Console space and think they could be successful with it is beyond me.

Nothing on Wii U makes you go 'oh man, that Gamepad really made the game better' where with Wii, there are tons of instances where you can say the IR pointer or the Waggle made the game at least a little bit more fun than it would've been with a standard Controller (Twilight Princess' IR aiming, Galaxy's Spin Attack). Sure, there are other examples that are bad but at least it gave you something. What does the Gamepad have? A hardware feature. Not really much else.

And don't even get me started on TVii. It never had what I wanted to watch on it. If you want an example of why Wii U failed, look no further than how incomplete that thing is.
No, it's not. My logic is: Nintendo seems to focus on mobile gaming with very own devices that can also be used as a low-power home console substitute. From this point on, Sony and MS dedicated hence more powerful and 3rd party loaded home consoles are not their main competitors anymore. If you don't compete against someone, you can cooperate with them without jeopardizing your own business on grand scale. Hence, releasing games on those MAY become an option at some point. Because it's still a huge market and I asume some IPs, especially those which benefit from strong visuals - would sell quite well on those.

No, they seem not to focus on mobile gaming with own devices. What? They are developing 5 ( five) games for smart devices over the next year. And they made very clear that those games stay seperated from the ones for dedicated gaming machines aka consoles and handhelds. Same IPs for crosspromotion, definetly no ports. And they are not focusing on mobile games on their own hardware. Like at all. It´s like people read some official statements and immidiately believe the total opposite.


I think it'll be stronger than Wii U and not have the Gamepad with it. What's that mean? I have no idea. Maybe there'll be a Handheld and a Console and they'll both be the same price but the Console will have higher specs to accommodate for the lack of a screen? That'd be kinda rad. I don't think it's possible, though.

I feel like people will find a reason to bitch about NX regardless of what it is or what it does. If it's as powerful as PS4, people will complain it's not more powerful and lacks the games of it and Xbox One. If it's more powerful, people will say Nintendo is wasting their resources because no external developer would use that extra power effectively because there'd be no reason to do so on a system with little to no install base. If it's weaker, people will complain that Nintendo simply isn't trying.

I personally want a better system in general. The thing can't be slow as shit. Taking 20+ seconds to go into system settings then another minute into Data Management is terrible (Data Management in general is a mess as well). 2-4 hour Day One updates should not happen. I want effort. I want to look at NX and say 'okay, Nintendo believes in this thing' because if you look at Wii U, they sure as shit did not. Confusing messaging, branding, you didn't if games were coming to it or not at launch. Time and again, Wii U was a question mark because they probably didn't even know what it was. How they could apply their weakest first party output (The DS) to the Console space and think they could be successful with it is beyond me.

Nothing on Wii U makes you go 'oh man, that Gamepad really made the game better' where with Wii, there are tons of instances where you can say the IR pointer or the Waggle made the game at least a little bit more fun than it would've been with a standard Controller (Twilight Princess' IR aiming, Galaxy's Spin Attack). Sure, there are other examples that are bad but at least it gave you something. What does the Gamepad have? A hardware feature. Not really much else.

And don't even get me started on TVii. It never had what I wanted to watch on it. If you want an example of why Wii U failed, look no further than how incomplete that thing is.

I seriously don't care about the power of the console as long as they fix the multiple issues plauging their online infrastructure and lessen the software droughts.In terms of power I don't really care as long as it's 2X WiiU.


Didn't Nintendo killed their own western studio NST ??? This might prove that Nintendo will never have western third party support...


I seriously don't care about the power of the console as long as they fix the multiple issues plauging their online infrastructure and lessen the software droughts.In terms of power I don't really care as long as it's 2X WiiU.

I think a unified architecture is certainly going to help with software droughts, as well as adding some much needed genre diversity in their lineup (assuming they don't make 5 Platformers a year). But for online stuff, I have no faith in them adding stuff like Voice Chat, Messaging and Game Invites to the OS level where every game can use it with a simple line of code or three.


Actually I think the mods are just happy all of the NX discussion stays in this particular thread.

Or Modbot will pay a visit soon enough.
I was making a sarcastic comment on how the source has proved his reliability before.


I think a unified architecture is certainly going to help with software droughts, as well as adding some much needed genre diversity in their lineup (assuming they don't make 5 Platformers a year). But for online stuff, I have no faith in them adding stuff like Voice Chat, Messaging and Game Invites to the OS level where every game can use it with a simple line of code or three.

If voice chat is added to the OS level it's probably only going to be a friend only feature that can be used for all games that need it. Messaging will probably be added to the OS level(Nintendo may or may not restrict messages)and game invites will probably be added to the OS level also.I am expecting them to expand upon the 3ds and Wiiu in terms of online on their next console and handheld,but they may share a lot of online features with each other.I akso expect the online for their next console and handheld to be more unified.


You know... I am not surprised that it sounds like NX will be an android-power-equivelant, simillar to the Ouya or something. Nintendo have repeatedly said that HD development is too hard for them to get to grips with.

The only thing I can see Nintendo changing is making NX into some kind of console/handheld hybrid. Maybe a handheld that can output to the HDTV, so that they can combine their 3DS/handheld games catalouge and WiiU/home console games catalouge into one, thus filling-in their release date gaps and only having to support one line of games instead of two.

Does anyone actually want that? To have another underpowered device which pretty much only has Nintendo IP on it, because 3rd party stuff is too advanced to run on it? If you now have double the Mario, or double the Zelda on one console/handheld hybrid device without the 3rd party stuff, then won't you just get burnt-out on Nintendo's IPs too? I can't see the positives in going for low spec yet again.


Didn't Nintendo killed their own western studio NST ???
That's news to me? Even so, they're interesting in opening teams in the west, like with NERD (Nintendo Europe R&D) in France... although this one work currently on middleware.

I personally want a better system in general. The thing can't be slow as shit. Taking 20+ seconds to go into system settings then another minute into Data Management is terrible
I don't remember going into Data Management even once, but I love how quickly you can launch a game on Wii U now using the pad... It was bothering at launch, but it improved a LOT.


You know... I am not surprised that it sounds like NX will be an android-power-equivelant, simillar to the Ouya or something. Nintendo have repeatedly said that HD development is too hard for them to get to grips with.

The only thing I can see Nintendo changing is making NX into some kind of console/handheld hybrid. Maybe a handheld that can output to the HDTV, so that they can combine their 3DS/handheld games catalouge and WiiU/home console games catalouge into one, thus filling-in their release date gaps and only having to support one line of games instead of two.

Does anyone actually want that? To have another underpowered device which pretty much only has Nintendo IP on it, because 3rd party stuff is too advanced to run on it? If you now have double the Mario, or double the Zelda on one console/handheld hybrid device without the 3rd party stuff, then won't you just get burnt-out on Nintendo's IPs too? I can't see the positives in going for low spec yet again.

They said NX isn't a hybrid.


That's news to me? Even so, they're interesting in opening teams in the west, like with NERD (Nintendo Europe R&D) in France... although this one work currently on middleware.

I don't remember going into Data Management even once, but I love how quickly you can launch a game on Wii U now using the pad... It was bothering at launch, but it improved a LOT.

It's still a band-aid to a problem they can't fix with their current hardware.

You can't even backup your save data. You also can't move save data to the internal memory if the Game Data is on an External. It's Garbage.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
That's news to me? Even so, they're interesting in opening teams in the west, like with NERD (Nintendo Europe R&D) in France... although this one work currently on middleware.

I don't remember going into Data Management even once, but I love how quickly you can launch a game on Wii U now using the pad... It was bothering at launch, but it improved a LOT.

They improved things a tiny bit, but mostly it seems like smoke and mirrors/clever ways to hide loading pauses in common scenarios.

Even key features such as opening and closing MiiVerse and making quick posts there while you game is very very slow... The sad yet almost hilarious thing is that Nintendo is hurting its product and its ability to make its unique selling points matter with the technological and OS level approached they took...


That's news to me? Even so, they're interesting in opening teams in the west, like with NERD (Nintendo Europe R&D) in France... although this one work currently on middleware.

Nerd is not a game studio, they are working on really hard low level optimization problems. My guess is they are working on features for the NX OS.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Three things I fully expect Nintendo to do for the NX:

- Move over the new Zelda. I know Nintendo says otherwise, but it simply makes too much business sense: having a big budget AAA title at launch certainly helped to give the Wii core appeal. Coupled with Wii Sports it was the perfect one-two punch, possibly the best launch line-up ever. Nintendo is going to need that more than ever now that its launching 'mid-generation', as the other consoles are really hitting their stride, games-wise.

I don't think it'll even be a case of 'Twilight Princessing'. I think they'll cancel the Wii U version outright, simply because dedicating resources to making it work on the U/coming up with game pad stuff would not be worth it. On the other hand, the GameCube version of TP didn't hurt the Wii, mostly because the GameCube had a pretty mediocre installed base anyway. Since the Wii U's installed base is even worse, it might be a 'why not?' sort of thing, as well as a nice gesture towards their loyal customers. But it depends on how far along the game is and how much more powerful the NX will be compared to the U (and/or whether or not it'll have another 'unique' controller). I think most hardcore Zelda fans would rather have a game optimized for newer hardware anyway.

- Release enhanced ports of the Wii U's biggest hits to spruce up the launch line-up. Specifically, I expect an Ultimate Edition of Mario Kart 8: all the DLC, an exclusive new cup or two and possibly a bump to 1080p (assuming NX can handle it). Smash Bros. and 3D World are also prime candidates. Loyal fans will want them for the improvements; many newcomers I think have been looking for an excuse to bite (and if the NX is indeed priced at $199 that's as good an excuse as any).

- Relaunch Virtual Console as a comprehensive service and position it as a major selling point. Simply making available the library of games that the Wii had in the end, plus everything Wii U and 3DS added (including the Ambassador games) should do. Give away fondly remembered classics (the NES Mario games, for example) for free at launch. One reason I expect this is because things have been awfully quiet on this front in the last few years -- and it's not because Nintendo doesn't understand the value of its classics. I'm hoping it's because they're retooling VC.

Sometimes I do not understand why people think that the "screw old/existing customers..." approach is acceptable let alone the best thing a company trying to regain market share should do.


You don't need iPad Air level tech for a handheld since its resources are (outside of the minor OS backend) entirely built around gaming (screen is smaller, so less demand from it and PPI is irrelevant past ~300), and so resource allocations are considerably better even if the overall specs will be across-the-board lower.

The iPad Air is a (quite beefy even for today standards) ARMv8 dual core with 1GB RAM and a 76GFLOPs GPU, so if they want Wii U-like graphics on the portable at 540p, they have to beat it. The iPad Air 2 is a different story though (tri core CPU, 2GB RAM, ~230GFLOPs GPU) and the portable will most likely be weaker than that.


a lot of people have talked about the possibilities behind the nx and their strategy with it. i feel like unlike the 3ds and wii u, they actually do have a vision, plan, and strategy to carry out. the wii u and 3ds were almost cynical attempts at keeping the train going, but the nx sounds like a much smarter way to appeal to mulitple regions while making their platform stand out in a positive way and simultaneously moving nintendo towards the future (in ways sony and microsoft have yet to embrace fully). that's if it works out as people expect it to.

Idk, NX to me sounds just as cynical. From what Iwata has said, it seems that its purpose is to decrease Nintendo's production costs and increase the dollar value of each customer without actually giving customers and 3rd parties a better value proposition in return. In terms of motivation, it doesn't look any different to ambiios, dlc embrace, digital push, 3ds launch price, and wiiu.

And I'm not sure what you mean about the future being ignored by ms and Sony. Sony embraced the smartphone-only future by axing its hanheld, developing some vr tech, and has the psnow contingency thing. MS has lots of irons in the fire for the future as well and is moving Xbox towards a multidevice future, casting it more as a brand than a box.


Nerd is not a game studio, they are working on really hard low level optimization problems.
I know, but at least they've taken ground in Europe... Some middleware and even hardware divisions have developped games later, so I can see them developping games one day...

They improved things a tiny bit, but mostly it seems like smoke and mirrors/clever ways to hide loading pauses in common scenarios.
I agree there's still plently of issues with respect to loadings... I wouldn't call the launch mechanics on the UPad a "tiny bit", though, it's really handy.

(and I wasn't aware of saves management issues, bought a 32GB and avoid digital just to avoid anything related to this)


I wouldn't have thought that at least roughly matching PS4/XB1 in 2016 on a console would even be in question.

I mean, CPU-wise you can do that with ARM at a tiny (for a console) power budget, and GPU-wise 1.8 TF isn't quite the hot shit anymore either.

Is something on the same level as a Nividia Shield console (X1 SoC) even as powerful as a Wii U?
It's significantly faster than a WiiU CPU-wise, and also quite a bit faster in terms of GPU.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I wouldn't have thought that at least roughly matching PS4/XB1 in 2016 on a console would even be in question.

I mean, CPU-wise you can do that with ARM at a tiny (for a console) power budget, and GPU-wise 1.8 TF isn't quite the hot shit anymore either.

Not if you want a $149 launch price.

I think it's obvious they're going after this pricepoint.


I wouldn't have thought that at least roughly matching PS4/XB1 in 2016 on a console would even be in question.

I mean, CPU-wise you can do that with ARM at a tiny (for a console) power budget, and GPU-wise 1.8 TF isn't quite the hot shit anymore either.

It's significantly faster than a WiiU CPU-wise, and also quite a bit faster in terms of GPU.

Too bad nvidia has burned console bridges with their ethical lapses.


I wouldn't have thought that at least roughly matching PS4/XB1 in 2016 on a console would even be in question.

I mean, CPU-wise you can do that with ARM at a tiny (for a console) power budget, and GPU-wise 1.8 TF isn't quite the hot shit anymore either.

It's significantly faster than a WiiU CPU-wise, and also quite a bit faster in terms of GPU.

Which is why I don't understand why this has to be so difficult for Nintendo.

Wouldn't switching to this architecture potentially lead to somesort of third party support, even if minimal?


I wouldn't have thought that at least roughly matching PS4/XB1 in 2016 on a console would even be in question.

I mean, CPU-wise you can do that with ARM at a tiny (for a console) power budget, and GPU-wise 1.8 TF isn't quite the hot shit anymore either.

It's significantly faster than a WiiU CPU-wise, and also quite a bit faster in terms of GPU.
Yeah but like i said, you need to factor power consumption. If they want low power consumption and won't use 14/16nm because yields, how can they match the 1.8TFLOPs, 135W, PS4?

PS: the Shield is more powerful than the Wii U, but can it use all of its power or battery and heat become an issue?

Not if you want a $149 launch price.
That rumour was "not accurate", remember?


I'm less interested in its power and more interested in what's supposed to differentiate it and make NX unique. Although it does make me optimistic that the hardware will be relatively inexpensive.


Not if you want a $149 launch price.

I think it's obvious they're going after this pricepoint.

Why...? The Shield launched at $200 a couple of months ago. This console is supposedly launching in a year. The build cost will decrease for Nvidia in that time frame.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That rumour was "not accurate", remember?

If they're not even targeting a PS4 in late 2016 and most likely removing the Wii U gamepad, I see no way this thing is over $200. Remember--in all of Iwata and Miyamoto's quotes about the failures of the Wii U, they mention price a ton. They saw the success of having the Wii with a low pricepoint in comparison to the other consoles. They're going right back to it.
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