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Media Create 12/6 - 12/12 GC sales SOAR!!


1 PS2 Dragon Quest VIII 203,618
2 PS2 Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator Yoshimune 188,927
3 PS2 Mobile Suit Gundam vs Z Gundam 183,583
4 PSP Minna no GOLF Portable 65,900
5 GBA RockMan EXE 5 Team of Blues 64,860
6 PSP Ridge Racers 60,624
7 DS Sawaru Made in Wario 58,083
8 DS Super Mario 64 DS 54,829
9 PS2 FIFA Total Football 2 53,617
10 GC Mario Party 6 39,231

this week last week
DS	[b]198,892[/b]468,883
PSP	[b]160,019[/b]
PS2	[b]98,323[/b]	93,829
GBASP	[b]48,912[/b]	27,313
GC	[b]25,359[/b]	5,465
GBA	[b]897[/b]	822
Xbox	[b]385[/b]	621
SC	[b]44[/b]	44
PSone	[b]35[/b]	40


Well it is Xmas time!!

Although it's interesting exactly what has caused such a huge boost.

Not anticipation for DK: Jungle Beat by the looks of things :-(


In Japan, Xbox costs like $180 and comes w/ Blinx 2 / PGR 2 / Halo / Top Spin / DVD Kit / Xbox Live.

Japan refuses to buy it, no matter what.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Mario party 6 sold too low to be the result of GC's sales, unless 90% of MP6's buyers didnt own one, which i doubt.

Maybe its because of piracy?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
...or maybe its because everyone in Japan finally has a PS2 and they are picking up a GC as a second system over the holidays.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Unison said:
In Japan, Xbox costs like $180 and comes w/ Blinx 2 / PGR 2 / Halo / Top Spin / DVD Kit / Xbox Live.

Japan refuses to buy it, no matter what.

Maybe the should bundle in one of those pillows, DOAXVB and some tissue?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
JC10001 said:
...or maybe its because everyone in Japan finally has a PS2 and they are picking up a GC as a second system over the holidays.

There's no such thing as two consoles in a japanese living room, fool!


Unison said:
In Japan, Xbox costs like $180 and comes w/ Blinx 2 / PGR 2 / Halo / Top Spin / DVD Kit / Xbox Live.

Japan refuses to buy it, no matter what.

You're kidding right? and things usually cost MORE in Japan. And its not like Microsoft just threw in 4 junk games either.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
joshschw said:
You're kidding right? and things usually cost MORE in Japan. And its not like Microsoft just threw in 4 junk games either.

oh.... long gone are the days when Gahiggidy predicted GCN will sell one million units in Japan during Christmas.... those were the days.... sniff...
Project Midway said:
oh.... long gone are the days when Gahiggidy predicted GCN will sell one million units in Japan during Christmas.... those were the days.... sniff...

I remember when I predicted 600,000 for the year, and was called a troll, especially after strong January Gamecube sales in japan.


bitwise said:
wonderswan crystal.



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The DS outsold the PSP on PSPs launch week.... thats the bigger news than GCN hardware spike, imo. Even if PSP demand is much higher, which I believe it probably is, thanks to supply the DS is almost certainly going to continue outselling it the rest of this month and most likely into 2005 as well.

What these media create #s show is that Nintendo, as of this moment, has about 1.6M DS units actually sold (not shipped). The last stated #s for both territories were 700K each, and that was a bit ago, esp. the American numbers, so assuming there's at least 800K sold in JP and America isn't unreasonable at all. In reality the total is probably higher than 1.6M...

I'm rambling. The point is, when both systems have finally reached a point where there's enough stock to find them sitting on shelves in both America and Japan, the DS's lead will be very wide. I believe the PSP will close the gap at that point, but its gonna have to significantly outsell the DS month to month to even things out by the end of 05...


Anyone have any idea how the PSP launch shipment was split? How many were "regular" 19800 yen deals and how many were 24800 yen "value packs"?

Also, why are GBA & GBASP seperated but not PS2 and PStwo?
Interesting. Does seem strange that Mario Party 6 could be the cause. As has been pointed out, Mario Party 6 sold under 40K here. Did half those purchases really go to people who needed to have a GameCube go along with it?

Another thought: perhaps it's just the time when everything starts blowing up... but for reasons of the new systems certain other existing systems aren't blowing up as much? I mean, perhaps the PS2 would've been higher this week if some of those same people weren't going for a PSP? But with PSP's low supply and the fact that DS didn't hurt GBASP or GCN's sales that doesn't fly far.

Then again, probably it's just that GCN's weekly sales have gone from "below old average" to "above old average" so it seems like a big jump.
GDJustin, when your limited by availability being outsold doesn't really matter. It speaks nothing of demand or popularity.

If the DS continued to drop in sales at the same rate, it actually won't. If another 42% drop in sales occurs the DS will sell about 84,366 units next week, the PlayStation Portable will sellout AGAIN, so something around 100k units, perhaps the DS would outsell it again..., but what about the following week?

Jarrod the PSTwo (which does not exist) and the PS2 are sold at the same price.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe the PSP value pack is sold in addition to the PSP. So I don't think there is a difference in actual packaging.
Galian Beast said:
GDJustin, when your limited by availability being outsold doesn't really matter. It speaks nothing of demand or popularity.
Well, nor did he claim such things. Just that having greater supply during the big sales time of the year is a help to Nintendo in the short term. Since sales in general slow down past early January, whatever lead the DS has gained in that time could be in effect for some months.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Galian, I'm not sure what agenda your pushing here, but I made it really clear that the DS outsold the PSP during its launch week BECAUSE of availability alone. If we lived in some magical hypothetical world were 50M units of each were available I think the PSP would outsell the DS... but as it is, Nintendo is manufacturing and shipping more DSs than Sony is PSPs. That means that until Sony catches up with their manuafacturing, the DS will continue to outsell the PSP, regardless of what actual consumer demand is.

The point was that they're going to be playing catch up through all of 2005 from the moment they're both widely available (feb or march most likely)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Galian Beast said:
My point was that the PSP's popularity and demand have yet to be tested, where as the DS' most certainly has.

You compared DSs week 1 to week 2 sales and point out what a large drop there was, then extrapolated what would happen if that drop continued...

By your logic, by the end of Jan. the DS will be selling about 4,000 units a week! The trend clearly shows it, right?

Your 'statistical analysis' was silly enough that I'm not even going to bother indulging you with replies, anymore.
Learn how to read, then reread what I said. I said the rate wouldn't continue.

I simply said it IS dropping, and I believe there is plenty of hardware out there, so it doesn't seem to be a supply problem at this point.

When the PSP sells significantly below its supply then Ill listen to people compare the sales, but at this point, it doesn't really mean anything.
Learn how to read, I didn't say it was unpopular...

Why are nintendo fans so blind?

I simply said that there is no way to make a current comparisson. As one system is limited by supply, and the other was not. And that simply because there was supply did not mean that the system would continue to sell as it has already shown.


Galian Beast said:
Learn how to read, I didn't say it was unpopular...

Why are nintendo fans so blind?

I simply said that there is no way to make a current comparisson. As one system is limited by supply, and the other was not. And that simply because there was supply did not mean that the system would continue to sell as it has already shown.

I wasnt exactly replying to you directly. Otherwise i would have quoted :)
Galian Beast said:
I believe there is plenty of hardware out there, so it doesn't seem to be a supply problem at this point.
Do you know this? If they ship ~200K or a little more per week, that would bring DS shipments to something like 1.3 million by the end of the year, which sounds about like the numbers I remember hearing.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Do you know this? If they ship ~200K or a little more per week, that would bring DS shipments to something like 1.3 million by the end of the year, which sounds about like the numbers I remember hearing.

? What does that have to do with what you quoted?
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