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MGS4 review - Swedish LEVEL #26 (NO SPOILERS!)


Neo Member
skip said:
so, like, you guys like quotes like that?

No, we don't. Even fanboys who claim to love hyperbole don't really, because the ones who post endless fap.gifs and "Game of The Forever!" comments when they read leaked reviews of big games are the same ones claiming that it was a total letdown and SHAME on the reviewers for hyping it up a week after it's released.

If you're interested in enjoying MGS4, I suggest you don't sit down to play it thinking "I can't wait to see if Gamepro's comments are really true!" That way lies only disappointment.

There are likely many legitimate criticisms of this game, just as there are for ALL games. Those criticisms don't necessarily invalidate positive aspects of a game...and illustrating the balance (or lack thereof) between what worked and what didn't is what game critics are for.

I love reading a detailed, intelligent review of a game that takes into account all aspects of the experience (even its relative place in videogame history), but I'm wary of a review that begins and ends with "Better, or as good as (Insert beloved franchise entry/gaming milestone here). It's pointless and reductive and only exists to whip fans of that particular sacred cow into a frenzy (as we've seen in this thread).

Lower your expectations people, and you'll only be pleasantly surprised when you play the game. Going into it expecting the second coming of Jesus, Star Wars prequels that didn't suck, your first sexual experience, a victory by your favorite sports team, your favorite movie/album, etc all burned onto a Blu-Ray Disc is just asking to be let down.


MollyMillions said:
Lower your expectations people, and you'll only be pleasantly surprised when you play the game.
Lower our expec...for MGS4? Really?

For the final chapter in one of the most legendary characters in gaming history? Sorry, bud, nice post but Kojima has a burden he decided to bear, and from the looks of it, he's done quite well.


Neo Member
Sweetie, I didn't say "lower your expectations relative to other games in the series". It's fine to compare MGS4 to other MGS games or even other games in the genre....I suggested toning down the expectations from "This game will forever change the face of gaming....we've crossed a new boundary, and nothing will ever be the same", which is basically what the Gamepro review said (and many many reviews of games like GTA IV and Halo 3 have done).

Lower expectations doesn't mean "accept whatever you're given".


So you dont believe any of those reviews til you play it yourself?

If you can honestly respond yes to that, I respect the shit out of you. I always like hearing the thoughts of the boys over from 1UP and/or IGN before I drop $60 on a new game.


So much hype, so little GTA4 played in the last 2 weeks. I don't trust anyone but Yahtzee in being honest these days :D

Hopefully it will be better than Worms: a space odyssey on the Wii that 1up gave a B+.


Neo Member
I take reviews at face value. If a review is telling me what a game does well and goes into detail about all of its good points (in proper English, sorry IGN) and points out a couple places where maybe it isn't perfect, then I find it credible. If most of a review is making vague and general sweeping statements that are pretty much just trying to make me wet, I call bullshit.


there is joy in sucking dick
Hype is a game killer. Obviously everyone reacts to this sort of written stimulate differently but its mostly (as stated) builds up the game to unachievable levels. Sort of how like virgins put pusseh on a pedestal...or something. A review should really talk about the mechanics of the game and other production aspects like that...instead of harking to FFVII, which already gets the brother of prerelease hype which is rose tinted glasses.

Temper the hype and go into a game with as little information as possible. Thats the correct way to do it!
MollyMillions said:
I take reviews at face value. If a review is telling me what a game does well and goes into detail about all of its good points (in proper English, sorry IGN) and points out a couple places where maybe it isn't perfect, then I find it credible. If most of a review is making vague and general sweeping statements that are pretty much just trying to make me wet, I call bullshit.

For other games, I absolutely agree with you. I'm not saying the MGS franchise is an exception. But for me personally, it is. I already expected great and admittedly, some unrealistic things out of this game when it was first announced


antiloop said:
I agree. In my opinion they should never compare games like that. Seeing as no experience is the same. I am sure I experienced FFVII in a totally different way than he did.

But reviewers are pretty much forced to nowadays. Because people wants to know if it's the next AAAA game to succeed game x or y.

Even if FFVII wasn't liked by everyone, it's pretty easy to say that it was a landmark game. Same thing with OoT, HL, RE...

What's wrong with essentially saying you think MGS4 will be perceived as another landmark title in the years to come?


Ceb said:
Even if FFVII wasn't liked by everyone, it's pretty easy to say that it was a landmark game. Same thing with OoT, HL, RE...

What's wrong with essentially saying you think MGS4 will be perceived as another landmark title in the years to come?

That's not wrong. It's never wrong to state an opinion and seeing as I haven't read the whole review. I don't have the correct context so it was wrong for me to even comment.


I have not read a preview, review, or seen an image or video after that video with the monkey with a can.

I want to go in with zero expectations (which I fail at miserably after playing the awesome MGO Beta), yet I have never in my life anticipated a game like this.

In my adulthood, I am willing to set aside work (in the middle of negotiating transactions involving hundreds of thousands of dollars), and I can't help but set my expectations high in the stratosphere, because I know Kojima will not disappoint.

I'm will not read the reviews, but coming from that GTAIV thread of reviewers not getting enough time, the fact that MGS4 has been out there for a long time, and is still getting these scores, is a testament to Kojima delivering.

With that said, with every minute I spend on the internets, I am closer to getting the game spoiled for me. It's hard to get away though.


Neo Member
antiloop said:
I agree. In my opinion they should never compare games like that. Seeing as no experience is the same. I am sure I experienced FFVII in a totally different way than he did.

But reviewers are pretty much forced to nowadays. Because people wants to know if it's the next AAAA game to succeed game x or y.

Edit: Game reviewers have more power than ever because of the "war". It's quite silly but true.

But MGS4 will never be the next game to succeed FFVII...they have virtually nothing in common other than being franchises largely made successful during the PSX era.

It's equally pointless to declare a game a massive step forward for the entire industry (which very few games truly are...only GTA III comes recently to mind), as that kind of assessment can only be made once time has passed...if no one picks up whatever imaginary gauntlet the reviewer is claiming the game is throwing down, then despite a game's merits, it wasn't a massive step forward.

As a more recent example: if no one copies Bungies saved film/ Forge/ website integration model over the next 5 years, does that mean it wasn't a great idea? No. But it does mean it wasn't a massive leap forward for the entire industry (which more than one review claimed it was when Halo 3 was released).
MollyMillions said:
But MGS4 will never be the next game to succeed FFVII...they have virtually nothing in common other than being franchises largely made successful during the PSX era.

The reviewers point wasn't that it was better or worse than FF7, he was making the point is that it could have the same influence on the industry that FF7, RE and GTA3 had.


MollyMillions said:
But MGS4 will never be the next game to succeed FFVII.

Yea, it can never do that exactly. But just by mentioning FFVII he raises expectations by a lot. But nvm. I hope it's really ground breaking like he thinks.


Neo Member
SolidSnakex said:
The reviewers point wasn't that it was better or worse than FF7, he was making the point is that it could have the same influence on the industry that FF7, RE and GTA3 had.

That's still a nonsensical statement: FFVII, RE and GTA III all had entirely different effects on the gaming landscape. Without a more specific observation of how and why MGS4 will effect the direction of gaming, it's empty hyperbole intended to excite the reader by evoking other IMPORTANT and TRIPLE A franchise landmarks.

Just so we're clear: I'm a total MGS fangirl...I have been since I first played MGS2 on my ex's PS2 in college. I want (and fully expect) MGS4 to be great. That doesn't mean that I don't roll my eyes when the unholy combination of fan hysteria and silly game critic pandering produces the kind of reactions going on in this thread.


Simo said:
The GamePro review reads like an open love letter to the game you'd expect from a console exclusive magazine. :lol

They pretty much are. Remember the article where they recommended you play a game on a Bravia?


MollyMillions said:
That's still a nonsensical statement: FFVII, RE and GTA III all had entirely different effects on the gaming landscape. Without a more specific observation of how and why MGS4 will effect the direction of gaming, it's empty hyperbole intended to excite the reader by evoking other IMPORTANT and TRIPLE A franchise landmarks.

Just so we're clear: I'm a total MGS fangirl...I have been since I first played MGS2 on my ex's PS2 in college. I want (and fully expect) MGS4 to be great. That doesn't mean that I don't roll my eyes when the unholy combination of fan hysteria and silly game critic pandering produces the kind of reactions going on in this thread.

It's just another way that games journalism is so much less mature than journalism/criticism in other media. How many movie reviews do you read proclaiming, "This will change the face of cinema forever." None?
Mifune said:
It's just another way that games journalism is so much less mature than journalism/criticism in other media. How many movie reviews do you read proclaiming, "This will change the face of cinema forever." None?

Well, gaming =/= film. Sometimes we really DO have games that change the face of gaming. It's a young medium, more reliant on the progression of technology and technique.

But yeah, I'm not for hyperbole, just playing devil's advocate.


Gbeav said:
Anything wrong with playing on a Bravia, bad tv?

No, but a gaming magazine has no place to be recommending that you play your games on a Sony television. I'll try and find the article it was pretty bad.


revolverjgw said:
Well, gaming =/= film. Sometimes we really DO have games that change the face of gaming. It's a young medium, more reliant on the progression of technology and technique.

But yeah, I'm not for hyperbole, just playing devil's advocate.

Thing is, though, there ARE movies that change the face of cinema. Reviewers just don't proclaim them to do so in their reviews. They adequately describe what the movie does brilliantly without making sweeping statements to fire up movie lovers.

Why should game reviews be different?


Mifune said:
Thing is, though, there ARE movies that change the face of cinema. Reviewers just don't proclaim them to do so in their reviews. They adequately describe what the movie does brilliantly without making sweeping statements to fire up movie lovers.

Why should game reviews be different?

I can play every movie on my Sony DVD player.

If you know what I mean. :|


Neo Member
revolverjgw said:
Well, gaming =/= film. Sometimes we really DO have games that change the face of gaming. It's a young medium, more reliant on the progression of technology and technique.

But yeah, I'm not for hyperbole, just playing devil's advocate.

This is true, up to a point. Like I said before, though, that kind of sea-change is almost impossible to predict before the game is even released...declaring that THE NEW ERA OF GAMING HAS BEGUN every time a major franchise releases its new installment is silly.

By this metric, over the last year we have passed into several different New Golden Ages of Gaming, if reviews for Halo 3, SSBB, Mario Galaxy, GTA IV are all to be believed, and now we have Gamepro declaring that an entirely New and Distinct plateau has just been reached that dwarfs or equals ALL others.


Edit: Oh, and I left out Bioshock, CoD4 and no doubt countless others that were declared Game of The Forever in the weeks leading up to release, all to suffer varying degrees of backlash because of the absurd amount of hyperbole that was lavished on them by fans and critics alike.


GamePro said:
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue is a heavy-hitting race simulator offering more than a taste of all the features to come in the final game. Although purely an appetizer, is it worth $40 before the main course?

Note that Gran Turismo 5: Prologue is a short version, a precursor demo of the full Gran Turismo 5 racing game, which still lingers under a TBA release date. Demo is the wrong word, but it gets the point across. Better yet, Prologue is an early, extensive hands-on experience that allows players to enjoy abridged features of the final version. Prologue is available on both Blu-ray (April 15th) and the PlayStation Network (April 17th).

Definition: Prologue -noun: a preliminary trial; a preface or introductory part of a video game in the case of Gran Turismo 5.
Series' favorite High Speed Ring race track returns as one of the six playable courses in Prologue.

The Basics

Available only on the PlayStation 3, GT5: Prologue is the most realistic racing simulation from the graphics to the sound to the feel. Prologue features over 70 cars including the Nissan GT-R, Ford GT, and for the first time in the series, high-end Ferrari cars such as the sporty F40 line. There are six full race courses available, each with alternative and reverse routes. The race-track scenery remains the same, but switching the route creates a completely different feel and strategy for each track, which actually ups the track count to near a dozen.

Our favorite new feature to Prologue, though, is the interior dashboard view, which puts you in the drivers' seat of every car in the game. No more bumper view taglines proclaiming that you're behind the wheel. You really are in GT5: Prologue with fully modeled driver arms and hands that grip the steering wheel of each individual, unique car. I've never sat inside a real Delta Lancia HF Integrale rally car before, and probably never will, but the new in-dash view reveals the actual, physical detail and geometry inside that car. And at 1080p resolution, you couldn't be more in the action.

Press the Select button to cycle through different views. The interior dash view adds even more realism to an already hyper realistic racing sim.

The graphics in GT5: Prologue are even better than Crysis. Race replays showcase moments of photo realism you can't find in any other game. Again, not even Crysis. The visuals are so crisp, blades of grass can be seen swaying in the wake of nearby wind currents caused by the speeding cars. The HDR lighting will remind you of Half-Life 2 as you exit a dark tunnel only to be momentarily blinded by the burning sunlight. We did notice, however, a difference between the visible jaggies between 720p and 1080p resolutions. This is due to the finite detail of geometry used to model every curve and crevice of the cars. Therefore, the best experience is on a 1080p television. We recommend a Sony Bravia or Grand Wega for maximum color vibrancy and sharp definition.

The same goes for a complete sound experience. The sound of each car is individually recorded from every angle, including inside the cockpit for the new interior dash view. This has been a staple since Gran Turismo 3, so hardcore fans should already have a booming 5.1 surround sound system if not better.

If you're PS3 is connected to the internet via broadband, you can race online with support for up to 16 players. You can also access Gran Turismo TV, which is a dedicated online channel that delivers exclusive motorsport and manufacturer content, but unfortunately, GT TV is only available in broadcast quality and not HD.

Control Yourself

The controls as always, work magic for a racing game, and the functions are completely changeable between face buttons, analog sticks, and the shoulder flaps. We recommend the new Dual-Shock 3 for the rumble effect, because it's not just the motor of the car that will spark up the vibrate function, each track has been felt up for unique grooves of wear and tear. Also, try the analog stick for finite gas and break leverage.

Even better, I got my hands on the yet-to-be-released Logitech Driving Force GT Wheel exclusively developed for Gran Turismo 5 and Prologue. If you're looking for the ultimate racing experience, this is it. This wheel rocks! It adds a level of difficulty which takes some getting used to, but it makes the in-dash view ten times more fun. And the force feedback is unrivaled. The wheel responds perfectly to your every movement as well as the car's. You can try and hold on to the wheel and fight against a spinout, but you'll probably break an arm in the process. The Logitech Diving Force GT Wheel is scheduled to release in early May for $149.99. It features a 24-position real-time adjustment dial that allows you to fine-tune brake bias, TCS, and damper settings on the fly while racing, and a gas and brake pedal stand.

Now, that's a lot of gameplay and features for a demo. Demo is the wrong word, and I hope you see why. But here's the question I had to ask myself: Is Gran Turismo 5: Prologue worth spending $40 dollars for? Absolutely. Yes. Without a doubt. If you purchase the Blu-ray version in stores. Not the PlayStation Network version, however. Why? Because the Blu-ray version comes with an additional HD behind the scenes featurette of the GT franchise called Beyond the Apex. The downloadable PSN version does not, and should be offered for $34.99 or even $29.99. You're not getting extra content, and you're helping Sony with PSN traffic and they don't even have to print a disc.

There are loads of other features to mention, but don't require in-depth writeups like the content above, such as a new drift mode, car tuning, 2-player split screen, and arcade mode. You get the picture. Prologue is massive and exactly what the PS3 needs to rev up the install base alongside Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

The whole article reads like Sony pr. I think MGS4 will be one of the greatest games of all time too, but I don't really trust GamePro. They also claimed that COD4 had dedicated servers for PS3, along with a host of other pro Sony falsehoods.
MollyMillions said:
Edit: Oh, and I left out Bioshock, CoD4 and no doubt countless others that were declared Game of The Forever in the weeks leading up to release, all to suffer varying degrees of backlash because of the absurd amount of hyperbole that was lavished on them by fans and critics alike.

All games will suffer backlash no matter if they hyped before or after release. It's just how it is. Someone is always going to be disappointed in a game and will determine that it was overrated.


Remove overall rating. Problem solved.

Scores means that the games are competing and with all the 10s given out this generation reviewers feel the need and pressure to make the game they like stick out.

Games shouldn't compete against each other. Especially if one is Mario Galaxy and one is Gears of War.

What do they have in common? Not even the reviewer I bet.
People are forgetting that it's possible to change th gaming-landscape with something as simple as RE4's over-the-shoulder camera. I mean, how many franchises wouldn't have been born if it weren't for that one, seemingly minute design choice they made in RE4. We don't know if MGS4 is gonna have something like that.

What I can almost say for certain is this: MGS4 will indeed be held in high-regard many years from now and I didn't need Gamepro's hyperbolic review to let me come to this conclusion. The amount of rabid MGS fans will brute-force the games status into one of gamings greatest achievements, whether warranted or not.


Neo Member
SolidSnakex said:
All games will suffer backlash no matter if they hyped before or after release. It's just how it is. Someone is always going to be disappointed in a game and will determine that it was overrated.

Yes and no. While the juvenile and contrary nature of most gaming fanboys (especially on teh internets) will lead someone to enter any given thread on any given game and flatly declare "This game fucking sucks" I think it's readily apparent to see that the amount of fanboys doing just that in a GTA IV or Assassin's Creed or Halo 3 thread will be infinitely more than in a Persona 3 or Okami or No More Heroes or Shadow of the Colossus or (insert more modestly hyped game here).

It's not just because there are more people talking about these bigger games, it's because they go into these games thinking "wtf. IGN gave this a 10?"

That's no way to play a game. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Case in point from a couple pages ago:
Over the Top Gamepro Review said:
Every once in a long while, a game will come along and change all the rules. Final Fantasy 7 transformed the RPG genre. Resident Evil helped create a new sub-category of gaming - survival horror - and Grand Theft Auto 3 single-handedly reshaped the gaming landscape. And now comes Metal Gear Solid 4, a game whose potential influence on the current state of gaming is nothing short of tectonic.

DrBo42 said:
WAT. Alright June 12th needs to hurry the fuck over here so I can find out if this is complete bullshit.

I'm willing to bet DrBo42 will be disappointed in this game, or at least claim that it didn't live up to Gamepro's description.
Man, shit. I don't know about you guys, but seeing as I find the MGS trilogy games some of the best games ever made, and if MGS4 tops even MGS3 for me, that's all that needs to be done cause it really would be the best damn thing ever for me.
MollyMillions said:
Yes and no. While the juvenile and contrary nature of most gaming fanboys (especially on teh internets) will lead someone to enter any given thread on any given game and flatly declare "This game fucking sucks" I think it's readily apparent to see that the amount of fanboys doing just that in a GTA IV or Assassin's Creed or Halo 3 thread will be infinitely more than in a Persona 3 or Okami or No More Heroes or Shadow of the Colossus or (insert more modestly hyped game here).

Well it's because 3 out of 4 of those games are still relatively small and most people haven't played them. I'm referring to those games where they don't receive much attention prior to their release but after they do come out and people start playing them they receive a ton of attention and pick up alot of sales. It's those games that'll have similar backlash to the games that are hyped alot prior to their launch.

I understand your point though. But I don't know how much influence reviews really have a how disappointed people will be in big games. There's an installed expectations for games like MGS4, GTA4 ect. ect. And that has nothing to do with reviews largely because people really don't look to reviews to sell them on those games.


Neo Member
Like we both pointed out, people will bitch and complain about every game, it's a given. I think you need look no further than this thread, though, to see how pre-release reviews full of nothing but unspecific hype about "changing the face of gaming" can elevate the already high expectations for these vaunted franchises to unrealistic and stratospheric, unachievable levels.

This doesn't effect first-week sales (except maybe down the road through negative word of mouth), but I don't think it's a positive element of the gaming industry. If nothing else, it's tedious and fucking annoying.


Next-generation doesn't start until Kojima says it does. Which is to say, June 12th.

I can easily see MGS4 being a revolutionary kind of title if the progression of the series is anything to go by. Each new installment introduced some radical gameplay element in addition to refinements, looks like MGS4 will be the most accessible and refined game to date. It remedies all the problems with the old MGS (camera, controls, stream-lined camo system) and introduces some new gameplay mechanics (Drebin points, stress meter, open battlefields) and combines it with Kojima's trademark attention to details and polish all with the power of next-gen. It's also the conclusion to one of gaming's most beloved characters, Snake.

Compared to other games like Halo 3, which feels just like its predecessors with expansive online features, or Bioshock which some people feel is a retread of System Shock 2, or GTAIV which could be seen as GTA3 with long needed refinements; I can easily see MGS4 deserving of its GOTF status. It might be the gameplay jump from MGS1 to MGS2, new generations and all. Of course, we won't know for sure until we get our hands on the game but hell, allow me to revel in my hype.


BlockBastard said:
What reference?

On the TV show "I'm Rich" that parodies those VH1 shows about rich heiresses and the lifestyles of millionaire playboys, they refer to the daughters of one of the millionaires as "Les Enfantes Terribles"

It seemed to be giving props to MGS, while they had another show called "Republican Space Rangers" that was a pretty heavy handed insult to Halo. It was a bunch of rednecks going around the galaxy killing peaceful life forms wearing green Halo suits and helmets with the yellow visor. They seemed to be taking a shot at American Halo fans, but that was just my interpretation.
Jtrizzy said:
On the TV show "I'm Rich" that parodies those VH1 shows about rich heiresses and the lifestyles of millionaire playboys, they refer to the daughters of one of the millionaires as "Les Enfantes Terribles"

It seemed to be giving props to MGS, while they had another show called "Republican Space Rangers" that was a pretty heavy handed insult to Halo. It was a bunch of rednecks going around the galaxy killing peaceful life forms wearing green Halo suits and helmets with the yellow visor. They seemed to be taking a shot at American Halo fans, but that was just my interpretation.

Hm, never really spent much time watching the in-game TV in GTA IV so I only managed to catch republican space rangers. Anyway, is that the entire reference?


there is joy in sucking dick
Jtrizzy said:
On the TV show "I'm Rich" that parodies those VH1 shows about rich heiresses and the lifestyles of millionaire playboys, they refer to the daughters of one of the millionaires as "Les Enfantes Terribles"

It seemed to be giving props to MGS, while they had another show called "Republican Space Rangers" that was a pretty heavy handed insult to Halo. It was a bunch of rednecks going around the galaxy killing peaceful life forms wearing green Halo suits and helmets with the yellow visor. They seemed to be taking a shot at American Halo fans, but that was just my interpretation.

The Halo reference I get but the "Les Enfants Terribles" is probably referencing the original source material instead of MGS.


Neo Member
elcapitan said:
Next-generation doesn't start until Kojima says it does. Which is to say, June 12th.

I can easily see MGS4 being a revolutionary kind of title if the progression of the series is anything to go by. Each new installment introduced some radical gameplay element in addition to refinements, looks like MGS4 will be the most accessible and refined game to date. It remedies all the problems with the old MGS (camera, controls, stream-lined camo system) and introduces some new gameplay mechanics (Drebin points, stress meter, open battlefields) and combines it with Kojima's trademark attention to details and polish all with the power of next-gen. It's also the conclusion to one of gaming's most beloved characters, Snake.

Compared to other games like Halo 3, which feels just like its predecessors with expansive online features, or Bioshock which some people feel is a retread of System Shock 2, or GTAIV which could be seen as GTA3 with long needed refinements; I can easily see MGS4 deserving of its GOTF status. It might be the gameplay jump from MGS1 to MGS2, new generations and all. Of course, we won't know for sure until we get our hands on the game but hell, allow me to revel in my hype.

But all of the progression you've mentioned is within the scope of the MGS series itself. None of the gameplay innovations mentioned are UNHEARD of in the stealth action genre. In fact, when it comes to camera control and perspective, along with aiming, etc. MGS is actually behind the curve...Subsistence was the first time the long out of date fixed overhead camera was modified.

Now, you're most likely completely correct in assuming that the quality of execution of these elements will be incredible, and probably much more polished and impressive than its competitors (in the same genre). I expect no less from one of the most prominent auteurs in the industry.

This is not the same thing as saying it will change the direction of gaming as a whole...spreading that around is pretty much misinformation.

You can revel in your hype as much as you want...but isn't it enough to say that you expect MGS to be the best Metal Gear game EVAR? I haven't criticized anyone for expecting that...I expect that as well. It's when people start saying it will be the most greatest and envelope-pushingest game ever made by anyone EVAR that I get irritated.
Mifune said:
Thing is, though, there ARE movies that change the face of cinema. Reviewers just don't proclaim them to do so in their reviews. They adequately describe what the movie does brilliantly without making sweeping statements to fire up movie lovers.

Why should game reviews be different?

this isnt true....alot of movies are extremely overrated in my opinion...infact the quality of mainstream output these days is pretty terrible...some diamonds in the rough though.

Indiana Jones is a decent example, it wasnt exactly critically recieved, but still...it was entertaining, but damn, it was a shambles...

If you think hyperbole is missing in the movie industry you have your eyes closed and ears plugged...hype is absolutely rife through almost all aspects of mainstream society, easily as prevalent as in videogames...
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