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Milo Yiannopoulous resigns from Breitbart over pedophilia comments

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Y'all are naive if you think Breitbart forced him out over this. He left because he's outgrowing breitbart and he wants his own platform. This was a convenient end point, that's all.


yeah he probably asked to have his book deal burnt for the same reasons brah
Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan


No Scrubs
Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan

Breitbart literally had a staff revolt on their hands.

He'll find another publisher, but he won't make nearly as much money as he would have at S&S.

This was not a win for him, Milo lost here.


Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan
Wait your serious?
Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan

Guarantee he doesn't.

What publisher is gonna fuck with him post-pedophilia? Hell, it's why he lost his first one. This isn't some grand design keikaku bullshit; he's getting fucked.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan

It's a "plan" in the sense that someone getting their ass dumped accelerates their "plan" to look for someone new.


Y'all are naive if you think Breitbart forced him out over this. He left because he's outgrowing breitbart and he wants his own platform. This was a convenient end point, that's all.
Kellyanne, is that you?

"I didn't crash my car, I was going to park it anyway. That tree just provided a convenient place to stop!"


I think he's pretty much screwed, and mostly locked out from any mainstream stuff for a long, long time. Anytime he tries to do something, I hope people make sure everyone knows what he said and supports, make sure he's never seen as even remotely credible ever again.
He's still hot shit right now. You guys expecting him to be down for the count are mistaken. For the record, I can't stand the dude

Pedophilia, even the perception of pedophilia, is a hard fucking thing to come back from. Beat your wife? Talk shit about the blacks and/or jews? Get caught drunk driving? Have a drug problem? All things you can come back from. Even without knowing the full story of what is going on, the words Milo and pedophilia are now associated. That's a death sentence in terms of being a public persona. Back to the fringes he goes.


👏 dimestore 👏dipshits 👏 don't 👏 play 👏 twelve- 👏 -dimensional 👏 chess 👏


Pedophilia, even the perception of pedophilia, is a hard fucking thing to come back from. Beat your wife? Talk shit about the blacks and/or jews? Get caught drunk driving? Have a drug problem? All things you can come back from. Even without knowing the full story of what is going on, the words Milo and pedophilia are now associated. That's a death sentence in terms of being a public persona. Back to the fringes he goes.

Exactly! Once you've been seen as being in support of pedophilia, that's a death sentence. People don't seem to realise that it's the worst thing you could be associated with.

People get falsely accused of pedophilia or supporting pedophilia, and it can destroy their lives, regardless of evidence. Actually having a video out there showing you in support of it? He's done, he'll never escape it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Really getting tired of the "nothing bad can ever be stopped and anything good is an illusion" brigade.
There's been a stubborn mainstream streak of this ever since Trump won. I guess the sheer shock of him winning sent a lot of Iiberals into a defensive pessimist mode.

"the world is a cold dark place, and the bad guys always win, and even when you think you have a gain... it's either all part of their plan, or their base is simply incapable of seeing it as a loss."

Notice how every action related to Milo, Bannon, Trump, etc is all perceived as some game of 4D chess ... Even when they're obviously stumbling, it's all perceived as another move that helps them closer to the finish line. This is what liberal trauma looks like.


Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan




Maher's comments are insanely disappointing. I know Maher himself says problematic things, but his response for not holding Milo accountable for his actions is such a cop-out answer. It's clear he did barely any research on the guy and only knows him from the few times his actions landed him on mainstream news. That he was allowed to go on Real Time, downplay his role in Leslie Jones' harassment and spew transphobic nonsense is appalling.

Unfortunately, I do think it's reflective of a bigger problem regarding Milo and his public perception (prior to this situation). People haven't paying attention to the alt-right at all, even on this forum you still get people saying "I didn't follow GamerGate." If they did, they'd be aware of Milo's role in the whole thing, his status as a figurehead, how he was involved in painting targets, etc. Instead, when people hear that Milo is being protested, they think he's just a troll, or a "little impish, bratty kid brother" and that people are overreacting.


Y'all are naive if you think Breitbart forced him out over this. He left because he's outgrowing breitbart and he wants his own platform. This was a convenient end point, that's all.
They had to get rid of him. However by having him resign, he gets to save a little face and Breitbart won't get assaulted by his fans in return.


Y'all are naive if you think Breitbart forced him out over this. He left because he's outgrowing breitbart and he wants his own platform. This was a convenient end point, that's all.

Your kidding right, cause he's a gay jewish guy which a lot of their fan base hates. And then he was caught making comments about having sex with kids. It all added up that they had enough, they don't need him, people like Milo are disposable to them.
Or, you know, maybe "America is already great" doesn't really play well when half your town is unemployed and addicted to opiates.
And yet if a liberal says America has problems, the conservatives start shouting they're being unpatriotic. "Love it or leave it," etc.
I mean, I guess he could just self-publish on Amazon.
He'd actually make a lot more money doing that, as well as print-to-order. Or, he could have, before the pedophilia comments.


I think he's pretty much screwed, and mostly locked out from any mainstream stuff for a long, long time. Anytime he tries to do something, I hope people make sure everyone knows what he said and supports, make sure he's never seen as even remotely credible ever again.

It's only going to make him stronger. That dude's not dumb. Just watch.

Zen Aku

Pedophilia, even the perception of pedophilia, is a hard fucking thing to come back from. Beat your wife? Talk shit about the blacks and/or jews? Get caught drunk driving? Have a drug problem? All things you can come back from. Even without knowing the full story of what is going on, the words Milo and pedophilia are now associated. That's a death sentence in terms of being a public persona. Back to the fringes he goes.

Yup, in prison if they knew you are in any way connected to pedophilia, you're basically a dead man. Even convicts can't stand for that shit, and we're talking about rapists and murderers.

Out in the real world, you're just as fucked.


It's only going to make him stronger. That dude's not dumb. Just watch.

Pedophilia is worse than a scarlet letter. No big name company is going to endorse someone associated with pedophilia. Never mind the fact that Milo is gay which makes him perfect fodder for the anti-lgbt conservatives.


It's only going to make him stronger. That dude's not dumb. Just watch.

Nope. He made way too many enemies with his edgy comments and bullshit before, so now he's known as a pedophilia supporter, that will get brought up every time he tries to do something. No company or publisher will touch him, not unless they want to be tainted as well.

He's not "edgy shockjock" Milo anymore, he's "pedophile advocate" Milo now. He won't shake that image.


For you.
It's only going to make him stronger. That dude's not dumb. Just watch.
Any. Fucker will be out of the mainstream now. Of course he will still have his legion of followers, but he will no longer appear in anything that matters. Dude is known as the pedophile advocate now, people won't touch him with a seven foot pole. I'm curious when will even a college republican group will even consider inviting him again to speak. And oh boy it's going to be a beautiful shitstorm, because no one is going to want a pedophile advocate coming to their campus. Even people that wouldn't normally protest him are going to join the protests now.

Damn this Kylie gif used in this context is perfection.
Guaranteed he's already got another publisher.

I'm not saying this was something he wanted to happen. Obviously not. But sooner or later he would've left Breitbart anyway to build his own thing. Just accelerated the plan
This doesn't make any sense.
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