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Milo Yiannopoulous resigns from Breitbart over pedophilia comments

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Also the irony of bragging, falsely, about how giving Milo his platform caused the awesome event of Milo losing another platform....

Like you can't have it both ways, you can't insist you needed to let him speak on your show and then celebrate that someone else cancelled his platform

That headline by the NYT though teeters on righteous sarcasm.

Nothing more than CPAC patrons and Reaganites love is Bill Mahr


He's delusional.

That man really needs to let go of his ego.

The fact is Milo was not defeated by Bill Maher or even the Berkeley protesters. He was defeated by some pissed off Reaganites and a right-wing establishment which thought maybe defending paedophilia was a step too far.

The left had zero to do with his downfall.
When he said that transgender people have a “psychiatric disorder,” do you just move on from that?

Move on? It dominated the entire [online] segment. The other guests attacked him. When I say, “That’s not unreasonable” [to not want to share a bathroom with a transgender person] it’s because women have said that to me: “I want to know,” or “I’m not comfortable with someone in the bathroom, even if they, in their minds, have decided they are a woman.” Doesn’t that opinion count at all?

But you don’t agree that transgender people have a psychiatric disorder.

No, I don’t agree with that. But I don’t know that much about the situation. If somebody feels like they’re a woman, fine, then you’re a woman. I’m O.K. with that. If they’ve studied that, and they say it’s not a psychiatric disorder, I’m O.K. with that too. If that’s what scientists decided, that it’s not any psychological disorder, it’s fine with me. I agree.

Liberal Icon Bill Maher folks. Doesn't the opinion of transphobic people who are scared to pee with trans folk count at all?


That man really needs to let go of his ego.

The fact is Milo was not defeated by Bill Maher or even the Berkeley protesters. He was defeated by some pissed off Reaganites and a right-wing establishment which thought maybe defending paedophilia was a step too far.

The left had zero to do with his downfall.

That is the funniest part, in the end, only the Right had the ability to pull the rug from under Milo. Liberal outrage had nothing to do with it. All being on Bill Maher's show was put a brighter spotlight on Milo just before he discovered where the "line" was.


Liberal Icon Bill Maher folks. Doesn't the opinion of transphobic people who are scared to pee with trans folk count at all?

Jesus christ, it takes a special kinda of person to be proud of their own ignorance

That is the funniest part, in the end, only the Right had the ability to pull the rug from under Milo. Liberal outrage had nothing to do with it. All being on Bill Maher's show was put a brighter spotlight on Milo just before he discovered where the "line" was.

Shows how much Conservatives care about "Free Speech"
Do you feel that way even about the kinds of things Milo was saying on your show, or in the other platforms he was given?

Can he do damage? I suppose he can. To a degree. Not a great degree, I don't think. Could he offend people? Could he even inspire a borderline person to do something violent? I guess so. But nothing is free in life. People seem to want to live in this world where everything is a win-win. That's not how life works.

Could he inspire violence, yeah maybe but hey you have to let a few skulls get cracked...

Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him? For instance, it seemed like he was allowed to grossly understate his role in harassing Leslie Jones on Twitter.

It's not my job to hold him accountable to everything he's ever said or done. I had eight minutes with him, on the show itself. Sorry I don't have time to go over everything everybody else would want to do. We just had time to, sort of, start a discussion of the broad view of who he is. I don't think he frankly knows what he's going to say half the time, or knows what his philosophy is. But to see him as this monster is a little crazy. You know what he is? He's the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.

Like for all the talk that Bill Maher has about Trump being a child (and he is).... read this and tell me this is an adult's perspective on someone like Milo

I said it on Friday Bill Maher didn't expose Milo, Milo exposed Bill Maher.


That is the funniest part, in the end, only the Right had the ability to pull the rug from under Milo. Liberal outrage had nothing to do with it. All being on Bill Maher's show was put a brighter spotlight on Milo just before he discovered where the "line" was.

I do confess having Milo on his show did at least expose how fucking useless Bill Maher actually is.


I do confess having Milo on his show did at least expose how fucking useless Bill Maher actually is.

People need to stop thinking of The Mahrs, Stewarts, Bees, etc as Political Batmen here to save you. They are first and foremost entertainers, don't give them anymore or any less weight or power than they deserve


What I think people saw was an emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe, trying to make a buck off of the left’s propensity for outrage. And by the end of the weekend, by dinnertime Monday, he’s dropped as a speaker at CPAC. Then he’s dropped by Breitbart, and his book deal falls through. As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You’re welcome.

What a fucking idiot. "You're welcome" my ass - he didn't fucking do anything. He offloaded all the hard work onto Wilmore and Nance. He might as well not have been there for all the good he was. If this interview is anything to go by, Maher has Trump levels of self-awareness. I would hope that he faces some kind of backlash for this, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

I will say that it's interesting to see a liberal figure take credit for something Reaganites did. You don't see that every day.
I will say that it's interesting to see a liberal figure take credit for something Reaganites did. You don't see that every day.

Yeah. Too bad the surprise is offset by the more common sight of white people taking credit for the work that black people did.

Maher got played and he's too stupid and too far up his ass to realize it.
Here's Maher making comments about pedophilia that seem... a little familiar

Maher is shit, has always been shit. There may be some things I agree with that he says, but in general, he's a selfish, self-aggrandizing, prick. He's not a liberal in the normal sense, he's a liberal in the "my view is what is liberal" sense. This should tank him. Fuck him for thinking bringing Milo on was good for free speech, he was doing this for ratings. He got what he wanted. Fuck him.


It was George Carlin and Bil Maher and a bit of Dawkins who first and foremost helped me get out of christianity (I was a christian before). It was a difficult process, but they helped me.

So yeah, I like the dude, even after his bad "interview" with Milo.


It's a strange paragraph, but as others said she claims she's referring to some comments he made about age-gaps and adult male homosexuals.

She goes on to say this right after:

I mean, that exact follow-up is what I'm talking about. She's mischaracterizing what he said to be "mangled age of consent" comments when he was literally being an apologist for statutory rape. I mean, this is his literal words on the matter while describing his experiences at 14:

Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can't speak to their parents. Some of those relationships are the most -

Anyway, she does admit it's a "bridge too far" and, honestly, I'm not going to read any of her work after this so I'll stop harping on it and let people continue enjoying the schadenfreude party.


Maher is shit, has always been shit. There may be some things I agree with that he says, but in general, he's a selfish, self-aggrandizing, prick. He's not a liberal in the normal sense, he's a liberal in the "my view is what is liberal" sense. This should tank him. Fuck him for thinking bringing Milo on was good for free speech, he was doing this for ratings. He got what he wanted. Fuck him.

This is a bit of an overreaction. I haven't been a big fan of Maher's form of intellectualism for a long time (Religulous was intellectually dishonest, his view on vaccines is dumb, etc. - he often makes "free thinkers" look bad), but the mere fact that he had Milo on isn't good enough reason to tank him, and neither is his perceived lack of liberalism.

Watching the panel in addition to the interview, Milo didn't look good. Neither did Maher, and I have no idea what Maher was thinking with his impotent approach, but Milo did a great job all on his own showing the audience what a terrible person he is. Being transgender is a form of mental illness, the former intelligence officer on the panel has a low IQ, and all the other things he said. . .Larry Wilmore made the point that a lot of his argumentation was analogous with what was said about homosexuals and blacks, and that is true in another form: it is the same argumentation that has lost again and again, even with the biggest platforms possible.

In the end, Milo came and went. But then so did those videos, and now here we are.
You know, a lot of people have waxed sentimental about how Conservatives have been spotlighted as not giving two ****s about free speech whenever it doesn't suit, but who wants to bet that Maher won't be too different?

Well Maher, why don't you show the world yet again what it means to you to have a piece of human garbage on your show again to show off how much you respect "free speech" hmmmmmm? Surely after your new fav is being attacked you'd want to give him a platform from which y'all can "discuss" (read: fanboy over each others discriminatory attitudes) such "controversial" opinions.

Fuck these two. The fact that Maher still has defenders despite this exposé because of his pseudo-intellectualism is gross and speaks to just how shallow his fans are.


For people who've been saying "omg why didn't bill tear milo to bits!!!":

Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him? For instance, it seemed like he was allowed to grossly understate his role in harassing Leslie Jones on Twitter.

It’s not my job to hold him accountable to everything he’s ever said or done. I had eight minutes with him, on the show itself. Sorry I don’t have time to go over everything everybody else would want to do. We just had time to, sort of, start a discussion of the broad view of who he is. I don’t think he frankly knows what he’s going to say half the time, or knows what his philosophy is. But to see him as this monster is a little crazy. You know what he is? He’s the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.


Saint Titanfall
This is a bit of an overreaction. I haven't been a big fan of Maher's form of intellectualism for a long time (Religulous was intellectually dishonest, his view on vaccines is dumb, etc. - he often makes "free thinkers" look bad), but the mere fact that he had Milo on isn't good enough reason to tank him, and neither is his perceived lack of liberalism.

Watching the panel in addition to the interview, Milo didn't look good. Neither did Maher, and I have no idea what Maher was thinking with his impotent approach, but Milo did a great job all on his own showing the audience what a terrible person he is. Being transgender is a form of mental illness, the former intelligence officer on the panel has a low IQ, and all the other things he said. . .Larry Wilmore made the point that a lot of his argumentation was analogous with what was said about homosexuals and blacks, and that is true in another form: it is the same argumentation that has lost again and again, even with the biggest platforms possible.

In the end, Milo came and went. But then so did those videos, and now here we are.

Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him? For instance, it seemed like he was allowed to grossly understate his role in harassing Leslie Jones on Twitter.

It’s not my job to hold him accountable to everything he’s ever said or done. I had eight minutes with him, on the show itself. Sorry I don’t have time to go over everything everybody else would want to do. We just had time to, sort of, start a discussion of the broad view of who he is. I don’t think he frankly knows what he’s going to say half the time, or knows what his philosophy is. But to see him as this monster is a little crazy. You know what he is? He’s the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.

This is what he says about a person encouraging and engaging in racist and sexist abuse as well as harassment.

I'm sorry but these are the word's of someone that honestly doesn't give a fuck about those things in any particularly deep conviction.
For people who've been saying "omg why didn't bill tear milo to bits!!!":

Yeah that's a total bullshit copout answer mixed with childish dismissal of the real world impact Milo has based on Maher and his staff's total lack of research....

I don't know why you'd quote this as if he said something meaningful.

You should have quoted the part that basically said maybe he'd inspire some violent crazy person to do something but nothing is free in life...


He's just a lil scamp? Is that seriously what Maher is implying?

Outing trans students and running a campaign of concentrated racism against people isn't childish fun.


For people who've been saying "omg why didn't bill tear milo to bits!!!":

Makes him sound worse to be honest. Milo is not a child. He enjoys throwing hate at people and trying to get them to devalue themselves based on who they are. And apparently he also advocated for boys to sleep with adult men. The "they are only the words of a troll" defense is a completely juvenile belief that words don't actually cause any harm and Bill should know better.


Saying transgender people are confused men who should be kept away from children is just boys being boys, you know, the impish little devils.
For people who've been saying "omg why didn't bill tear milo to bits!!!":

Could there have been more accountability in your segments with him? For instance, it seemed like he was allowed to grossly understate his role in harassing Leslie Jones on Twitter.

It's not my job to hold him accountable to everything he's ever said or done. I had eight minutes with him, on the show itself. Sorry I don't have time to go over everything everybody else would want to do. We just had time to, sort of, start a discussion of the broad view of who he is. I don't think he frankly knows what he's going to say half the time, or knows what his philosophy is. But to see him as this monster is a little crazy. You know what he is? He's the little impish, bratty kid brother. And the liberals are his older teenager sisters who are having a sleepover and he puts a spider in their sleeping bag so he can watch them scream.
Wow, softening Milo into some bratty kid brother. No empathy from Bill Maher towards any of the victims.


Sam Kriss unleashing the fire today:

The Sad Truth About Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo's secret is that he's one of the most boring people on the planet.

He spends every waking second trying to hide this fact. It's why an adult man who used to dress exactly like the awkward tech journalist he was now swans around in costumes ranging from "Poochie the dog" to "the binbags behind Asda" to "scene-filler from Triumph of the Will". It's why, like every other failed reactionary loser to get bored of these pissy islands, he went off to seek fame in America, where people confuse our accents for wit and our humdrum sex lives for personality. It's why he won't stop running up and down in front of the world, screaming "look at me!" He needs to keep it up forever, because as soon as he stops, people will realise there's nothing to see.

Here's another today about the stupid Prison Planet guy:

Voyage to the prison planet

All the usual tedium of the right-wing fringe is present in Watson’s work. There’s the racism and sexism and transmisogyny and anticommunism and other assorted foundational isms, of course, the conspiracy theories about white genocide and the globalist master-plan, the scattershot insults, ‘virtue-signalling’ and ‘politically correct’ blanketed about until they lose all meaning beyond that of a sourceless, careless sneer. But there’s also what really distinguishes the whole project: the idiot’s joy in being smugly wrong about stuff, complete with triumphantly feeble Twitter putdowns and the absolute assurance that everyone who makes fun of him is actually a snowflake who’s just been triggered.
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