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Spring '06 Anime Season

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Wow, Spring 06 really sucks. I'll be watching 1 ep of Ergo Proxy though, just to confirm my doubts....

Dead said:
Ergo Proxy is going to be fucking fantastic. New Manglobe anime + Dai Sato (Probably my fav writer in anime currently, seriously as Fnord said, this guys resume speaks for itself) as chief writer, how can that possibly go wrong.

What could go wrong? Try this: FROM THE DIRECTOR OF WITCH HUNTER ROBIN..... :lol

distantmantra said:
BONES has really calmed down on the number of productions at one time. They were on a roll at the beginning, but working on Wolf's Rain, Scrapped Princess, Full Metal Alchemist, Mars Daybreak and the Rahxephon film at one time (either in production, pre-production, post-preduction) took a toll on them.

BONES has two series planned for early 2006. Both are shoujo. Besides the one listed there's a sci-fi/fantasy one that'll be from the director of Melody of Oblivion/Gad Guard and from the writer of Scrapped Princess. :D


Greenpanda said:
I don't know much about anime, but whenever I happen to stop by an anime thread, I see this term. What does it mean?

Yoshitoshi Abe on moe:



I'm pleasantly suprised to see that the reason Wings of Rean looked so much like Dunbine is that it IS Dunbine. Neat.

Does anyone know who's working on Rescue Wings? It looks to have high production values, but if the director and writer aren't up to it, I'm guessing the show will just be rather dull. However, it's definately got potential.

I'm really looking forward to Funny Pets, having seen some of Ryuji Masuda's other animation, namely Mr. Stain, which was entertaingly weird. Okay, so the CG is a bit iffy, but it's certainly bizzare enough to be entertaining.

And, like 7Th, I'm incredibly psyched for the new Satoshi Kon and Studio 4oC features. Woo!



First off: Immense thanks to you for providing this service.

Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a season of utter crap except for Ergo Proxy. Well, that, and I have to admit the girl with a piece of charcoal on her head has my attention. I keep grinning when I look at the picture. It's actually not a bad thing if the majority of the season sucks, I'm so behind on watching all the shows from the Fall season.


The Inside Track
Excelion said:
wow, just watched Gunbuster2 ep4, that was awesome :)

Maybe Gainax is still alive ! in Tsurumaki we trust.
Damn you, you beat me to this exact same post.
After a rather average episode 3 I'm glad to see that episode 4 was really great. It's been long since something done by Gainax has been this enjoyable :)
I was watching Gunbuster (1) again just last week, now that was an awesome anime. The last episode is for me the best episode in a series ever, great writing, great pacing. Too bad that ran out of money to animate everything :p


true, Ep6 was amazing. I always have a "beyond the river of time" mp3 somewhere in my mp3 player :)

The first 3 episodes of Gunbuster1 weren't that great either (especially episode 1), it really begins when Smith dies.


The Inside Track
Excelion said:
The first 3 episodes of Gunbuster1 weren't that great either (especially episode 1), it really begins when Smith dies.
Yeah it's true, but the first three episodes also helped build up the story really well, something I don't think the first 3 episodes of Gunbuster 2 did really that well.
One thing I really miss from Gunbuster is all the science stuff, you could really tell these guys really documented on all this. The whole space/time thing was so powerful. It was really well done in Voices of a Distant Star from Makoto Shinkai too.
duckroll said:
Wow, Spring 06 really sucks. I'll be watching 1 ep of Ergo Proxy though, just to confirm my doubts....

What could go wrong? Try this: FROM THE DIRECTOR OF WITCH HUNTER ROBIN..... :lol

You are shattering my hopes ;( ...

FnordChan said:
Yoshitoshi Abe on moe:



That's awesome :lol ..


well not really...yet
duckroll said:
What could go wrong? Try this: FROM THE DIRECTOR OF WITCH HUNTER ROBIN..... :lol
Man, WHR isn't even close to being so bad that it totally invalidates whatever else Murase is involved with after, calm down :p

In other news, it appears Shinichiro Watanabe will be speaking at the Houston Museum of Natural Science next month, if that's true, i'll find a way to attend 100% :D


I'm guessing the Fall '05 thread is dead? Anyway, Shakugan no Shana 13 and Noein 10 have been out for a while.


Dead said:
Man, WHR isn't even close to being so bad that it totally invalidates whatever else Murase is involved with after, calm down :p

It isn't even close to being so good that it validates the series being of any real interest. Manglobe only worked on ONE show so far and I think we can all agree that Champloo was great because of Watanabe. Dai Sato writes like 15 series every year and about 4 of them are good, so there's that. :lol


duckroll said:
It isn't even close to being so good that it validates the series being of any real interest. Manglobe only worked on ONE show so far and I think we can all agree that Champloo was great because of Watanabe.

Champloo was great for a variety of reasons, including top-notch production by Manglobe and scripting by Dai Sato. Speaking of which:

Dai Sato writes like 15 series every year and about 4 of them are good, so there's that. :lol

Dai Sato's credits, courtesy of Anime News Network:

Casshern (live-action movie) : Screenplay
Cowboy Bebop (TV) : Script, Stage Setting Cooperation
Ergo Proxy (TV) : Screenplay, Chief Writer
Eternal Family (TV) : Screenplay
Eureka 7 (TV) : Script (ep 1 - 4, 9, 12, 14, 22, 27,33), Series Composition
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) : Script (ep9,10,20,21,26,29,31,34,35,48)
Magical Taruruuto-kun (TV) : Theme Song Lyrics (OP)
Samurai Champloo (TV) : Script
Wolf's Rain (TV) : Screenplay

I didn't care for Wolf's Rain and I haven't seen Casshern yet, but the rest of that resume is damned impressive. Ergo Proxy may wind up sucking uncontrollably, sure, but it's got a helluva lot of talent behind it going out of the gate. I'm optamistic.



well not really...yet
yeah I'm not quite sure where duckroll is pulling this 15 series every year bullshit from :p


FnordChan said:
Dai Sato's credits, courtesy of Anime News Network:

Casshern (live-action movie) : Screenplay
Cowboy Bebop (TV) : Script, Stage Setting Cooperation
Ergo Proxy (TV) : Screenplay, Chief Writer
Eternal Family (TV) : Screenplay
Eureka 7 (TV) : Script (ep 1 - 4, 9, 12, 14, 22, 27,33), Series Composition
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) : Script (ep9,10,20,21,26,29,31,34,35,48)
Magical Taruruuto-kun (TV) : Theme Song Lyrics (OP)
Samurai Champloo (TV) : Script
Wolf's Rain (TV) : Screenplay

That's not a remotely complete credit list for Dai Sato. He writes for a shitload of series on the side. But it is true that for shows where he's the lead writer and editor, they're usually at the very least pretty interesting. I wouldn't credit Bebop and Wolf's Rain to him though, he only wrote a few episodes for each, and the bulk of both series were conceptualized and written by Keiko Nobumoto. :D


Himuro said:
Can someone please tell me which recent anime series I should check out? I've been out of the loop for half a year (almost a year now really).

I'm currently dling 1-13 of Eureka 7 and all of Honey and Clover.

You haven't missed a whole helluva lot. Highlights from the past year or so:

Gallery Fake is a quirky "occupational" series, about a guy who deals in art counterfiets and occasionally the real thing, using his ninja art restoration and historical skills. Three episodes are out from Live-eviL.

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan is amusing in small doses; fortunatly, there are only 8 episodes total. It's about a teenage boy and the angel who comes to visit him, at which point everything goes straight to hell. Astonishingly over the top, watch at least one episode.

Victorian Romance Emma - My pick for the best anime of 2005, a wonderful period drama set in Victorian London about a young nobleman who falls in love with a maid. No, it's not a maid show. Yes, it's completely fucking amazing. Iichan has translated everything Emma related in sight, including the manga. It all kicks ass.

Kamichu! - One morning a middle school girl wakes up and realizes that she's a god. Unfortunatly, the details elude her, so she and her friends try to figure everything out. The story is played completely straight and is rather clever, with lots of fun riffs on Shinto and nature spirits in general. Charming, wonderfully detailed, and with a definate Ghibli vibe to the whole proceedings. Iichan is chugging away at the TV series with three episodes down and more on the way.

Honey and Clover - Starving Art Students In Love: The Animated Series. Wonderful romantic comedy aimed at a older shoujo audience. Josei? Marketing termonlogy aside, it's top notch stuff.

Paradise Kiss - Like Honey and Clover but with fashion design students and likewise highly recommended.

Eureka 7 - The latest Bones series has the lavish production values you'd expect. With 52 episodes planned and only four under my belt, I haven't seen to the point where things really pick up but I'm told the picking up is definately underway. It's a coming of age story about a young man and the sky-surfing giant robots he can pilot, along with a misfit crew of sky-surfer mercenaries. It's stylish as hell and scripter Dai Sato is providing tons of musical in-joke references. I mean, the jobber robots are called KLFs and in the episode Ill Communication there's a reference to the King Adrock. Oh, and Halcali provides the third ending theme. Hell yeah that's a show you want to download.

The first Zeta Gundam movie was excellent, recapping the first 1/3 of the series with a fair amount of new animation. Top notch mecha porn. Also, I'm told that Gundam Seed Destiny was a solid continuiation of the first series.

Angel Heart is a continuation of the City Hunter storyline, starring the ever lecherous Ryo Saeba as a gun for hire in Shinjuku and introducing a mysterious woman with a connection to Saeba. More serious overall than City Hunter and one of the better action shows to come down the pike in ages, all with a retro feel to it. Probably the highlight of the last season.

Finally, the live-action Gokusen series was better than most of the anime released last year, and was certainly miles better than the anime version. It's about a brand new teacher who isn't fazed by her thug students as she's the granddaughter of a yakuza boss. Wacky hijinx ensue.



Unconfirmed Member
Himuro said:
Can someone please tell me which recent anime series I should check out? I've been out of the loop for half a year (almost a year now really).

I'm currently dling 1-13 of Eureka 7 and all of Honey and Clover.
You've already picked the two best series of 2005. :D

Umm...have you been following Monster? It started in 2004 and just recently finished (though not yet in the subs), but you didn't mention it, so I figured I'd ask.

Other things that might be worth checking out are Mushishi (slow, kind of weird, really intelligent...real philosophical/spiritual sort of series), Paradise Kiss (already mentioned by Fnord), Noein (multi-dimensional post-apocalyptic sci-fi tale with schizophrenic art styles, moods, and storylines), and Kamichu! (also mentioned by FnordChan).

And since it doesn't seem necessary to waste another post, some news:

Coming in March


It's actually not quite as exciting as it sounds. It's apparently 4 different "episodes" of sort, one of which was screened at Universal Studios Japan as part of an FMA themed ride. One of the other shorts is a party featuring all the characters of Conqueror of Shambhala in chibi form.

Here's a link to the two-page spread for the OAV: (WARNING: THE IMAGE HAS FMA SERIES ENDING AND MOVIE SPOILERS)

FMA OAV Premium Collection


Bacon of Hope
Does anyone know if they will continue to release Yakitate Japan!! on a semi-regular basis? What episode is it on in Japan?

Anyone know when Naruto will stop being filler episodes? I havent watched it in like 4-6 months.

J2 Cool

momolicious said:
so whats next for Sinchiro Watanabe?

Something called Genius Party, with 10 well known directors from Studio 4c, the production company behind Memories. So he's got one part in that, but I haven't heard anything else. Between fully animated series Bebop and Champloo, , it was 6 years. Between that time he did the Bebop movie, 2 Animatrix shorts, and I think some Lebron James commercials(for his shoes). And I'm sure something else, but he didn't do much. So it could be a while. I hope not, I want something new soon. I'll check out Genius Party whenever that releases, but I somehow doubt a Champloo movie. They accomplished everything they could do with those characters really. Not much else to say. And outside of Genius Party, there probably won't be any Animatrix-like projects anytime soon. I wish the guy was more media friendly though. I want to hear about everything he is linked to.


Himuro said:
Can someone please tell me which recent anime series I should check out? I've been out of the loop for half a year (almost a year now really).

Sousei no Aquarion and The Snow Queen rock as well.


MetatronM said:
Coming in March


It's actually not quite as exciting as it sounds. It's apparently 4 different "episodes" of sort, one of which was screened at Universal Studios Japan as part of an FMA themed ride. One of the other shorts is a party featuring all the characters of Conqueror of Shambhala in chibi form.

Here's a link to the two-page spread for the OAV: (WARNING: THE IMAGE HAS FMA SERIES ENDING AND MOVIE SPOILERS)

FMA OAV Premium Collection

It's only 30 min according to cdjapan. :/


On second thought, screw anime this season. I have Kamen Rider KABUTO for my fansub downloading pleasure...

Himuro said:
Can someone please tell me which recent anime series I should check out? I've been out of the loop for half a year (almost a year now really).

Not mentioned yet: Pani Poni Dash. Damn funny comedy about an eleven year old MIT grad teaching school in Japan.


Son of Godzilla said:
Not mentioned yet: Pani Poni Dash. Damn funny comedy about an eleven year old MIT grad teaching school in Japan.
Ah yeah, PPD was last year's best anime imho, not for everyone though.

Onto this season, still the only thing i semi-liked so far is Magikano, especially after seeing fansub (now I got eel joke :lol ). F/SN will take some more time to get into I guess, since I haven't played the game. And someone already speedsubbed Kashimashi, will be watching that soon enough.


Wings of Rean 1 : WTF is going on ?
Fate Stay Night 1 : i will give it a chance, needs to see ep2

btw, Noein is great.
Sorry if it's been mentioned, but I did a search and found no talk about it. Apparently a second season of Genshiken has started popping up on Japanese websites for Fall 2006.


Unconfirmed Member
distantmantra said:
Sorry if it's been mentioned, but I did a search and found no talk about it. Apparently a second season of Genshiken has started popping up on Japanese websites for Fall 2006.
Yeah, October for Genshiken season 2.

I've been wanting to see season 1 for a while.
MetatronM said:
Yeah, October for Genshiken season 2.

I've been wanting to see season 1 for a while.

Volume three recently came out, now you can watch all of season one. I absolutely love Genshiken, it may be different than Otaku no Video, but I feel that it is it's spiritual successor.


distantmantra said:
Sorry if it's been mentioned, but I did a search and found no talk about it. Apparently a second season of Genshiken has started popping up on Japanese websites for Fall 2006.



FnordChan said:



I've never read the manga (I don't read manga, I already blow enough money on DVDs, CDs, games... manga would bankrupt me), is the story that takes place after the end of season one just as good?


distantmantra said:
I've never read the manga (I don't read manga, I already blow enough money on DVDs, CDs, games... manga would bankrupt me), is the story that takes place after the end of season one just as good?

I can't entirely vouch for it, as the English translated editions haven't quite gone past the anime cut-off point. However, based on flipping through the Japanese release, later volumes of Genshiken look to rock just as hard as the early volumes.

Himuro, I forget exactly where the anime leaves off, but I believe it's late volume three/early volume four.

Now, if only there was another season of Emma...



Hm, Kashimashi first ep was nice enough, bizzare love triangle indeed. Even nicer was Hantsuki opening episode, especially if you're having 'sick little girl' fetish :D, though it looks it's only 6 eps long. And totally overlooked the fact that Nerima Daikon Bros is directed by Nabeshin (or is it?), it's quite amusing although I'm not in love with anime-as-musical idea.
So much about new season this month; Rec, Binchou-tan and Ergo Proxy are all starting in February. Guess I'll be following Magikano, F/SN, Kashimashi and Hantsuki for now, maybe Nerima Daikon if it gets fansubbed.


Unconfirmed Member
LICENSING NEWS (some of it had already been given away by FUNi legal actions, though):

FUNimation has licensed the Tsubasa and XXXHolic movies. They have also licensed the Tsubasa Chronicle TV series.

No word on whether or not that license includes the coming second season of Tsubasa or if it includes the coming XXXHolic TV series.


MetatronM said:
No word on whether or not that license includes the coming second season of Tsubasa or if it includes the coming XXXHolic TV series.

Come on, this is FUNi we're talking about. I bet they bought all 3 seasons of Tsubasa, everything that will be made of the XXXHolic TV series and a state-of-the-art branded CLAMP dildo along with the package. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Eureka Seven is now confirmed to be coming to US TV (as if there was some doubt). Don't know what channel, though, but I'm still betting on Adult Swim.

Here is Bandai's press release confirming it and detailing their planned releases for the series:

January 17, 2006 (Cypress, Ca) – Bandai Entertainment Inc., a member of the “Eureka Project” (which includes Studio Bones, Bandai, Bandai Visual, and Hakuhodo) announce today Vol. 1 of the Eureka SeveN DVD will be released April 25th with the ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK and the first volume of the MANGA by artists Jinsei Kataoka and Kazuma Kondou, originally published in Japan by Kadokawa publishing.

Eureka SeveN, produced by Studio Bones, who created smash hits like Cowboy Bebop and Full Metal Alchemist, and for the first time served as series co-investor, gathered together the creative talent: Writer Dai Sato, story supervisor for the Cowboy Bebop TV series and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Director Tomoki Kyoda, who directed Rahxephon-the movie, Mecha Designer Shoji Kawamori, famous for Macross, (Escaflowne tv series) and Character designer Kenichi Yoshida from Princess Mononoke. The series focuses on Renton, a young boy in a world where “lifting” (an extreme form of hoverboarding) is common. Renton’s life is changed forever by a mysterious and beautiful young girl named Eureka.

In addition to the DVD release set for April 25th, Bandai Entertainment Inc. has plans to release two MANGA series, a four volume adaptation of the series storyline and a two volume series based on the Eureka Seven Video Game prequel story as well as a stand alone soundtrack. There are also plans in the works to broadcast the series on a premier TV network.

“We would like more and more people to watch this series, so we are planning a free streaming of Episode 1 to be done simultaneously with the TV broadcast,” said Bandai Entertainment President and CEO Ken Iyadomi. Adds President of Bones and Producer of the series, Masahiko Minami, “Koukyou Shihen Eureka Seven” is a Bones original production. At 50 episodes it is an extensive series jam-packed with all the most appealing elements of the animation genre. The exhilarating mecha action soars through the skies and at the same time a touching human drama unfolds. I would like everyone on Earth to watch the love story of Renton and Eureka and cheer them on to the end.”

For more information go to: eurekaseven.bandai-ent.com


Eureka SeveN Vol. 1
CAT# 20800, UPC# 669198208003, ISBN# 1-59409-574-4,
TRT: 125min, Rating: 13UP, SRP: $24.98 Release date: 4/25/06
DVD extras:
Interviews with Cast
Audio Commentary with Director
DVD Features:
Interactive animated menus
English and Japanese Audio
English Subtitle Option

Eureka SeveN Special Edition with Collector’s Artbox
CAT #20820, UPC#669198208201, ISBN#1-59409-679-1
TRT: 125min, Rating: 13UP, SRP: 59.98, Release Date: 4/25/06
Collector’s Box Includes:
DVD Vol.1, T-Shirt, Manga Vol. 1 with exclusive cover, and original CD soundtrack
DVD extras:
Interviews with Cast
Audio Commentary with Director
DVD Features:
Interactive animated menus
English and Japanese Audio
English Subtitle Option


Unconfirmed Member
In case anybody hasn't noticed it yet, the final episode of Paradise Kiss as well as Honey and Clover Special Chapter L are both subbed.


What?! I didn't know that Paradise Kiss was only 12 episodes! First Suzuka, now this. I'm running out of anime!
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