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Super Mario Odyssey - Review Thread

the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

Honestly, the Witcher 3 was/is a tad overate IMO. The combat is a bit weak and story is a mess (I found it boring, couldn't force myself to finish it). Its not fair comparing the gems Nintendo made this year to the bloated Witcher 3 (I mean it has tons of content, but that itself gets boring/repetitive after a while). I personally think Zelda is a better open world, but that does not make Witcher 3 bad, and viceversa. Reviewers just think Nintendo games have an extra charm and polish (by far), thus the slight higher scores. Does it really matter anyway, just play them all, enjoy them, if you prefer one over the other, good, nothing changes, the higher score does not affect your enjoyment of Witcher does it.

Joey Ravn

Yeah, but I was told that PUBG is the only game that mattered this year (objectively) and that singleplayer games aren't deserving of any praise. So yeah... Nice try, NintenDON'T.

Already pre-ordered and waiting for Amazon to send me my key!
the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released
Both are still over 90 so both are considered fantastic. Worrying over how great they are is unnecessary. We all win twice.


Gold Member
the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

The Witcher 3 is pretty much a one trick pony. It’s got great production values and story, acting, etc. But it’s gameplay is pretty much go from point A to B, fight some, rinse and repeat. It’s one of the best games for sure, but it’s definitely lacking in some areas.

Zelda definitely presented more competent and compelling gameplay. Mario almost certainly does. It doesn’t surprise me that these games are ranked higher when they know what they are and execute extraordinarily well. Witcher 3 comes close but the repetitive gameplay can be a slog.


The Witcher 3 is pretty much a one trick pony. It’s got great production values and story, acting, etc. But it’s gameplay is pretty much go from point A to B, fight some, rinse and repeat. It’s one of the best games for sure, but it’s definitely lacking in some areas.

Zelda definitely presented more competent and compelling gameplay. Mario almost certainly does. It doesn’t surprise me that these games are ranked higher when they know what they are and execute extraordinarily well. Witcher 3 comes close but the repetitive gameplay can be a slog.

Agreed. The witcher is an amazingly produced package, but not the best game.


The Eurogame review is a great read. Hardly anything spoiler-y. They frame the game around BotW and Mario as a whole very nicely.


good games review well.

the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

Because w3 is a bad game with trash controls where you just follow your stupid sense mechanic but gamers rave about it because of the "production values" and the waifus

Do you even play videogames smfh


Gold Member
Like I said in the Mario Odyssey topic:

I'll try to answer some questions if there are any.

are you saying it's repetitive and not varied enough moons?

personally, im gonna try to control my optimism and hype right now. i didn't love the reviews for botw and feel like nintendo gets a pass in some regards. gonna wait to see more impressions


I was expecting good reviews but this better than I expected. I've been jonesing for a great 3d mario game for ages and I can't wait til tomorrow.


95 minimum, been playing all week I think it's the best Mario since 64.

Now queue 100 people telling me how wrong I am to think Mario 64 was the best one up to now lol

mario's controls/movement mechanics are still going to be better in 64, though.

And don't show me that gif of mario chaining a hat throw into an air dive into another hat throw into a final air dive because, even thought that's cool for making some crazy jumps. you wouldn't want to be moving around doing just that. For movement, there's also mashing the long jump or using the new roll move, which look meh.

64's dive/dive jumps still look like a faster, more satisfying, much more flexible way, of moving around big levels.

However, videos have shown that odyssey is going to have many mechanics on the levels to help with traversal. I was comenting on mario himself, though.


the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

They jumped on you for good reason. How you can say games are 'better' and deserve higher scores is purely subjective.

When the vast majority of people rate something around the same, and you dont feel you agree, it doesnt mean they are all wrong and you are right. You cant put probably and without a doubt in the same sentence without contradicting yourself either.

Deal with it, your taste isnt in line with the masses, doesnt mean something is wrong with your taste but it doesnt mean anyone is going soft on a company during reviews. Raise your self awareness man.

I dont know why I wasted my time posting this as you are usually trolling anyway, but yeah.


I knew it was going to get outstanding reviews. This will definitely be the 1st game I'll get on the Switch whenever I get that console!


I'm actually going into this game blind. The only thing I've seen is the reveal trailer. I haven't seen any other trailers or screenshots, despite being a massive fan of every single 3D Mario (except 3D World). I don't know what to expect, to be honest, but really looking forward to it.


Only complaint is that it seems certain actions require motion controls. I don’t like split joycon mode, and performing motion controls on the pro controller feels awkward. Even worse in handheld mode. Perhaps there’s a way to perform said actions with the buttons.

did't learn anything from donkey Kong country return on the wii?
Game is incredible, been playing for couple hours. Can't believe the number of ideas crammed in just first 2 hours of the game. Puts a smile on your face.

Also motion controls are optional, can be turned off.

Astral Dog

the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released
You have to remember both Mario and Zelda latest games have been around 91-93.
Maybe they made some changes to the formula that makes these new releases a bit more special and they paid off, but what couuld it be 🤔


the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

Do you even play all of these games? Witcher 3 is great. It certainly has a better story than BOTW (it's a great story), but it's not as fun: the combat is floaty and clunky, the environment is stale and static (it looks nice though...at least on PC), inventory management is even worse than in BOTW, I cannot remember any music, etc.

And how do you even compare it to a Mario game? Relax a bit.


the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

Because reviews are subjective?


I would say this caps off the best calendar year ever for a Nintendo console and then remember that we still have Xenoblade coming December 1st!
Feel bad for Horizon having to compete for GOTY with zelda & mario

There's no way Nintendo doesn't walk away with GotY awards this year--as good as HZD is, Zelda (and apparently Mario) are that much better. Hell, I'd even suggest Cuphead needs to be in the discussion ahead of HZD, though I get that Cuphead isn't everyone's cup of tea, so to speak.
I would say this caps off the best calendar year ever for a Nintendo console and then remember that we still have Xenoblade coming December 1st!

Let's not forget portable Bethesda titles in Doom and Skyrim showing up in the same timeframe.

Honestly, portable Skyrim--I know it won't be perfect, but f***, we're talking portable Skyrim. We truly are living in the future.


I was still playing zelda... had to rush the final part to fully enjoy Mariotto. Zelda is safe and now my body is ready


A 99 score on Game Rankings after 30 reviews...wow. There are going to be a lot of co-game of year awards givens out by publications and websites this year for both BoTW and Odyssey.


This was expected but I'm glad it got such great reviews. The last 3D Mario game I played was Sunshine, so I'm pretty hyped for Odyssey.


the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released

You're going to sit here and make a stink about two 97 MC games beating a 92 MC game? This is the gaming equivalent of #FirstWorldProblems. Remember 2014, when the best games released the whole year were Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age: Inquisition? Those were dark times.

I love The Witcher 3, it's probably my favorite game of all time. But it launched with some serious issues. Thankfully they patched most of them, and I bet if Witcher 3 launched with all of those patches in place, it'd be up there with Zelda and Mario. As it stands, Zelda deserves the 97, and starting tomorrow I'll be able to tell you if Mario deserves it too.


the metascore is 97, Breath of the wild is also 97, both are Nintendo games

few weeks ago i said that reviewers go easy on Nintendo games and lots of gaffer jumped on me

i'm not saying that the game doesn't deserve high scores, it probably does, but why would BOTW and Mario get 97MC but Witcher 3 gets 92MC ? even though Witcher 3 is better than Zelda and probably without a doubt better than any Mario game released
What am I even reading
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