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THE Official Guitar Hero II Thread


rollin' in the gutter
Fusebox said:
Yeah he does, I didn't mean to take anything away from his score but it just reinforces what a lot of people are already saying, that the game seems much more forgiving with its scores than the original and when you posted that link up I expected to see some awesome GH god ripping flawlessly through a tough song but instead I watched a mere mortal barely surviving the song but ending up with a great star-rating anyway.

The game is more forgiving regarding scores because there are more notes in the songs, so you can hit a lower percentage while still getting a high multiplier and streak on specific sections. I'm sure people will get better at playing Jordan, it's just pretty freaking amazing this dude has already 5-starred it.


Drakken said:
They can't add notes that aren't there, though. That would kind of ruin the song.

Oh for sure, I just thought the fingering could have been a bit more spread out. I dunno, I was just surprised that it didn't tax me but then I can play the whole song on real guitar so maybe that helps.


Mejilan said:
Awesome, thanks. I take it that the guitar bundle includes the same guitar that came with GHI, right?

Yes and no. It's the same model guitar, but it's red with white, instead of black with white. And the buttons feel a bit different, though that may just be that they're not worn in like my old SG's are.


No problem.

duderon said:
I'm sure people will get better at playing Jordan, it's just pretty freaking amazing this dude has already 5-starred it.

What's more, someone managed to 5-star every song on Expert already! And he's actually the guy who created and runs the Scorehero site.

I feel very behind now, since I haven't gotten to play much. :p


Odrion said:
Oh **** I just went blind reading this eashglskjbhl'sdfhaha
what would you have like to see in GH?

I like some of those bands, but they are far more recognizable to a mass market then Freya.


Fifty said:
So what are everyone's favorite songs (to play) so far in GH2?

My favorites are Jessica, Cherry Pie, Can't you hear me knockin', Girlfriend, Crazy on You, Carry on Wayward Son, Trippin' on a hole in a paper heart, Sweet Child of Mine and Freebird. Probably forgetting a few.
But when it comes to Freebird, I think it becomes special when put in the context of the game. I played it on the demo disc, but it wasn't really the same thing. In the real game, it felt like the big finale, like I was going out one last time to truly kick ass with all I've got. And the song is awesome too, which helps. :D

And concerning the bonus songs, I like Mr. Fix-it, Soy Bomb and especially Gemini.


My wife and I had a blast playing War Pigs on co-op.

I really like playing Search and Destroy. It's funny that a simple punk song could give me so much trouble with the chords.

My next favorite is John the Fisherman. The guitar parts are really fun because they're so quirky, I think. I was a little disappointed to find that the bass parts were a little easier than the guitar. It should be vice versa for Primus.
Favorite songs are ones that I was familiar with already at this point, as I haven't really played any songs more than 5 times or so: War Pigs, Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart, Hangar 18, Freebird, Message in a Bottle, Crazy on You, Sweet Child O' Mine, and John The Fisherman.
My parents saw the GHII commercial and laughed at it. My mom commented that she was a little dissapointed that "You Really Got Me" was the Van Halen version and not the Kinks version, but they thought that ad was great. Then I told them that Freebird was in the game... :D


Phew! I got up to Crazy on You in hard mode and ran through it once and went 'right, so thats how the song goes' and then went back to expert and after a couple more borked attempts at getting through its intro I finally blasted through the whole song ....


edit - some of the expert tunes were kicking my arse so I just went and one-shotted hard mode. Theres such a massive difference between hard and expert in this version, and wtf is with the Freebird vocalist, he sounds like the country guy from South Park who sings about 9/11 all the time. :lol


I just beat Medium with no problem. Most of the songs were five-starred the first time, and the ones I missed are probably because I'm actually too fast for Medium and because my brain hasn't adjusted to a non-laggy HDTV signal. (Also, I got a flu shot today and feel like crap...but that's another story.)

I went over to Quick Play to try a couple of things on Hard to assess how hard the next level would be -- five-starred "Girlfriend" at 97% on the first try, and even five-starred "Jordan." If people are saying that GH2 is more difficult...it must be either in the uppermost tiers of Hard, or on Expert.

As for the song list, there are some tracks which REALLY bug me, which is something I couldn't say about the first game. RATM sucks, and "Killing In The Name" is an incredibly boring song to listen to...much less play. "Heart-Shaped Box" is a bad cover of another boring song. A lot of the newer metal in the game isn't familiar to me and I didn't care for it much on a first listen. Then again, some of the older metal isn't that good either -- "Madhouse" is a terrible choice for an Anthrax song. "Them Bones" wins the "Take Me Out" award for "great song with a song chart which doesn't quite match what you hear and screws you up."

The highlights of the set list are awesome, though: "Surrender," "Strutter," "Message In A Bottle," "Carry On Wayward Son," "Search and Destroy," "Cherry Pie," "Girlfriend," "Sweet Child O' Mine," "Bad Reputation," "YYZ," "Institutionalized." Of course, "Hangar 18" is an inspired choice for the penultimate song -- I love Marty Friedman's guitar work, and that song is just MASSIVE. I suppose it's inevitable that "Freebird" is the ultimate song in the game, but I have never cared for the song very much. (Yeah, I know, sacrilege.)


-jinx- said:
If people are saying that GH2 is more difficult...it must be either in the uppermost tiers of Hard, or on Expert.

Ayup, like I mentioned in the post above yours, there's a much bigger difference between Hard mode and the later stages of Expert mode than there was in GH1.

Don't worry, somewhere around about Rock This Town by The Stray Cats you will be feeling the burn...


works for Gamestop (lol)
-jinx- said:
Well, I'm screwed in that case -- I never could beat BATM or CFH on Expert in GH1. :(

Not many people did. I still haven't beaten CFH on expert. The songs on expert mode in GH2 are a lot harder than those 2 songs imo


Finally played for a bit more today. Carry On is still my favorite song, I think. Gemini (one of the bonus songs) is really good too; nice to have at least one jazzy guitar song in there. Two other good songs I played today are Last Child and Thunderhorse.

On the other hand, Red Lottery...that's bad. Really bad.

And I tried Jordan once today; failed at around 57%.
Ok, **** Psychobilly Freakout. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to unlock the last tier of songs on expert because of this song. I just completely dominated. It's not even close. And I don't even feel like trying. CFH and BATM were ridiculous the first time I tried them on Expert, but I felt like I had a chance of beating them. Eventually I did. This song just doesn't let up. ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH

EDIT: Just tried the full song on practice...yea, I'm not going to beat it.


I took back the busted 360 wireless headset and picked up GH2 yesterday. So now I can finally post in this thread.

What I think so far:

1) Hard is boring
2) Expert is much more difficult this time around
3) Teaching myself how to play without a pick is a pain in the ass
4) I'm both happy and sad that you actually have to learn how to play solos in GH2. You never really were forced to in the original.


SHIT, I was playing Laid to Rest on expert and had almost completed it when the game suddenly froze on me. :(
It's the first time it has happened for me (with the full retail version at least).
Good thing the song wasn't as incredibly hard as I first thought, so I will probably beat it the next time instead. But still, it's a bit worrying. :/
Yea, the game froze up once on my friend and I the other night. But it was after playing for almost 5 hours. I figured it was God's way of telling us to stop.


Has the game ever liked stuttered for anybody? I guess it could have been my brain being tired, but I swore multiple times last night it just seemed like the conveyor belt would start dropping frames for a couple seconds.


we all knew her
perplexcity said:
Has the game ever liked stuttered for anybody? I guess it could have been my brain being tired, but I swore multiple times last night it just seemed like the conveyor belt would start dropping frames for a couple seconds.

The first night I played it I noticed a brief framerate chug in one song. It only happened one time, and only for a few seconds. Might be worth noting that I had it in widescreen mode with progressive scan on.


rollin' in the gutter
perplexcity said:
Has the game ever liked stuttered for anybody? I guess it could have been my brain being tired, but I swore multiple times last night it just seemed like the conveyor belt would start dropping frames for a couple seconds.

Many people have been reporting this. I believe it's a problem with the game running in progressive scan. And yes i know about lag, this isn't lag.


3) Teaching myself how to play without a pick is a pain in the ass

I just sorta discovered this cause my thumb was getting sore, but you can try playing like you're holding a pick but tap down with your fingernail. Of course you can't really up-down strum like that but it's a solution for lower level songs.


Wario64 said:
Not many people did. I still haven't beaten CFH on expert. The songs on expert mode in GH2 are a lot harder than those 2 songs imo

Wow, that's amazing. I can beat CFH and BATM easily (4 stars on CFH and 5 on BATM), but I still haven't been able to beat any of the songs on GH2's final set. :(


alien from planet Highscore
duderon said:
Many people have been reporting this. I believe it's a problem with the game running in progressive scan. And yes i know about lag, this isn't lag.

Nope. I mentioned somewhere that turning off progressive scan did not alleviate the stuttering. I haven't tried turning off widescren as well as I'm on injury reserve :lol Anyways this is on my slim PSTwo for reference.


Party Pooper
dunno if i'll ever get past the last 4 songs in expert. i too, could never beat CFH and BATM in the first one on expert (though i feel i should go back and try now)

the only song i can do decent is Hangar 18, and i die around 67% pretty consistently. Institutionalized i can get about 11% in, and i think i got halfway into Misirlou



Having played through every song on every difficulty except the 5 last on Expert, I can't help but think that the songs are too damn long! Except for Free Bird, ironically.
It's not fun :(

I'm sitting next to Hanger 18 frozen with about 8% left I think. I was about to use my last star power to finally beat this song. I can see it right there flashing blue. I was about to beat the ****ing song.



Neo_ZX said:
...you can try playing like you're holding a pick but tap down with your fingernail.

Yep, thats my style for 90% of the time and I've gotten good at flipping from that to up/down strumming and back again without losing my rythmn.


robojimbo said:
Really? Are you taking advantage of the easier HO/POs? I still have trouble running through CFH, but I had few problems with GH2's final set. And 5 stars on BATM? Man, this game should be cake for you.

For me it has more to do with knowing the song by heart. If I know how it's supposed to sound I can understand how fast my fingers are supposed to go. Some of these songs just..well, suck. :lol

I haven't beaten Jordan by Buckethead yet, but I can get about 75% through. Even with the massive amount of notes it still makes more sense to me than something like Misirlou. I cannot strum up and down reliably to save my life. I have to rapidly strum down all the time. Makes a lot of songs very interesting. :D


LiveWire said:
Some of these songs just..well, suck. :lol

Institutionalized is the worst GH song ever. I'd pay my own money to help these cheapasses cover the licensing for a replacement song. The Final Countdown! Anything! Jesus Christ just not that song! I hate that it's in the last set list so you're forced to play it, instead of just choosing the other 3.
Fifty said:
Institutionalized is the worst GH song ever. I'd pay my own money to help these cheapasses cover the licensing for a replacement song. The Final Countdown! Anything! Jesus Christ just not that song! I hate that it's in the last set list so you're forced to play it, instead of just choosing the other 3.
Yea, it's pretty f'in terrible.


Fifty said:
Institutionalized is the worst GH song ever. I'd pay my own money to help these cheapasses cover the licensing for a replacement song. The Final Countdown! Anything! Jesus Christ just not that song! I hate that it's in the last set list so you're forced to play it, instead of just choosing the other 3.

Agreed, that's one of the worst GH songs ever. But there are a few bonus songs that really, really suck as well. Red Lottery is one of them IIRC, so repetitive, boring and it sounds like crap. There's barely any music in there, more like patterns. :p


I dont mind Institutionalized, the main riff is cool.

I got to 85% of the way through Hangar 18 tonight, that and Freebird are my weekend goals and then I can start thinking about the bonus tunes.


Why are people continuing to talk about the PS3s and Wiis they don't own when they could be playing Guitar Hero 2 instead? The mind boggles.


Can't wait for the 360 version, this is the only game keeping my PS2 in the HT cabinet, and I'm hot for that white Explorer controller.


OK, I lied...Hard is a little more complex than I gave it credit for initially. There are some tricky charts in there.

The song list is growing on me a bit, but there are still some clunkers in there.


Wow just had an awesome gutiar hero party tonight. Me and a couple of friends from my class, we played guitar hero and drank rum and vodka all night long. So awesome. All of you people who are ignoring the great game that is Guitar Hero II, you're a bunch of damn fools. I guess you're not reading this anyway, but still! :(


Wow, I thought the playlist up until the last two sets of songs was a bit weak, but now I think it really, really sucks. Nearly all the last ten songs are garbage. What happened?!
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