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Tom Brady beats NFL in 'Deflategate' court case, league's 4-game suspension nullified

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Either we got to see Tom Brady's legacy smacked or we got to see Roger and the NFL embarrass them self AGAIN and look like fucking idiots.

I'm ok with this!


Yeah, I think I'm voting Trump next year.


The team was also penalized and I don't think that gets reversed as part of this ruling.

Yeah it won't be reversed.

Like with the "Bounty-gate" scandal for the Saints, the player suspensions were reversed, but Sean Payton was still suspended for a year and IIRC the team was fined.
read up on the actual details, not what the NFL tried to spoon feed everyone

Let's play Devils Advocate a second - Brady said he detroyed his phone to protect personnal info, but who knows what was on it. By destroying it we'll never have a chance to find out.

If he was guilty, then he just got away with it.
People ITT not realizing Goodell is totally fine with this result.

By punishing Brady and the Pats he got to look good in front of everybody pissed about the cheating and now that the court has basically wiped it all away he can throw up his hands and be like "I tried!" while at the same time Brady gets to play and Goodell got to look tough on cheaters.


Except it is? I'm sure pats are crying themselves to sleep over that million dollars. What repercussions!!

I don't care about the million dollars. I was responding to someone who said the words "literally no repercussions". Unless he's one of those fucks that uses the word literally to mean figuratively, he was wrong.

The first round draft pick is huge, I'm not sure why people are automatically shrugging their shoulders. Besides being irrational haters I guess!

People ITT not realizing Goodell is totally fine with this result.

By punishing Brady and the Pats he got to look good in front of everybody pissed about the cheatingband now that the count has basically wiped it all away he can throw up his hands and be like "I tried!" while at the same time Brady gets to play and Goodell got to look tough.

Yeah I mean I'm sure the NFL isn't going to appeal this in court right????


The moral of the story is that cheaters win. Another reason to stop watching football. (although I'm sure I'll cave mid-season, again)


The best part is going to be reading the judge's reasoning for why he did it. It's gonna be scathing.


Let's play Devils Advocate a second - Brady said he detroyed his phone to protect personnal info, but who knows what was on it. By destroying it we'll never have a chance to find out.

If he was guilty, then he just got away with it.

They had all of the texts he sent. They compared the logs he gave the investigation with the texts from the phones he sent them to.

Again, people need to read up on the details before spouting off nonsense.
Fuck Goodell. It's good to see justify prevail.

Oh look, people who don't know what they're talking about. The NFLs case was incredibly weak and the judge picked up on that immediately. You should do some research before you look silly.

Tom Brady had his ball boy deflate balls to get himself an advantage and Goodell should be the one to get fucked? LOL

Football stans are awesome.
Let's play Devils Advocate a second - Brady said he detroyed his phone to protect personnal info, but who knows what was on it. By destroying it we'll never have a chance to find out.

If he was guilty, then he just got away with it.

They had his phone records. How do people miss this? I fucking hate the Patriots and this pisses me off. THEY HAD THE PHONE RECORDS.

This guy is an international celebrity. It's not insane that he protects himself like this.
like I said....lol

Oh, OK. It's like that.

They had his phone records. How do people miss this? I fucking hate the Patriots and this pisses me off. THEY HAD THE PHONE RECORDS.

This guy is an international celebrity. It's not insane that he protects himself like this.

This is a better response. I'm in the UK, by the way, so we haven't had the same type of coverage I'm guessing this is getting over there so I'm sketchy on a few details.

Did the phone records show what he said/text? Or was it just a list of numbers?


They had all of the texts he sent. They compared the logs he gave the investigation with the texts from the phones he sent them to.

Just saw this. So why did Goodell go for a 4 game ban when he must've known it'd get thrown out? Is he really that much of a tool?


People ITT not realizing Goodell is totally fine with this result.

By punishing Brady and the Pats he got to look good in front of everybody pissed about the cheating and now that the court has basically wiped it all away he can throw up his hands and be like "I tried!" while at the same time Brady gets to play and Goodell got to look tough on cheaters.

This is so completely naive and wrong. This fight was never about Brady for Goodell. It was about his right to punish as he sees fit and then arbitrate any hearing any damn way he pleased.


This is really a win-win, we can still talk about what a clown Godell is, as well as the Pats being cheating cheaters who cheat their way to Super Bowl wins


People ITT not realizing Goodell is totally fine with this result.

By punishing Brady and the Pats he got to look good in front of everybody pissed about the cheating and now that the court has basically wiped it all away he can throw up his hands and be like "I tried!" while at the same time Brady gets to play and Goodell got to look tough on cheaters.
Well, you have a point but at the same time Goodell has been facing a lot of criticism recently, especially with the Ray Rice thing. This isn't as serious as that, but this just makes him look extra incompetent, which I don't think he would be happy about.


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Goodell should just suspend him for character issues now. I can't believe the government stuck its nose into the internal workings of a private organization like this! That's it, I'm going libertarian!


Still unknown whether or not the suspension has been wiped completely or if the judge is merely sending it back to be arbitrated by a neutral party.

E92 M3

I don't even care about football and know the Patriots are a better team then most in general - deflated ball or not. So much salt in this thread - a lot of fun to read!


Oh look, people who don't know what they're talking about. The NFLs case was incredibly weak and the judge picked up on that immediately. You should do some research before you look silly.
Uh were not talking about Brady. It was a response about the Patriots on the whole. The court case was about Brady and irrelevant to that. So yeah, maybe get on the same topic so you don't look silly.


People ITT not realizing Goodell is totally fine with this result.

By punishing Brady and the Pats he got to look good in front of everybody pissed about the cheatingband now that the count has basically wiped it all away he can throw up his hands and be like "I tried!" while at the same time Brady gets to play and Goodell got to look tough.

He absolutely is not fine with this. It's a major wrench in their "all punishments are random and arbitrary" policy.

I'm a New England fan. I don't know for sure if Brady had a part in it though I'm certain they were doctoring the balls. With that said, the Roger Goodell handing out all punishments as lord and overseer and then also being the ARBITER who oversees appeals is laughable.

I didn't read the wells report but I know the judge didn't believe that it was truly an independent report. So now you have a situation where your commissioner hands out the punishments, is also the arbiter, and they have a report that a judge doesn't believe was actually independent. This is all absurd. The NFL handled this in the worst way possible and if this it what it takes for them to look at their disciplinary policies and readjust them then good.
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