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Trying to comprehend Cloud's Advent Children outfit (and other videogame outfits)


It should be noted, the creators themselves seem to put a lot of thought into how these clothes fit together in many of these games, judging by concept art detailing each piece (including undergarments). The final result might look silly to us, but it has an internal logic to them. So while it's fun to say "lol videogames" and just dismiss it all offhand, I think it's also fun to mull over how it might work. :)


The peacock feathers are perfect. Only males have those feathers, which fits with the theme of the Lumen being the evil patriarchy vs the feminine Umbra.

the feathers by themselves i have no quarrel with , it's the fact that he is wearing a peacock as a scarf that's weird .

Swag as hell , but weird .


It's interesting how they actually made that outfit kind of work in his War of the Lions design.


That looks more like his sprite in game tbh, that one render felt out of place I guess.


This thread is a good character designer's worst nightmare. Or very instructive, alternatively.

Insane that some of these made it past even the most cursory internal check.


I have a soft spot in my heart for Ashe outfit but good god at that skirt and whatever it is that black thing in between the blouse and the skirt... or shorts? idek

Maybe it's a trick of perspective, but this looks like it would create a considerable wedgie

Maybe that's what the note with the "?" is musing in the corner there


Gold Member
It's weird how it was so normal looking back in 2005 or so and now you ask that question. I remember these characters from what 18 years ago? Cloud had the spike on his shoulder. I guess no one ever questioned it. The whole bells and whistles thing came on strong once I started looking into what people were saying about it online. To be honest, sometimes it feels like the world has tarnished his image and made him sound more like this guy:


The young juvenile fan (who I've seen more of on FB) likes their FF in their own way and it doesn't click with how I like Final Fantasy. It's like always making an Aeris comment when I've seen about a dozen times and I couldn't make the same remark twice.

We all feel differently about these types of things and there is no real universal feeling. I hear it said by someone and I want to just shut it off and come back to it when I get my own feeling again.

It's like calling out Sephiroth's outfit. "He's Neo from The Matrix and some BDSM guy".. that's what it sounds like. We obviously have different opinions and different views on it. I personally like leaving it alone and letting bygones be bygones. It became popular because of its own style.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
They tried to make it look like a miniskirt barely holding on, but still gave themselves a major out LOL.

I wonder why they didn't do that for kairi, all she wears is a jacket/dress thing for the entirety of KH2. Isn't that supposed to be disney?


That miniskirt/shorts design is rather clever, actually. I wonder if that's been attempted in real life.

*Principal calls you to the office* "You can't come to school dressed like that."

"But sir — I'm wearing shorts!"
I forgot how many belts were on Cloud's AC outfit. Even his pants have belts! I always liked the turtleneck sweater vest/pants aspect of the AC look, but the half-apron was always a bit of a, er, unique choice. I do like Tifa's AC outift, though, it always seemed more in line with her character - it was sensible and practical. She also shares Cloud's love of aprons, apparently.

So I don't mind at at all. It could be much, much worse!

God, those LR costumes were the absolute worst. It was the creepiest out-of-character dress-up ever.

That miniskirt/shorts design is rather clever, actually. I wonder if that's been attempted in real life.

*Principal calls you to the office* "You can't come to school dressed like that."

"But sir — I'm wearing shorts!"

Heh! Ashe is wearing the tightest skort ever. I've seen a few school uniforms with skorts for girls, though not remotely as tight as Ashe's!
Now, I really like Lulu in the game, but this outfit takes belts to a whole new level. How does that dress not fall off???? Is it superglued to her nipples? This baffles me.


well the thing is about Lulu dress was that Nomura wanted to challenge the FFX dev team to make to work in cut scene, the answer you don't see the dress in the cut scenes


I think the strap is to hold them in place, it's more of a sandal made to look like a boot.
fake edit: I just realized she has thigh-high boots under those boots, nm

Been playing MGS4, Naomi is introduced wearing this:


But whatever, she's in South America, it's hot right?
Later on inside an airplane she switches to a hoodie to keep warm:


I had completely forgotten about Naomi wearing this. It looks so out of place it's hilarious.


I am Korean.
Its basically a more stylish version of his SOLDIER clothes with the sleeve thing being used to hide the Geostigma.

The belts things... well, they were popular during the time he designed that Cloud so there is nothing more to it beyond looking stylish and cool.

The Smash version seems to exagerate the belts a little though.


The belts hold on his leather half chaps thing and his paulrdon. They're actually functional.


That miniskirt/shorts design is rather clever, actually. I wonder if that's been attempted in real life.

*Principal calls you to the office* "You can't come to school dressed like that."

"But sir — I'm wearing shorts!"
They were a thing...


tiered shorts


Didn't Cloud covered half his body in AC because of his disease?

And I liked Ashley's (Vagrant Story's main) exposed butt. Really nice. It was also one of my favorite PSone games.
Like I imagine Kojima's script went something like: "Everything is sad," Naomi cried, her scientist tits on full display.

The feels, I... I don't know how to feel.


(technically, this is how all female characters in Kojima's scripts are written)


never left the stone age
That design makes complete sense for a mad pizzeria owner.

EDIT: Oh my God I never noticed the high heels. Every time I look at that design I find something new.

Best part is how the book cover looks like two pizzas.


Cosplay would probably be a good resource for figuring this kinda stuff out. Many cosplayers do tons of research to try and make these outfits accurate, yet somehow practical.


Cosplay would probably be a good resource for figuring this kinda stuff out. Many cosplayers do tons of research to try and make these outfits accurate, yet somehow practical.

Yeah I imagine a lot of cosplayers go hey that looks cool I'll make that then go OMG how am i meant to make that into something I can put on and take off?!?!?! (or make stay up....)

Real pain in the ass for airport security

Sure that's a lot of belts but it's a skirt right? Just take the skirt of---wait that might pose other problems (like public indecency).


Wait do people seriousely think that cloud ac outfit wasn't awesome ? Wow. I think it was and even better looking in action in the aweful but good looking movie


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Similarly, I love Tidus' design but it is completely nonsensical.

It's like he has two different outfits blended together, or forgot to wear half of what was intended. In his case it actually fits from a narrative standpoint, because he's a celebrity and can do whatever he wants, but it also functions as his Blitzball uniform, which nobody else on his team was wearing. I guess since he's the star player he can afford to stand out, like Sephiroth not wearing his SOLDIER uniform in the VII games, but still.

Nomura loves asymmetry. It's his aesthetic. No, it doesn't make sense. Neither do artists, really.

Edit: If you want to see a contrast between asymmetry and symetry, or an over the top to a more reserved design from the same artist, look at
OG non-dream Tidus from real Zanarkand

This guy has an outfit that works on a logical level. Everything fits together nicely, it has flair without being all over the place. The checkerboard sleeves compliment the red squares on his neckpiece. Even his goofy yellow shoes have a compliment on his midriff, and his leather jacket only has one belt buckle and a nice, subdued greenish black tint to it.

Double edit: I guess it has two belt buckles. One is kind of a pocket-like thing, though, and it looks natural enough. The only really weird part of Shuyin's design are the straps over his shorts.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Ashe outfit but good god at that skirt and whatever it is that black thing in between the blouse and the skirt... or shorts? idek


i love FFXII but the sheer idiocy of ashe's costume makes my head hurt.


Curtain lady coming through


it wouldn't be so bad if not for that ginormous metal framework on the back ( like seriously, how does she manage to walk through doors ? and yes , i know she can teleport herself but still ... )

Also what the hell is that headpiece ?




confusing young man since the year 2000

also wears a codpiece .

yes that is a dude .

While there's a lot of prettyboys in Final Fantasy, Kuja just took it to the extreme. I've always felt like it was some sort of trolling from Squaresoft to the people who complained about their characters looking too androgynous.
They were a thing...

So much more comfortable than poor Ashe's!

Well, today I learned a new word:


Also, "pauldrons"

Now how do I combine these two fashions

In the spirit of Tim Gunn - make it work, Neiteio!

This guy has an outfit that works on a logical level. Everything fits together nicely, it has flair without being all over the place. The checkerboard sleeves compliment the red squares on his neckpiece. Even his goofy yellow shoes have a compliment on his midriff, and his leather jacket only has one belt buckle and a nice, subdued greenish black tint to it.

I love-love-love Shuyin's design. Evil, better-dressed Tidus was quality. (I mean, his plot wasn't quality, but those clothes were.)
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