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Valkyria (PS3) Producer "Its sad that fanboys latch onto crappy translations.."


Admittedly, we've seen a nice start to the tears but I want more.

I want to be able to sail a Wii Fit balance board down a great river of bitter tears from those that dislike Nintendo's success, and I'm confident by the end of this generation it's going to happen :D

Oh, and thanks for reminding me, I need to get my Wii Fit pre-order in asap!


The guy interiviewing should have then asked him why not be sad about Mario and Sonic at the Olympics selling 5m games instead.


Fail out bailed
Pistolero said:
What I tried to drive home is that the experience doesn't rely on some peripheral stuff to get deeper and richer. I don't need holographic images to get a bon** (Though some people bought that before the Wii hit :D ), I don't necessarily dream of some voice activated avatar (imagine going through GTA shouting Bang ! Bang ! to get the guy to shoot pedestrians...Some would call it revolutionnary...but na !)...I need well thought concepts (Echochrome is good I think), Better told stories, more interaction, crafted characters...
A CPU and a GPU come in handy to help achiver this. Of course, this is my perspective...

* to the other guy : I played two of the games you mentionned...
Yeah, I see what your saying. I largely agree. I just don't think its mutually exclusive. Again, I own a 360 and a wii and think of ideas for games for each. I honestly think some games are better suited to the wii. Some people seem to discredit Wii Sports because its simple. I think Tetris is simple. I also think Tetris is the greatest game ever made.

I was almost done with gaming. I would have never bought a 360 were it not for the Wii igniting my imagination for gaming. Portal, Mass effect and Bioshock are the only 360 games I've played that have really impressed me. Fable 2 and Too Human look promising.

I think it all comes down to how you look at games. I don't consider games art at all. Im a huge snob when it comes to movies, books or music, but when it comes to games I want to play something stupid and fun. Even the deepest gaming expeirience I've ever had was pretty shallow. I'm tired of Halo clones. I'm not interested in Carnival games.
I still want creative games, but for me its less about atorytelling. Its more about interaction. thats why I play games. The other shit is just a bonus.



I think Wii Sports is a great "gateway" game. But i have to agree if games are ever going to be treated as mainstream media like movies then all of those casual gamers will need to eventually become more confortable with "real" games


BobM said:

I think Wii Sports is a great "gateway" game. But i have to agree if games are ever going to be treated as mainstream media like movies then all of those casual gamers will need to eventually become more confortable with "real" games

You do realize that the "real" games are why no one takes video games seriously right?


Fail out bailed
BobM said:

I think Wii Sports is a great "gateway" game. But i have to agree if games are ever going to be treated as mainstream media like movies then all of those casual gamers will need to eventually become more confortable with "real" games
If people want gaming to be taken seriously they need to stop making games about young heroes saving the princess and killing aliens.
Games are still largely for kids. Especially the bloody ones.
If you want to make games more accepted you have to broaden the appeal.
I've yet to play a game with the impact of No Country for Old Men or There Will be Blood and those aren't even classic films.

"real" games are too hard for some people. Sorry, not everyone shares your hobbies. Gaming isn't taken seriously because gamers don't take it seriously. Gamers have shitty taste.

Games need to stop trying to be books or movies and learn to be games again... IF you wanna make them mainstream.
No one likes movies that try to be books or albums that try to be movies.
Davidion said:
You do realize that the "real" games are why no one takes video games seriously right?
Listen to him! he's right kids.


BobM said:

I think Wii Sports is a great "gateway" game. But i have to agree if games are ever going to be treated as mainstream media like movies then all of those casual gamers will need to eventually become more confortable with "real" games
Yes, more animu cheap melodrama and bald space marines FTMFW!

I'm happy WiiFit is selling.


klee123 said:
You might as well include the 360 while you at it.
Honestly, I'm not sure they'd have done much better on 360 either. JP made games (and new IPs especially) tend not to these days, unless they're big budget Capcom action games. Look at something like Eternal Sonata, which frankly had a whole lot more going for it in terms of accessability, aesthetic and budget versus relatively niche efforts like NMH or Z&W. Did it even ship 300k?
mentalfloss said:
:lol :lol :lol

Yea, we need more space bald WWII fitty cent streetball.

Day one. Will change avatar to show how excited I am.

ziran said:
Admittedly, we've seen a nice start to the tears but I want far, far more!

I want to be able to sail a Wii Fit balance board down a river of bitter tears from those that dislike Nintendo's success, and I'm confident by the end of this generation it's going to happen :D

Don't be stupid.

It'l only take another year or so. :D

Davidion said:
You do realize that the "real" games are why no one takes video games seriously right?

DING-DING-DING! We have a winner.


inner-G said:
I don't care if games are socially accepted, I just want to continue playing the kinds of games that I like.

And Wii Fit is preventing you from doing this because ...?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
This guy's comment is a testament to why the Wii is a failure. These so-called "hardcore" games were supposed to be on the Wii as well, as a matter of fact the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both meant to have been discontinued in 2007, but something changed the prophecy. Such a pity it failed, it was gonna be so much more interesting.


Fail out bailed
jarrod said:
Honestly, I'm not sure they'd have done much better on 360 either. JP made games (and new IPs especially) tend not to these days, unless they're big budget Capcom action games. Look at something like Eternal Sonata, which frankly had a whole lot more going for it in terms of accessability, aesthetic and budget versus relatively niche efforts like NMH or Z&W. Did it even ship 300k?
Its not even a fair discussion.
There are SHITLOADS of Wii games man. thats gonna dillute the sales of any niche game.

I'm sure if they were released for something with less selection they would have got more attention. again, Nintendo gamers are picky little liars who really do play favorites, but NMH and ZW are terrible examples of this phenomena.

P.s. I forgot about Eternal Sonata... I always meant to pick that up.... hmmm
ElFly said:
And Wii Fit is preventing you from doing this because ...?
it angers him. He needs everyone to be playing the same games as him.
I'm sorry makes him "sad":D
Its okay. I'm that way with good albums.


Hcoregamer00 said:
The first game wasn't even released yet, why do you assume there is more than two of them that will even come out?

I don't need even know how much the game will sell, they always sell well on PS3.
Azelover said:
This guy's comment is a testament to why the Wii is a failure. These so-called "hardcore" games were supposed to be on the Wii as well, as a matter of fact the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both meant to have been discontinued in 2007, but something changed the prophecy. Such a pity it failed, it was gonna be so much more interesting.

Yeah and PS3 was supposed to sell 5 million in Europe by the first March.

Funny how things work out.

A pity, really.


Azelover said:
This guy's comment is a testament to why the Wii is a failure. These so-called "hardcore" games were supposed to be on the Wii as well, as a matter of fact the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both meant to have been discontinued in 2007, but something changed the prophecy. Such a pity it failed, it was gonna be so much more interesting.

What..? :lol :lol :lol

Even failures like Saturn or Gamecube were not discontinued after one year


Fail out bailed
farnham said:
What..? :lol :lol :lol

Even failures like Saturn or Gamecube were not discontinued after one year


Staccat0 said:
Its not even a fair discussion.
There are SHITLOADS of Wii games man. thats gonna dillute the sales of any niche game.

I'm sure if they were released for something with less selection they would have got more attention. again, Nintendo gamers are picky little liars who really do play favorites, but NMH and ZW are terrible examples of this phenomena.
Oh yeah, agreed... Wii's getting a deluge of interesting but niche JP 3rd party games in the first half of this year especially (NMH, DQ Swords, Baroque, Opoona, Monkey King, Shikigami 3, Heavenly Guardian, Octomania, HOTD2&3R, MiniCopter, Harvest Moon, Samurai Katana, One Piece UA, SS Anthology, KOF Collection, Sega Bass Fishing, etc ... even western conversions like Okami and Samba too really). The field is so loaded really (not to mention big league NCL releases like SmashBros, Mario Kart and Wii Fit) too I think most of these are inevitably going to tank.

To be fair though, I guess the same argument could be made for 360 now (which is absolutely bursting with quality software)... but overall that base does seem a bit less receptive to the "wacky-jappy" sensibility versus Wii.


Can't both kinds of games just live in harmony? It's this kind of "don't go near my proper hardcore industry" bullshit that stopped comics from ever going beyond this so called hardcore that won't let anyone else in.


poor, homeless and tasteless
Common Sense Training has never shown it's need for the "hardcore" in this world until the spawning of this discussion. :D
Azelover said:
This guy's comment is a testament to why the Wii is a failure. These so-called "hardcore" games were supposed to be on the Wii as well, as a matter of fact the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both meant to have been discontinued in 2007, but something changed the prophecy. Such a pity it failed, it was gonna be so much more interesting.

WTF :lol :lol :lol :lol


I agree totally.

However, there are alot of people out there apparently drawn to these types of "games" so they aren't going to just disappear.

New climate for gaming.


*high five*.

Wii Fit is not a videogame, is not even in the league of Brain Training and is not going to be the getaway for people getting into videogames (I accept this vision with games like Wii Sport or even Brain Training, but not Wii Fit).

If you extend that opinion to an attack to Wii or Nintendo is your problem.


Fail out bailed
Gagaman said:
Can't both kinds of games just live in harmony? It's this kind of "don't go near my proper hardcore industry" bullshit that stopped comics from ever going beyond this so called hardcore that won't let anyone else in.
Man, I'm regaining faith in GAF! Ther ARE others who see the bigger picture.
Acosta said:
*high five*.

Wii Fit is not a videogame, is not even in the league of Brain Training and is not going to be the getaway for people getting into videogames (I accept this vision with games like Wii Sport or even Brain Training, but not Wii Fit).

If you extend that opinion to an attack to Wii or Nintendo is your problem.
You've played it?
From what I've seen it has more traditional gaming than Brain Training ever had.


Nishino's real problem is that hardcore games are thriving... just not generally on the platform he chose for Valkyria. :p
――Tell us about your take of the future of the game industry..

Nishino:There is a problem with the platforms .. I feel confused that games like Wii Fit sell.. They aren't games.. I did make some casual titles too.. But really.. Wii Fit and Wii Sports should be the gateway for the nongamers.. But ultimately they should play proper games like Valkyria Chronicles

I agree with him


*Nintendo Moves in the new neighbourhood*

*GAF starts staring at them through windows*

*Nintendo unpacks their furniture, including a balance board*

GAF: "Well, there goes the neighbourhood. Why do they need to move in here? Weren't they happy where they lived before? Ugh those people have no clue how the world works..."


Azelover said:
This guy's comment is a testament to why the Wii is a failure. These so-called "hardcore" games were supposed to be on the Wii as well, as a matter of fact the Xbox 360 and PS3 were both meant to have been discontinued in 2007, but something changed the prophecy. Such a pity it failed, it was gonna be so much more interesting.

:lol :lol :lol


Acosta said:
*high five*.

Wii Fit is not a videogame, is not even in the league of Brain Training and is not going to be the getaway for people getting into videogames (I accept this vision with games like Wii Sport or even Brain Training, but not Wii Fit).

If you extend that opinion to an attack to Wii or Nintendo is your problem.

Have you played wii fit? There's a boat load of practical applications for the board alone in traditional gaming.

sakuragi said:
I agree and I'll be buying his game instead of Wii fit. Vote with your Dollars people :lol

They will, which is probably his problem.


jarrod said:
Nishino's real problem is that hardcore games are thriving... just not generally on the platform he chose for Valkyria. :p

So on which platfrom would Valkyria sell the best?

Wii? Uh no.
360? Uh no.


Fail out bailed
Threi said:
*Nintendo Moves in the new neighbourhood*

*GAF starts staring at them through windows*

*Nintendo unpacks their furniture, including a balance board*

GAF: "Well, there goes the neighbourhood. Why do they need to move in here? Weren't they happy where they lived before? Ugh those people have no clue how the world works..."
"when I was a kid games had BUTTONS dammit!"


Count Dookkake said:
I think I know who the voters are going to choose... :lol

Casual non gamer's votes doesn't count. Only people who play REAL games counts :lol . Their money is so so filthy


He should just focus on making the best game he can make.
Just because Wiifit will be the top selling videogame doesn't mean that traditional games can't also sell. They will sell less than Wiifit of course but as long as they turn a nice profit then who cares?
and if they don't turn a profit, then not enough people wanted your game and it had nothing to do with Wii fit.


Luckyman said:
So on which platfrom would Valkyria sell the best?

Wii? Uh no.
360? Uh no.
PS2. DS in a pinch.

Even splitting the risk by going PS360 multi would've been better honestly. Yakuza's a big enough brand to survive the generational PS3 software shrink and still move appreciable units... Valkyria though, I'm not so sure looking at the team's previous efforts (Sakura Taisen was on a downward spiral before DC died even and Eternal Arcadia failed to really take hold twice).
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