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VALVE fires DOTA tourney host, Gabe Newell calls the host "an ass" publicly on Reddit


Amazing, James got done dirty and in a very unprofessional manner. #freethacker
Do you play the game? Reborn's been done for a while
I think you have it confused with Reflex.

James was supposed to do a kickstarter for Reborn, which got its named changed to Diabotical, but it never happened.

Edit: Oh you meant dota lol, I can see that being confusing.


Neo Member
I bet on money that Gabe is right to call James an ass. CEO would normally behave and doesn't make comment like that unless someone really pissed him off. Also, the guy has been an ass before and was giving a second chance.


Just something I've noticed here.

Tons of people commenting who are probably not involved with the scene at all. Before this, James was brought back as host after a long break. He kept the hosting going remarkably well, when poor production led to multiple hours of downtime over the course of Day 1. There were numerous threads about how great he was, and the community loved it to the point that when he was fired 3 threads made it to the front page of r/All.

He tweets, RedEye talks about a union for hosts (and seemingly turns down a flight to be the new host, in solidarity?), and shortly later, Gabe posts, "James is an ass".

Now, obviously James is an ass. However, Valve hired him. This decision is on whoever made the decision (not necessarily Gabe) and whoever pushed for him to come back. He's also an ass (did I mention that?). No one should make fun of autism. However, it's pretty pathetic that the internet starts jumping the gun (again) when a figure of a company jumps down to name-calling, with no evidence to back it up. Why? "Because I've never seen Gabe angry before". Please tell me when you've seen Gabe sad? Happy? Anything?

As far as I know, no one actually knows for sure what happened. It's a pretty similar situation to the Loda/RLewis drama months back. Basically, fuck you for believing Gabe because he's seen as an angel. Fuck James for pushing the rules too far when he has the potential to be one of the better hosts in a scene pretty sparse with actual talent.

Finally, maybe everyone should not be sensitive flowers about fucking everything. Seriously.

how is gabe calling him an "ass" even a big deal? is the guy a child? i've heard ass and other words thrown around in the work place easily and if he wants to call it like he sees it, oh well.

it's not like gabe went on some tirade against the guy or something

Generally, it's pretty unprofessional for someone in power to be petty and call names - especially since James didn't start with calling names. However, it could be justified. Also, it's pretty funny to see people knock James for cursing on stage while Gabe gets praised for calling out an ex-employee on a public forum, instead of making a post on Steam or Dota 2's website.


Ive never seen Gabe pissed so im inclined to side with the theory james is an ass

It isn't a theory.

The problem is that they hired him even though that is his thing and even told him to "be himself".

I mean if you bought a gallon of milk would you publicly call your grocer an ass when you found milk in the jug?

Somebody at Valve got exactly what they paid for.

I'm sure there is more going on, but most of us don't know any of that.


it isn't a theory.

The problem is that they hired him even though that is his thing and even told him to "be himself".

I mean if you bought a gallon of milk would you publicly call your grocer an ass when you found milk in the jug?

Somebody at Valve got exactly what they paid for.

Isn't the "be yourself" part second hand information? Haven't seen the actual source on that yet.

Also, he should have enough common sense not to interpret "be yourself" as "cut looose and do exactly what's already gotten you in trouble before."


Neo Member
2gd is really entertaining, but he also seems self-destructive.

Random examples:



Isn't the "be yourself" part second hand information? Haven't seen the actual source on that yet.

Also, he should have enough common sense not to interpret "be yourself" as "cut looose and do exactly what's already gotten you in trouble before."

If it is 2nd hand information than everything here is 2nd hand information. James says Valve said it. Until somebody at Valve stands up and says they didn't say it I'm going to take it at face value.

It isn't common sense, for all you know he specifically asked for clarification because of exactly what you're saying and was told to be himself. He wouldn't be told to be himself unless he asked if they wanted some other form of James to appear for this event, right?

I mean what do we really know? James was James at an event wherein Valve hired James to be James. Valve then shitcanned him for it and Gabe followed up by calling him names on a public forum.

Like I said, I'm sure there is more to it but we don't know any of that "more". Without any of that "more" it appears to be a case of Valve getting exactly what they paid for and for some reason not liking it.


It isn't a theory.

The problem is that they hired him even though that is his thing and even told him to "be himself".

I mean if you bought a gallon of milk would you publicly call your grocer an ass when you found milk in the jug?

Somebody at Valve got exactly what they paid for.

I'm sure there is more going on, but most of us don't know any of that.

From what I can assume, a headhunter over at Valve thought this guy would be popular because he is popular on Reddit - probably without investigating further. They contracted him for a few events, Gabe sees them and doesn't his style of casting and gives him the boot, gets promised he would improve his behaviour. he doesn't and so Gabe puts his foot down.


formerly sane
Says a lot when FGC commentary is more professional than DOTA commentary these days

Fuck that dude. He is truly an asshole.

All I came in to say. When I was growing up FGC and FPS communities were trashy and toxic, I have much love for my brothers but that's what kind of people can infest them. These days I will take my past over the rampant BS in mobas.

To be fair to guy that got fired Valve could've known better if that's their beef. Don't get someone of his style then blame it on him if what is said is true. Own up to it valve you're better than this.


From what I can assume, a headhunter over at Valve thought this guy would be popular because he is popular on Reddit - probably without investigating further. They contracted him for a few events, Gabe sees them and doesn't his style of casting and gives him the boot, gets promised he would improve his behaviour. he doesn't and so Gabe puts his foot down.

rofl, his vices are well known


From what I can assume, a headhunter over at Valve thought this guy would be popular because he is popular on Reddit - probably without investigating further. They contracted him for a few events, Gabe sees them and doesn't his style of casting and gives him the boot, gets promised he would improve his behaviour. he doesn't and so Gabe puts his foot down.

You sound like you're not familiar with the Dota scene. James wasn't discovered by a headhunter as a new, unknown player on the scene.

There is history here and everybody involved at the decision-making level should have been aware of it or quite frankly shouldn't have been making decisions.

Curiously enough I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same crazy person who thought KeyTV should be given responsibility after they royally fucked up Nanyang Championships.


From what I can assume, a headhunter over at Valve thought this guy would be popular because he is popular on Reddit - probably without investigating further. They contracted him for a few events, Gabe sees them and doesn't his style of casting and gives him the boot, gets promised he would improve his behaviour. he doesn't and so Gabe puts his foot down.
2GD has been in eSports longer than Dota 2 and is very well known. His last Valve event was TI4 in 2014 IIRC.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
From what I can assume, a headhunter over at Valve thought this guy would be popular because he is popular on Reddit - probably without investigating further. They contracted him for a few events, Gabe sees them and doesn't his style of casting and gives him the boot, gets promised he would improve his behaviour. he doesn't and so Gabe puts his foot down.

There is absolutely zero chance they didn't know who they were getting. He had hosted a TI, in Seattle working directly with Valve, and his long time pal Bruno now works at Valve. There is no excuse as to why they should be upset at what they got, if they wanted something other than what they got they should have hired someone else. At the very least, they shouldn't throw personal insults at the guy for delivering what he's hired to do. I don't buy the notion that there were caveats (like them telling him he could not curse, or throw around insults etc) that 2GD ignored, because even though he's a rude asshole, he's not filled with malicious intent.

So it's true what tobi said? Keytv is fired so now the streams are independent? Lol
This major truly is a huge fuck up
For now, they are bringing in another production team. Presumably only for the main event.


So it's true what tobi said? Keytv is fired so now the streams are independent? Lol
This major truly is a huge fuck up

Not quite. The production team for the English side of the event has been shitcanned.

The CIS folks have their own team that they bring to just about every event so they're doing fine. Indeed they typically do better than everybody else unfortunately I don't understand Russian. I don't know about the Chinese side of the event.

Now what does that mean? It means no in between game panel/host discussions in English today. The games are still being cast though so it isn't really that bad.
Just something I've noticed here.

Tons of people commenting who are probably not involved with the scene at all. Before this, James was brought back as host after a long break. He kept the hosting going remarkably well, when poor production led to multiple hours of downtime over the course of Day 1. There were numerous threads about how great he was, and the community loved it to the point that when he was fired 3 threads made it to the front page of r/All.

He tweets, RedEye talks about a union for hosts (and seemingly turns down a flight to be the new host, in solidarity?), and shortly later, Gabe posts, "James is an ass".

Now, obviously James is an ass. However, Valve hired him. This decision is on whoever made the decision (not necessarily Gabe) and whoever pushed for him to come back. He's also an ass (did I mention that?). No one should make fun of autism. However, it's pretty pathetic that the internet starts jumping the gun (again) when a figure of a company jumps down to name-calling, with no evidence to back it up. Why? "Because I've never seen Gabe angry before". Please tell me when you've seen Gabe sad? Happy? Anything?

As far as I know, no one actually knows for sure what happened. It's a pretty similar situation to the Loda/RLewis drama months back. Basically, fuck you for believing Gabe because he's seen as an angel. Fuck James for pushing the rules too far when he has the potential to be one of the better hosts in a scene pretty sparse with actual talent.

Finally, maybe everyone should not be sensitive flowers about fucking everything. Seriously.

Generally, it's pretty unprofessional for someone in power to be petty and call names - especially since James didn't start with calling names. However, it could be justified. Also, it's pretty funny to see people knock James for cursing on stage while Gabe gets praised for calling out an ex-employee on a public forum, instead of making a post on Steam or Dota 2's website.

Well said.


I do enjoy a bit of drama. When I used to watch a lot of Dota 2, 2GD was always my favourite presenter. The dude is a sarcastic ass but he's a hilarious sarcastic ass. I can see that being abrasive if he's the same off camera as he is on camera but I never felt like he blindsided anyone by acting the way he does. When you hire him you know what you're going to get since he's been the same funny asshole for what seems like forever.
Who cares its dota. Isnt that the point. To be jerks. i mean who really plays the game. All I heard about dota is that everyone is an ass. I dont know anything about the game itself other than its a rts.
Who cares its dota. Isnt that the point. To be jerks. i mean who really plays the game. All I heard about dota is that everyone is an ass. I dont know anything about the game itself other than its a rts.

Nah, it's not an RTS. The point is not to be jerks. Millions of people play the game. There are lots of assholes that play the game.


If he was told "to be himself" and he feels the need to mention I think he is aware he was acting like an ass. Oh well, internet Drama and all that.

I'll go get my chair.


If people want professional esports to be taken seriously then they probably shouldn't whinge when someone gets fired for being unprofessional.
Watching a few videos the guy seems like a complete tool and the exact type of person that a bunch of shithead teenagers would love.
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