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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Baller...yet so out of place for this show's tone lol.
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Episode 1 Whisper, Chant, Prayer, Awaken

Wouldnt have believed they were trapped in game world if they had never mentioned it. No HUD or anything makes it feel different unless it will pop up later? (since Overlord, SAO, and Log Horizon had one). I like how this one feels different than everything else and by far has the best character design choices of the mix. Loved most of the main crew especially Ranta and Haruhiro. Im glad they went that route as it makes them easy to cheer on, follow, support, and want to succeed as we go further. I do hope more details are given for their backgrounds as well as their motivations. Ranta at least has high levels of self esteem (though I wonder if its a cover for other things about his character), while Haruhiro appears to need sometimes a bit of injection of motivation and guts.

Great conversations all around. How can one not like Ranta.


You mean 6 month "break" where they continue working right after the final episode airs? :p

Man, I bet animators would love to work in your world instead!

Well I didn't mean that people were just twiddling their thumbs for a year, people are obviously going to be working throughout any non-broadcast timeframe. Just that there would probably be a window where a few of them could help out on Aca.
Gundam IBO 14

New OP is okay but its not RAISE YER FRAG. Same with the ED, rip ORRRRRRRRRPHAAAAANS

Going to guess that Biscuit's bro is going to be caught up in this business and die. At least this brother meeting wasn't so contrived like Akihiro's. Fumitan not gonna betray them I guess, Ojou-sama 2 strong

Char clone next episode lmao he's so generic.

Koyomimonogatari 01

Guess Araragi really does have a terrible memory. The phone app thing is weird and the direction seems flat, but I guess for a short story series its serviceable. Nice seeing Oshino Meme again.

ED is basically -

I wish Japan would just remove women from anime altogether. It leaves too many opportunities for fan service, which is by and far the number one cause of poorly written shows.



Dimension W 1

Wow, tied with Stride for best first episode for me.
Op is brilliant, really upbeat and wacky.
Love the noir vibe throughout the show. The world looks grimy and lived in without sacrificing style and color-very nice visuals.
And it has Madao using Hei's moveset so 10/10.


Gundam IBO 14


But man Kudelia is really sheltered. Comparing her to other, similarly young, political figures in modern times (including straight up today) she comes off as extra naive in pretty much every way. Also LOL at the incoming Masked Man, wouldn't be a Gundam show without it I guess.

Dimension W 1

Well the camera and Mira certainly have an interesting relationship..... Other than that it seemed to be a very safe but enjoyable show. Like it feels a bit focus tested in a "what might Western anime fans like" sort of way. I'm interested by the setting though I don't expect to be blown away. Good art and animation too. I expect to be rewatching this on Toonami in 6-12 months time.


Well I didn't mean that people were just twiddling their thumbs for a year, people are obviously going to be working throughout any non-broadcast timeframe. Just that there would probably be a window where a few of them could help out on Aca.

Hypothetically, if by the time IBO wraps up in March, BONES is on the last couple of episodes of Concrete Revolutio, and Ken-O needs all the mecha help they can get for the finale, what do you think will happen instead? :)
What? I have to imagine there is some story behind this.

See this interview:

AG: You worked on the original Death Billiards. Were you ever approached to work on Death Parade when it was turned into a full series?

Suzuki: Yeah (laughs), I was. Madhouse contacted me, and then shortly after I met Tachikawa-san and Kurita-san and the team, actually, because they’re good friends of mine. I just couldn’t fit it into my schedule. It’s really bad, because I said I’d definitely work on it. Because when Death Billiards was in production, the director already had the idea that he wanted to make it into a series anyway — from the very very beginning — and hoped that everybody who worked on Death Billiards would be on Death Parade. But I was the only one who actually couldn’t do it. Most of the guys did go on to Death Parade. I really wanted to do it, but I just couldn’t fit it into my schedule. And Tachikawa-san was just like “Could you at least just take one scene in the opening sequence?” And I was like, “I’m really sorry I can’t.” And because he knows that on the side, I do a lot of dancing as well, he said, “If I put a dance sequence in the opening sequence, will you do it?” And then I was like, “Maybe.” [Laughs] And that’s why there’s a dance sequence in the opening, and I still didn’t do it in the end because I still didn’t have the time.


Hypothetically, if by the time IBO wraps up in March, BONES is on the last couple of episodes of Concrete Revolutio, and Ken-O needs all the mecha help they can get for the finale, what do you think will happen instead? :)

Yea they're going to CR. Aca should be two cour though so I'm mostly discussing a scenario where the second cour has some of the more high profile animators.

Oh wow, that's funny and sad at the same time.
Yea they're going to CR. Aca should be two cour though so I'm mostly discussing a scenario where the second cour has some of the more high profile animators.

Oh wow, that's funny and sad at the same time.

well she just didn't have the time. Just like Death Parade didn't have the time to be a good show.

I kid
I just wish low tier shows would cut the bullshit and would all join powers to make a cut/paste OP following the template from that youtube video.

*character looks up as he/she stares into the horizon*

*camera pans up*

*birds fly*
I goddamn love this guy's videos.

Haven't watched this one, yet, but just wanted to throw out some praise for him. Thumbs up!

He's my favorite anime content creator right now. AnimeRuss used to have that spot, but he only makes a video every two months now.
Schwarzes Marken Episode 1

I miss Yuuya "Top Gun" Bridges and Shiranui. Episode 1 of Alternative Total Eclipse was stronger, I guess cause of how shocking the BETA were and that IRL you wont always win battles.

In any case, Im glad were back to see more BETA and Mecha and destruction. I hope there will still be random fun times with Theodor and others.

Nothing will be as good as GO TO THE TOP for an OP though.

Also the anime could look better, in the three years since Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse, the BETA still look the same or less quality? How.
By the way, everything's just being solicited so don't take this too seriously yet, but early indications on Amazon Stalker have Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu poised to be the best-selling TV anime this season.
Well, it has also an early release unlike mot other titles which will be released 4-8 weeks later.

But the fact that is like the first anime that hit the top 100 on Amazon is sure quite something.


Maturity, bitches.
I wish Japan would just remove women from anime altogether. It leaves too many opportunities for fan service, which is by and far the number one cause of poorly written shows.
And leave us with a landscape of blank canvas self insert males. Please. Females are on average far more interestingly written than the males.


We got yet another kids trapped in an MMO show but at least it's interesting with the kids sucking shit at killing a goblin. It feels more comfy/SoL than expected with relaxing music and a slow mood. It wasn't anything great but I'm more interested in this over SAO and Overlord. None of those shows have cute goblins at a bonfire so this is better so far.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
KyoAni sans Girls would make an interesting post-modern art exhibit.
Dimension W 01

I woke up and I didn't feel like watching this but I did anyway and I'm half glad I did because now I can say that it didn't really interest me a whole lot. This really does seem like it was made with a western audience in mind, but even Space Dandy had a better first episode.

Dragon Ball Super 26

This episode looked pretty shit too. I can't believe they kept Goku being incapacitated by a little laser beam, but I guess Krillin threw a rock Goku's head once and it hurt him a lot so WHATEVER.

By the way, everything's just being solicited so don't take this too seriously yet, but early indications on Amazon Stalker have Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu poised to be the best-selling TV anime this season.

A Josei adaptation selling the most? That's a first (probably)
And leave us with a landscape of blank canvas self insert males. Please. Females are on average far more interestingly written than the males.

Also I guess he hasn't seen seen good old fujoshi pandering.

Does the Koyomimonogatari OP confirm Gaen and Kagenui are actually part of the harem

There was also Araragi's mother in the ED.

One of the short stories with Kaganui is also about Araragi's harem status.


So what we've concluded is that none of the BONES shows will be thrown to the wayside and they'll all be incredible.


Anime is so great!

Nothing can go wrong!


Fujoshi, man!

They jumped on the ship just because author's previous works are all bl ?

Dimension W

This was surprisingly fun. Haven't paid much attention to the show beforehand but it's got my attention now. The premise of the story reminds of Giant Robo a lot and it seems very, very likely they'll be parroting the twist too but I already like the cast more here. Really like chara designs and colour palette. Just hoping the production values don't drop off too much after the premiere. (Seems like it's the studio's second work only?)


Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R 01

Oh hey, there's a new Komugi thing. Haven't seen anything related to that in forever! The old ones were sorta kinda funny-ish so I'm actually a little excited to check this ou-

*sees Komugi isn't voiced by Haruko Momoi*

*closes video*

Fuck this garbage.
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