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Witcher 3 is out, MGSV is out. Xenoblade Chronicles X is next.

FYI everyone whose has "spoiled themselves" and because of that thinks there's a story. Almost all of that happens in the last 30-60 mins of the game of a 100 hour game. There is extremely minimal story like MGSV for the majority of the play time. It even has something comparable to the MGSV tapes instead of story, where a bunch of characters stand around pre-mission every mission with a free camera instead of a cutscene and talk about the upcoming mission. You have "main ops" and you have to do a bunch of filler and side ops to open up the next main mission. It's like MGSV's Chapter 2 progression for the whole game of XBX.


I would not tell anyone in their right mind to expect anything like Xenosaga or Xenogears. You have expectations like that you're gonna end up on youtube setting the disc on fire or something.

Xenoblade X is a pure gameplay game with minimal story kind of like MGSV, that starts out good with some interesting level design (the 2nd area has the best level design in anything Xeno) and a solid on-foot battle system and challenge and then you get robots and it seems better for a couple of hours and then you realize there's no more gameplay in the game because the robots broke any level design so it's just flying around a bunch of big empty areas (there are no mech dungeons in the game because everything is designed to be possible on foot) and the combat is even more broken but the mechs are overpowered so it's not worth going back to on-foot battle system. Nothing happens story-wise until the last 2 hours of the game which is basically the Ground Zeroes of prologue for Xenoblade Episode 2 one day, and instead the whole game is mainly 60 hours of filler with nice graphics, music and a million MMO quests. The exploration is the best thing it has going for it and is amazing, especially when you go from on-foot to flying in your mech. But that's the first half of the game. A couple of hours after doing that, the rest of the game is just repetitive filler until the final chapter.

I'd call myself one of the biggest Takahashi/Xeno-fans here, Xenogears is my favorite rpg of all time, I worked on the Xenosaga ep1 fan translation project with duckroll, I thought Xenoblade was fantastic. I had a Japanese cell phone for his Pied Piper spinoff which was ok for an old-ass cellphone game back in the day. I even loved Soma Bringer on DS for the writing even if the gameplay was mediocre. I'd never been disappointed by a Takahashi game in my life until XBX, XBX was just...not good. It's not terrible, but it's a very average 7/10 filler game and that's horribly disappointing coming from him and his team.

i have played the game, i know that there isnt as much story as in XG and XS. But its clearly a reboot of Perfect Works, Tahakashi's third time.

And as first title it offers much more compared to Xenosaga EP1, which give you only questions and zero answers. And from a gameplay perspective its really poor, XS3 is the first Xeno Game with great gameplay in my opinion.

This one builds the world and characters for future titles, and Takahashi even said that the next one will have a stronger focus on the main plot.

I was disappointed in Xenoblade, because of it's story that for me was very disappointing, it was clear from the start that it wasnt a Xeno Game from the beginning.

Soma Bringer was nothing special, another dissapointment. Xeno X is the first game since Xenosaga 3 that has an interesting lore and i hope they expand it in the future with stronger focus on the story this time!

The areas in the game are all really great, no other game in the series offers the kind of atmosphere of the white and black continents. And don't get me started on the noctilum, simply amazing.

True Fire

Almost all of that happens in the last 30-60 mins of the game of a 100 hour game.

The awful part is that the "story" at the end of the game was really not worth the 100 hour build-up. There's no proper climax. They didn't even have a proper
final boss theme. After 100 hours I was expecting an orgasmic pipe organ and ominous latin chanting, not that garbage j-rock song from the trailer.

Mister Wolf

One of my favorite parts of Xenoblade was challenging the special monsters scattered throughout the world and being rewarded with special loot. I hope Xenoblade X has lots of that.


Besides open world games or not so far 2015 has been one of my best gaming year ever, and it isn't even over yet, The Witcher 3, Life is Strange and MGSV are three of the best games i've played in a while, and i can't wait to play Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Just Cause 3 and all the others


Metal Gear has one of the saddest excuses of an open world I've ever seen. Stop putting it in the same sentence as The Witcher 3, which is like the complete opposite.

I think MGS V is gonna end up like Skyrim. Once its five minutes of fame are over, it will be HEAVILY criticized because it has some major shortcomings that just make it a way worse game than it has any right to be in 2015. MGS V is not a complete game.


The world in MGSV feels like it was randomly generated. Like some sort of demo from a 3D engine. Boring and ugly looking.

The Witcher 3 on the opposite is fucking gorgeous and fun to explore, and from what we have seen, Xenoblade X also looks nice and has interesting locales.
I'd call myself one of the biggest Takahashi/Xeno-fans here, Xenogears is my favorite rpg of all time, I worked on the Xenosaga ep1 fan translation project with duckroll, I thought Xenoblade was fantastic. I had a Japanese cell phone for his Pied Piper spinoff which was ok for an old-ass cellphone game back in the day. I even loved Soma Bringer on DS for the writing even if the gameplay was mediocre. I'd never been disappointed by a Takahashi game in my life until XBX, XBX was just...not good. It's not terrible, but it's a very average 7/10 filler game and that's horribly disappointing coming from him and his team.

Your words hurt because they were my exact fears for the game. :c


Fwiw, I'm not trying to hate on XBX, it's not a bad game, like I said I'd say it's about 7/10, maybe 8/10 at best.

What I'm trying to do is get people to lower their expectations way the fuck down so they'll enjoy it instead of just being completely disappointed and pissed off. Especially since the game doesn't have "Episode 1" on the box. If you go in with the right expectations and know you're getting a big world sandbox to explore with minimal story and lots of unanswered questions in the end, MMO style repetition, and gameplay and level design that go completely out the window once you get your mech, but the feeling of flying around in a mecha is totally awesome for a while, and the on-foot exploration and battle system is great like Xenoblade, nice looking areas, good music; if you know that stuff going in and you're ok with that, you'll probably enjoy the game.

If you go in with expectations based off the red herring trailers and the gifs that look amazing and you think Xeno~ + open world mechs is going to be a huge epic adventure like Xenogears or something...you're going to set the disc on fire when you're done :p

Karl Hawk

it's just not fun combat. I way more fun destroying people with Ciri.

Ciri's way too OP.

Fun or no fun combat, its a matter of opinions. I found it to be a huge improvement over Witcher 2.

Its not Souls-tier, but then again, it doesn't have to.


Besides open world games or not so far 2015 has been one of my best gaming year ever, and it isn't even over yet, The Witcher 3, Life is Strange and MGSV are three of the best games i've played in a while, and i can't wait to play Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Just Cause 3 and all the others
Yeah, it's been a really good year for gaming. The two prior years were awful but this year redeemed everything. We also had Bloodborne, MH4U and Splatoon! And Yakuza 5 is coming in the coming weeks.

I think MGS V is gonna end up like Skyrim. Once its five minutes of fame are over, it will be HEAVILY criticized because it has some major shortcomings that just make it a way worse game than it has any right to be in 2015. MGS V is not a complete game.

I disagree. I think once the shock of the disappointing story wears out, people will stick around for the gameplay and end up judging it as a game that, while failed on story, has tons of great gameplay worthy of praise.


My hype for XBX was killed by import impressions. Seems like they focused on the more MMO-style content from the last game. Minimal story, lots of content but not a ton of handcrafted quests that tell good stories, lots of mindless monster hunting and collection type quests without any flair.
The gameplay in the Witcher 3 is adequate. It gets the job done, but there's really nothing special about it. It's also way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty level. The story is what really makes that game work. Kind of the opposite of MGSV.


Junior Member
However I felt about Xenoblade X, I hope Takahashi goes back to the roots of Xenogears with linear, story-oriented RPG with turn-based combat.


Haven't the reactions to X been mostly negative from the regions it's out in?

I remember one impression from a guy at Kotaku that also disliked the first Xenoblade (context in situations like this matters after all) and some people using that to say others hated the game or trying to paint that picture. So I'm going to say no to most reactions having been negative. Is the game prefect? No and I don't expect it be. All open world games have flaws of some kind. Fallout 4 will have them. Witcher 3 and MGS V certainly had them as well as Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii. Doesn't and will not stop them from being amazing games. It's a case of the good greatly overshadowing the bad or disappointing.

XCX is the game I'm most looking forward to. Followed closely by Fallout 4. That Fallout 4 outpost and building is going to grab me and I hope that happens sooner in the game rather then later.
Fwiw, I'm not trying to hate on XBX, it's not a bad game, like I said I'd say it's about 7/10, maybe 8/10 at best.

What I'm trying to do is get people to lower their expectations way the fuck down so they'll enjoy it instead of just being completely disappointed and pissed off. Especially since the game doesn't have "Episode 1" on the box. If you go in with the right expectations and know you're getting a big world sandbox to explore with minimal story and lots of unanswered questions in the end, MMO style repetition, and gameplay and level design that go completely out the window once you get your mech, but the feeling of flying around in a mecha is totally awesome for a while, and the on-foot exploration and battle system is great like Xenoblade, nice looking areas, good music; if you know that stuff going in and you're ok with that, you'll probably enjoy the game.

If you go in with expectations based off the red herring trailers and the gifs that look amazing and you think Xeno~ + open world mechs is going to be a huge epic adventure like Xenogears or something...you're going to set the disc on fire when you're done :p

you can go and expect an improved Xenoblade Wii, with more emphasis on the subquests, which this time are a lot more interesting. And yes the scifi focus compared to the more fantasy one of Xenoblade.

which plot you prefer, or if you prefer a more main plot based game is a matter of taste.
But it should be clear that a seamless open world game, cant have a story like a more linear games.
The gameplay in the Witcher 3 is adequate. It gets the job done, but there's really nothing special about it. It's also way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty level. The story is what really makes that game work. Kind of the opposite of MGSV.

I agree 100% with this. I don't think MGSV will be any more hated than it is now as time goes on, I just think it will remain a divisive game. Sure, the story is junk but god DAMN is the gameplay some fine shit.

Witcher 3 has clunky controls and combat but fills its world with meaningful content on a scale I've never seen before in a game like it.
I guess I'm the only person who loved Xenoblade Chronicles for its world and exploration. I did NOT love Xenoblade for its story. It was interesting, sure, but it's not why I came away from the game with such a positive impression. The last few hours were pretty great though, story-wise.

To those who have played X, if I go into it expecting little to no story (which is completely fine with me), but an increased emphasis on exploration (which is what I loved about the first game), will I be satisfied?
I'm looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I doubt it'll even be in the same league as MGSV and Witcher 3 comparatively, based on the import impressions.

Generally I think it's being overhyped a little bit on these boards. Maybe because it's the only open world RPG the Wii U is getting, or because it's the sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles (which I find really good but overrated on these boards to a degree, and XCX looks nowhere near as story heavy as that game was), but I think expectations need to be calmed down ever so slightly.

I just can't see the gameplay stacking up to MGSV and I can't see the story and world building stacking up to TW3. What I hope however, is that it's solid console JRPG because I've sorely missed those this year D:


Wait wait wait... Since when are JRPGs open world? Does that mean my beloved FFVI (and all before it) is open world? Sure Xenoblade Chronicles X has a large map, but open world?

Next open world game I'm looking forward to is Fallout 4 and eventually Final Fantasy XV

Yes, yes it does, they always have been.
I'm honestly not expecting anything to beat TW3 for quite some time.
MGS is a coolish sandbox but it does eventually get old and feel like it's dragging.

Karl Hawk

I agree 100% with this. I don't think MGSV will be any more hated than it is now as time goes on, I just think it will remain a divisive game. Sure, the story is junk but god DAMN is the gameplay some fine shit.

Witcher 3 has clunky controls and combat but fills its world with meaningful content on a scale I've never seen before in a game like it.

So in other words, MGSV will be loved over time despite the junk story while Witcher 3 will be fully hated after the honeymoon phase fully passes. Bah.


I agree 100% with this. I don't think MGSV will be any more hated than it is now as time goes on, I just think it will remain a divisive game. Sure, the story is junk but god DAMN is the gameplay some fine shit.

Witcher 3 has clunky controls and combat but fills its world with meaningful content on a scale I've never seen before in a game like it.

I think MGS5 will be as divisive as just about every MGS followup has been. MGS2 got an enormous amount of hate at first, MGS3 has it's collection of haters, as do MGS4 and PW.

Despite it's shortcomings, it's a very, very fun game to play.


I guess I'm the only person who loved Xenoblade Chronicles for its world and exploration. I did NOT love Xenoblade for its story. It was interesting, sure, but it's not why I came away from the game with such a positive impression.

The last few hours were pretty great though, story-wise.

No, no you are not.

Xenoblades plot and narrative were fun, the characters were likable enough, and the cutscenes had a lot of cool stuff, but the actual interesting aspects of xenoblade, what is actually happening, is not told through the surface level narrative.


I so can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X!! The only thing that kinda bothers me is that i might not finish it by the time Dark Souls 3 comes out. :/
No, no you are not.

Xenoblades plot and narrative were fun, the characters were likable enough, and the cutscenes had a lot of cool stuff, but the actual interesting aspects of xenoblade, what is actually happening, is not told through the surface level narrative.

Glad to know I'm not the only one. It seems almost everyone is writing X off based on its lack of narrative. The lack of story means almost nothing to me, particularly in an open world game.


I thought we were talking about MGSV...

Telephone tag but they were originally talking about XCX and whether that had a proper ending.


I would not tell anyone in their right mind to expect anything like Xenosaga or Xenogears. You have expectations like that you're gonna end up on youtube setting the disc on fire or something.

Xenoblade X is a pure gameplay game with minimal story kind of like MGSV, that starts out good with some interesting level design (the 2nd area has the best level design in anything Xeno) and a solid on-foot battle system and challenge and then you get robots and it seems better for a couple of hours and then you realize there's no more gameplay in the game because the robots broke any level design so it's just flying around a bunch of big empty areas (there are no mech dungeons in the game because everything is designed to be possible on foot) and the combat is even more broken but the mechs are overpowered so it's not worth going back to on-foot battle system. Nothing happens story-wise until the last 2 hours of the game which is basically the Ground Zeroes of prologue for Xenoblade Episode 2 one day, and instead the whole game is mainly 60 hours of filler with nice graphics, music and a million MMO quests. The exploration is the best thing it has going for it and is amazing, especially when you go from on-foot to flying in your mech. But that's the first half of the game. A couple of hours after doing that, the rest of the game is just repetitive filler until the final chapter.

I'd call myself one of the biggest Takahashi/Xeno-fans here, Xenogears is my favorite rpg of all time, I worked on the Xenosaga ep1 fan translation project with duckroll, I thought Xenoblade was fantastic. I had a Japanese cell phone for his Pied Piper spinoff which was ok for an old-ass cellphone game back in the day. I even loved Soma Bringer on DS for the writing even if the gameplay was mediocre. I'd never been disappointed by a Takahashi game in my life until XBX, XBX was just...not good. It's not terrible, but it's a very average 7/10 filler game and that's horribly disappointing coming from him and his team.

Not really. It has one, but most of the questions brought up aren't answered because the game is clearly XBX Episode 1, so they better make XBX Episode 2 or else...lol

Also they should have just called it Xenoblade X Episode 1. It would have tempered story expectations a lot and wouldn't leave people playing it wondering why nothing is happening in the story 40 hours in.

*sigh* That's not exactly a good thing unless the story has a satisfying arc in its own right.


If we're going to compare Xenoblade Wii faces to Xenoblade X faces and mention higher polygons and texture resolution...

If he wasn't addressing technical aspects, bringing the generation difference and "low quality" into play would be kinda pointless.

Same goes for Xenoblade. The faces in Xenoblade might have been low-res and low-poly, but they looked somewhat NORMAL. Xenoblade X's faces are much higher poly with much better textures, but just like Oblivion they look like freaks of nature.

That's subjective, though. Anyway, I think there are characters that look a lot more normal than basically every character in Xenoblade.






And if there are weird looking characters, I'd argue they are supposed to look weird, see Lyn or that random pilot with the bobblehead. Same reason Zelda has its freaks. If you think those posted look like "freaks of nature" compared to Xenoblade characters, I just don't know what to say, though, except that Xenoblade 1 and 2 don't really give a shit about character models and have other highlights, maybe.

Not sure where all the character model enthusiasts come from suddenly or where they've been when Xenoblade 1 was the hot shit and everyone was peacefully enjoying the vistas.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Glad to know I'm not the only one. It seems almost everyone is writing X off based on its lack of narrative. The lack of story means almost nothing to me, particularly in an open world game.

I mean, the story was cool in Xenoblade, but the thing that was so memorable to me was the environments and the music. That's what made the journey memorable. I also loved the combat and really never got tired of it. As long as the game hits those same beats, I'm sold.


I guess I'm the only person who loved Xenoblade Chronicles for its world and exploration. I did NOT love Xenoblade for its story. It was interesting, sure, but it's not why I came away from the game with such a positive impression.

The last few hours were pretty great though, story-wise.

You're not alone! I mean, I really did enjoy the story and characters but I doubt I would have loved the game as much/spent as much time as I did on it if it weren't for the gameplay. Hell I spent entire gaming sessions just running around, playing with the camera, jumping off cliffs, killing random monsters, admiring the scenery... Very much looking forward to spending hours of my life doing that again in XCX. Besides, it's their first HD game so I'll give them some leeway on things. Hopefully they get to continue making Xenoblade games because it sounds like they're taking all the criticism to heart and I'm sure the next game will be better for it.


The gameplay in the Witcher 3 is adequate. It gets the job done, but there's really nothing special about it. It's also way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty level. The story is what really makes that game work. Kind of the opposite of MGSV.

Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and I agree with this. I actually like the combat well enough, especially against humans since you can draw them out, split them up, counter them, deflect their arrows while they also block, dodge or parry.

The problems I have are mostly tied to the monster fights. It's great that you are able to make potions or use oils to prepare for the fights but the fights themselves are not interesting and different enough, especially against the bigger ones. That's why Dragon's Dogma is often so prevalent in Witcher 3 discussions because that's the part it did exceptionally well. Monster fights in that game feel like a really big deal particularly the first few times you fight one. Since Geralt's job is to hunt down monsters those sequences should be highlights and the fact that they're not is disappointing.

Pretty much everything else they got right though which is why it doesn't matter too much to me.


I tend tostay away from open world games unless they are an mmo. MGS5 is unique, for me, in that regard as I find it's world to be belieavable (sp). These are war zones we are speaking of. And it feels like the world was tailored for the gameplay, as opposed to "lets make an open world and only then fill it with stuff to do".

My impressions any way. I quite enjoy it. Hell, its friggin' amazing in that regard.

And with regards tothe story, well, that is the one thing that no one can ever "science" out to you. Its as objective as it gets. The writing can be top notch. Char development can be deep, but if the premise does't click, you can't "reason" it away.
So in other words, MGSV will be loved over time despite the junk story while Witcher 3 will be fully hated after the honeymoon phase fully passes. Bah.

You have a real hard-on for The Witcher 3. It's OK if some of us don't think it is the greatest game ever made. I am enjoying it more since I turned off the points of interest, but it's still doesn't grip me to keep playing the way Bloodborne did.


Wow. It's like reading one those old consolewarz discussions but this time it's about games. Even if some game you've never even played does not interest you, you still don't have to bash it to make your favourite game(s) look better.

Someone needs to play more stealth games.

Is there stealth games that have better gameplay than MGS V? I'm pretty new to the genre so I would genuinely like to know! I don't mind bad story if good gameplay is keeping me entertained.
Metal Gear has one of the saddest excuses of an open world I've ever seen. Stop putting it in the same sentence as The Witcher 3, which is like the complete opposite.

I think "open world" is almost a misnomer for MGS...it feels more like a hub for enemy bases, and the only reason it's "open" at all is to enable way more approaches to those enemy bases than cordoned off areas would. Interpreting it in that way makes far more sense to me. Using "open world" as a selling point was a poor PR choice.
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