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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dredd was better when it was called the Raid: Redemption

Double whammy!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It is conflicting, you've crafted a fine storyline. I look forward to the 12 part GWF series appearing on Netflix. I hear everyone is going to be played by Kevin Spacey.

If it goes straight to netflix then everyone's roles will be played by Steven Van Zandt.


That's not his gimmick. He started it, sure, but as I said many moons ago:

The crowd just loves chanting shit

They care more about the chant than the guy.

wasn't it that miami crowd after mania that started the si chants, where they were chanting yes all night and then started chanting si when ADR came out?

Or am I misremembering?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
wasn't it that miami crowd after mania that started the si chants, where they were chanting yes all night and then started chanting si when ADR came out?

Or am I misremembering?

You're right. I remember it well.


wasn't it that miami crowd after mania that started the si chants, where they were chanting yes all night and then started chanting si when ADR came out?

Or am I misremembering?

It totally was the Miami crowd. So it proves Kyoufu's point... but DBRY DAMMIT
So apparently, as expected, Cena has challenged the Shield to a Wargames-esque Team Elimination Chamber match, with him, Ryback, and Sheamus.

Oh Christ, I can smell the booking a mile away. The Shield gets the advantage (because heels), eliminates both Sheamus and Ryback, and then Cena ONCE AGAIN DEFIES THE FUCKING ODDS AND ELIMINATES ALL THREE GUYS BY HIMSELF, BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING CENA.

Fuck this company.


F4Wonline.com is reporting WWE Active voting was legitimate and caused WWE to change its Raw script.

WWE had originally planned for Randy Orton versus CM Punk to be the main event. The landslide voting victory for Chris Jericho obviously made a surprise change having Jericho in the main event and Orton put in a match with Wade Barrett.

WWE didn't have faith in Mysterio winning the voting and had already decided on a match between him and Daniel Bryan.

lol of course they did. Thank god they didn't rig the voting.
So apparently, as expected, Cena has challenged the Shield to a Wargames-esque Team Elimination Chamber match, with him, Ryback, and Sheamus.

Oh Christ, I can smell the booking a mile away. The Shield gets the advantage (because heels), eliminates both Sheamus and Ryback, and then Cena ONCE AGAIN DEFIES THE FUCKING ODDS AND ELIMINATES ALL THREE GUYS BY HIMSELF, BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING CENA.

Fuck this company.

There's no real reason to think that'll happen.

Cena will get the pin, obviously. He's headlining WM. But I doubt they'll make The Shield look awful.


That comment alone makes me actually concerned about the writers and WWE itself... Did they really think Orton would win over Jericho? It's like they don't read any criticism.


So not worth it
That comment alone makes me actually concerned about the writers and WWE itself... Did they really think Orton would win over Jericho? It's like they don't read any criticism.

Like the IWC is representative for the WWE universe lol.


I mean do they even listen to the crowds at their events?

The Rumble reaction and Y2J chants after should have clued them in.


Last night was a great example of WWE needing to pay more attention to audience feedback. The crowd during the Punk/Jericho match was the most lively we've had in a while. Also, apparently when you give people something to care about voting for they'll use your stupid app. So much so that it crashes.


I mean do they even listen to the crowds at their events?

The Rumble reaction and Y2J chants after should have clued them in.

I understand the ignorance with Cena (when the crowd boos him louder than they cheer him) on their part because he pretty much sells all the merch they need, but with everyone else? Get a clue dammit.


There's no real reason to think that'll happen.

Cena will get the pin, obviously. He's headlining WM. But I doubt they'll make The Shield look awful.

Afte the ending of Summerslam 2010, I'm not holding out hope for a heel group facing Cena. Hell, he just wiped the floor with a heel trio two weeks in a row last month. If it wasn't elimination, I'd have the odds as even, since Cena wouldn't have to lose, but an elimination tag match, unless they like bring a tank to park on him or something, Cena is going to win and win strongly.
hat hard to see who is popular and who is not.

also they did they really break up rhodes scholars in order to make Cody a jobber.

This company sucks some times
According to observer radio today the promo Bo Dallas cut on Monday was actually above average compared to his usual promos.... God help us all.


more money than God
GWF archive for last night's ball-busting, eye-gouging episode is here, at the approx 20 minute mark:


I guess it's no big secret now - when this final arc involving the Four Kings wraps up, GWF will be coming back with what some nerdy animu people call a "time skip" and a new 2.0 everything.

Till then, marvel at Soulplaya's way with words as his team come head to head against those who would support the GAF mods!
We have McNeily, Persp, and to a much lesser extent, Strobogo.

We can't lose! Well, at least not in a totally embarrassing manner!


So apparently, as expected, Cena has challenged the Shield to a Wargames-esque Team Elimination Chamber match, with him, Ryback, and Sheamus.

Oh Christ, I can smell the booking a mile away. The Shield gets the advantage (because heels), eliminates both Sheamus and Ryback, and then Cena ONCE AGAIN DEFIES THE FUCKING ODDS AND ELIMINATES ALL THREE GUYS BY HIMSELF, BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING CENA.

Fuck this company.
There's no real reason to think that'll happen.

Cena will get the pin, obviously. He's headlining WM. But I doubt they'll make The Shield look awful.
Technically, they won't look awful. They'll have taken out Sheamus and Ryback collectively and pushed Cena to the brink.
If anything, that booking would make Ryback and Sheamus look awful.

And that's exactly what will happen. GodDuckman can now save his money and not purchase the Chamber PPV. Or bother watching WWE for the next couple weeks.


I just bought a front row ticket for NXT when it comes through my hometown here in Valdosta, GA (seagull pop). Anyone think El Generico will be in NXT by March 8th?

At least I'll get to see PAC....and Chris Hero and Brodie Lee.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/25/2000

Tonight's the night Vince Russo gets to live his boyhood dream by competing for a WCW Championship in Caged Heat in Long Island.

EARLIER TODAY. Russo arrived with his hype man J "Jim Norton" B. I didn't remember JB actually being on WCW TV at all.


Big Vito vs Johnny The Bull I Quit Stick Ball Bat vs Kendo Stick Match

Vito's sister, Maria, is in the crowd. This is basically the two just hitting each other with whichever stick, then doing a move, and switching turns. Interspersed with clips from Maria. Reno runs out and hits Vito in the back. I guess Vito has had back problems in the past few weeks. Tree of woe with Reno hitting Vito. Maria jumps the rail and can't get into the ring. This is when the ref calls for the bell? Not while Reno was beating the fuck out of Vito?


TO THE BACK. JB is still hyping Russo up.

Show run down. Russo vs Booker for the title in Caged Heat.

TO THE PAY PHONE. David looked through a phone book for the father. He lucked out that the address he was looking for was 2 blocks away from the pay phone he was at.

Jeff and Scott come to the ring. Remember when they were feuding all Summer? I do. Jeff guarantees Russo will win the title tonight. Scott doesn't know why they boo genetic perfection when they cheer the Jets and Giants. He brings out the next WCW Champion, Vince Russo. Vince cuts a babyface NY promo and shits all over Atlanta. He SHOOTS on John Rocker. Sting's music hits and he and Book appear on the NitroVision. Goldberg is in the crowd! OMG!


Sanders walks in on Kronik. He relays that they're out of the tag battle royal, but laughs at the camera as he walks out.

WCW Tag Team Championships Battle Royal

8 teams. Rey and Juvi came out with the titles. But they were stripped and this is for the vacant titles. Dragons are out first with Kaz taking the Nestea Plunge off the apron. NBT double hip toss Shane over the top through a table.


Kronik come out anyway. They eliminate the Harris Brothers. I was under the impression that one guy being out eliminates the team, but Jamie and Shannon are still in there until they both get tossed out. Security came out and maced them. If only they had sun glasses on. IT'S NOT FUCKING MACE. It's pepper spray and there is a big difference. It's down to the Animals and NBT. Disco comes out and hits Juvi with a duck. Not sure if it was accidental or not. Konnan chases him off. Juvi gets thrown out and the bell rings, but Rey is still in, so the match continues until Jindrak does Nigel's lariat with Rey on the ropes. Jindrak and O'Haire are your new champions.

Torrie is oiling up for the swim suit competition. Gene is with Paula and Howard Stern's Wack Pack. Hank the Angry Dwarf wants to see Paula naked. God, Beetlejuice is one of the weirdest humans I've ever seen. Nash and the NBT interrupt. Nash shakes Beetlejuice's hand and calls him "Elix". Lol.


ICP vs Mike Awesome

Vampiro is hurt. Mad Man Pondo, Rude Boy, Tommy Star are all name dropped. How did ICP get in all the big 3 promotions at the hottest time in the business? There is no way that Bischoff or McMahon knew who the fuck they were. They fight on the bus. The fat one gets knocked off the hood through a table. Awesome Bomb on top of the bus to the skinny one. He also fell off the roof, even though Awesome tried to save him.


TO THE BACK. Major Gunns is getting ready. Cat and Ms. Jones head to the ring.

TO CHUCK E. CHEESE'S. David took a wrong turn. He went in to ask for directions. Magically, there was already a WCW camera crew inside the building waiting for him just in case he showed up. He argued with staff and searched the ball pit for the father.


The Cat and Ms. Jones come to the ring. Cat is wearing a space suit I think. Ms. Jones is wearing an AWFUL looking animal print outfit. The shirt is a cat face and the whole outfit is about the same color as her skin. Also, Cat hates Madden's fat ass. If any 3 of Russo's stooges come to the ring in the cage match, he'll fire all of them. This brings out Mike Sanders. Mike Sanders is an asshole because he knows the show gets muted when the crowd chants asshole, so he gets them to chant it 3 separate times to mute shit.


He tried to attack Cat, but it didn't work. Coach Nash comes out with the rest of the Thrillers. Cat fights them off until Sanders attacks from behind with a bat. They beat Cat down. A group of young white dudes beating the shit out of a black guy. Bold choice. I'm surprised this wasn't done intentionally in the South for face heat. Pro wrestling logic: The boss can't enforce or follow through on an action if he's beaten up. He can't fire Jeff or Steiner for interfering on the next show if he gets beaten up tonight.

Paisley and Tygress prepare.

Miss WCW Bikini Contest

The Wack Pack are the judges. Hacksaw stops the contest when Gunns unveils a US flag bikini. " I....SAID...SHUT...YOUR....MOUUUUUTHH..WOOOOMMANNN!" Lol. Canadian Hacksaw is actually hilarious. Paula wins after taking off her fake beaver coat. She wasn't even in the contest. Leia Meow attacks Paula and hits her breasts with her riding crop. Midajah saves Paula and she brawls with Leia.


Almost no shots of the girls in bikinis without Howard Stern's circus of misfits. Talk about sending mixed signals.


. Tenay is with Steiner. He's getting mouthy. Did he forget Steiner almost killing him a month ago for the same thing? Goldberg attacks Steiner.

Disqo is in the ring with his duck that is really a goose. He apparently kicked the Animals out of the Filthy Animals. He brings out his new partner...Scott Steiner? Steiner DRILLS him in the head with a mic. Lol. Fucking hard. He calls out Goldberg right now. Steiner brought out his Master Blaster mask because he was ready for a fight. Goldberg says to lower the cage and they'll have a match right now.

Scott Steiner vs Goldberg Caged Heat

Scott tried to bail into the crowd before the cage came down, but Bill caught up and they made it into the cage. WCW was really big on getting their use out of the Caged Heat. I think they've had an unannounced Caged Heat every Nitro when they had a scheduled one. Top rope Steiner line! Midajah comes out and slides the pipe in. A football player that Steiner heeled on earlier blocks the entrance, preventing Scott from leaving. Spear! Goldberg walks out. Goldberg wins! Only WCW would have a Hell in a Cell with escape rules. This was nothing. Basically a 5 minute brawling segment, but in a HIAC. So disappointing after the war they had at Fall Brawl.


. Jeff hits Beetlejuice with a guitar. His new gimmick is hitting D-level black celebrities with pituitary glad issues with a guitar. It's really specific. Webster better watch out. Paula interviews Booker. Save that drama for yo mama. That's such a lame catchphrase that he's really trying to get over.


Jeff Jarrett vs General Rection

This goes for a few minutes before Team Canada come out and cost Hugh the match. I seemed to remember Hugh's push being a lot better than this. He's been jobbing every week and not even looking strong in his losses. He's lost to Lance like 5 times this month. Sting saves Lance and the MIA from a post match beat down. Lance challenges Sting to a match tonight! Sting agrees.

Sting vs Lance Storm

Match joined in progress. They wrestle in the ring before taking it to the floor. Lance drop toe holds Sting into the rail of pain. Madden dubbed it that a few weeks ago and Tony went with it. It gets back in the ring and Lance hits a springboard missile drop kick and blue thunder bomb. Sting makes his come back, but the deathlock is reversed into the Maple Leaf. Sting made it to the ropes. Lance got out of the deathdrop OUTTA NOWHERE, turned it into a northern lights, which was then countered into a vertical suplex. Sting did the body slam into deathdrop that seems to be in every WWE game since 2000, yet I've never seen anyone in the company do. Nor had I ever seen Sting do it before this match. Probably the longest match Sting has had in months at 5 minutes.


TO SOME HOUSE. David has arrived at the house of the father. There also happened to be a WCW camera crew inside this house, just in case David showed up. This was the wrong address. He needed to go next door. No one was home. He tells the neighbor to deliver a message: David will be there waiting for him. A. Why would David need that message delivered if he's going to be sitting out there waiting? Obviously whoever "he" is would see David. B. "His" name is never mentioned. C. Is David not going to leave to eat, shower, or shit while he's waiting? D. Is there a camera crew in that house waiting for him?

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Russo. He's a New Yorker, and that means he's a winnah.

Booker T vs Vince Russo WCW Championship Caged Heat

Russo came out adjusting his jock strap the whole way down. Booker walks all the way around the cage slowly, allegedly to give Russo time to think, but really just to eat up time. The face locker room came out. Russo had a bat hidden and drilled Booker a few times. He tries to walk out, but faces won't let him. He could have legitimately won the title right there. Russo gets a ladder out. He's been beating the fuck out of Booker. Russo tries to climb to the top of the cage, but the face roster climbed up to stop him. Sting dropped from the rafters.


Booker gets him back in the ring and goes to work. Lex Luger returns and slips a pipe in for Russo. Well, that makes zero sense since Russo had kidnapped and held Liz hostage for months and was responsible for Lex being repeatedly pepper sprayed and having Chuck destroy his face. Russo took out the ref, which made the other refs come into save him. A security guard also went in. It's RIC FLAIR! A figure four worthy of The Miz on Russo. Lol. What the hell was that? That looked awful. I blame Russo for it. The NBT come out and brawl with the faces. In the ring, ax kick! Right on the surgically repaired brain! Booker is about to walk out when Goldberg's music hits. Book stops and opens the door for Bill. He still doesn't walk out and Steiner slams the door on him. Goldberg spears Russo out of the cage. But who won? We don't know, but we're out of time! See you on Thunder! An over booked finish worthy of Jeff Jarrett.
I am just happy the shield got a nice 3 month run before Cena ruins it.

In a perfect world they would have left the good guys getting the win over them until mania but "lol cena wins". Got to keep those up and comers in line.
He did pretty often, what are you talking about? Even before the Rumble he took out Brodus Clay pretty handily.

Only person he didn't beat clean in his title reign was Ryback. He beat Big Show and Cena cleanly at SummerSlam in the triple threat match. He beat Jericho countless times, same for Daniel Bryan. The Ryback stuff was a total waste of time, but he was winning consistently all year.
yeah they decided to make him not look like a coward 2 weeks before the rumble. And Brodus aint no Jericho. He's a glorified jobber.


I just bought a front row ticket for NXT when it comes through my hometown here in Valdosta, GA (seagull pop). Anyone think El Generico will be in NXT by March 8th?

At least I'll get to see PAC....and Chris Hero and Brodie Lee.

There's a good chance he'll be working house shows by then, so there's a possibility he'll be there.


even though there's literally no chance of this happening, how would you guys react if The Shield actually won?


So not worth it
even though there's literally no chance of this happening, how would you guys react if The Shield actually won?

A mild "yay" and a half-smile.

They're not winning. Don't even imagine Cena losing a match before WM, that's just plain delusional thinking.
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