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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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I'm addicted to this.


The actress looks 30, and is playing a character who is about 23-25.

Ah, I misunderstood.

But damn, you think she looks 30? My eyes may need adjusting, I guess. She'd pass for 23 or 24 easily for me.


Scott Pilgrim has a completely different ending in the film than in the graphic novel series as the last book did not come out until a month before the film was released. In fact, only two of the six books were available when the film deal happened, so the beginning of the film is almost word-for-word and gets increasingly "loose" as it continues.

Obviously a much much different and smaller project than ASoIaF though, of course.

Interesting, very interesting, but again I am not too worried about it going forwards. Lets assume that his agreement with HBO does mean that they can do what they want. At some point in the process someone would have told him, if he didn't realize already, what signing on the dotted line meant. So I see that it can only be one of two possibilities. Either he is confident that HBO will never go ahead of the books without his approval or he is confident that the books will get done on time. Either way we win!


As a book reader, I just cannot get over how fucking perfect Theon's scenes with Balon and Asha/Yara have been thus far.

I hate to look at the series from such a high view, but I just cannot believe these books are a) being made into a cable series and b) such a high quality one.

Stumbles here and there sure, but good lord. This is just sogood.gif.

I completely agree with you on Theon. I think it's better than in the book. I think it's better not knowing what Theon's thinking. Alfie just plays it surprisingly well. I also found the baptism scene oddly touching.


I'm baffled as to how anyone could possibly expect the television Margery, who looks like she's nearly 30 years old, to play a pure virgin.
Is she a virgin? I havent read the last book.
Renly said he banged the shit out of her though the tyrells later say he didnt.


As a book reader, I just cannot get over how fucking perfect Theon's scenes with Balon and Asha/Yara have been thus far.

I hate to look at the series from such a high view, but I just cannot believe these books are a) being made into a cable series and b) such a high quality one.

Stumbles here and there sure, but good lord. This is just sogood.gif.

I don't want to have another big argument about her but Yara seems a bit like a disturbed child to me. Or maybe it was just because the Greyjoy scenes in episode 3 were all about family conflict. I never imagined her that way. Like I said earlier Alfie Allen (Theon) has been fantastic, my favorite performance so far.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
The actor playing Varys is really compelling. He makes the character far more interesting than I found him by reading him. Sure, he was spidery... but this guy does a great job portraying what that means. His voice is just the right amount of creepy intrigue... we don't know a thing about him but he sounds like shadows.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Probably trying to differentiate Loras from Lancel.
I don't want to have another big argument about her but Yara seems a bit like a disturbed child to me. Or maybe it was just because the Greyjoy scenes in episode 3 were all about family conflict. I never imagined her that way. Like I said earlier Alfie Allen (Theon) has been fantastic, my favorite performance so far.

Happy to avoid one! :) I was not praising Yara more so than I was praising the way Alfie plays the ostracized family dynamic. As was mentioned above, I really think if his arc progresses the way I expect it to, it may very well be better than the books.


Tommen sticking up for Sansa in Cersei's face! Where is that gif!?

As excited as I was to see Arya and Tyrion grow in awesomeness, that made me smile the most in this episode for some reason.

Also, Theon foolishly paying for owning his dad by shoving the late King Robert in his grill...gif too?


Just popping in here to say DAMN BRIENNE. <3<3 Amazing casting, holy shit, she's perfect.

Also loving Theon (great performance in this episode, and previous) and Asha.

I don't think there's really been a miscast character at all in this show.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Episode 3 was amazing.

Absolutely loved all of Theon's scenes
Brienne was introduced very well
I thought they did a good job with Yoren by making him go down as a badass
They glossed over Lommy and I'm fine with that cause he played sacrificial lamb when he was already dead

The episode just had so much good I feel like watching it again.

edit: Also Sansa become a giant.
Consider that Shae is standing next to Tyrion most of the time
Even at the dinner scene with Cersei she looked very big.


The actor playing Varys is really compelling. He makes the character far more interesting than I found him by reading him. Sure, he was spidery... but this guy does a great job portraying what that means. His voice is just the right amount of creepy intrigue... we don't know a thing about him but he sounds like shadows.

The only problem is I don't know why actor who plays him, Conleth Hill, hasn't given a single interview on the character yet and hasn't shown up at any of the events. Perhaps he just wants to mantain the mystery. All I know about him is that he tries to make the other actors laugh when they are doing their scenes.

Sansa looks like she has grown a LOT taller too based on one of the scenes she was in..maybe standing next to Shae?

Yeah Sansa definitely looks older.


Tommen sticking up for Sansa in Cersei's face! Where is that gif!?

As excited as I was to see Arya and Tyrion grow in awesomeness, that made me smile the most in this episode for some reason.

Also, Theon foolishly paying for owning his dad by shoving the late King Robert in his grill...gif too?

I've tried re-reading that last sentence a few times now and can't quite seem to understand it, lol.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Thanks so much dudes. And you're welcome Cornballer! I'm not technically proficient/able enough to generate the silky smooth GIFs Plywood does with PS. I'm learning. These are via an App Store app, and the controls are truly idiot-proof, haha.

Happy to make any GIFs, but don't want to steal Plywood's thunder, lol.
Hey don't worry about it, just go for it. :)
girl almost looks freakishly huge. I bet Joffrey looks like a midget next to her, lolz.

They were the same height last season, Joff being maybe a bit taller, so I don't expect too much difference. But she's in the middle of her growth spurt years so who knows.


Finally caught the episode. Like the other two episodes, very well executed. Very good.

And I'll comment again about how greatly improved the directing and cinematography is this season compared to last(excluding the last 2 episodes in season 1 which were very well done).

The fight choreography also seems greatly improved from last season. There were a number of sword fights last season that just looked corny.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Also caught the latest ep last night. Really liked it, best of the season so far imo. Brienne was brilliant, masterful casting there! Pretty much perfect. I'm pretty fine with most of the changes they've made so far. Sure, I'm sad that Arya's arc isn't getting more time. Then again, I could probably watch a 10 ep season with just that. Which isn't possible. I think they made the best choice they could, i.e. spend more time at Harrenhal. RIP Yoren!

I liked that the way they fleshed out Margaery's character. It would've been kinda weird had she been totally oblivious to her brother's preferences. She went for the Tyrell - Baratheon alliance to the hilt, lol!

Theon is awesome, and that scene with Balon was great. Still like Asha (refuse to call her Yara).

Preview for next ep is crazy, can't wait!
Catched up.

I want to beat the shit out of Theon.

That rancid cunt.

I had this feeling in the books. In the show though they're really trying hard to get the viewers to sympathize with the dude and it's working imo.

His scenes were the best of show (with Tyrion runner up). Loved the scene when the priest blessed him into the Drowned God faith.

Also holy shit they made Yoren into a Boromir. Shae's so annoying. I cringe whenever that lady speaks. Looking forward to more Greyjoy and Stannis/Davos scenes.


Not only was the Theon 'baptism" scene awesome, but it was one of the VERY few times in the entire series that the music stood out for me.
Not only was the Theon 'baptism" scene awesome, but it was one of the VERY few times in the entire series that the music stood out for me.

Yeah I was gonna point that out. The music in this series has been very dull/non existent for the most part (which is a huge shame for a fantasy series) but this was one of those few moments where it came to attention.
I want to give the writers some props, everyone was shitting on them for the "pointless" Pycelle scene last season, but I think it worked perfectly in establishing he was playing the game too for this season. It always seemed to out of the blue in the book to me what Tyrion ended up doing to Pycelle, but giving that establishing scene last season makes the scenes in today's episode much more effective


There is a word choice in the avclub newbie review talking about theon that is just too perfect to be coincidence


Tommen sticking up for Sansa in Cersei's face! Where is that gif!?

Sansa and Tommen would've been a better pairing for both, I think. He's pretty much a normal boy, sometimes even sweet, with none of that batshit insane personality of his brother and mother.

and, of course, it would've been a better pairing than both Sansa/Tyrion and Margaery/Tommen :p


last episode was pretty good.

everything on Pike continues to be great. really love the casting for balon greyjoy. as everyone said, theon's baptism was good stuff. can't wait for some Victarion action.

i liked the tyrion scene manipulating pycelle, littlefinger, and varys.

everything with arya continues to be a highlight of every episode. a nice ending for yoren, probably better than syrio's demise last season. the scene prior to the attack was a nice character moment between arya and yoren.

and i like the change with renly, marg, etc. it makes sense w/in the context of the show.


Marathoned Season 1. Wow.

It started off boring but got better and better.

The sex and nudity is a bit much but I can look past it.

Just started S2. The Sean Bean death scene was stomach wrenching.


Marathoned Season 1. Wow.

It started off boring but got better and better.

The sex and nudity is a bit much but I can look past it.

Just started S2. The Sean Bean death scene was stomach wrenching.
Lol I think the second episode in season 2 has like 5 of those scenes...
A bunch of Thronecast content was recently uploaded: (youtube vids)

There might be spoilers in some of these, so watch at your own risk.

- Thronecast Season 2 Episode 3
Thronecast breaks down episode 3 of Season 2 - What is Dead May Never Die - and Geoff chats with the author of Game of Thrones himself, Mr. George RR Martin. Annabel Port continues her search for the ultimate Game of Thrones superfan, and finds a man who has taught himself Dothraki.

- Thronecast interviews George R.R. Martin
Uncut Thronecast Exclusive - Geoff sits down with none other than Game of Thrones author George RR Martin himself in this exclusive and exhaustive interview that sees George discuss his origins in TV, the differences between the characters he's written and the show's actors' portrayals, his favourite football team, and much, much more.

- Game of Thrones: Thronecast: Uncut Emilia Clarke Interview
In this uncut Thronecast exclusive, Kelly-Anne Smith meets the lovely and talented Emilia Clarke - aka Daenerys Targaryen. They discuss her character, her 'babies,' and her... bust (we'll let Emilia explain...)

- Game of Thrones: Thronecast: Uncut Alfie Allen Interview
Kelly-Anne Smith talks to Alfie Allen - aka Theon Greyjoy - about his role in Season 2 of Game of Thrones. We do not sow!

Also, WiC.net have a few of the older vids up on their tumblr.
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