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The wrestler of the year is the same as every year.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hey remember when Rocky was a boring ass babyface that the promotion pushed down our throats and people hated him? And then he became a cool ass heel and people loved him?

hey remember when Naito was a boring ass babyface that the promotion pushed down our throats and people hated him? And then he became a cool ass heel and people loved him?

Wrestling truly is universal :p

Hey remember when Roman was a boring ass babyface that the promotion pushed down our throats and people hated him? And then he... oh wait >_>


Ya'll get so caught up on Meltzerz ratingz

The real truth is Tetsuya Naito is the wrestler of the year

-Consistently good to great matches.
-The most over wrestler in Japan right now. Let's be real.
-A veteran of NJPW who worked his way up, went through all the bullshit and rose from the ashes of failed pushes. No golden spoon required.
-One of the most physically charismatic wrestlers of all time. Replacing Nakamura's spot after he left but not only are his matches more consistent than Nakamura's, this is the big one upcoming
-Benefits everyone around him. Naito brings up everyone he works with. He's responsible for taking a popular stable from Mexico to Japan, completely reinventing it to something new that's not stale as bread(which is where Kenny fails). Elevated the IC title by completely trashing it and elevated Tanahashi even by making the IC title seem like such a huge deal. Everyone associated with Naito, rival or friend, comes off way better having been associated with him. Even the damn refs and commentators
-The man who feeds us with his merch money


lol mark
Took 13 posts in the deodorant thread before someone came in and went "Who needs it? I smell fine!"

Someone was lamenting the lack of those kind of threads earlier, so there you go.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
V-Trigger as in the Street Fighter 5 thing?

Kenny is such fanboy :3


Took 13 posts in the deodorant thread before someone came in and went "Who needs it? I smell fine!"

Someone was lamenting the lack of those kind of threads earlier, so there you go.

The answer to being a sweaty fuck isn't deodorant tbf, it's washing more. BO + Axe body spray smells like a super smash brothers tournament.


We need a fresh Kenny/Naito singles match badly. A match with a build and they haven't been worn down by the G1. Naito's agility makes Okada look plodding by comparison and those two going full speed can be a hell of a sight. There's no doubt in my mind that they can eclipse this year's finals.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
jesus christ that turnbuckle spot where Kenny splits looked so fucking scary :(

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I do wonder how the high horse folks who talk about not supporting WWE for their bad practices that support NJPW feel about NJPW's treatment of women

like Liger's whole deal the other night with Miho


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yo that fucking ref jump to count the pin after the v-trigger -> powerbomb was amazing lol


I do wonder how the high horse folks who talk about not supporting WWE for their bad practices that support NJPW feel about NJPW's treatment of women

like Liger's whole deal the other night with Miho

Cultural relativism, bro

You mind explaining or you going to leave us hanging?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I do wonder how the high horse folks who talk about not supporting WWE for their bad practices that support NJPW feel about NJPW's treatment of women

like Liger's whole deal the other night with Miho

Certainly comparable to funding a neo nazi taking over the most powerful position on planet Earth.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I actually think Omega v Naito was better than the Omega v Okada matches (at least the 2 I saw, 1 and 3), so I have to conclude that Naito > Okada :3

Seriously tho, as much as I like Okada, his weak ass strikes really take me out of the matches sometimes.


They must keep Kenny in Japan by any means necessary. Pay him okada money.

Those two are the best in the world AND make everyone else on the roster look like a million bucks.
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