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For you personally, what's been the best/funnest game of this gen so far?


inFAMOUS 2 for me. I loved just getting around in the first and they made it ...ahem... funner to get around in the second. The stand alone dlc sealed the deal. I lost many productive days due to staying up late with the "one more mission" syndrome.


Most fun so far has definitely been Saints Row 2.

I'm sure there are "better" games out there, but it might be the most pure fun I've ever had with a game.


4chan server of TF2

I thought I was the only one who plays on that server! It's sheer absurdity, but fun!

As far as the OP's question goes, my vote would have to go to Saints Row The Third. If there's one thing I love in video games, it's ridiculousness, and SR3 delivered tons of it. Everything from the story, to what your character says while traversing the city, are all hilarious. Loved it.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The most amount of time I've spent on a single game in this gen has to be DRAGON AGE ORIGINS.

Dragon Age 2 really crushed my heart and soul. I mean, I enjoyed it to an extent, but to compare it to the predecessors is like comparing a toddler's bike against a ferrari. So disappointing ;__;
Probably Final Fantasy XIII. It has my favorite graphics, and sound this gen. A very cinematic experience. But most importantly I enjoyed it's fast paced battle system more than any other JRPG's battle systems. While I originally didn't think much of it (lol it plays it self), as I started to replays of the game I began to notice various intricacies that weren't apparent the first time through. I also never tired of the pyrotechnics that appeared when enemies were being destroyed by magic, and how awesome it felt to stagger an enemy and sent them flying.

In the end I had the most fun with FF XIII, mostly because of the combat, and over-the top presentation. I dug the world setting and lore as well. Enough to play through the game at least six times since the Japanese release.
It's gotta be Super Mario Galaxy 2, inFamous 2, and Batman: Arkham City for me. I had an absolute blast doing everything there was to do in each of these games. They just have this "it" factor regarding fun and they nailed it. sogood.gif

I said I would return to AC to beat it on hard mode (and get the Platinum) after the Dark Knight Rises came out, but my PS3 disc drive is giving me problems and I'm scared putting discs back in there :(

inFAMOUS 2 for me. I loved just getting around in the first and they made it ...ahem... funner to get around in the second.
Yup. My favorite is the lightning tether (aka Spider-Cole) power.

Edit: I almost forgot Smash Bros.! :O So many awesome nights huddled around a tv knocking the crap out of each other haha


Mario Galaxy 2, Burnout Paradise, Fallout 3, and Mass Effect 2. Out of all those I might have to give Fallout 3 the slight nod. I had a blast playing that game.


Unconfirmed Member
Super Mario Galaxy 2. There can be no other answer for me

As a huge Halo fan, my first instinct is to say either Halo 3 or Halo Reach, but I actually have pretty major complaints about both games. They're amazing, and I've poured hundreds of hours into both, but SMG2 is just pure bliss. It too has its flaws, but pound for pound, no game this gen can match the joy it gave me.


Great thread idea, OP

An idea: You should create a tally of all the answers and edit it into the first post. Would be neat to see what the general consensus is on great games, and what else could be picked up.

For instance, the Bayonetta example - I have always wanted to try that and I would love to pick it up one day...I also have some titles that I have yet to get through such as Xenoblade

For me, my personal favourite/most fun experiences this gen were, in no particular order:


And pretty much all of these games that had sequels, I thoroughly enjoyed as well


Bloodborne is shit
People love to bitch about this generation and yet look at all these fucking amazing games. No other generation has even come close to it's total output of awesome.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl was probably the most fun. Good times playing that in my dorm's common room with whoever happened to be there at the time. Loved everything, from some hardcore 1v1 to joke "GvG" (Ganondorf vs. Ganondorf) matches.

Kinda burned out on that game now, though.

Also had a lot of fun with Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Uncharted 3. All great games.

Edit: Also have to agree this gen has been freaking incredible. We've gotten the two greatest 3D platformers, one of the best JRPGs of all time and countless other gems. Plus all the unique small/indie games.

Oh, also one of my favorite 2D platformers, Rayman Origins. I love the artwork and how that game just flows when you get in a rhythm.

Oh shit, I forgot about Infamous 2, also. My favorite open world game ever. At least until I play Sleeping Dogs, because that game looks freaking fantastic!


Resident Evil 5

I have had so much fun with this game, and it's by far my most played this gen.
Whether in Coop or Solo, to me the game just did so much right. Honestly I like it way more than 4.

Runner Up:
Mass Effect 2


Red Dead Redemption for me. One of those games I always drift back to just to meander and watch the orange sunsets. I'm really not much of a multiplayer gamer, and I had a lot of fun setting up a posse and tackling some of the hideouts and co-op objectives.

I just love getting lost there. It's this and Flower. But I can't even describe why Flower feels so magical.


Let's see

1st playtime on Steam: 1,418.8 hrs on record.
2nd playtime on Steam: 173.0 hrs on record.

Yup, Team Fortress 2, no question.
I forgot about another game, and this one deserves its own post:

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

I want to go back and play this right now. Maybe I'll try out Odin Sphere instead...


(1) - Mass Effect; fantastic sci-fi roleplaying game
(2) - Deus Ex: HR; Very worthy follow-up to an all times great
(3) - Oblivion; First x360 title I played, blew my socks off back then



I rented this one day during a gaming dry spell expecting to totally hate it.... 800 hours later... I realized something amazing just happened.
No More Heroes and Little King's Story both packed a punch. But Little Big Planet had me hooked for ages. The fun never seemed to stop with that title.


Hmm Uncharted 2, Portal and Killzone 2(multiplayer). This has really been a fantastic generation. Game industry might be going places I don't want it to go but we still get a lot of fantastic games.


The game that blew my mind, made me think about games in a new way: Spec Ops: The Line.

Specific answer to thread title: Red Dead Redemption


I'm the only person who will say Spec Ops: The Line, but that's ok, I like being a bit different.
Uncharted 2.

After I Platinum'ed the dang thing I still played through the campaign twice more. Best thing to come out of this generation.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are the best designed games for me this gen.

Beating Mushihimesama Futari left me with an adrenaline rush I've never had from a game before and might be my most cherished gaming memory.


I didn't complete very many games this generation but maybe... Deus Ex HR, Vanquish, Sleeping Dogs, or Valkyria Chronicles. Basically games where I couldn't stop playing until I finished them.

Or maybe just P4A because Labby.
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