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Kickstarter: Citizens of Earth - A Modern RPG. Earthbound-ish RPG by Eden Industries


Interesting game concept. Always loved the idea of RPGs in a modern setting. I just hope the final product has a little more ethnic variety besides whats shown in those few screen shots (especially with a name like Citizens of Earth).


Neo Member
Interesting game concept. Always loved the idea of RPGs in a modern setting. I just hope the final product has a little more ethnic variety besides whats shown in those few screen shots (especially with a name like Citizens of Earth).

Don't worry, there's a ton of ethnic variety! You can see many such examples in the art and video on the Kickstarter, but there's a ton more on the way too.

Some of the initial characters in the game (specifically the pasty-white, red-headed VP and his family) are meant to poke a bit of fun at the traditional American political landscape, or at least how we up here in Canada view it :)

But yes a big focus of ours with this game is on ethnic and gender diversity. So please expect to see characters from all around the world, from all walks of life.


Neo Member
I'll def' be on this, especially if it comes to WiiU!

We sure hope it'll come to Wii U! We have that as a stretch goal on Kickstarter, but Nintendo seems to really like the game already and specifically sent us a dev kit to port it to Wii U. So we're working on that currently, and I really do hope we'll be able to release it on there :)


And yeah we knew it was risky to try something a bit different art-wise, but we hope there are people out there who like it :). Thanks for your well-wishes!

I think the risk with the art style you're taking is paying off. The fact that it's not anime / retro/ pixel/ Japanese/ medieval influenced is great. It's got it's own style that fits the game.


Well let me break it down for you:
KS takes 5%
Payment processing takes 3% plus 20 cents per pledge
Canadian income tax takes ~17% right off the top

Adding it all up, it's about 25%. I think many people forget that the money you raise from Kickstarter is taxable, and the government demands their cut! Unfortunate, but true :(
I had no idea about this... that puts a lot of stuff into perspective and makes me feel bad for the Takedown: Red Sabre team.


Neo Member
I think the risk with the art style you're taking is paying off. The fact that it's not anime / retro/ pixel/ Japanese/ medieval influenced is great. It's got it's own style that fits the game.

Thanks! We definitely wanted to go with something unique, art-wise, and I do think that what we came up with fits the theme of the game pretty well.


Not really getting too much of an "Earthbound" vibe from this. Not to mention, "In the style of Earthbound" seems to be becoming a catch-phrase for Kickstarters.


Not really getting too much of an "Earthbound" vibe from this. Not to mention, "In the style of Earthbound" seems to be becoming a catch-phrase for Kickstarters.
Really? The forrest doesnt look like much but the city part is basically Neo-Threed . It looks like a modern take on a very particular game, and it does a great job while avoiding the usual pixel retro crap that plagues this projects.


Neo Member
Not really getting too much of an "Earthbound" vibe from this. Not to mention, "In the style of Earthbound" seems to be becoming a catch-phrase for Kickstarters.

Interesting point! If you'll indulge me, allow me to explain the ways in which we were inspired by Earthbound:
  1. Modern setting. This one is pretty obvious, but I think is important since for some reason there still aren't many RPGs made with a modern setting.
  2. Art style. Certainly there will be folks who disagree, and obviously we weren't going for an emulation of Earthbound's style. But the light-hearted, cartoony nature was something we were very inspired by, even if we took it in a bit of a different direction.
  3. Parody-inspired theme. It's been said of Earthbound that it's a Japanese-viewpoint on American culture. Whether that's true or not, that idea certainly inspired us (as Canadians) to explore our perception of the landscape of Americana as we see it.
  4. Overworld gameplay. Borrowing heavily from Earthbound's innovations in the overworld, enemies will join in battles if you begin an encounter nearby and you can autowin against weak enemies.
  5. Humorous characters. One of my personal favorite things about Earthbound are the awesome characters. We tried to really breathe and lot of life and personality into our characters as well.

Now this list may do nothing more than show how we were inspired by Earthbound, and do little to convince you that we've captured the Earthbound vibe. If you'll indulge me once more, let me share a quote from a recent hands-on preview article of the game:
"Citizens of Earth has successfully drawn inspiration from the past, and specifically Earthbound, to create a modern update that could potentially live up to its epic muse." (source: http://www.gamezebo.com/news/2013/09/20/hands-citizens-earth)

Anyway, long story short, if you like Earthbound, I really do think you'll like Citizens of Earth. But I won't belabour the point any longer. And so I'll just say, thanks for checking out the game, and I hope you don't give up on it yet!


Interesting point! If you'll indulge me, allow me to explain the ways in which we were inspired by Earthbound:


Anyway, long story short, if you like Earthbound, I really do think you'll like Citizens of Earth. But I won't belabour the point any longer. And so I'll just say, thanks for checking out the game, and I hope you don't give up on it yet!

(Not cutting out the middle part to ignore it, just didn't want a big huge quote block)

I suppose it's mainly the charcters which are giving it a much different feeling from Earthbound. Especially the main character, who just seems too over-the-top and obnoxious. I suppose that's not too out-of-the-ordinary for politicians (certainly has a stereotypical politician feel to him), just that it's in rather stark contrast to the much more demure Ness.

Also that I'm not too much of a fan of enlarged portions of characters appearing at the bottom of the screen when they're talking - always feel that they're rather ostentatious, and just further intensifies that I'm not getting a good feeling from the characters - and of course was something that Earthbound doesn't do either.

I mean, the game looks interesting - and I'm definitely in favor of more turn-based RPGs, which I love, since so many games now seem to be "Action-RPGs" - and I'll probably end up checking it out/pledging toward it. Suppose I'm just kind of desensitized by so many games saying "Inspired by/In the style of Earthbound!"


Neo Member
(Not cutting out the middle part to ignore it, just didn't want a big huge quote block)

I suppose it's mainly the charcters which are giving it a much different feeling from Earthbound. Especially the main character, who just seems too over-the-top and obnoxious. I suppose that's not too out-of-the-ordinary for politicians (certainly has a stereotypical politician feel to him), just that it's in rather stark contrast to the much more demure Ness.

Also that I'm not too much of a fan of enlarged portions of characters appearing at the bottom of the screen when they're talking - always feel that they're rather ostentatious - and of course was something that Earthbound doesn't do either.

I mean, the game looks interesting - and I'm definitely in favor of more turn-based RPGs, which I love, since so many games now seem to be "Action-RPGs" - and I'll probably end up checking it out/pledging toward it. Suppose I'm just kind of desensitized by so many games saying "Inspired by/In the style of Earthbound!"

Thanks for going into a bit more detail about your thoughts! It's true that our characters are very over-the-top in a lot of ways. That was a purposeful design choice to make regular characters (Baker, School Teacher, etc.) come alive and be more than a simple caricature. So in that sense, you do have a point that it deviates from Earthbound. Or at least, possibly the main characters of Earthbound. The supporting cast can sure be over-the-top at times!

And yeah I am aware that the "Inspired by Earthbound" line is a commonly used one. But I'm confident that if you love Earthbound, you'll find a lot to like in Citizens of Earth. If you're interested, I'm happy to test that confidence by hooking you up with our demo. Just let me know!


Unconfirmed Member
It's funny, the game is obviously heavily inspired by Earthbound, but still feels really unique compared to basically any other kickstarter I've seen. Earthbound isn't a game that's been copied very often itself, and most "heavily inspired" games don't change their artstyle much from the game they're comparing it too.


Neo Member
It's funny, the game is obviously heavily inspired by Earthbound, but still feels really unique compared to basically any other kickstarter I've seen. Earthbound isn't a game that's been copied very often itself, and most "heavily inspired" games don't change their artstyle much from the game they're comparing it too.

Thank you! The "inspired by Earthbound but still unique" vibe is something we were really hoping would come across.
People on the team who have worked on Guacamelee?

Eh, I dunno about this one. Earthbound was great for the writing and with all the characters seemingly being generic classes I am not filled with confidence.


Ok I love Conspiracy Guy and the idea of a modern day rpg. I can only afford to put $30 but you have my pledge. I would love this on my 3DS.

Make it happ'n Gaf.


Neo Member
Eh, I dunno about this one. Earthbound was great for the writing and with all the characters seemingly being generic classes I am not filled with confidence.

Well a huge part of the game (and maybe this deserves further explanation) is that while the characters are inspired by generic caricatures, they're actually full of really unique personality and charm! It was done like this to create a contrast between the seemingly-run-of-the-mill characters and the reality of their personalities.

But I do see your point, it's possible that isn't really explained very well...perhaps an update to the KS page is in order! Thanks for mentioning this.


Neo Member
Ok I love Conspiracy Guy and the idea of a modern day rpg. I can only afford to put $30 but you have my pledge. I would love this on my 3DS.

Make it happ'n Gaf.

Thanks a ton! I'm glad you're liking the Conspiracy Guy, he definitely is a pretty interesting character :)


Took a look at the page, and this looks fun! I love the Mother series and you've captured a bit of that really well.
I seem to be in the minority here, but I actually really like the art style. It reminds me a bit of the Hector point-and-clicks that were on the IOS/PC.
I also like the overall presentation and writing, from what I can see. I'll be looking out for this, and when I get some extra funds I'll try to back it!


Neo Member
Took a look at the page, and this looks fun! I love the Mother series and you've captured a bit of that really well.
I seem to be in the minority here, but I actually really like the art style. It reminds me a bit of the Hector point-and-clicks that were on the IOS/PC.
I also like the overall presentation and writing, from what I can see. I'll be looking out for this, and when I get some extra funds I'll try to back it!

Thanks! I'm really glad you're digging the game. And yeah the art style definitely seems to be polarizing, but I don't think you're in the minority. Different strokes for different folks I guess :)

Anyway thanks for your support, and if you do get a chance to back it, well I thank you very much now in advance!
We are planning on Steam, yep! I'm currently chatting with Valve about it. Since we released on last game, Waveform, on Steam, I have a good relationship with Valve. I'd really like to avoid Greenlight if possible, so I'm talking to them about that possibility. But either way, yes we absolutely plan on releasing on Steam!

So Waveform is Eden's other game? Why not bring that to Wii U and 3DS as well?


Neo Member
So Waveform is Eden's other game? Why not bring that to Wii U and 3DS as well?

Yes Waveform is our last game. And we are actually hoping to bring it to Wii U and 3DS too! The main trouble is just finding the time. It's hard enough trying to develop one game, let alone keep up with ports of the other :)

But it is something I really do want to do. Hopefully, somehow, either Waveform will be successful enough to help fund Citizens of Earth, or Citizens of Earth will be successful enough to allow us to push Waveform out to new platforms.
Yes Waveform is our last game. And we are actually hoping to bring it to Wii U and 3DS too! The main trouble is just finding the time. It's hard enough trying to develop one game, let alone keep up with ports of the other :)

But it is something I really do want to do. Hopefully, somehow, either Waveform will be successful enough to help fund Citizens of Earth, or Citizens of Earth will be successful enough to allow us to push Waveform out to new platforms.

YAY! Looks trippy, hope to see it! :D


Praying this gets funded. Looks and sounds great and very interesting.

And stretch goals sound so ace. Space? God yes. And I need this for my 3DS.


Neo Member
Praying this gets funded. Looks and sounds great and very interesting.

And stretch goals sound so ace. Space? God yes. And I need this for my 3DS.

Thanks for your support! I'm really glad you're liking the game. Any help you can provide to the Kickstarter (via pledging or even just sharing the link around) would be very much appreciated!


I'm -very- interested, but I don't feel like it's worth committing (for me) with Vita stretch goals so far away as of right now. Wish you guys the best though.


Neo Member
I'm -very- interested, but I don't feel like it's worth committing (for me) with Vita stretch goals so far away as of right now. Wish you guys the best though.

Thanks! I really hope we're able to make it to Vita. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you were so inclined to support the Kickstarter currently, you always have the option of backing out if you don't feel it's going to hit where you want it to. And that way we get the support now, which helps to drum up future support (specifically through the popular list on Kickstarter) but you don't lose out in case it doesn't go the way you want. Anyway, just something to consider! Either way though, I'm really glad you're interested, and very appreciative of your support!
Hope you guys do well on your KickStarter. I wish you the best of luck. I'm glad that KickStarter is now available in Canada, so more devs like yourself and Hinterland Games can create new experiences through self publishing.


Neo Member
Hope you guys do well on your KickStarter. I wish you the best of luck. I'm glad that KickStarter is now available in Canada, so more devs like yourself and Hinterland Games can create new experiences through self publishing.

Thanks for your support! And yes I'm very glad Kickstarter has finally arrived in Canada too :)
Love the title, looks great. When I have some spare cash I'll back it.

All of my design documents are basically "I liked the ideas of these games right here even though they were pretty bad." I don't anyone in their right mind would say that during a crowdfunding effort.

I am not of my right mind :p


Neo Member
Love the title, looks great. When I have some spare cash I'll back it.

All of my design documents are basically "I liked the ideas of these games right here even though they were pretty bad." I don't anyone in their right mind would say that during a crowdfunding effort.

I am not of my right mind :p

Right on, thanks! And actually a lot of bad games can have very good design lessons. In fact, sometimes bad games have more to teach than great games in a lot of ways :)


I think the risk with the art style you're taking is paying off. The fact that it's not anime / retro/ pixel/ Japanese/ medieval influenced is great. It's got it's own style that fits the game.

Going to second this. I'm tired of the typical pixel/retro/blocky (think Minecraft) art style. Give me something that feels like it's doing it's own thing even if it's influenced by things of the past, instead of 1:1 copying previous games. I'm really liking the visuals here. Backed quickly after watching the video.
The art style is so far my favorite thing about this game. I love how expressive all of the characters are.

Before I pledge anything, though, I'd like this question to be answered: if I pledge $15 to get a copy of a game and the Wii U stretch goal is reached, can I specify that I want to get the Wii U version? I can't really play games on my PC, so...


Thanks for your support! I'm really glad you're liking the game. Any help you can provide to the Kickstarter (via pledging or even just sharing the link around) would be very much appreciated!

Can't really pledge more than $15 at the moment, gonna wait a bit and pledge more later! Good luck!


This looks like a potentially great game but I couldn't find any video for it. Does someone have a link? I'd love to see this come to the 3ds.


Neo Member
Going to second this. I'm tired of the typical pixel/retro/blocky (think Minecraft) art style. Give me something that feels like it's doing it's own thing even if it's influenced by things of the past, instead of 1:1 copying previous games. I'm really liking the visuals here. Backed quickly after watching the video.

The art style is so far my favorite thing about this game. I love how expressive all of the characters are.

Before I pledge anything, though, I'd like this question to be answered: if I pledge $15 to get a copy of a game and the Wii U stretch goal is reached, can I specify that I want to get the Wii U version? I can't really play games on my PC, so...

Phew, thanks guys It's great to hear that. Sometimes it's hard to gauge the result of trying to do something different, but I'm glad it's sitting well with some!

And yes, Poltergust, you're absolutely able to specify which platform you want. I unfortunately didn't think to specify that when initially writing the rewards (and now I'm not able to change the description) but I have added it to the FAQ at the bottom of the page.


hide your water-based mammals
You guys should tweet Shahid or find the right number to get a hold of the Sony folks. They've contacted far less prominent indies. They aren't impossible to reach.
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