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Kickstarter: Citizens of Earth - A Modern RPG. Earthbound-ish RPG by Eden Industries


Neo Member
You guys should tweet Shahid or find the right number to get a hold of the Sony folks. They've contacted far less prominent indies. They aren't impossible to reach.

Yep, due to the suggestion of other folks in this thread, Shahid has been tweeted and e-mailed as well. Just waiting on a response now.

And yeah I'm not sure of what's getting in the way of communication. I even showed off the game to a number of Sony folks at GDC and they loved it. There's just a lot of great indie games out there I guess!
Yep, due to the suggestion of other folks in this thread, Shahid has been tweeted and e-mailed as well. Just waiting on a response now.

And yeah I'm not sure of what's getting in the way of communication. I even showed off the game to a number of Sony folks at GDC and they loved it. There's just a lot of great indie games out there I guess!

I have no doubt your game will get help or at least it should.

I fully expect Shahid to really get things in motion tomorrow for you guys. I'm just glad I could help in that way to get this game to have more exposure to Sony.

I never kick start anything but like Cosmic Star Heroine when your game launches on the PSN you can consider a copy sold to me!


Neo Member
Backed. This seems like a cool project, especially with Earthbound recently...

And glad to support local Vancouverites :)

Awesome, thanks! Very much appreciated :)

I have no doubt your game will get help or at least it should.

I fully expect Shahid to really get things in motion tomorrow for you guys. I'm just glad I could help in that way to get this game to have more exposure to Sony.

I never kick start anything but like Cosmic Star Heroine when your game launches on the PSN you can consider a copy sold to me!

Right on, thanks for your support!
I have backed this because it seems like a fun and unique game.

That being said, and I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I do not believe this will get fully funded. I have funded a ton, and I do mean ton, of projects and the trends from those that succeed and those that do not is very apparent sometimes.

People are...for lack of a better term, impatient and prone to quick judgements. That's why a lot of the Kickstarters that succeed do so enormously and rapidly. Those that do not are often those that are either asking for a smaller price point or niche to a dedicated slice of the pie. Most may not even look at the game in motion, only read what you compare your game to and so forth and so on. They'll think "Flash Game" or see that it doesn't look or feel exactly like the games that inspired it and turn away. There's a bunch of reasons.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, and I certainly do hope that this succeeds as I think it looks really cool, but I do want to be realistic about it. I'll certainly do what I can to spread the word and support and defend it on forums like these or twitter or whatever.

Other than that, I do scenario and dialogue writing and could always bounce around ideas once you guys give a demo or working alpha out to backers/people/whomever.


Neo Member
I have backed this because it seems like a fun and unique game.

That being said, and I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I do not believe this will get fully funded. I have funded a ton, and I do mean ton, of projects and the trends from those that succeed and those that do not is very apparent sometimes.

People are...for lack of a better term, impatient and prone to quick judgements. That's why a lot of the Kickstarters that succeed do so enormously and rapidly. Those that do not are often those that are either asking for a smaller price point or niche to a dedicated slice of the pie. Most may not even look at the game in motion, only read what you compare your game to and so forth and so on. They'll think "Flash Game" or see that it doesn't look or feel exactly like the games that inspired it and turn away. There's a bunch of reasons.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, and I certainly do hope that this succeeds as I think it looks really cool, but I do want to be realistic about it. I'll certainly do what I can to spread the word and support and defend it on forums like these or twitter or whatever.

Other than that, I do scenario and dialogue writing and could always bounce around ideas once you guys give a demo or working alpha out to backers/people/whomever.

Thanks for your support! You're right, there certainly is the chance that it won't get funded. But I haven't given up yet! And I do actually think we're building momentum. We've had more backers per day each day since the Kickstarter launched, which as I understand is not the usual trend? You might know more about that than me though.

And I'm very thankful for your offer to spread the word, we really do need all the help we can get in that department!

As for a demo, I have no problem giving you access now if you're interested in playing? Just shoot me a message and I'll hook you up!
Huh. Actually...that's often not the trend. Most get a burst of activity at the beginning which flatline out. Certain spikes due to media presence happen but return back to normal eventually before a big end spike. I don't actually see them increase daily that often unless something big happens.

That's actually a pretty good sign.


Hey all. Just wanted to chime in, having had a chance to check out this game, and it's pretty nifty.

As I said up-thread, being a huge fan of Earthbound, expecting it to live up to Earthbound is pretty much not going to happen. But, it's certainly better than most of the stuff that is coming out there days.

While it still has its issues, it's still in the very early stages, and there is definitely plenty of time for improvement. The core is there though, and it's a very fun game. I would definitely recommend everyone (especially anyone like me who loves turn-based RPGs) to check it out.


Neo Member
Huh. Actually...that's often not the trend. Most get a burst of activity at the beginning which flatline out. Certain spikes due to media presence happen but return back to normal eventually before a big end spike. I don't actually see them increase daily that often unless something big happens.

That's actually a pretty good sign.

Yeah it may be from me spending 14 hours/day trying to promote it :). That plus I genuinely do think the game is pretty cool, and is already actually a real thing! And not just an idea for a thing.

Hey all. Just wanted to chime in, having had a chance to check out this game, and it's pretty nifty.

As I said up-thread, being a huge fan of Earthbound, expecting it to live up to Earthbound is pretty much not going to happen. But, it's certainly better than most of the stuff that is coming out there days.

While it still has its issues, it's still in the very early stages, and there is definitely plenty of time for improvement. The core is there though, and it's a very fun game. I would definitely recommend everyone (especially anyone like me who loves turn-based RPGs) to check it out.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We're definitely not trying to be Earthbound, but just that we think fans of Earthbound will also like this. So for any super die-hard Earthbound fan out there, don't worry, we're not trying to rival it, replace it, or anything like that. Just co-exist happily with it :)

And yep, it is early yet! But I'm glad you think the core is fun. That's always a super important place to start.
Looks like a really fun RPG, but the kickstarter isn't boding well so far. This kickstarter needs an average of about $3400/day for the rest of the campaign to succeed and that's higher than any day so far. And usually, the first few days are the biggest days.


Neo Member
Looks like a really fun RPG, but the kickstarter isn't boding well so far. This kickstarter needs an average of about $3400/day for the rest of the campaign to succeed and that's higher than any day so far. And usually, the first few days are the biggest days.

Hey Robert, thanks for posting. Actually if you notice in one of the previous comments I mention that actually we've been receiving more backers and more pledges per day every day since the Kickstarter launched. So at least, I think that's a good sign.

But at any rate, if you have any suggestions on improvements to the Kickstarter, we'd be very grateful. Thanks!


Neo Member
Oh and also we've unleashed the demo to the world on the Kickstarter! So if anyone is interested in giving it a try, I'd love to hear what you think!
I HIGHLY suggest people back and grab the demo. The demo gives you a much better idea of execution and concept and it's made me want to support this all the more. There is some really good stuff there and a LOT of potential for a really good game to come out.


Neo Member
I HIGHLY suggest people back and grab the demo. The demo gives you a much better idea of execution and concept and it's made me want to support this all the more. There is some really good stuff there and a LOT of potential for a really good game to come out.

Thanks! As I think I mentioned earlier, we're all game developers, not marketers and hype-men :). So even if our Kickstarter page isn't that fantastic, I think the demo will show you that we've poured a ton of time into the craftsmanship and execution of the actual game itself.
Looks like a really fun RPG, but the kickstarter isn't boding well so far. This kickstarter needs an average of about $3400/day for the rest of the campaign to succeed and that's higher than any day so far. And usually, the first few days are the biggest days.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Makes me sad because we need more PSN RPGs.

Let's hope Shahid and company can work some magic.


I commend them for launching a kickstarter with an actual demo and alpha build. Far too many of these disguise animations for gameplay. This is all legit though.

Great stuff.
Did you get a chance to try the demo? We're doing a lot of stuff that I think could make you rethink the RPG Maker comparison.

Have not downloaded it but I will be sure to. I can't put my finger on it. I don't know if it is the color palette or something else but it does give me that vibe. Are more animations/frames going to be added to the characters/NPCs? Sometimes when 2d games get really hi res the animations start to stand out negatively, but obviously the game isn't done so this could be something being worked on.
I don't trust any kickstarter/group/company that blatantly rips off a game ("homage") without having any real ties to the original. This isn't Inafune making Mighty No. 9... these are fairly random people who have a bit of experience in the industry trying to make a game in the design of another popular series in a genre they don't have any experience with.


Neo Member
Have not downloaded it but I will be sure to. I can't put my finger on it. I don't know if it is the color palette or something else but it does give me that vibe. Are more animations/frames going to be added to the characters/NPCs? Sometimes when 2d games get really hi res the animations start to stand out negatively, but obviously the game isn't done so this could be something being worked on.

Most Characters already have a lot of frames in their animations, more so than any 2D RPG I can think of? Feel free to correct me on that one though. Every character certainly has way more than the standard 3-frame walk cycle though.
I don't mean to be sycophantic or what-have-you, and I'm going to try to be as civil as I can about this, but I have to respond to some of these comments.

Looks alright, but there is already a better Earthbound inspired fan project. Mother 4!


Edit: Watched the video. Interesting premise but I am not a huge fan of the art. Reminds me a little too much of RPG maker.

Have not downloaded it but I will be sure to. I can't put my finger on it. I don't know if it is the color palette or something else but it does give me that vibe. Are more animations/frames going to be added to the characters/NPCs? Sometimes when 2d games get really hi res the animations start to stand out negatively, but obviously the game isn't done so this could be something being worked on.

Mother 4 is a game that takes it's name, art-style, battle system, music and everything else from the Mother series. That's trying to create another game in the series, not one that takes inspiration from it. There's a big difference. If you want to play a Mother game, by all means go for it. If you want to play a game that is it's own game but enjoyed what those games did and it inspired their system or humor than...well here it is.

I find it incredibly silly to also say this looks like an RPG Maker game when the sprites, fluidity of the animation and the battle system itself do not share any similarities with it. The last thing I would compare it to would be an RPG Maker game. The negative comparisons I could see would be to an iOS or Android game due to the cartoony nature and still shots looking like it is flash animated. Trust me, that is not really accurate either.

I would suggest playing the demo and seeing the animation of the sprites. Even their idle poses are animated quite well.

I don't trust any kickstarter/group/company that blatantly rips off a game ("homage") without having any real ties to the original. This isn't Inafune making Mighty No. 9... these are fairly random people who have a bit of experience in the industry trying to make a game in the design of another popular series in a genre they don't have any experience with.

Please tell me how this rips off Earthbound. Please look at the screenshots, read the pitch and descriptions of the system, play the demo and maybe get back to me and let me know how any of it rips off Earthbound. It takes the silly humor and similar combat systems as well as a modern setting. That's...about it.

They are people trying to create a unique and interesting game and get some help along the way and need to market it to people who will read two sentences before deciding whether to fund it or not. They need names to draw people in, since they aren't a Keiji Inafune or company with games on shelves. Everybody gets their start somehow. And they actually have a working demo to show you to give you substance that they aren't just some random fucks jerking off about Earthbound. Take a chance and give it a look. If you don't like it, you don't like it and don't have to support it.

Really not digging the art-style. I appreciate the effort, and hope it succeeds, but it isn't for me.

I do suggest checking out the demo. The animations aren't captured in the screenshots and I'll readily admit I was unsure about the art until I played the demo. The idle animations, movement and detail really is great. It's very obvious it's not lazy flash animation like I was afraid of.
Just backed for $25. Figured it was worth skipping a night of drinking to help get this game made. Once I saw the pedigree of the studio, I was more than willing to get over my lack of attachment to the art style. :)

I will double my pledge if we get close and still need a little more to help get it there!

Would you be interested in checking out the demo? I think you may have a different opinion if you see it in-motion for yourself. Either way thanks for the well-wishes!

I try to avoid demos, but I appreciated the respectful reply. Made me go back and look at the KS listing again, and eventually donate. :D


Neo Member
Just backed for $25. Figured it was worth skipping a night of drinking to help get this game made. Once I saw the pedigree of the studio, I was more than willing to get over my lack of attachment to the art style. :)

I will double my pledge if we get close and still need a little more to help get it there!

I try to avoid demos, but I appreciated the respectful reply. Made me go back and look at the KS listing again, and eventually donate. :D

Wow, thanks a ton! Really appreciate the support.


Neo Member
I don't mean to be sycophantic or what-have-you, and I'm going to try to be as civil as I can about this, but I have to respond to some of these comments.


I do suggest checking out the demo. The animations aren't captured in the screenshots and I'll readily admit I was unsure about the art until I played the demo. The idle animations, movement and detail really is great. It's very obvious it's not lazy flash animation like I was afraid of.

THANKS! Wow, it really puts my heart at ease hearing stuff like that. I'm glad you've had such a good time with the demo!
There's a demo?! Brb

I just finished the demo, which has the obvious "yo, this is Alpha, stupid!" bugs, but once those get taken care of, man, this is going to be an amazing game.

The humor is top notch, and I love being able to name all my peeps. My VP was DJ Hamlet, my brother was Dodgson, my mom was Yolo. I didn't get the Barista or Conspiracy Dude, but I am sure they would have been Ophelia and Quinn Jett.

The GUI is really nice, and I really like how simple and clear the character screens are.


Neo Member
I just finished the demo, which has the obvious "yo, this is Alpha, stupid!" bugs, but once those get taken care of, man, this is going to be an amazing game.

The humor is top notch, and I love being able to name all my peeps. My VP was DJ Hamlet, my brother was Dodgson, my mom was Yolo. I didn't get the Barista or Conspiracy Dude, but I am sure they would have been Ophelia and Quinn Jett.

The GUI is really nice, and I really like how simple and clear the character screens are.

Wow, thanks! I'm thrilled you had such a good time with it. And thanks for being gentle about the Alpha bugs, they'll definitely get cleaned up :)
I don't mean to be sycophantic or what-have-you, and I'm going to try to be as civil as I can about this, but I have to respond to some of these comments.

Mother 4 is a game that takes it's name, art-style, battle system, music and everything else from the Mother series. That's trying to create another game in the series, not one that takes inspiration from it. There's a big difference. If you want to play a Mother game, by all means go for it. If you want to play a game that is it's own game but enjoyed what those games did and it inspired their system or humor than...well here it is.

I find it incredibly silly to also say this looks like an RPG Maker game when the sprites, fluidity of the animation and the battle system itself do not share any similarities with it. The last thing I would compare it to would be an RPG Maker game. The negative comparisons I could see would be to an iOS or Android game due to the cartoony nature and still shots looking like it is flash animated. Trust me, that is not really accurate either.

I would suggest playing the demo and seeing the animation of the sprites. Even their idle poses are animated quite well.

Don't take my opinion personal (unless I am mistaken and you are working on the game as well). It's just my opinion so there should be no need to make an effort to keep it civil.

I think a game that so directly mentions Earthbound multiple times on it's Kickstarter page should allow people to compare it to said game.

I think the art is very well done in most areas to be honest. There are just some moments where the color palette, shading and other small things start to remind me of RPG maker style backgrounds and town sprites.

Absolutely the game's characters animate more than Earthbound, but Earthbound, and other games from it's era get away with it due to being very simple pixel based sprites and having a much simpler art design. The characters in this game are well drawn, and in hi res. Because of this, the clunky, low frames when they walk is incredibly more apparent. I don't think the animation is fluid at all.

Rayman Legends is a pretty decent example of how many frames a 2d animated character should shoot for.

Don't get me wrong. The game looks very interesting. These were just some glaring issues that I noticed.


Neo Member
Don't take my opinion personal (unless I am mistaken and you are working on the game as well). It's just my opinion so there should be no need to make an effort to keep it civil.

I think a game that so directly mentions Earthbound multiple times on it's Kickstarter page should allow people to compare it to said game.

I think the art is very well done in most areas to be honest. There are just some moments where the color palette, shading and other small things start to remind me of RPG maker style backgrounds and town sprites.

Absolutely the game's characters animate more than Earthbound, but Earthbound, and other games from it's era get away with it due to being very simple pixel based sprites and having a much simpler art design. The characters in this game are well drawn, and in hi res. Because of this, the clunky, low frames when they walk is incredibly more apparent. I don't think the animation is fluid at all.

Rayman Legends is a pretty decent example of how many frames a 2d animated character should shoot for.

Don't get me wrong. The game looks very interesting. These were just some glaring issues that I noticed.

No he's not working on the game, just a new fan :)

Have you had a chance to play the game yet? Or just checked out the video so far?

And yep I would really love to have as many frames as Rayman Legends. Alas, I'm still a poor indie and they are Ubisoft. Someday hopefully though! Kickstarter success would be step #1 to that goal :)
No he's not working on the game, just a new fan :)

Have you had a chance to play the game yet? Or just checked out the video so far?

And yep I would really love to have as many frames as Rayman Legends. Alas, I'm still a poor indie and they are Ubisoft. Someday hopefully though! Kickstarter success would be step #1 to that goal :)

Haven't had an opportunity but I will for sure check it out by this weekend. Looking back my posts did sound a little negative but it does look very interesting.
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