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Limp Bizkit- Gold Cobra: The Official Venom Spitting Thread

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Where's the song with Lil' Wayne that Fred kept hyping on Twitter? Doesn't exist apparently. Just like the track with Eminem that was supposed to be on Significant Other.

Anyway, I have 10 of the 17 tracks on a CD I've been listening to in my car. Even with all it's quirks, bad lyrics, and some awful delivery from Fred (Which is normal here and there for him) as well as some weird mixing decisions (low bass on Why Try, and drum machines mixed in on verses), I'm liking it. It's Limp Bizkit. That means it's Limp Bizkit with all the good and all the bad that comes with it.

Definitely going to be listening to it more, and definitely buying the full album on Tuesday.
Been listening to the leak a lot. Even though I only have 10 of the 17 total songs, I'm liking it. For all its faults, its good ole' feel good music. Good heavy guitar and mindless lyrics that do admittedly go into the the terrible range at times, but who cares? Its Limp Bizkit and its catchy.
scoobs said:
haha the lyrics are so bad theyre good. Ive missed this ridiculous music haha

Yeah man, it's complete feel good music. It's just like...Put it on, and don't give a fuck, can't help but bob your head and smile.
The Main Event said:
Man, Fred Durst haven't changed at all in like over ten years. The clip is straight out from 1999. I like it lol.

Have to admit, the woman in boxing gloves...Hotter than hell. Made the video worth watching.

Looking forward to picking up the full album Tuesday since the "Deluxe" version has four tracks not on the version that's online. They're doing a tour of Europe and South America this summer. I hope they do a US tour for the tail end of summer and fall.


Holy crap is that song on their website bad. I held out hope that at least it would have a catchy choras but that was actually the worst part of the song.

Time for them to grow up, or move on.
Tapiozona said:
Time for them to grow up, or move on.

On the contrary. I'm not sure I'd want anything from Limp Bizkit other than pure Limp Bizkit. Which is what Gold Cobra is. Bad lyrics and occasionally terrible delivery from Fred included.

I mean really, their sound kind of has evolved in a bit on Gold Cobra. Some of the tracks feature very heavy riffs with Fred straight up rapping and a drum machine over them like "Bring It Back". Some songs sound a little more like modern pop rock like "Loser" or "Killer In You". Songs like "Autotunage" are just feel good rock music. Then there's classic Limp Bizkit sounding songs mixed in here and there. There's a more "mature" songs like "Walking Away". There's even a screamer sound in "Get A Life" which is close to a throwback to $3 Bill Ya'll. It's a pretty diverse album really.

It's funny because some magazine got into a Twitter bout with Wes Borland. They reviewed Gold Cobra and gave it a 1/5. Wes read the review and called them out saying their review was dominated by their hatred for Fred Durst, and also asked "What are you comparing this to, 'OK Computer'?" He continued by saying Gold Cobra is a Limp Bizkit album, and it doesn't try to be anything else. The same review mentioned Borland's talent and Wes responded by saying he appreciates the kind words, but that he stands behind the record and he's proud to be part of the band. Pretty ballsy thing to stand up and say in my opinion.

The magazine then published an article about their "argument" with Borland and said they had had their own "bullshit" thrown back at them.

You really need to just put the album on in your car or on your iPod or whatever and listen to it for what it is. Song by song you'll find spots where your leak..."Oh, dumb lyrics." But as a whole it's really enjoyable. Like I said earlier, feel good music.
Updated the OP with more tour dates and added the video for "Gold Cobra" to the OP. They're touring Europe as we speak so heads up to Europeans who may be interested in seeing them.

mr stroke

gave some of the new tracks a listen. total douche bag rock, and I love it! golden cobra is old school bizkit, can't wait for the album.
Can also find most all of the Gold Cobra tracks on Youtube now since it's been leaked. Some people speed them up or slow them down or remix them like idiots so just make sure you listen to legitimate ones.


"everybody jumps from the sound of a shotgun.
in my neighborhood everybody got one."

what is this? rebecca black producer @ the lyrics?

some songs are good, too bad most lyrics suck.
Dexa said:
"everybody jumps from the sound of a shotgun.
in my neighborhood everybody got one."

what is this? rebecca black producer @ the lyrics?

some songs are good, too bad most lyrics suck.

I don't consider the chorus to "Shotgun" bad lyrics at all. There's tons of bad lyrics spread throughout any Limp Bizkit album outside of Three Dollar Bill Yall$ but it's really part of the band at this point. It's definitely done purposely. Like I said, Gold Cobra is feel good music. Just turn it on, and enjoy it for what it is. If you're looking for masterful song writing from Limp Bizkit lyrics, you're not listening to it for the right reason.
Tomorrow is the day by the way! Gold Cobra hits stores and will be available for download in it's entirety. I'll be picking up a copy of the Deluxe Version personally.


If you aren't down with The Bizkit, you'd better get some better beats and uh, get some better rhymes (Oh!)
I don't know if I mentioned this before but you can stream the entire album for free right now if you have Zune Pass. You can also preview all of the tracks for free on Zune from the 360 Dashboard.
It's official. Gold Cobra is now available. Apparently the Deluxe version which has three extra songs is Best Buy exclusive in North America. I'll be getting my copy after work later today.
I still need to give this a spin, but at this point I might as well just wait for the proper release and buy it first (it doesn't drop here in Australia for a few more days).

Looking forward to it, though. I was twelve or so when Significant Other came out, so Limp Bizkit were kind of my formative adolescent rubbish (can remember grabbing Nookie off Napster). I sort of fell off after Chocolate Starfish, but still play their first few albums now and then as a bit of a guilty pleasure.

Borland being back on this album has me kind of hyped.


Thoughts about the Gold Cobra video:

Slow motion boobie bouncing and ass shaking with a lambo in the background? Is it still the 90's? Good to see that Wes is still a wtfcrazy person.
aesop said:
Thoughts about the Gold Cobra video:

Slow motion boobie bouncing and ass shaking with a lambo in the background? Is it still the 90's? Good to see that Wes is still a wtfcrazy person.

It was enjoyable in the 90's...And it's still enjoyable because that girl is hot as hell. And yes, Wes still gets all dressed up for every LB show. Guy is an amazing guitar player, and a great performer. As much as Fred is the "front man" of Limp Bizkit, the band is the heart and soul. They're all great musicians, especially Wes.
Holy shit. The display at Best Buy was sold out. Can't believe it. An employee actually had to go back and get copies from the back room. I thought I'd be the first person to buy it. Haha.
I like most of the album. 2 of the tracks are kind of forgettable, but otherwise its a solid Bizkit album. I get to be a 18 for a day again. Totally a guilty pleasure band now.
Just for the record, the bonus tracks on the Deluxe Edition aren't that great. Definitely aren't needed to "make" the album. In fact, the album is probably better without them. I think they're just tracks that Fred wanted to throw on because he did the music for most of them.

It's too bad the track called "Combat Jazz" got cut in favor of "Middle Finger" which is just a rap song with Fred and Paul Wall. I have no idea what Combat Jazz was but the title sounds interesting.

It will be interesting to see where the band goes from here. They're currently touring Europe and then South America. Will they return to North America for a tour? Will they make another album sometime in the relatively near future? We shall see. For now I'm just going to enjoy Gold Cobra and hope they do a US tour this fall.

mr stroke

Enjoying the hell out of this album. Bad lyrics+awesome beats. Makes for perfect gym music. Been bumping this at the gym the last two days. Good shit.
Hopefully he tours in the USA later this fall
mr stroke said:
Enjoying the hell out of this album. Bad lyrics+awesome beats. Makes for perfect gym music. Been bumping this at the gym the last two days. Good shit.
Hopefully he tours in the USA later this fall

Hopefully THEY tour the USA this fall. Limp Bizkit is a band. Don't be one of those guys who thinks Limp Bizkit is just Fred Durst, because it's not. Haha.

Also, I can't believe how much I am loving the album. I was a LB fan up through Chocolate Starfish then after Wes left I kind of lost track. I was excited for Gold Cobra but a large part of me was skeptical. I am absolutely pleased with the album and can't stop listening to it.
A friend said to me today; "I could care less about this band, but I find myself listening to this album because it's different from anything else around right now."

It's so true. The rock that dominates the radio today has no style or soul whatsoever. Everybody sings in that Eddie Vedder-esque voice, and the music has no edge whatsoever. It has no personality. Wes Borland's riffs have that edge. Fred provides that personality, whether you like it or not.

Can't stop listening to Gold Cobra.
Got the album. I wouldn't say its as good as the Chocolate Starfish album but its a nice change from most of the crap releasing nowadays. Loving Wes's solo's in this, his style is so unique.
Really like the album. Some tracks feel like filler but Wes is on song and the band hit their groove fairly often. Fred still needs to do more work. Get A Life and Shotgun are fantastic.
I listened to "Back Porch" one of the bonus tracks for the first time since release today and I was actually surprised that I like it. And that the lyrics are actually...Impressive. Not just like decent, like impressive.
Just some news on the albums sales. Taken from Wikipedia.

Gold Cobra debuted #30 on the UK Album Charts, #13 on the Canadian Album Charts and #1 German Album Charts.[26] Gold Cobra sold 27,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to chart at No. 16 on The Billboard 200 charts. The album also charted on Billboard Albums for the following #3 Rock Album, #11 Digital Album, #2 Alternative Album, #1 Hard Rock Album and #21 Tastemakers Album. [27]


I loved the old Bizkit, but after Wes left my passion for the group just completely vanished.
Now he's back, and they're STILL kicking ass.

I saw them twice live (once in september, once the day before yesterday), and they fucking rock like they did in the early 2000.

Gold Cobra actually really surprised me: i was expecting a complete disaster, yet it's surely good fun.
Shotgun, Douchebag and Get a Life are the best tracks IMHO.

PS: if you haven't check out Cruel Melodies by Black Light Burns, a superband with Borland and others from Nine Inch Nails and A Perfect Circle... that cd is AWESOME.
Cerrius said:
<3 Gold Cobra

Bring It Back, Get a Life, and Autotunage are my favs.

Those are probably my three favorite tracks as well. Honestly though, aside from Loser and 90210 I think the whole album is pretty damn good all the way through. Really hope they announce a US tour. Their European and South American tours seem to be going pretty well.

Also just found out that Wes left Ibanez and now plays Jackson guitars.
Can anybody tell me where the melody at the end (~4:00min mark til end) of the track "Shotgun" is from pretty please? I heard it many times before, but for the love of god, I can't remember from where -_-.
Mailenstein said:
Can anybody tell me where the melody at the end (~4:00min mark til end) of the track "Shotgun" is from pretty please? I heard it many times before, but for the love of god, I can't remember from where -_-.

That little beat you mean? With the shotgun cocking sound in it? I assume it's something DJ Lethal put together. It's not unique or special at all. All it is, is a standard 4x4 beat with a shotgun sound going where the kick drum would go. It's like the second beat you'd learn if you were going to learn how to play drums. I'm sure a million people have made something similar before.
ToyMachine228 said:
That little beat you mean? With the shotgun cocking sound in it? I assume it's something DJ Lethal put together. It's not unique or special at all. All it is, is a standard 4x4 beat with a shotgun sound going where the kick drum would go. It's like the second beat you'd learn if you were going to learn how to play drums. I'm sure a million people have made something similar before.
Yeah, that one. I remember it being a track on an Hip Hop album before - like 10+ years ago. It's exactly the same just like it is in "Shotgun". Exactly.
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