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LOST 06.14: "The Candidate" (Vote Silas Adams For Deadwood Police Chief Edition)

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And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Jorge Garcia said:
Allow me to blow your mind


When my roommate wanted to get into it, we watched about 8 episodes a night until we finished it. That was probably my third re-watch of the entire series. It took us a little under two weeks to get all 4 seasons under our belts.

The first time I watched the show, season 2 had just ended. I think I finished the entire show in less than week. Many nights I just didn't sleep and continued to watch all day.

I'm not sure if I could do that now, without it being new.


Darlton said it was one of the many times the smoke manifested itself from a persons memories to mess with them. On the show Lost: The Answers.


The Big Rig said:
What about The Constant? His conscience at least can travel through time. Also Juliet, Charlotte, Faraday and Miles travelled back in time too.
duckroll said:
It's not just the candidates who time traveled. Everyone from the plane who had not joined the Others were traveling, even the red shirts. :p
Because they were candidates at the time. Most of them will have lost their candidate status after they died. The only problem is non-candidate Miles flashing to 2007 after the Incident, but this can be explained by objects that have time travelled once will always move with the subsequent flashes, such as the Zodiac raft and Vincent.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
This has been my speculation for Kate's importance as of a couple days ago. I'll spoiler tag my theory just in case and no, I'm not masking a spoiler from Darkufo or anything ridiculous like that. It's just my straight-up speculation:

I believe the reason Kate's name is a) listed, but b) crossed out even though she's still alive is because she's not really a candidate to replace Jacob anymore...but a candidate to replace Taweret.

We know Taweret plays some significance to the island considering there was a gigantic statue of her on the island and the fact that she is the Goddess of motherhood and child-birth (remember, women conceived on the island die during their pregnancy which may signal something happeneing to Taweret sometime after 1977 [Ethan's birth happened that year]).

I believe Kate will end up staying on the island with Jack as the new Goddess of motherhood and child-birth, bringing new life back to the island.
Rekubot said:
Because they were candidates at the time. Most of them will have lost their candidate status after they died. The only problem is non-candidate Miles flashing to 2007 after the Incident, but this can be explained by objects that have time travelled once will always move with the subsequent flashes, such as the Zodiac raft and Vincent.
Then why did the numbers correspond to their respective candidates? Jacob had the candidates set a long time ago, it didn't happen by process of elimination.

You don't see 1 2 3 4 Locke, it was literally set in stone as 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.


Domino Theory said:
This has been my speculation for Kate's importance as of a couple days ago. I'll spoiler tag my theory just in case and no, I'm not masking a spoiler from Darkufo or anything ridiculous like that. It's just my straight-up speculation:

I believe the reason Kate's name is a) listed, but b) crossed out even though she's still alive is because she's not really a candidate to replace Jacob anymore...but a candidate to replace Taweret.

We know Taweret plays some significance to the island considering there was a gigantic statue of her on the island and the fact that she is the Goddess of motherhood and child-birth (remember, women conceived on the island die during their pregnancy which may signal something happeneing to Taweret sometime after 1977 [Ethan's birth happened that year]).

I believe Kate will end up staying on the island with Jack as the new Goddess of motherhood and child-birth, bringing new life back to the island.
:lol I don't know how likely it is, but it seems pretty appropriate.


aka ThreeOneFour
Domino Theory said:
I believe the reason Kate's name is a) listed, but b) crossed out even though she's still alive is because she's not really a candidate to replace Jacob anymore...but a candidate to replace Taweret.

We know Taweret plays some significance to the island considering there was a gigantic statue of her on the island and the fact that she is the Goddess of motherhood and child-birth (remember, women conceived on the island die during their pregnancy which may signal something happeneing to Taweret sometime after 1977 [Ethan's birth happened that year]).

I believe Kate will end up staying on the island with Jack as the new Goddess of motherhood and child-birth, bringing new life back to the island.



The Big Rig said:
Then why did the numbers correspond to their respective candidates? Jacob had the candidates set a long time ago, it didn't happen by process of elimination.

You don't see 1 2 3 4 Locke, it was literally set in stone as 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
Pretty sure it did happen by process of elimination. The main characters just happen to correspond to the numbers because of well... destiny. Or because fans kept bitching about the Valanzetti equation explanation, so Darlton shoehorned the numbers in even further.
Rekubot said:
Pretty sure it did happen by process of elimination. The main characters just happen to correspond to the numbers because of well... destiny. Or because fans kept bitching about the Valanzetti equation explanation, so Darlton shoehorned the numbers in even further.
There are people crossed off on the cave and Lighthouse who are still alive. Ex: Miles. They don't lose candidate status upon death, they lost it much earlier.


Rekubot said:
Because they were candidates at the time. Most of them will have lost their candidate status after they died. The only problem is non-candidate Miles flashing to 2007 after the Incident, but this can be explained by objects that have time travelled once will always move with the subsequent flashes, such as the Zodiac raft and Vincent.

Miles was a candidate at some point too. His name was on the cave wall.


The Big Rig said:
There are people crossed off on the cave and Lighthouse who are still alive. Ex: Miles. They don't lose candidate status upon death, they lost it much earlier.
Yes, some people lost candidate status for reasons unknown. Doesn't invalidate the theory about only candidates time travelling.

Blader5489 said:
Miles was a candidate at some point too. His name was on the cave wall.
Yeah, hence why he started time-travelling after Ben moved the island. He lost his candidate status during his 3 years in Dharma-ville.


Solo said:
No, its going to be 42 minutes of ducky trolling Solo only to be owned to a BOSS degree when John Locke rises from the grave and gives Transformers 2 a scathing review.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
hope so


otake said:
You can't begin to imagine how happy I was when she got shot. Isn't it amazing, how they fuck with us? There is a lot of Kate hate out there, they hint at her death then kill a bunch of people except her. Why is she still around?! Lapidus had(?) more purpose.


Once Kate makes it through to the end I'm going to collect all of LOST-Gaf's bitter tears, track down Eve, poor them on her and then lick that shit up like whipped cream.



Nameless said:
Once Kate makes it through to the end I'm going to collect all of LOST-Gaf's bitter tears, track down Eve, poor them on her and then lick that shit up like whipped cream.

me first mofo... :p


aka ThreeOneFour
Nameless said:
Once Kate makes it through to the end I'm going to collect all of LOST-Gaf's bitter tears, track down Eve, poor them on her and then lick that shit up like whipped cream.



*gets in line behind Neoism*


Nameless said:
Once Kate makes it through to the end I'm going to collect all of LOST-Gaf's bitter tears, track down Eve, poor them on her and then lick that shit up like whipped cream.

Guy with rose : Megan Fox :: neoism, OneEightZero, Nameless with tear flask : Evangeline


Charmicarmicat said:
If it fucking comes out, still waiting for season 5 :(
You do realize the season 5 soundtrack has been on iTunes since last Tuesday, right? Unless you're in another country or something, I don't know if it's been released in other countries yet.
So, I dreamed a Lost ending last night.

- loads of confusing shit happened over the two hours
- Jack beats Flocke in a awesome fist fight
- show went to last ad break
- came back from break, zoomed in on Jack's eye (like the very start of the Pilot)
- zooms out, shows Jack sitting in a chair in a old laboratory with wires hooked up to him
- zooms out more, Kate is sitting beside him, wired up too
- zooms out more, Sawyer is the other side, wired up too
- zooms out more, Hurley is there to, wired up
- keeps going, Jin, Sun and Sayid are there too, but there a bleeding from their mouth
- Jack wakes up each alive person
- They notice the chairs they were wired into are numbered 4. 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 in chalk, with a question mark after each
- they break out of the room, they see a sign on the door saying "108 - Candidates Room"
- they walk down a hall, with loads of numbered rooms
- They look through the glass of each room, and see some of the old characters in separate rooms, which match their candidate numbers
- Red X's are painted on some doors, and there is no one inside them
- zooms in on old cassette player, which is playing a remix of Hollywood and Vines
- Jack sees a note under the cassette player
- he picks it up, it says "I wish you had believed me - Signed Number 4"
- The team rush to room 4, with Hollywood and Vines playing!
- They see a man hanging inside
- Hurley says "Guys, look"
- They go to room Number 3, which is ajar
- They see the wall has collapsed into room number 2
- 2 men are dead inside, they are MIB and Jacob, they fought to the death
- The team wonder what could be behind door number 1
- They go to it, it is marked "Room 1 - Quarantine"
- They break it down, and see Desmond hooked up to a big machine
- Wires are everywhere, and 3 of the four walls has notes and formulas all over them
- Another wall is filled with VCR tapes
- They put the very first one, labeled "Jack 2004" into the player, which they realise is a recording of Jack waking up in the Pilot
- Camera pans to Desmond, who looks to Jack
- "You found me brotha"

....I dreamed all of this crazy stuff. I usually have shit dreams, but somehow my brain cobbled this together. Well done brain.


Rekubot said:
Yes, some people lost candidate status for reasons unknown. Doesn't invalidate the theory about only candidates time travelling.

Yeah, hence why he started time-travelling after Ben moved the island. He lost his candidate status during his 3 years in Dharma-ville.
I wonder if Candidate status has something to do with hating/fearing your father; Miles could have lost candidacy because he and his dad made up.
The Big Rig said:
Keyser, you're lucky you have actually coherent dreams.

That's the weird thing. I usually have complete gibberish dreams that I cannot figure out after, or rubbish dreams with me cooking, working or doing other boring things that I already had enough of when I was awake

This is one of the few dreams I am happy I had, although I guess it shows I am over-thinking thw show a bit much :D


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Keyser Soze said:
I haven't decided whether to go with the shirt or the hoodie yet.

On one hand, the plane is pretty detailed....on the other, I already have a black Lost shirt...on the other, a black hoodie is $23.50 on Amazon, while this is $40....on the other, I can get it for free with my threadless credit...on the other hand, that's at" the cost" of two shirts down the line, maybe up to 4...Decisions...
The new issue of The New Yorker (May 17) has a fantastic piece on Michael Giacchino's work on LOST. Spectacular look at his process, how scores get made in Hollywood and a lot more. There's no full version online unless you subscribe so, yeah, GET THEE TO A NEWSSTAND.
:lol :lol

This is without a doubt the best LOST article ever written.

In the scripts, he appears as a distinct character known as "the GIACCHINO." The script for the "Sundown" episode contains such technical directions as "the GIACCHINO RAMPS UP," "the GIACCHINO CRESCENDOS," and "HAUNTING GIACCHINO CUE PLAYS underneath it all."

Giacchino turned to me and said, "I always feel guilty. Gayle is one of the greatest harp players on the planet, but when she comes to 'Lost' she has to sit here for three hours going boiiiiiing, boiiiiiiing." He said to Levant, "I try to think of new material for you, Gayle, but I keep coming back to that note."


Is the music that plays in "316" when they are actually on/boarding the flight on the soundtrack CD? If so, name? I recognize The Swinging Bendulum from the Hawking scene.


Nameless said:
Once Kate makes it through to the end I'm going to collect all of LOST-Gaf's bitter tears, track down Eve, poor them on her and then lick that shit up like whipped cream.


I will donate many tears to your vial if you let me watch.


BenjaminBirdie said:
:lol :lol

This is without a doubt the best LOST article ever written.

:lol :lol

So fucking great.

How has his work on Fringe been? I haven't seen it since season 1, gotta catch up.


omg rite said:
:lol :lol

So fucking great.

How has his work on Fringe been? I haven't seen it since season 1, gotta catch up.

I have no idea why he's credited for Fringe, since he doesn't do the music for it except for the very first episode.


InaudibleWhispa said:
He only did the pilot episode.

Oh wtf. I thought he was doing the whole series. Wonder what he'll be doing after Lost. I think Whedon should grab him for Avengers. Would love to see how he handles an epic superhero movie.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
BenjaminBirdie said:
The new issue of The New Yorker (May 17) has a fantastic piece on Michael Giacchino's work on LOST. Spectacular look at his process, how scores get made in Hollywood and a lot more. There's no full version online unless you subscribe so, yeah, GET THEE TO A NEWSSTAND.

good lookin out
omg rite said:
Oh wtf. I thought he was doing the whole series. Wonder what he'll be doing after Lost. I think Whedon should grab him for Avengers. Would love to see how he handles an epic superhero movie.

Super 8 if I had to guess.
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