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Milo Yiannopoulos's UC Berkeley speech cancelled due to protests, campus on lockdown

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This should honestly be the only response to alt-right crap.


They want to spread their message unopposed. They'll still try to leverage this, but it still denies them a primary goal.

It keeps him and his agenda in the spotlight, emboldens his support and fanbase all while it paints the left in the way that it's been shown as right now on the news. Right now, his message is reaching more eyes and ears as people are looking up and talking about "this Milo guy who everyones protesting".

That's not the message. Unless you can show me signs saying to arrest/jail that man, and the majority have them.

Most protesters, I would argue 99% are completely peaceful. You have a couple of shit people that should be arrested and for you it's the anarchists are taking over oh noes!

They've taken over because right now the focus is on the violence, damage and fires caused by the "1%" as you call it.


This is the only way to stop them.
I'd say to all the protesters, see Milo or any of the Trump supporters or alt-right Nazis, punch them in the face, get aggressive and attack, pushing back physically is our only way to win this. Those low lives deserve it.

By all means do this, catch a felony and lose the right to vote! Depending on your state.


Milo and his followers can continue to go fuck themselves. I'll give no sympathy towards someone that does nothing but spread hate speech and outright bullshit.


It keeps him and his agenda in the spotlight, emboldens his support and fanbase all while it paints the left in the way that it's been shown as right now on the news. Right now, his message is reaching more eyes and ears as people are looking up and talking about "this Milo guy who everyones protesting".

Yeah the Left should just be quiet and let the bigoted, racist, nazis, have their way. History has shown that has worked wonders for minorities like the Jews and Black folks in America.

Can somebody post that quote by MLK where he said he fears the real threat is the moderate White America that prefers peace over conflict at all cost.


It's a great strategy, you just need to keep doing it until these CHUDs are too scared to leave the sewers.

Make racists afraid again.

Yeah taking the moral high ground and letting fascists have free reign has worked great and didn't just put one in the White House or anything.

your posts are on point

these nazis need to be beat back into the holes they crawled out of

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I'm conflicted, I'm all for free speech, pretty much at all times...

But considering the times, fuck this guy lol


It keeps him and his agenda in the spotlight, emboldens his support and fanbase all while it paints the left in the way that it's been shown as right now on the news. Right now, his message is reaching more eyes and ears as people are looking up and talking about "this Milo guy who everyones protesting".

Here's the thing: You're wrong because you vastly overestimate the size of that spotlight. I'm sure you were saying something like this when he got banned from Twitter, but taking that platform away from him has seriously hurt his ability to spread his message. You can clutch your pearls about bad optics all you want, but directly denying pieces of shit like Milo an opportunity to speak has a positive, tangible effect and the majority of the people who REALLY care about that "violent left" narrative were already alt right sewer mutants.


And these "protesters" are trying to send a message to the government, they want his right to free speech taken away because of what he talks about. Isn't that the whole point of the protests against the alt-right?

This has gone far beyond a simple protest anyway. Anarchists and the violent liberals have taken over.

Wonder what you would say about free speech with him doxxing you in a sensitive nature in front of a large crowd that hated what you are.


Unfortunately, in rural America, there are alt-right
speakers that travel from small community to small community promoting a culture of fear and division -- even so far as provoking people to take up arms against resettled refugees.

While Milo getting thrown out of university after university is nice, I worry a lot of the aforementioned flies under the radar.


never left the stone age
How do people still not understand what free speech is?

Why is it so complicated?

And free speech let's people protest the shitty opinions of others. Why is it so complicated?

Free speech does not mean you can say whatever the fuck you want and spread hateful bile without any kind of consequence.


The fucked up thing is that he will just use this to whine about his free speech being suppressed. And I don't doubt that he is fucking giddy about getting all this attention.

It's a lose-lose situation for anyone who wants to see his type of bullshit rooted out, but I'll take this over having him spew more non-sense and potentially target innocent students for personal ridicule.


And these "protesters" are trying to send a message to the government, they want his right to free speech taken away because of what he talks about. Isn't that the whole point of the protests against the alt-right?

This has gone far beyond a simple protest anyway. Anarchists and the violent liberals have taken over.

Say it with your chest already. You think he should have a platform?

If you don't... what is your plan to stop this hate from spreading? Ignoring isn't a plan.


Shutting down free hate speech. The America the left wants.

You've clearly never seen one of this moron's 'performances'.

The thing is, he's so transparent that it's obvious he doesn't even believe most of the shit he spouts. He's just an asshole that shills propaganda for money, this is all about getting rich and infamous.
Universities are not the institutions that are giving these clowns platforms, organizations like the repub club on campus are the ones that are giving him a platform, and the repub club are also the people that booked the room on campus to give him a platform. The repub. club here are campus are full of deplorable people, but the university itself cannot promote free speech while also disallow the right to free speech by others, even the likes of deplorable people like Milo and other hate speech mongers.

The university usually has the final say. Freedom of speech is not a provision of the university but the Constitution of the United States; it only prevents government restrictions on speech.

With that being said, this becomes a debate about freedom of speech/hate speech because UC Berkeley is a public university; the Consitution also prohibits discrimination.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The more the I think about it, these protests are just giving Milo and his crew more attention...they love this.

I think we're doing exactly what these guys want.

There has to be a better way to handle this.


Rainbow Six looking motherfuckers geared up with gas masks trying to intimidate people into dispersing.

The more the I think about it, these protests are just giving Milo and his crew more attention...they love this.

I think we're doing exactly what these guys want.

There has to be a better way to handle this.

Ignoring him for years just ended up letting him grow his base.


Disconcerting that the alt right is catching on with college republicans, a group I would associate more with fiscal conservatism or libertarianism


And free speech let's people protest the shitty opinions of others. Why is it so complicated?

Free speech does not mean you can say whatever the fuck you want and spread hateful bile without any kind of consequence.

You get it. But it is over the head of so many others.
What an embarrassment. Shutting down free speech. The America the left wants.
We never allowed David Duke motherfuckers to speak at Campuses. The America you enjoyed for so long has been the America left wants. The America you and the rightwingers want is for hateful bastards to be able to go on a podium and call blacks an inferior race, muslims an inherently evil people, bitch about women being given a leg up and of course grossly rewrite history and play make belief.


I absolutely abhor Milo with every fiber of my body and was proud of my campus UC Davis for standing up to him earlier. However, rioting and destruction of property is not the way to go and it only gives Republicans like the one quoted in the sfgate article more fuel to criticize us as uncivilized or crazy and discredit us.

This is happening in many of his stops. The "protests" are out of control. Why has it escalated to this level? Even if you think his views are wrong does that mean it's ok to riot to stop him from speaking at a place he was invited to speak at? Shutting down someone else's speech seems wrong when they were invited to speak, even if you don't agree with their views.


Disconcerting that the alt right is catching on with college republicans, a group I would associate more with fiscal conservatism or libertarianism

I mean honestly if I was a republican group on a noted liberal campus I'd invite inflammatory speakers every month just to enrage the left and increase donations when shit inevitably goes down.


Probably the Young Republican's club. There is one at most schools.
I think the fact they invited Milo Yiannopolos gives us a good look into the moral character of young Republicans.

It says something when I find the insane evangelical baby boomers more respectable than these shitheels.


What an embarrassment. Shutting down free speech. The America the left wants.

Protest is free speech too. Milo is a fucking bully and does not offer the world anything valuable. Fuck him and bravo to the protestors who scared him into fucking off.

You create the world you want to see. Ignoring the alt-right only made them grow larger.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Rainbow Six looking motherfuckers geared up with gas masks trying to intimidate people into dispersing.

Ignoring him for years just ended up letting him grow his base.

I only heard of this guy's because of a gaf thread complaint about some BS he did.

I don't mean ignore BTw. I just think attention grabbing protests against him is exactly what he wants.

Breitbart is all about grabbing the headlines, they have no shame.

Argh I'm so conflicted because I love when nazi's are punched :/


This is happening in many of his stops. The "protests" are out of control. Why has it escalated this level? Even if you think his views are wrong does that mean it's okay to riot to stop him from speaking to a place he was invited to speak at?

saying fascist views are "wrong" is a bit of an understatement

but to answer your question, fuck yes it does. he should be afraid to leave his home


This is happening in many of his stops. The "protests" are out of control. Why has it escalated to this level? Even if you think his views are wrong does that mean it's ok to riot to stop him from speaking to a place he was invited to speak at? Shutting down someone else's speech seems wrong when they were invited to speak.

Nevermind. Not worth my time.


Yes!!!! Fuck these guys.
This. This is exactly what we all need to do. When you're in school or at work, any Trump assholes or alt-right fuckers you see, fuck em up. Fuck these guys up real good so they'll think twice about pulling this shit ever again.

Keep us updated on your 2017 prison goals.
This is happening in many of his stops. The "protests" are out of control. Why has it escalated to this level? Even if you think his views are wrong does that mean it's ok to riot to stop him from speaking at a place he was invited to speak at? Shutting down someone else's speech seems wrong when they were invited to speak, even if you don't agree with their views.
Milo dehumanizes other human beings. His views are not just a matter of right and wrong.




Milo dehumanizes other human beings. His views are not just a matter of right and wrong.

So free speech doesn't exist......got it. And employing violence is a good method of dealing with it. What would happen if the right had this same mentality? Civil war?
This is the only way to stop them.
I'd say to all the protesters, see Milo or any of the Trump supporters or alt-right Nazis, punch them in the face, get aggressive and attack, pushing back physically is our only way to win this. Those low lives deserve it.
This has been said before ever since Spencer got punched, and I just don't buy it. People with rhetoric this hateful aren't going to suddenly stop spewing their nonsense just because someone punches them. Maybe you'd be able to bring some people who haven't gotten quite as extreme to come to their senses, but the ring-leaders? I have my doubts. I'd rather find ways to put pressure on society to socially and economically alienate them into complete irrelevance and abject poverty, rather than trying to wage a merely cathartic physical fight.
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