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Mob Psycho 100 TV Anime |OT| From ONE to 100


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I am 4 eps in and am still not feeling this show.. Mob is kinda dull and the side characters aren't really any better so far. Especially the blonde office guy who seems like an exploitative jerk.

That's his character at the start. He is "boring" and somewhat purposefully so because of things that have happened in the past. He doesn't stand out and is trying to figure out exactly who he is without relying on his psychic powers as he considers that a crutch for the weak willed or selfish.

Also Reigen is a con man but one with a heart of gold who really believes his own hype.


I am 4 eps in and am still not feeling this show.. Mob is kinda dull and the side characters aren't really any better so far. Especially the blonde office guy who seems like an exploitative jerk.

Funny enough, it was episode 5 where I was finally drawn in. If episode 5 doesn't interest you, that's probably enough of a sample size.


So I don't think the finale was bad, in fact it fits with the show quite well. The issue I have is that I was expecting something completely different, and can't help be at least a little bit disappointed, partially because of the end of the previous episode on the silent 100% felt pretty ominous. The show overall was very good and well worth the watch though, I think it has one of the best opening songs ever.

Now I don't know what to watch next yet... I have Crunchyroll and Netflix. Any ideas? I've already seen OPM and HxH. There's some stuff I've really wanted to re-watch but I don't know how to do it legally without dropping $$$ on physical copies... one of them is Hellsing Ultimate, and maybe Bebop.

Hajime no Ippo is great and it's on Crunchyroll. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure too.


Hajime no Ippo is great and it's on Crunchyroll. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure too.

Hey thanks, I've been meaning to check out JoJo since I hear a lot about it so that sounds like a plan to me!

A friend also recommended me Log Horizon but I'm skeptical about it since it's another MMO kind of anime and I didn't like SWO that much.

I also kind of want to go read the Mob and One Punch manga too. It's been a long time since I read one, since Naruto ended.
Hey thanks, I've been meaning to check out JoJo since I hear a lot about it so that sounds like a plan to me!

A friend also recommended me Log Horizon but I'm skeptical about it since it's another MMO kind of anime and I didn't like SWO that much.

I also kind of want to go read the Mob and One Punch manga too. It's been a long time since I read one, since Naruto ended.

Log Horizon is basically what Sword Art would be if it had a brain and actual heart and charm instead of, well, what it was.

It's really good. But it's very... dry? There's a lot more talking and discussion about mundane things rather than fighting. But it's good I STRONGLY recommend it.
Hey thanks, I've been meaning to check out JoJo since I hear a lot about it so that sounds like a plan to me!

A friend also recommended me Log Horizon but I'm skeptical about it since it's another MMO kind of anime and I didn't like SWO that much.

I also kind of want to go read the Mob and One Punch manga too. It's been a long time since I read one, since Naruto ended.

Log Horizon was decent, also check out Ping-Pong the Animation.

Redline and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time for movies.
Not being able to pin down Reigen is why he's great. He's a good guy but scummy in some ways. If someone isn't actually being haunted by a spirit, he still gives them closure (fitting to give a fake haunting a fake exorcism), and he doesn't seem to be raking people across the coals for his services

Reigen is basically just a chiropractor. He doesn't actually do anything scientifically verifiable, but he gives people closure and when there's an actual haunting, points his assistant in the direction to solve it.

He's not a con artist, not really, he does exactly what he tells people he's going to do.


Fantastic ending to a fantastic season. I could watch this show for Reigen alone.


That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.
I feel like you're watching this show for the wrong reasons. This show is entirely about subverting shounen tropes.
I'm not much of an anime person but I wanted to check this out because I absolutely loved One Punch Man. While the start is very slow, after episode 5 it really kicks it into high gear. Can't wait for both of their season 2,

Definitely better than Hero Academia.

Best wishes.
Didn't really know anything about this show, other than it was from the creator of One Punch Man (which I loved) so I waited until the the season was over to marathon. I just finished and thought it was awesome, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as One Punch Man but in some cases I think it's even better.

Really looking forward to a season 2


Fuck this show.

Using society as a standard to judge when he's an abuser of people makes my blood boil: he's relegated himself to a worm that feasts off the system and believes that the only possible "growing up" is assimilation with the standards of society. Worthless stain of a character.

You should really try to be more like Reigen. He's a great role model.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
You should start from the beginning, it's great.

Too late, I started already at 51 and I'm at 80 now.

Yeah the art is bad, but every now and then you get an inspired panel, but man the manga is still sooooooo good.

Reigen is amazing. My favorite panel from the whole comic is the one where
he is teaching a seminar on how not to get duped by fake psychics.
I couldn't stop laughing every time I saw it.

The body improvement club are such bros.

Dimple is great.

I can't wait to see the part with the
possessed rich girl
and the part where I'm at now where Mob
goes super saiyan after seeing his house burned down and beats those guys up


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Too late, I started already at 51 and I'm at 80 now.

Yeah the art is bad, but every now and then you get an inspired panel, but man the manga is still sooooooo good.

Reigen is amazing. My favorite panel from the whole comic is the one where
he is teaching a seminar on how not to get duped by fake psychics.
I couldn't stop laughing every time I saw it.

The body improvement club are such bros.

Dimple is great.

I can't wait to see the part with the
possessed rich girl
and the part where I'm at now where Mob
goes super saiyan after seeing his house burned down and beats those guys up

You haven't even come up to one of the best parts yet
The Boss of Claw letting loose and throwing down. Guy is like Toguro from Yu Yu Hakusho
I started thinking it might be the case back when I saw episode 3, but now that the finale is done I can easily say I prefer Mob Psycho 100 over One-Punch Man. I still think One-Punch Man is excellent, but I prefer Mob's characters and appreciate its heavier thematic focus.

I miss it already. :(


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I started thinking it might be the case back when I saw episode 3, but now that the finale is done I can easily say I prefer Mob Psycho 100 over One-Punch Man. I still think One-Punch Man is excellent, but I prefer Mob's characters and appreciate its heavier thematic focus.

I miss it already. :(

Well there shouldn't be too long a wait to get a season 2 if they are going to make one unless it wasn't popular enough or something along those lines. There is more than enough material to cover.


So I was wondering, why were the members of Claw wrong to think they were spacial and deserved preferential treatment? I mean I like Reagan's speech but in the real world we already treat people with unique talents like gods.
So I was wondering, why were the members of Claw wrong to think they were spacial and deserved preferential treatment? I mean I like Reagan's speech but in the real world we already treat people with unique talents like gods.

There's a difference between someone who has great talent and someone who uses their talent in a great way. It ties into the idea that raw talent alone doesn't make someone better than others. The Claw members saw themselves as superior to others for simply having powers even though they never actually used their powers to contribute to anything good.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So I was wondering, why were the members of Claw wrong to think they were spacial and deserved preferential treatment? I mean I like Reagan's speech but in the real world we already treat people with unique talents like gods.

They are incredibly gifted psychics but that is all they ever attempted to be. They limited their growth in all other areas so they could focus on using their psychic abilities to get everything they wanted. They were acting like Teru did before meeting Mob. They all thought they were the most powerful, most important in the world when in reality outside of their psychic powers they were nothing special as Reigen points out to them when their powers prove useless against him. All they ever attempted to do to get ahead in life was use and abuse their mental abilities instead of developing themselves as a well rounded person.

Not only that but they didn't mature as people as many of them act childish and think about childish things like world domination through super powers. Its even funnier and more foolish when most of them are so inept at anything. Terada is considered a fierce cunning bad ass to most of the Claw members we meet but he walks right up to Mob and Teru like he was going to steam roll them.

This also isn't something unique to Mob Psycho 100. There are tons of philosophies out there that speaking about things like a well lived life and many see those who focus so totally on a single gift or skill or ability of theirs and letting else fall to the wayside as not living well. Michael Phelps talked about this after his bit of trouble after winning all those Gold Medals at the Olympics. He was an incredible swimmer, arguably the best ever, but he was a complete mess in a lot of other aspects of life like relationships and so on. He is doing much better now but he calls himself out for his drive causing him to fall off in many other important areas. Now imagine this with super powered psychics.

They are like beautiful people in that they were allowed to do as they please and get away with whatever they want because of their powers, much like someone who is stunningly beautiful can get through life without learning to be good at math, science, etc. or to develop a personality. They don't have to and once they meet someone like Reigen who their abilities don't work on their conviction and belief in their superiority falls apart. The facade doesn't hold up under scrutiny.


All they ever attempted to do to get ahead in life was use and abuse their mental abilities instead of developing themselves as a well rounded person.

that's kinda easy for us to say, but i'm going to assume most of the claw members we've seen probably have troubled childhood like the toy katana/gun user
even in the real world, this kind of thing happens all too often

you have to realize all those are reigen's view in life because he doesn't have powers as well
who's to say he won't be like them if he has powers?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
that's kinda easy for us to say, but i'm going to assume most of the claw members we've seen probably have troubled childhood like the toy katana/gun user
even in the real world, this kind of thing happens all too often

you have to realize all those are reigen's view in life because he doesn't have powers as well
who's to say he won't be like them if he has powers?

That's a point Reigen makes as well when he criticizes them for using their shitty childhoods to be even shittier people with the whole world domination thing and its actually one point ONE makes in his manga a lot, One Punch Man as well. Its not that they just have powers, they abuse them and in the process stunt their growth in all other areas but their egos. Worse yet they often grow totally delusional in the process and go nuts. Its actually a theme to the series overall that powerful characters rely on their powers as a crutch and we'll see more of this in the second season (hopefully) comes out.
That's a point Reigen make and its actually one uhh ONE makes in his manga a lot, One Punch Man as well. Its not that they just have powers, they abuse them and in the process stunt their growth in all other areas but their egos. Worse yet they often grow totally delusional in the process and go nuts. Its actually a theme to the series overall that powerful characters rely on their powers as a crutch and we'll see more of this in the second season (hopefully) comes out.

moment is gonna be amazing.




Rapid Response Threadmaker
True. Episode already ended with a kinda power of friendship note.

Nice reads. Thanks.

We already saw that he's pretty benevolent compared to other con artists, though.

I noticed that was more apparent later in the manga

*Very mild manga spoilers*

He charges a shit ton less than the other "professional" psychics. His services are actually downright cheap.

He genuinely tries to fix the clients problems. Since most of them aren't supernatural related the massages do work.

He won't take payment for a job that wasn't done well.

He won't take on a job he doesn't feel he can do or that he shouldn't do.


I just now finished watching ep. 12 after getting back from work.
I don't think words can do this finale or this season justice.
Anime of the Decade. Not Year: Decade.
So many great anime these past 5 years:
JoJo's B.A.
Fate Zero
One Punch Man
Mob Psycho 100

I have no complaints or issues with Mob's character; I like that he's different and more 'down to earth', and the various characters are superb.
Reigen-Sensei however?
He is on a whole different level.

Anime of the Decade.


I just now finished watching ep. 12 after getting back from work.
I don't think words can do this finale or this season justice.
Anime of the Decade. Not Year: Decade.
So many great anime these past 5 years:
JoJo's B.A.
Fate Zero
One Punch Man
Mob Psycho 100

I have no complaints or issues with Mob's character; I like that he's different and more 'down to earth', and the various characters are superb.
Reigen-Sensei however?
He is on a whole different level.

Anime of the Decade.

Give Thunderbolt Fantasy a try. It's great as well and just finished today. Not exactly anime, but it's awesome.


Give Thunderbolt Fantasy a try. It's great as well and just finished today. Not exactly anime, but it's awesome.

Oh shit I only watched the first two eps. of that and I liked it! Seeing as it ended recently I have something to watch after finishing my noon shift, thanks for reminding me!


Analysis of the Ending (song + video) (Pretty good stuff IMO)

As for the ending of the show, it definitely went in a direction I didn't expect but I thought it still knocked it out of the park. The show took a bit of time to get started but the pay off was worth it. I'm definitely looking forward to the eventual season 2.
Analysis of the Ending (song + video) (Pretty good stuff IMO)

As for the ending of the show, it definitely went in a direction I didn't expect but I thought it still knocked it out of the park. The show took a bit of time to get started but the pay off was worth it. I'm definitely looking forward to the eventual season 2.

Any potential second season is likely not going to come for a while since director Yuzuru Tachikawa is currently working on an original anime.
Mob Psycho 100 is perfection. Reigen is PERFECTION INCARNATE.

Fuck this show.

Using society as a standard to judge when he's an abuser of people makes my blood boil: he's relegated himself to a worm that feasts off the system and believes that the only possible "growing up" is assimilation with the standards of society. Worthless stain of a character.

Sounds like you need a pep talk with Reigen. You're yelling at something else entirely that isn't Reigan here.

Just watched it, thought they were calling a double bluff with Reigan and he actually did end up with powers.

Reigan is Saitama without powers, fucking love it

Huh, now that I think about it, Reigen and Saitama are REALLY similar in how they view powers: they don't think any more or less about people with or without them, serve as reality checks for the people who go overboard with them (Saitama telling Boros he's stupid, for example), and at the end of the day are cleaning up the mess left to them.


That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.

Oh god

So this is why the typical battle shounen is the way it is. Some of you shouldn't be allowed to complain about anime tropes ever again.

Tbh, a fight would have been amazing, and I'm sure animated spectacularly, but I'm not sure it would've made me die the way Reigen's talk down did. SHIT that was more satisfying than I could've anticipated

So I was wondering, why were the members of Claw wrong to think they were spacial and deserved preferential treatment? I mean I like Reagan's speech but in the real world we already treat people with unique talents like gods.

Sure, but in the context of basketball, an NBA player would by that logic have full reason to look down upon the psychics. Same with a talented singer. The psychics are only talented in the specific world of being a psychic.

Same reason why the Body Improvement Club is the Body IMPROVEMENT Club, and why they're such bros. They don't care that Mob is physically useless, he's trying to improve, and that makes him more worth their time than Onigawara when he was still full delinquent

I am 4 eps in and am still not feeling this show.. Mob is kinda dull and the side characters aren't really any better so far. Especially the blonde office guy who seems like an exploitative jerk.

So I watched this show too, and it's great. ONE really has a talent for making parody of other writing into actual social commentary. Also the fact that his work is actually funny, surprising, and genuinely human.

I particularly like that you've been hearing
theme almost every episode and the faster version of it plays later on.


Binged this entire show out of nowhere yesterday, and I really liked it. I wish we'd have gotten to see more 100% Mob, but I get why we didn't.

One thing I really noticed was that the art on this show is really awesome. It changes between almost a watercolor feel, into classic paintbrush strokes, into normal anime type art, into OPM type drab faces. And then when Mob goes 100%, it's very psychedelic.

The characters were great, and that alley fight scene was amazing. It's a shame we didn't get more of that type action throughout. I'm very interested in seeing how S2 plays out.
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