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New Quinnipiac Polls: Hillary leads Trump by 1 in FL, PA. Trump leads by 4 in OH

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May 10, 2016 - Clinton-Trump Close In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds

In a race marked by wide gender, age and racial gaps, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are running neck and neck in the key presidential Swing States of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, but Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont runs stronger against the likely Republican nominee, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.

Clinton and Trump both have negative favorability ratings among voters in each state, compared to Sanders' split score, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania because since 1960 no candidate has won the presidential race without taking at least two of these three states.

FLORIDA: Clinton 43 - Trump 42; Sanders 44 - Trump 42
OHIO: Clinton 39 - Trump 43; Sanders 43 - Trump 41
PENNSYLVANIA: Clinton 43 - Trump 42; Sanders 47 - Trump 41


Sanders is such a better candidate for this GE. DNC is comically and stubbornly supporting the weaker candidate no matter what, it's sad

Incoming "GE election polls don't mean anything at all" from neogaf members


Seems that quinnpac oversampled whites.
The demo in Florida alone is super wonky given that suddenly Hispanic turnout is down from 2012 according to Quin. Looks like they need to change up how they're weighing certain demos.

2012 Florida race:
•White: 67%
•Black: 13%
•Latino: 17%
•65+: 24%

QUIN Florida:
•White: 69%
•Black: 11%
•Hispanic: 15%
•65+: 27%



I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.


Seems that quinnpac oversampled whites.
The demo in Florida alone is super wonky given that suddenly Hispanic turnout is down from 2012. Looks like they need to change up how they're weighing certain demos.

2012 Florida race:
•White: 67%
•Black: 13%
•Latino: 17%
•65+: 24%

QU Florida:
•White: 69%
•Black: 11%
•Hispanic: 15%
•65+: 27%


They've been doing this the entire cycle, and it's one of the reasons that HRC/Dems have been doing relatively poorly in their polls.


bish gets all the credit :)
Sanders is such a better candidate for this GE. DNC is comically and stubbornly supporting the weaker candidate no matter what, it's sad

Incoming GE election polls don't mean anything at all from neogaf members
Hillary has more votes and more delegates. The people have spoken, not the DNC.


so if Sanders win all three, he has a chance?

Of course he does, don't believe the delusional BernieBros projection, and don't believe the media's lies.

44 for Sanders is awesome in Florida. What he said is true, there is a clear, narrow though it might be, but clear path to victory.


sanders is such a better candidate for this GE. DNC is comically and stubbornly supporting the weaker candidate no matter what, it's sad

True. Sanders has had to withstand those scathing attack ads non-stop... So we definitely know how he'll fair in a GE.

Oh wait, there hasn't been a single one. Why do you think that is?
I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.

He's not to the left of her economically. His tax plan is a bigger giveaway to the rich than the Bush tax cuts even. And he's not for fiscal stimulus either.
I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.

At least this election makes it easy to tell which 15 minutes of CNN someone has watched.

And also which people are okay with supporting racist policies because they believe the guy who literally represents nothing but business/wealth is going to somehow help them.
I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.


And lol at the share of the white vote going up this year. Yeah, that's definitely happening (for the first time in 30 years with Trump on the ticket). SureJan.gif


Quinn tends to oversample white voters. Probably doing it here, too. That'll make Trump look stronger than in reality.
Yeah, I wouldn't have any idea. This election is scary because Donald is going to turn this process into an episode of Jerry Springer and cable news eats it up. Hillary is stiff and robotic and she doesn't have the attitude to fight back. President Obama is going to have to play the attack dog.


I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.
Trust me, you are not alone. Vote with your heart, vote for numero uno first (that means you), and don't let anyone push you down, regardless of who you choose.
HillaryGAF right now:

I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.

He wants cut taxes for the rich, and only just recently flip flopped on min. wage, and has been quoted with wanting to open up libel laws so he can sue the media for being mean to him, and essentially wants to censor an entire religion from coming in. He has also opposed Legalizing weed during his campaign, unless he's also flip-flopped on that in a matter of months.

So, how is he better economically(go read analysis of his tax plan btw), and how is he better with censorship?


I never thought I would vote for a Republican, especially Trump.

But seeing him on the left of her on economic issues has me thinking again.

She sides with business/wealth on almost everything, has been for censorship and doesn't seem to care about legalizing cannabis, so there's not much that she has going for her in my view besides the (D) next to her name.

Trump is going for the Rust Bell and it is clearly his best and only chance.

Let Trump take Ohio, who cares. He is going to lose Georgia and Arizona

Yea but he's just saying stuff and pandering to the right and lying to them, so you can trust that he's really a secret liberal on tons of stuff, way more than that other person who is saying really liberal shit who is secretly a republican!

I don't believe any of the right-wing stuff he's saying now.

He's historically been more liberal, and now seems to be doing 180s on stuff now that he has the nomination. He also said Republican doesn't mean conservative, which is interesting.

I don't vote for the party that's in bed with business typically, hence my reservations on voting for Hillary.

She is also just not progressive on the issues I care the most about.



On trade, he is

He is more isolationist than her on trade. Last I looked successful Dem presidents were typically globalists. FDR most notably broke through strong isolationist sentiment that was enabling Hitler and in part fueling the depression.

And this is why Quinnipiac, a shitty pollster to begin with, can get results like this. Bernie Sanders has poisoned the well by convincing a bunch of people that manufacturing left the U.S. due to free trade deals. Manufacturing left for cheap and exploitable labor, free trade deals were the U.S. getting something in return in response to that already occurring exodus.

But populist sentiment loves it's isolationism.


He wants cut taxes for the rich, and only just recently flip flopped on min. wage, and has been quoted with wanting to open up libel laws so he can sue the media for being mean to him, and essentially wants to censor an entire religion from coming in. He has also opposed Legalizing weed during his campaign, unless he's also flip-flopped on that in a matter of months.

So, how is he better economically(go read analysis of his tax plan btw), and how is he better with censorship?
I don't believe any of the right-wing stuff he's saying now.

He's historically been more liberal, and now seems to be doing 180s on stuff now that he has the nomination. He also said Republican doesn't mean conservative, which is interesting.

I don't vote for the party that's in bed with business typically, hence my reservations on voting for Hillary.

She is also just not progressive on the issues I care the most about.


Yea but he's just saying stuff and pandering to the right and lying to them, so you can trust that he's really a secret liberal on tons of stuff, way more than that other person who is saying really liberal shit who is secretly a republican!
Are you me? Probably not, I don't think that is quite the case, but Trump is definitely more liberal than a lot of people think on some things.
Protectionism and isolationism isn't really a cut-and-dry left vs. right issue. It's weird how this election cycle suddenly it's become a litmus test for ideological purity.


Yeah, I wouldn't have any idea. This election is scary because is going to turn this process into an episode of Jerry Springer and cable news eats it up. Hillary is stiff and robotic and she doesn't have the attitude to fight back. President Obama is going to have to play the attack dog.

She's trying to do what other successful politician that won elections have done recently. She's going to focus on her positives and why she is a better person to lead the country then trump. She won't be fighting back against trump to negatively most likely and she will probably leave that to the Super PAC's and other groups or people supporting her and campaigning for her. I expect Sanders to eventually support her and maybe campaign for her. Obama,Bill Clinton and etc will also campaign for her to.

Donald "Our planet is freezing" Trump is going for the Rust Bell and it is clearly his best and only chance.

Let Donald "Our planet is freezing" Trump take Ohio, who cares. He is going to lose Georgia and Arizona

If she took a bunch of states that go to republicans usually while donald got a few states that usually go to the dems it should almost cancel out any and she would still win. This scenario is unlikely to happen anyway in this election. Trump will lose all of the rust belt states that usually go to the dems because some republicans and a lot of the democrats traditional base will still vote for Hilary in these states.


Crosstabs having Hillary winning less of the white vote than Obama. And a whiter electorate than 2008/2012.

Yeah, no.


No Scrubs
I don't believe any of the right-wing stuff he's saying now.

He's historically been more liberal, and now seems to be doing 180s on stuff now that he has the nomination. He also said Republican doesn't mean conservative, which is interesting.

I don't vote for the party that's in bed with business typically, hence my reservations on voting for Hillary.

She is also just not progressive on the issues I care the most about.

But you're OK with voting for a racist.


HillaryGAF right now:


Well, no. It's 6 months out. We're guaranteed to get some noise in all of these polls, with a few showing the race tighter and a few showing it wider than it actually is. Freaking out over one poll is dumb, and so it "lololol I told you so."

But there's plenty of reasons to be suspect of QPac this cycle.

They've consistently oversampled the white voting share in almost all of the Democratic primary polls. They're showing a sample that would be the first time the white share of voting has gone up in 30 years, even as the vast majority of dying voters are white and the vast majority of new voters are minorities.


I don't believe any of the right-wing stuff he's saying now.

He's historically been more liberal, and now seems to be doing 180s on stuff now that he has the nomination. He also said Republican doesn't mean conservative, which is interesting.

I don't vote for the party that's in bed with business typically, hence my reservations on voting for Hillary.

She is also just not progressive on the issues I care the most about.

You disagree that he's a white supremacist?

His father was a known white supremacist. Donald Trump was sued and settled out of court for race based housing discrimination decades ago. His statements towards various other ethnicities this election cycle speak for themselves.

He isn't "kill all the people darker than taupe" white supremacy but he is decidedly "white men deserve to hold onto their positions of power through any means necessary" white supremacy. That is what he is dog whistling when he says "conservative".

Pat Buchanan loves him for a reason.
He is more isolationist than her on trade. Last I looked successful Dem presidents were typically globalists. FDR most notably broke through strong isolationist sentiment that was enabling Hitler and in part fueling the depression.

And this is why Quinnipiac, a shitty pollster to begin with, can get results like this. Bernie Sanders has poisoned the well by convincing a bunch of people that manufacturing left the U.S. due to free trade deals. Manufacturing left for cheap and exploitable labor, free trade deals were the U.S. getting something in return in response to that already occurring exodus.

But populist sentiment loves it's isolationism.

Yes. The Democratic Party, throughout its entire history, has been for lower tariffs and traditionally it was the Republicans who favored higher tariffs like the Smoot-Hawley and Payne-Aldrich taxes. Notably it was Truman who pushed for lower tariffs globally after the war, and free trade became the policy of both parties only during the Cold War.


I don't believe any of the right-wing stuff he's saying now.

He's historically been more liberal, and now seems to be doing 180s on stuff now that he has the nomination. He also said Republican doesn't mean conservative, which is interesting.

I don't vote for the party that's in bed with business typically, hence my reservations on voting for Hillary.

She is also just not progressive on the issues I care the most about.

So do you believe the left-wing stuff that Hillary is saying now, or are we only going to pretend that Trump really has a secret set of morals?

Also, Trump has not "been more liberal". Historically, he has absolutely no coherent positions that even track an evolution on any issue, just throwing shit against the wall because he likes the way his own voice sounds.
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