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Sailor Moon Crystal |OT| In the name of the manga, I'll entertain you!

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Unconfirmed Member
I didn't buy them. :p

Looking it up, the original retail price was $70 for the first 23 episodes of Classic on Bluray. I was looking at the limited edition that retailed at $80, so I stand corrected there. Granted, places like Amazon and RightStuff had them cheaper than that, but given all the controversy about them, I was kind of put off buying them.

Well I should've said moreso "where are you looking?" I never get anime at MSRP, due to prices like Rightstuf etc. with their ability to buy large amounts of bulk and charge a way cheaper price. Plus they came with pre-order goodies.


Haha yeah. I'd have ordered it off RightStuff at a cheaper price had Viz not dropped the ball.

Were the Madmen sets any good? Apparently they should be out soon.


How expensive? It's pretty bad here. I think Viz was selling $80 for half a season of the original TV series. I stopped following the releases after the first set.
It depends, Psycho-Pass for example didn't air on tv, so Kazé had to pay for the dub themselves, the 22 episode season was sold in 4 volumes for 35€ each, that's what most new series are sold for, a good dub isn't cheap.

Sailor Moon Crystal will most likely be more affordable because it will be on TV, the Sailor Moon classic sets were sold for for 55€ for a half season, which is significantly cheaper and also in the price range for older series that did air on tv and have an existing dub. I usually pay between 40 and 60€ for sets of 25 episodes.

I think Sailor Moon Crystal will be somewhere in the middle, I expect them to release a Dark Kingdom and a Black Moon set for 50-60€ each or the entire season in 4 volumes for 25€ each.


Well, it makes sense for it to be more expensive if they had to pay for the dub too.

From what I hear the Italian sets are the best ones for the original series. Too bad I can't read Italian. :/


Almost the entire cast list for the Dark Kingdom arc's german dub has been released, only the senshi have been ommitted, could that mean they're bringing back the original VAs for them? Would there be a reason to save new actors for special announcements?

There's a short youtube clip clip of Sabine Bohlmann (the original and Crystal voice of Usagi in germany), at the end she uses her Usagi voice, it hasn't changed at all in 20 years (although that's not much of a surprise, she has also been the german voice of Lisa Simpson since the series premiered a lifetime ago and Lisa still sounds like she did in season 1).


Her MOON PRISM POWER!!! was pretty impressive.

It'd be kind of funny and sad if whoever are in charge of the German dub were able to get the exact same cast for Crystal, considering Toei only brought back Usagi's old voice actor.


It could happen, Sabine Bohlmann herself said in an interview that initially all parts were supposed to be recast and she was told she couldn't do it, then she got a call that maybe it would be her but nothing has been decided yet and then another one that she got the part, she herself couldn't exactly say why the decision was reversed but assumes that fans wanting her back had some influence.

I really hope they get the others back as well (except Jupiter who passed away a few years ago), if they don't at least they got Usagi but getting Ami, Rei and Minako back would be nostalgia overload.

Edit: The new Mamoru was Saphir in the old anime, so that's another old cast member although in a different part. He's also the german voice of Oliver Queen on Arrow and Edward in Twilight.
The new Beryl was Misty in Pokemon, she obviously won't use her Misty voice but it's still funny imo.

But I'll stop now, trivia about german voice actors doesn't really belomg here.


Oh yeah, forgot that Jupiter's voice is dead, damn shame.

Seeing as how Lisa Simpson and Usagi Tsukino have the same voice actress in Germany, I wonder how she felt about this:



I forgot this happened, it's perfect.

BTW, she's also Kenny on South Park, was Cubbi on Gummie Bears, Myrtle on Harry Potter and Pikachu on Pokémon for one season before they realized there's no need to dub him and used the original japanese voice instead.

Ami and Rei have been recast, no word yet on Venus but I'm sure she'll be recast too. Well, at least Usagi returned and I'm sure the new actresses will do a good job.


Oh yeah, forgot that Jupiter's voice is dead, damn shame.

Seeing as how Lisa Simpson and Usagi Tsukino have the same voice actress in Germany, I wonder how she felt about this:

This is really weird but Usagi's actress in the latin american dub was also Lisa Simpson over here.

And Sailor Jupiter's actress also passed away (her daughter took over when some minor redub was needed for the DVD release tho).

What a creepy coincidence.


Well, being a Toei product, I'm sure the animation will be underwhelming regardless of director.
The original anime had pretty crappy animation but made up for that with tons of visual charm, so a Toei animation budget isn't necessarily a problem, a good director should be able to produce a good show regardless.


Yeah, the original anime was pretty inventive from a visual standpoint:


But what I'm trying to say is that don't expect some big-budget thing. Personally though, I found the music to be the biggest offender. I'd love if we got an OST in the vein of the original series.


I agree with that, Crystal won't suddenly become a big budget show although I hope they kncrease the budget at least a little bit now that the show has proven to be a success. Even if it didn't kill it in the ratings, it's licensed all over the world that should count for something.

I also agree about the music, it was fine as background noise but it's just not memorable, the original anime's soundtracks were phenomenal.
That's not the start, it's a set of advanced showings.
I see. I saw a Facebook Sailor Moon fan-page post that image saying it was starting on March 6th. I searched to see if any sites said the same thing, and that link is what I found. I can't read any of it, but I figured it was worth posting just in case.

Oh, well.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking good! Looking forward to the new season. I wonder how they will break up SuperS and Sailor Stars? Since this one specifically mentions S in its subtitle, I wouldn't expect to see SuperS until next season.


So far it looks good. But I will wait for the first episode to really comment on the artstyle and quality, because it's easy to pick the best bits for a 30s ad. There are still those ugly undetailed scenes (girls are pretty flat D:) but lets see how many of them are in the final show.


Looking good! Looking forward to the new season. I wonder how they will break up SuperS and Sailor Stars? Since this one specifically mentions S ...
It doesn't do that actually, the subtitle is "Season III" (still dumb because it's the second production season but whatever), that doesn't mean they can't do two arcs again or maybe all three. It's unlikely but not impossible, subtitles are almost meaningless, they can be changed at any time or that could not bother and do the Dream arc under the "season III" banner as well.


Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't do that actually, the subtitle is "Season III" (still dumb because it's the second production season but whatever), that doesn't mean they can't do two arcs again or maybe all three. It's unlikely but not impossible, subtitles are almost meaningless, they can be changed at any time or that could not bother and do the Dream arc under the "season III" banner as well.

Well I guess it just has Season III on the poster, but lots of places and subtitling it with "Death Busters", which I guess has become more just a fan-name for it.


Never really thought about that before, but then again, I had already seen the anime twice before ever reading the comic, so it was pretty much drilled in my head that Haruka was female.


Looks the same to me, even down to Haruka's open shirt.

The eyes and eyebrows in the manga are Takeuchi's stereotypical male straight eyelashes and bushy eyebrows. In the anime her eyelashes are hooked and she has a thin eyebrows. The big hands and broad shoulders are also typical of her male characters.


I guess they figured everyone already knows about it at this point, so there's no reason to even try to hide it this time around, lol.


From the Sailor Moon Crystal Failures blog:

There was a special private screening for the first episode of the third season and fans have confirmed the following:

  • The first episode only contained half of act 24 SO NO MORE FUCKING 1:1 ADAPTION!111!11!1!
  • New opening and ending*
  • The animation is overall better but different.
  • Will be aired weekly on TV

*Opening Song: In Love with the New Moon performed by Etsuko Yakushimaru (the good sis who also performed Otome No Policy for the 20th Anniversary Album)
*Ending Song: Eternal Eternity performed by Sailor Uranus’ and Sailor Neptune’s voice actresses.


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how the show will do the episodes made longer? Too used to the 1 chapter per ep thing. Also VERY happy to hear that it'll be a weekly tv show. No more 1st and 2nd week of the month crap! And only a few weeks away to air, too!


Act 27 (not 24) had too much content for one episode, so it's a little premature to celebrate it not being 1:1. That doesn't mean they're going to start adding filler to pad things out.


Hopefully this time they will direct it as a proper anime and not just a manga adaptation. The way they tried to translate each manga chapter into its own episode was awful: some episodes were rushed and had to drop unnecessary but still funny or relation-building scenes, other episodes were long and boring, fully focusing on exposition because that's what was in the manga.


Really glad to hear that regarding the transformations. The less terrible CGI, the better.

Heh, Crystal might be the first time we see Hotaru transform outside of that Sega Saturn game.
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