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Final Fantasy XV is now just one month away. Place your bets: will it be good?


Gold Member
I think it will overall be fine, but I'm imagining some of the complaints will be:

- Grating VO
- Nonsense story
- Boring enemy design that fails to capitalize on the combat system
- Filler side quests
- Bad dialogue

my prediction?: if this game doesn't feature either a 'witty banter' slider, or the ability to turn 'witty banter' off, future generations will wonder how anyone was ever able to get through it :) ...


Mind explaining why you feel that way?

I think it will get plenty of good will for being a cut above 13's trilogy by default

I think this guy hit pretty much everything:

- Grating VO
- Nonsense story
- Boring enemy design that fails to capitalize on the combat system
- Filler side quests
- Bad dialogue

That's about what I gather from everything they have shown so far. I'll add in the boring looking environments (from what they've shown, not what could be laying underneath).


Unless of course this all tanks in the latter half so far none of this has been mentioned by reviewers in fact most have enjoyed the story so far only negative is they hope it picks up a bit more in later chapters.

Side quests have gotten praise as well. Enemy design as well for staying true to the series
I think that skepticism regarding enemy design isn't a matter of being true to series aesthetics so much as whether the way they behave in battle and how the player can react to them will make for engaging combat in a real-time battle system.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Even if it's the worst game ever, I'll still play through the entire damn thing. It's been too long.


I think it will overall be fine, but I'm imagining some of the complaints will be:

- Grating VO
- Nonsense story
- Boring enemy design that fails to capitalize on the combat system
- Filler side quests
- Bad dialogue

Everything else I can see, but the bolded I find very unlikely. When you even have flying enemies where the only way to keep dealing damage is to warp after them and use aerial combat, enemy design seems fine.


Crystal Bearer
It's so, so hard to breach 90 these days, and I think that FFXV will challenge that obstacle, but I'm unsure it will overcome it.

Regardless, I'm confident that it will be highly praised, but not universally. Based on what I've seen and played, I think I will enjoy it immensely, though, and that's all that matters.
Right, even the most excellent Heavensward is sitting at an 86 average. Critics are a lot harsher these days on just about everything.
Yes it will get good reviews
Yes it will please (most) fans
No it will not live up to the hype
It'll be lumped in with the "Good" FFs such as the SNES/PS1 era FF games

It absolutely cannot live up to the 'hype' that it has set up before it, it will be impossible. It will be a great game that the developers have worked hard on, and it will please a great number of fans.

Personally, I'm mostly excited that the game will turn out to be good considering the lengthy 'development' time and the changes it's faced. As long as it doesn't turn out to be a turd of a game it'll be a win.


Junior Member
I have a feeling it would be like XII. Good reviews, many fans of the series are thrown off by the radical departure from previous instalment but still liked the game for what it is, starts off divisive among fanbase in the first few years after its release but eventually gets recognized as one of the good FF.


I think it'll be great, expecting reviews to be in the 80-85 range.

Mainly going off of what Gamespot reviewers were saying yesterday in The Lobby, the positives are the combat and world, and that they're just really excited to keep playing. The main criticisms are the story and side quests.


I think the lines have been pretty clearly drawn. And if that leaked story is 100% still true, I suspect many will be disappointed with that part of the game too.

I know the game has a big uphill battle to win me over and despite positive impressions from previews, I just don't really like action RPGS at all, and the world doesn't sound like it's filled out enough either, with many of the previews mentioning fetch quests. My expectations are at an all-time low.

I'm expecting some hilariously hyperbolic reviews too, if the previews are any indication.


Crystal Bearer
I think it'll be great, expecting reviews to be in the 80-85 range.

Mainly going off of what Gamespot reviewers were saying yesterday in The Lobby, the positives are the combat and world, and that they're just really excited to keep playing. The main criticisms are the story and side quests.
Story is actually what I'm concerned about the most...

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It will be better than average but praised as the greatest thing since fire, the wheel, sliced bread and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ because it's fans are so emotionally invested in it. They will absolutely refuse to accept anything less than that.


I've already bought it, but if it's genuinely good then it'll surpass my expectations. I wasn't keen on the demos, the combat feels way too simplistic, and the story doesn't look very interesting. I don't think it'll be a bad game, just... nice.

On the plus side, it's gorgeous, and it'll be worth a look just to see how a mega budget decade-in-the-making Square Enix title turns out.


With the director change and seeing everything getting changed followed by the steaming mess that was Kingsglaive I expect the story to be terrible.

But that's a JRPG standard so it might still be a good game if it has neat encounters and levels.
Aside from the wierd acting and drawn out final battle, i don't think there were any real glaring story issues with kingsglaive. It was shallow with the characters, but the world they built was clearly where they spent all of their resources.

I honestly like kingsglaive despite some of its serious issues.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It'll be Star Wars Phantom Menace all over again with fans splooging all over themselves and then slowly realizing it's not great. I'd love to be wrong though.


It might score lower than FF13, but that's mostly due to 13 having still lot of FF-goodwill on its reviews, and the reviews being much harsher now. The quality of the game will be most likely better than 13 at any case (and I liked 13 for the most part).

My biggest fear is indoors-combat and the pacing of the story. Neither have me confident right now.


Could you tell us what you like the most about it so far?
I like everything about it: the world, the combat, the difficulty, the music (so good), the characters' dumb banter, the fact that you can drive around listening to the Red Wings theme. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up.
It will be better than average but praised as the greatest thing since fire, the wheel, sliced bread and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ because it's fans are so emotionally invested in it. They will absolutely refuse to accept anything less than that.

It'll be Star Wars Phantom Menace all over again with fans splooging all over themselves and then slowly realizing it's not great. I'd love to be wrong though.
Literally saying the same things here. If people like it why can't it just be because it's good or even more simpler than that they just like it


I don't think it will score well with the Western media.

The western gaming media has gotten so predictable in the type of games that get critical acclaim.


Right, even the most excellent Heavensward is sitting at an 86 average. Critics are a lot harsher these days on just about everything.

There is a LOT wrong with Heavensward, an 86 is generous. We've discussed where the game went wrong and I distinctly remember you admitting bizarre and backward design choices from the developers.

Critics aren't harsh, they just have perspective - I also remember you saying this was your only MMO (or you haven't played WoW) so these critics do have perspective on the genre you may not have. FFXIV is still in its infancy.

As for FFXV I think it will disappoint a lot of people. So much of the narrative lies within media outside of the game, so non-fans are missing out by default.
There is a LOT wrong with Heavensward, an 86 is generous. We've discussed where the game went wrong and I distinctly remember you admitting bizarre and backward design choices from the developers.

Critics aren't harsh, they just have perspective - I also remember you saying this was your only MMO (or you haven't played WoW) so these critics do have perspective on the genre you may not have. FFXIV is still in its infancy.

As for FFXV I think it will disappoint a lot of people. So much of the narrative lies within media outside of the game, so non-fans are missing out by default.

I don't think that much of the narrative lies outside the game. It's just that we have only a small picture of the in-game narrative. When all is said and done, less than half a dozen short anime episodes and a 2-hour prequel cutscene will be far less than the 40-50 hours of main story.


After seeing the omen trailer.

Yes and yes. It will be good. Possibly GotY
NO. It couldnt possibly live up to every players decade long expectations.

Overall it has a chance to be a top 5 FF game. I wouldnt want to be any more hyperbolic then that

But the Omen trailer was all just a CG production. It had no gameplay in it.
I don't think that much of the narrative lies outside the game. It's just that we have only a small picture of the in-game narrative. When all is said and done, less than half a dozen short anime episodes and a 2-hour prequel cutscene will be far less than the 40-50 hours of main story.

Yeah, for me it feels like the first 15 hours of the game is still a setup to the real story, and I'm guessing that the real story will be really starting after meeting with Luna at Altissia.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
It'll be an ambitious game with many promising elements but it will suffer from a lack of polish, jank, and half-cooked systems.

Overall it won't be a bad game but it won't be great either. It won't be good enough to stand up to the series best but people will praise it for being better than FFXIII.


From what i've seen and heard constantly since people have been able to touch the game, it's going to be great.

Honestly, anytime a developer allows people so much time to play their game (AND post the footage online), they're confident enough that the game is going to be good. Especially for something like an RPG.

I'm hoping this is a big turning point for Square Enix.
There is a LOT wrong with Heavensward, an 86 is generous. We've discussed where the game went wrong and I distinctly remember you admitting bizarre and backward design choices from the developers.

Critics aren't harsh, they just have perspective - I also remember you saying this was your only MMO (or you haven't played WoW) so these critics do have perspective on the genre you may not have. FFXIV is still in its infancy.

It's my first MMO as well, but I don't think I need to have played WOW to consider it good. I'm enjoying it very much so far.

Also, I disagree with Kagari on critics being harsh on Heavensward-- an 86 is very very good. So yeah, critics do have perspective!


Ugh. I wish people would evaluate media on its own terms. How it was made shouldn't be relevant.

When you market a game for a decade before release, you set certain expectations. SE did it to themselves. If the game was only known about by consumers for the last year but went through the same development cycle, it'd be completely different.
I like everything about it: the world, the combat, the difficulty, the music (so good), the characters' dumb banter, the fact that you can drive around listening to the Red Wings theme. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up.

Sweet, this and J. Parish's take have made me more confident than anything else I've seen. You all have a similar perspective and history with the series to mine.

I realize things could still go off the rails in the back half, but a solid start is great news.
Ugh. I wish people would evaluate media on its own terms. How it was made shouldn't be relevant.

Also Final Fantasy has been decisive since 8. That's when the series really stopped playing it safe, for better or worse. Of course 15 isn't going to please everyone.
I'm going to go against my instinct and wager that the game will turn out to not only be good, but great! I think the game had a rough development cycle, but maybe managed to overcome it in the final months leading up to release. I think a lot of people are judging it based on the demos Square Enix released earlier which is contributing to their negative impressions of the game. I am more than likely going to be wrong, but I am going to go out on a limb and give this game the benefit of the doubt.


I like everything about it: the world, the combat, the difficulty, the music (so good), the characters' dumb banter, the fact that you can drive around listening to the Red Wings theme. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up.


Unconfirmed Member
It's going to review well with the outlets I think. But it's going to be interesting if people will backpedal on it like with 13 or if reviewers were unable to understand the game well enough like with D3.
Story is actually what I'm concerned about the most...

Yeah that's the one thing to be concerned about. I'd really like for the story to be amazing. Hopefully on par with some of the great FF stories.

I'm really hoping this isn't a MGSV scenario were the game is fun but story is trash. That was a big disappointment.


My guess, based on what I've played and seen:

It will be better than the FF13 series but won't come close to the top of the series.

It will be a bloated Frankenstein of a game filled with half-baked ideas, a million verticle slices of sequences stitched together. A big, empty open-ish world with repetitive monster battles. It will have a bunch of ideas and themes it never fully explores. The characters will be cliche as hell, with atrocious english voice acting. The plot will be contrived and over-wrought, like the game itself.

It will have a massive hype launch before the inevitable backlash. The honey-moon period will wane and people will be faced with the game's numerous flaws. The die-hard fans, many of which decided it was the greatest game ever before it even released, will continue to sing its praises and argue loudly on the internet, taking any criticism way too personally.

It will be forgotten after Persona 5 releases but SE will continue to force the FF15 brand down our throats through-out the remainder of the gen, regardless of reception.


I like everything about it: the world, the combat, the difficulty, the music (so good), the characters' dumb banter, the fact that you can drive around listening to the Red Wings theme. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up.

Haha nice, can't wait to experience it for myself.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Story is actually what I'm concerned about the most...

Same. Tabata has shown a concerning lack of foresight in how he's split up the events, and i'm not just saying that either.

In general i hate game story and lore that heavily depends on outside material to make sense of the world. Halo and Gears have both started doing it to the detriment of the campaigns, and now FF15 dived head first into having entire major catastophes only mentioned in newspapers, where you have to watch entire prequel movies and anime specials to even have context for a lot of things.
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