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Black professor receives racist voice mail after Fox News appearance.


She hit every racist rightwing talking point in that screed.

affirmative action stealing us out of jobs
disrespecting our anthem/flag
living in ghetto
Chicago violence
black-on-black violence
blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime
blacks rape and murder
stealing from hard working whites
on government aid

I wonder if she read from a list or had it all memorized.
She hit every racist rightwing talking point in that screed.

affirmative action stealing us out from jobs
disrespecting our anthem/flag
living in ghetto
Chicago violence
black-on-black violence
blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime
blacks rape and murder
stealing from hard working whites
on government aid

I wonder if she read from a list or had it all memorized.

Republicans have their idiots trained well.


This is why racism is undefeated. She took the time to look up the number call not once but twice to spew hate. So much time and energy just to send hate
This is the fifth racist thread today yikes America is rolling back the clock but I guess this is what Republicans wanted...the good ole days are returning


“This message is for Jason Nicholas [sic], I’ve been listening to him on Fox,” said the caller, a woman. “You know, this f*cking n**ger, you n**gers are not gonna be satisfied until you change every f*cking piece of sh*t holiday to ‘N**ger Day.’ Okay, you can have it. Let’s change Martin Luther King N**ger Day, Christmas N**ger Day, Columbus N**ger Day.”

It was nice of her to sing the song of her people.


She hit every racist rightwing talking point in that screed.

affirmative action stealing us out from jobs
disrespecting our anthem/flag
living in ghetto
Chicago violence
black-on-black violence
blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime
blacks rape and murder
stealing from hard working whites
on government aid

I wonder if she read from a list or had it all memorized.

Who needs research when you can get "The Bundle", no brains required!

And with Trump's push on "al-facts" anyone can be right, even when they are wrong! You just have to believe!


Notice, also, how she goes on and on about how she can't get a job, blaming the ni**ers for her failures...while at the same time bitching about how the ni**ers blame everyone else for their failures.

The hypocrisy would be amusing if it wasn't so depressing that millions of people in the US think just like her. Enough to put a like-minded person in the Oval Office.


Clothed, sober, cooperative

And yet liberals forget this was the moment racism ended.


I don't know what I expected. Usually whenever Fox has a person of color on the person is used to sockpuppet on behalf of Fox News. But this guy actually stood up against the host.

And this is how the Fox News viewership responds.
She hit every racist rightwing talking point in that screed.

affirmative action stealing us out of jobs
disrespecting our anthem/flag
living in ghetto
Chicago violence
black-on-black violence
blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime
blacks rape and murder
stealing from hard working whites
on government aid

I wonder if she read from a list or had it all memorized.
No Soros?????

I hope she calls back.


Unconfirmed Member
I like how she's really fucking pissed about 50 years of affirmative action but blames Africans for slavery.

What's really ironic about her affirmative action ranting is that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action.

White women benefit from affirmative action the most.

Programs stemming from affirmative action have been critical in ensuring gender equity and creating opportunities for women in business and in educational institutions that they’ve traditionally been shut out of. As beneficial as affirmative action has been for white women, a majority of them (67 percent) oppose it, according to the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study.

In the first two decades of affirmative action, white women saw more growth in their careers than any racial group. Columbia University law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw explained in her 2006 essay “Framing Affirmative Action” why depicting a black person as the poster child for affirmative action is flawed. “The primary beneficiaries of affirmative action have been Euro-American women,” she wrote.

Today, women outnumber men on college campuses and are more likely to earn their bachelor’s degrees and attend graduate school than men. More than 30 years after affirmative action was extended to include women, the percentage of female physicians jumped from 7.6 to 25.2. However, these improvement are more likely to benefit white women than women of color.



Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
White people scared of their shitty traditions and blissful ignorance being challenged, that's all this is about.

Imagine taking on thanksgiving as a meaningless holiday based on native genocide or Christmas being associated with christian fundamentalism


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Dat economic anxiety

I mean, that doesn't erase economic anxiety in people.

If anything, it proves the point that economic and social anxiety allows hatred and racism to come to the foreground even in people who would not otherwise be open racists. Fox news has turned exploiting an entire ignorant populace into their pawns into quite the business
Oh wow, I thought when she ran out of time with the first one, it'd be done and over with. Then she called back. Damn.

Edit: That "I have black friends!" near the end.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
“He’s talking about Columbus killing 200,000 people, what about the camel n**gers that got the n**ger blood in them, the terrorists, the f*cking Syrian Muslim piece of sh*t n**ger terrorists…”

What the fuck is this person saying, its just an out of control ramble of nonsense
i like how this lady tries to say how they blame all their problems on everyone else and then proceeds to blame all her problems on black people

gtf outta here you pos



Is this that “other perspective” I keep hearing white moderates blather on about?
I am not sure how anyone can be shocked by this. I mean, of course a channel for and by racists is going to have racist viewers.



Like, this is Tucker Carlson's target demographic.
This is what years and years of talking points and confirmation bias looks like.
At heart she's a hateful, pathetic excuse of a human being - Fox is exploiting this
and profiting off of it while concern-trolling or outright demonizing the other side.



Don't wanna blame the victim for being a black dude volunteering to be on fox news, but Don't Be That Guy.
I learned by 5th grade that Columbus was an asshole.

Amazing how many people act like the racist shithead that they are deep down for the flimsiest of excuses.
I'm sad to say that I didn't learn about Columbus's assholeness until just a few years ago. It's really sad that it's still taught in schools that he was "that guy who discovered America in 1492" but everything he did except for not really being the first European in America is never taught (or at least has never been taught, I don't know what's taught about him these days).
One of us should meet her half way and see it from her perspective, take the time to change her views. If we enough of us throw away our diginity, stop protesting, and start talking to racists we'll end racism! It's all on us!

Don't call her racist though, that just creates the divide and makes us just as bad or something. Maybe she's a lone wolf with mental illness.

Does she not know who mlk is? Her bringing that up is really weird.

It's pretty common. Many folks equate MLK day and statues with like Black supremacy, the overthrow of the white establishment, etc.

In some southern states (Yes I know this woman is from NY or Boston) the only way MLK was accepted was by having a Confederate Day as a holiday.


One of us should meet her half way and see it from her perspective, take the time to change her views. If we enough of us throw away our diginity, stop protesting, and start talking to racists we'll end racism! It's all on us!

Don't call her racist though, that just creates the divide and makes us just as bad or something. Maybe she's a lone wolf with mental illness.

It's pretty common. Many folks equate MLK day and statues with like Black supremacy, the overthrow of the white establishment, etc.

In some southern states (Yes I know this woman is from NY or Boston) the only way MLK was accepted was by having a Confederate Day as a holiday.
But mlk day is inherently a black or POC holiday, yet she says we're gonna make it even more black?


Wow. I don't have any words. Absolutely fucking disgusting how many cards she filled in the racist bingo.


”This message is for Jason Nicholas [sic], I've been listening to him on Fox," said the caller, a woman. ”You know, this f*cking n**ger, you n**gers are not gonna be satisfied until you change every f*cking piece of sh*t holiday to ‘N**ger Day.' Okay, you can have it. Let's change Martin Luther King N**ger Day, Christmas N**ger Day, Columbus N**ger Day."

dat lady crazy

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I dunno.

I think that she was trolling, y'all. Trying to get those lols. Nobody is actually THAT racist.



She's just a worthless nobody but sadly represents such a big proportion of the US. It's terrifying.


will learn eventually
Can't believe I listened to 9 minutes of fucker Carlson right now.
His arguments are absolute trash and he knows it, smiling with his shit eating grin.
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