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Black professor receives racist voice mail after Fox News appearance.

You could play that rant word-for-word on Fox News and half the viewers would stand up and clap.
Take away the racial slurs and cuss words,and it's what the Republican Party has been saying about Black Americans for decades.
Racism is literally built into that Party's rhetorical platform.

I'm afraid i don't get it ...


Checked the youtube upload of the voicemail and the comments are something else.

The internet was a mistake.

A family member after I shared this video with them:

"Wow.....pretty hard core.....the worst part about that is that there's some truth to what her crazy ass said. I didn't say it...but she did."


Notice, also, how she goes on and on about how she can't get a job, blaming the ni**ers for her failures...while at the same time bitching about how the ni**ers blame everyone else for their failures.

The hypocrisy would be amusing if it wasn't so depressing that millions of people in the US think just like her. Enough to put a like-minded person in the Oval Office.
It takes a surpriring amount of mental fortitude to admit your flaws and realize that its your own fault your life went to shit. So they turn on the news and take a "its not your fault" bath, with a zesty side of racism.

As a tangent, to me, this more than anything else is why Trump won. While Hillary was sober and realistic about the future of the country, Trump was ranting about how super duper awesome things will be. Dipshits predictably latched onto false hope.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

I love all the morons on 4chan yelling about the left "forcing them further right". Self-radicalize much?

We all know that's such bullshit. They're just looking for excuses to be terrible people.
"Da left" pushing you means nothing to us anymore. If anyone still tries to pull that, don't fall for it, they're horrible people to begin with


What a fucking bitch. Someone should start change.org petitions to change the name of holidays using her name just to really piss her off.

Not an eloquent way of writing down my feelings but I thought I should just bring it down to her vocabulary level.

I didnt know he was bad until recently. What we learnt at school was just about him confusing India and America. There are even cartoons still airing and showing him under a positive light

It's because the U.S's public school history curriculum is complete bullshit. The contrast between that and undergrad...holy shit.
Guys guys, she’s not racist! They’re just economically anxious!

These are the people your president empowered. Remember that when you guys go to vote. Unreal
She hit every racist rightwing talking point in that screed.

affirmative action stealing us out of jobs
disrespecting our anthem/flag
living in ghetto
Chicago violence
black-on-black violence
blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime
blacks rape and murder
stealing from hard working whites
on government aid

I wonder if she read from a list or had it all memorized.

Fox News have ingrained the list into their heads.
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