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Bryan Fuller tweets that Netflix and Amazon have passed on picking up Hannibal

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Ten days after NBC cancelled Hannibal, the series no longer has its cast under contract. I hear that starting today, stars Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen are free agents, and they are already fielding film and TV offers. Their options expired last night and were not extended by Hannibal producer Gaumont International Television
If Hannibal finds a new home, new deals have to be hammered out with both Dancy and Mikkelsen. Still, if the show gets a new season elsewhere and the two are still available, I hear both love the show and have indicated that they would like to reprise their roles as Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Still, there are other, even bigger obstacles for a fourth season of Hannibal. For once, the show has an exclusive deal with Amazon, making a pact with other streaming services virtually impossible. And, more importantly, Hannibal has lost its creative force, developer/executive producer Bryan Fuller to a new series, Starz’s American Gods.
“The question would be for the potential new distribution partner is how comfortable they are in waiting,” Fuller told Deadline last week. “Because I do have an obligation to American Gods and a passion for American Gods, so I absolutely want to service that in the way that it needs to be serviced.”

ETA: https://twitter.com/BryanFuller/status/618179704147718145


From Deadline
Last week, producer Gaumont International Television let the options expire on stars Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen, and the duo are already fielding film and TV offers. Their availability is only one obstacle in the way of a pickup: Despite Amazon holding exclusive streaming rights, Fuller has already segued to his next series, Starz’s American Gods. He has said he remains committed to Hannibal, but a possible fourth season has to wait for him to finish the recently ordered first season of the adaptation of the Neil Gaimen best seller. That schedule issue was a big factor in Amazon’s passing on more Hannibal, sources tell me. With American Gods starting to ramp up, Fuller wouldn’t be available for more than a year to dig into more Hannibal – a timespan Amazon were not willing to wait.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Amazing show, it's a shame so many people didn't give it a chance.
Yeah, it's dead.

Such a shame and I have no doubt the direction of the season 3 episodes so far hasn't helped in terms of viewer numbers.


It is a very niche show. The subject matter alone is going to turn off a lot of people. Even though it looks amazing it's still a squeamish subject.

Also, they never did address several things wrong. I like Mads a lot, but his speech is just too unintelligible and difficult to hear that it becomes a problem, especially when he's talking about a complex subject or talk in metaphors and euphamisms.

Also this season started off a bit too "artsy fartsy" for my taste and I could see how it would lose a lot of returning viewers.

It was definitely not a show for Network TV. But that only goes to show how amazing it was that it managed to last for so long.
No new info here. It's not completely dead but it certainly isn't looking good. Fuller was always going to split time between Hannibal and American Gods, so not sure how or why that became relevant for this story. I imagine new deals would've been necessary across the board had it jumped networks so this is just speeding up that process a bit, though I do think if the show does come back it probably won't be as quickly as some had assumed after the cancellation. Just a weird, frustrating situation all around, made more complicated by the esoteric financing surrounding the show's original production.


I didn't like much of season 1, the wow kill of the week etc. but peaked towards the end.

Season 2 was excellent.

Season 3, up to episode 3 is not good at the moment.
Doesn't look great. Didn't Community make it to Yahoo while having an exclusive streaming deal with Hulu, though? I guess it would require a service as desperate for content as Yahoo was.

But yeah, I'm super uninterested in a Hannibal without Fuller. It's sorta weird that he took on a new project way before Hannibal was cancelled, while continuing to talk up more seasons on NBC? I guess he saw the writing on the wall privately.

For what it's worth, I think Season Three has been pretty great so far. Super surreal and artsy, and sorta meandering, but I'm cool watching a really pretty nightmare artscape for an hour a week.
Honeslty, im really not crazy about this season so far. Its so weird and artsy, more-so than usual. Definitely not helping i think.
I didn't like much of season 1, the wow kill of the week etc. but peaked towards the end.

Season 2 was excellent.

Season 3, up to episode 3 is not good at the moment.

It's a very hit or miss show for me. I think the writing is weak, often unbearable whenever Will Graham speaks tbh. But hannibal, verger and just the general Art direction is beautiful


In the next few years, when we get all the LTTP: Hannibal threads and people post "Why didn't anyone tell me this was good?????" I'm going to be furious.


Honeslty, im really not crazy about this season so far. Its so weird and artsy, more-so than usual. Definitely not helping i think.

They've toned it down since the first few episodes but yea, it's visually interesting but they've given up on people acting like humans instead of mouthpieces for aphorisms.


They've toned it down since the first few episodes but yea, it's visually interesting but they've given up on people acting like humans instead of mouthpieces for aphorisms.

Yeah, new season is getting weird.

I heard the show was subject of a bidding war. Gonna be much harder with the stars no longer under contract.

Also, Fuller being gone lowers my hype considerably.


nice, now mads can return to the world of brilliant independent scandinavian films instead of annoying american tv
I should've continued to watch it and continued to support it.

I watched the entire first season, and kind of liked it. I respected the quality of the show and the performances, but it never really hooked me for some reason. I wish I liked it as much as everyone else seems to.

I stopped watching part-way through Season 2 and kind of regret it now.
Why was it canned? I'd heard nothing but praise for the show.

In my anecdotal experience (entirely real life people, not the gaf thread community), those of us who love it to death are the people least likely to watch live television on the air. As far as I know that is still the biggest source of income for TV shows. Therefore the things we enjoy seeing don't really make an appreciable amount of money for networks.
“The question would be for the potential new distribution partner is how comfortable they are in waiting,” Fuller told Deadline last week. “Because I do have an obligation to American Gods and a passion for American Gods, so I absolutely want to service that in the way that it needs to be serviced.”
This is what I've been saying for a while. I would love another season, but with Fuller attached to American Gods? Nah. I'll take the 3 seasons we've gotten, my fond memories, and move on.

For anyone who hasn't watched Hannibal---you're missing out.
Unless the last 2 season were a big leap in quality over the first, I don't see the big deal. The show was all style over substance.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm disappointed in you, America.
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