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Dead or Alive 5 |OT| Put a little bounce in your sidestep!

I don't get this thinking. Did you buy the DLC so others could see it or so that you could?

People bitched about Capcom's on disc dlc, but this is the alternative.

Both, actually. What's so hard to understand? That's one reason why some people like wearing different things, so others can see.

And while this is one alternative, it's not the only one, nor is it particularly a good one.

If you're going to do DLC costumes, there should also be mandatory patches for online.


LOL, Pupi. In November you'll be like, "It's only been a month guys. Give it a year and see!" How long do people have to wait to make a judgement call? On anything?

I'm inclined to agree with Pupi.

Skilletor's right that the stun game isn't going to change.
But -
1. Background usage and sit down stuns will become more common
2. VF characters weren't unlocked and they seem to have kept their natural and counter hit launchers.


Both, actually. What's so hard to understand? That's one reason why some people like wearing different things, so others can see.

And while this is one alternative, it's not the only one, nor is it particularly a good one.

If you're going to do DLC costumes, there should also be mandatory patches for online.

And if I don't give a damn about your outfits? Why should I be forced to waste space on my hdd to see what you're wearing?

I'm inclined to agree with Pupi.

Skilletor's right that the stun game isn't going to change.
But -
1. Background usage and sit down stuns will become more common
2. VF characters weren't unlocked and they seem to have kept their natural and counter hit launchers.

Yeah, but if VF characters end up being really good or better than DoA characters because they play like VF and not DoA, it really only shows me what's wrong with this series (competitively speaking).
Just started playing the game three days ago, so far, I really like it.
The story mode was a bit boring and since I hadn't played the previous titles, I didn't really follow the plot.

I tried some online fights, it seemed ok to me. I actually managed to win about half of my fights, which is something rather unusual for me. I'm used to having my a*** handed to me with most online games. Maybe if I wait a few weeks, it'll all be back to normal?

About the DLC, I'm glad I got the extra costumes for free. I'm not a big fan of paying for useless content (it seems useless to me at least) but it's DoA, so dressing up your fighter is (a small) part of the game!


I'm inclined to agree with Pupi.

Skilletor's right that the stun game isn't going to change.
But -
1. Background usage and sit down stuns will become more common
2. VF characters weren't unlocked and they seem to have kept their natural and counter hit launchers.

Those are interesting points, but irrelevant to mine. If people are holding tournaments for the game and people are comfortable competing, we've arrived; we're in judgement territory. No more "wait and see". It was understandable pre-launch, but it sounds silly now.


Finally cracked open my copy yesterday and man what happened to the game's IQ? I didn't expect the game to look as clean as the initial kasumi vs akira trailer or preview screen shots..but mang, it's so darn jaggie.

Graphics gripes asides, at least the game is entertaining. Anyway back to borderlands 2~
I wish I didn't sell my 360. I wanna get DOA2U now, saw gameplay vids and the game looks so good. Hope the nextbox has BC with og xbox or otherwise I might buy a 360 just for that game, and DOAX.


So after a couple of days with the game I'm reminded why I always put down DOA games after a couple of weeks. It's fun and all, but I'm just not a fan of the core mechanics.

I instinctively want to throw when I see an opponent staggered and I'm on offense, but I can't. I instinctively want to block when I'm hit and I'm on defense, but I can't. I have to switch into counter mode instead, but the game is built around mix-ups that are hard to read -- heck moves in general are hard to read, so the counter system feels needlessly complex. Why four levels of counter instead of three? How often am I really going to try to input an expert counter outside of extremely predictable opponents? I don't feel like I'm ever reading, just guessing.

Some other peeves of mine include bad hitboxes (sweeps hitting jumping characters) and the sidestep breaking (or enhancing?) the positioning game to the detriment of being able to herd your opponent towards stage hazards. Overall I'm having fun, but it just feels too random to want to spend serious time with.

I was thinking of coming in and posting this exact same thing, but I decided to try to fully understand the system a bit more. Now that I understand the system a bit more it's still a bit too loose for my liking. The practice mode is ok, but the problem is, unless you're opponent is either in the air, is back turned or against a wall, nothing is guaranteed, so all that time putting together the perfect "combo" to get a critical burst probably won't happen in a real match because the opponent will either counter, or will be in the middle of a move and get juggled or something else happens.

I want to be better at this game, but I think it requires a LOT of commitment that I'm not ready to make. In most games (TTT2) I get some characters that I like, learn a few moves, combos and I can work with that. In a while I'll actually feel confident enough to get online. Yeah, I'll probably still lose, but at least I felt confident enough to try. I thought about picking up the guide, but after looking at the sample from prima, I don't think that's going to help much. I'll just look out for the DLC (I'll stick to the easy level thank you!), meanwhile, I heard P4Arena just got a big patch.
And if I don't give a damn about your outfits? Why should I be forced to waste space on my hdd to see what you're wearing?

Don't play online, I guess. Except DOA doesn't work like that, so you're in the clear.

I can't seriously imagine the space the outfits take up would bother you.
compatibility packs so that everybody can see dlc outfits never work. People are too lazy to download it or at times don't even know it exist.


compatibility packs so that everybody can see dlc outfits never work. People are too lazy to download it or at times don't even know it exist.

Burnout Paradise is the only game I've seen that required you to download a 'patch' to go online. I don't know why other games can't do this.


Well it's been a few days now and I've put a few hours total into DOA5. Polished off the story mode last night , I've done a bit of training and survival mode. I think it's long enough to form an opinion.

In short, it's good, it's fun but it's not great and honestly- Dead or Alive 4 was in many important ways a more polished and fun game. My earlier comments about doa5 feeling like a twisted metal game made after singletrac partnered with GT interactive all those year ago still ring true.

In my many years following team ninja and tecmo I paid particular attention to the level of polish their games recieved when Itagaki was producing them. Dead or alive 2 in the arcades and on dreamcast - it was the nicest looking game available in 1999/2000 and the gameplay systems were tuned to near perfection for what they were trying to do. After that we got DOA2 hardcore (the JP ps2 version doesn't count because it was literally stolen and printed from itagaki's desk he wasn't happy about that, look it up) a title which nearly maxed out the PS2's visual capabilities at launch and added a crapton of extra costumes as well as a couple of new stages. Almost like a deluxe directors cut of an already great game.

Then began the Xbox era, where after seeing how much better the graphics could be on an xbox , itagaki built dead or alive 3 over a 10 month crunch of what was most assuredly development hell and now all the hardcore fans look upon that game as being the best version. It certainly had some of the best backgrounds and added 2 awesome new characters to the mix. I suppose it lacked a bit in the costume department but really, minor issues. It was considered a worthy and polished successor to dead or alive 2 even if it didn't change THAT much.

Finally, there's Itagaki's magnum opus, the oft delayed Ninja Gaiden reboot. Indeed there are aspects of the game that aren't perfect but due to the speed of it's gameplay it's not as though the camera in particular could have been done much better than it was without affecting the gameplay negatively. Combining the best aspects of zelda, onimusha and devil may cry into a relentlessly awesome beat em up that many fans still consider the high mark of the entire genre. Why ? Polish and stubbornness on Itagaki's insistence that everything in the title have interactivity of some kind.

Around this same time we see the rise of the B team at team ninja, a team which itagaki still had approval for and as far as I know was still acting producer. They built Dead or alive extreme beach volleyball, a reasonably fun volleyball game and mildly entertaining casino simulator. It was still about as polished as it could be for what it was, demonstrated the newest in house version of the dead or alive engine as well. Looked great!

At this point we see the convergence of resources within team ninja - seeing how much better the doaX engine was compared to the doa3 engine, Itagaki decides to get a special collection of doa1/doa2 released so that fans can play all 3 dead or alive games on their xbox. Dead or alive 2 receives a ridiculously awesome facelift becoming the most polished team ninja title to date and assets / stages in it are shared with development on dead or alive 4 which at that time was likely in pre-alpha state. As well, after the popularity of the hurricane packs as well as ninja gaiden itself , itagaki approves his new understudy Hayashi to oversea a directors cut of ninja gaiden. One that will merely incorporate the hurricane pack content into the standard ninja gaiden experience. Rebalancing the games difficulty a little bit including adding an easy mode of sorts for people who had a hard time with it. Itagaki was still acting producer for it though. This re-released Ninja Gaiden Black is considered the best beat 'em up action game of all time.

You can see up to this point that everything Itagaki has involvement with was gold , he typically did only some grunt work programming and was more of an active producer and consultant then the straight up director of these games but you can see his style helped propel all of those games into a catagory of their own.

Unfortunately for him I think the scandal at his workplace party kind of did in his motivation and quest for perfection. Hayashi went on to almost solo create dragon sword for the DS which was actually a pretty fun game. Itagaki had to move with almost break from doa2 ultimate onto doa4 and you can tell in the finished product that it didn't get the full polish of his previous games. Internally you'd get a bonus for releasing games every year at tecmo- a task which he and his teams were very good at on the xbox/ps2/dreamcast but unfortunately due to the added scope / detail needed to make doa4 look good it just never happened to the same level. They clearly stopped short around september of 2005 and just decided to clean up bugs and finish what was in the game to make it out before the end of the year and still obtain their bonuses. Itagaki in particular needed the money because he took a demotion and pay cut after the scandal involving his co-worker and the resulting lawsuit. You could see his stress level show in the games themselves but they were still fun. DOA4 had some awesomely polished stages and character models, it's only graphical downfall was that it used the same engine as doa ultimate which had been around since the dreamcast days, heavily modified though it was , it didn't use all the new technology available to it's fullest. Typically team ninja games would really push the hardware but they simply didn't have time for 6 months of polish like they used to. The higher ups at tecmo decided to forgo bonuses for team ninja despite DOA4 shipping on time and doing quite well worldwide , so after all that hard work and stress the team basically got nothing for it. They were then tasked with porting ninja gaiden black to the ps3 as well as making a doax 2. Itagaki wanted nothing to do with the playstation but felt his understudy hayashi would do well enough. Hayashi's team went on to create ninja gaiden sigma while doa x2 was left under itagaki. Again despite not receiving their 2005 bonus check for getting doa 4 out on time , the team toiled away to release doax2 with an even tighter development schedule. I think doax2 was the game that "broke" itagaki, it was so rushed had NONE of the polish present in any of his previous games and I"m pretty sure was only made for a paycheque. It was also stretching thin his management resources because he had left hayashi a team for the ps3 ninja gaiden , was working on doax 2 AND had started work on ninja gaiden 2 with some of his more enthusiastic employees. As we all know at this point, ninja gaiden 2 was released in a state that was practically a beta and it's a shame because the game was awesome in just about every way , had it received the polish of pre-doa4 itagaki we'd have easily been putting it in top 10 lists everywhere. Instead it was released out of spite, co-published by microsoft to prevent it's porting to any other console without massive reworking it was basically kicked out the door and abandoned so that Itagaki could leave with the best employees at team ninja and sue tecmos asses off for failure to pay. A lawsuit which he and his cohorts eventually went on to win.

Prior to his departure though and ignoring the toxic environment he worked in for 2006-2008, the man toiled over perfection in games he released or had his name attached to.

Hayashi though... with the master ninja gone , he was left to do whatever he wanted I think but unlike Itagaki who had no problem telling off the upper management and delaying a game to polish it more- Hayashi just bent over and took it. Most of the team ninja of today is fresh faced new employees , loyal to tecmo-koei with none of the bad blood present during the later itagaki years. Because of this none of them take risks , every release they've made has played it safe or bowed entirely to the goal of profits put down from tecmo-koei's heads. It's because of this current atmosphere we ended up with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 , the former was hayashi deciding that NG2 was disgustingly violent and deciding that no one liked the game for the excessive violence , they did indeed fix many of the 360 versions issues but they added in just as many of their own problems to the game design. The result was an overall neutered experience. Then NG3 they tried to make a game that was appealing only to people that didn't like NG games to begin with and failed miserably because it wasn't much fun. Razors edge looks to rectify that error of judgement at least.

That brings my whole rant full circle at long last- to dead or alive 5. Hayashi's team initially rebuilt ninja gaiden black on the ps3 with what they dubbed the 'sigma engine'. This same engine was used to port ninja gaiden 2 onto ps3. It really plays on the ps3's strengths but it's not a very versatile engine when sent back to the 360. With ninja gaiden 3 they built a brand new game entirely on their own from the ground up using that same engine and further tweaked it to work very well on ps3- in the end this meant that nothing was optimized for 360 and both versions looked almost the same.

Obviously to save money this same engine was used again for dead or alive 5. From reading digital foundry head to head stuff and seeing that the main issue with ps3/360 development is their video cards are very close but the 360 can simply render more special effects as well as the added eedram which gives you free 2x anti-aliasing. Comparing ram , since the 360 has 1 block of similarly clocked 512 MB unified memory , you can use tons of it for fantastic texturing, compared to the ps3 which has 256 multipurpose but slower ram and 256mb of fast video memory. In english, this means it's harder to get better textures from the ps3 because you have a hard physical cap. So when you develop for ps3 then port to 360 you have most likely, extra power that you have to spend time to use properly.

They did NOT do this with doa5. Instead they used up 90% of the ps3 texture memory on the character models which is a noble approach but the sacrifice hardly seems worth it- the texture maps on EVERYTHING else look ps2 level. The floors, the walls, the barrels. All of it just looks ugly, not to mention the average background in the game is severly poly starved and special effect lacking as well. The sweat and dirt system present in the game is a nice addition but it uses up every ounce of extra power their engine can produce on ps3 and so the 360 port suffers moreso. I'm no pixel counter so I have no idea if both versions are running sub HD, I know ninja gaiden 3 was. it also seems to me that during win poses the game locks to 30 fps and gains a slight image quality boost, so perhaps gameplay is sub HD 60fps with no AA and win poses turn on a bit of AA and lock to 30 fps in HD ? Who knows. Either way the backgrounds look xbox 1 level with ps2 quality textures and just aren't as much fun to play in as doa4 or any previous doa for that matter.

What ultimately saves this game, is that enough of the previous entries core gameplay is intact, that what's here is still overall - fun to play. Successfully landing a critical burst into a stage specific danger zone is indeed entertaining. I just wish the stages themselves were more fun to fight in beyond these gimmicks. It really doesn't help the game much when the story mode takes place on the worst offender of bad texturing and lame stage design present within the entire game- the offshore oilrig. Technically it has 3 or 4 areas on it but they are all incredibly dull. Speaking of story mode, I found it very lazy how it ended and it only furthers my theory that doa5 is a low budget beta of doa6. The undoubtedly next gen sequel that will fix all the graphical issues by simply being on stronger hardware. I'm curious to see how DOA5 will look about a year from now after a few costume packs and some extra stages are added in. Especially when the wii U version comes out, will it fix some of those graphical issues ?

Sorry for the wall of text people. It's just team ninja has been one of my favorite developers since dead or alive 2 came out and I want to see them succeed in the wake of Itagaki's departure, I really do! DOA5 is a decent game , I just wanted more out of it I think.
I've only got 4gb on the Xbox I use to practice (first world problems...hahaha), so yeah, it would.

Ah, well, that's on you. When you buy the cheaper, smaller option, you know what you're getting into.

compatibility packs so that everybody can see dlc outfits never work. People are too lazy to download it or at times don't even know it exist.

Didn't MK do those? Yea, those are stupid. Don't give people the optioin, just make it something they have to do if they want to go online.


Both, actually. What's so hard to understand? That's one reason why some people like wearing different things, so others can see.

And while this is one alternative, it's not the only one, nor is it particularly a good one.

If you're going to do DLC costumes, there should also be mandatory patches for online.

I disagree. Why do you care about other people seeing your costumes? I don't understand.

And downloading a patch with all the DLC included would be ridiculous. If someone picks it up a few months down, they have to download a few hundred MB just so that you can show off your bikini? Get outta town.


Ah, well, that's on you. When you buy the cheaper, smaller option, you know what you're getting into.

Actually, it's not on me, since I'm not the one with the issue. I'm getting exactly what I want. I didn't have to download anything I didn't want in SF4, in SC5, in VF5, and now in DoA5. Apparently MK9 was this way, too? So, yeah, not my issue.

Why should I be forced to download things I don't want just so I can see the things you want? What if you have shitty silly clown outfits I don't want to see? What if you have swimsuits I have no interest in seeing? What about the costumes I would never buy at all ever for characters I'm not going to use? Why should I have to download ANYTHING AT ALL for things I don't care about. The ONLY thing that should mandatory to go online are balance patches since those affect gameplay.

I disagree. Why do you care about other people seeing your costumes? I don't understand.

And downloading a patch with all the DLC included would be ridiculous. If someone picks it up a few months down, they have to download a few hundred MB just so that you can show off your bikini? Get outta town.

Yeah, seriously. Make it optional if anything. I don't give a damn if you see my outfits. I buy them for me.


LOL, Pupi. In November you'll be like, "It's only been a month guys. Give it a year and see!" How long do people have to wait to make a judgement call? On anything?

On how a game is played at tounamemt level? Sevral months to a year.


Gold Member
Got this game last Thursday... Been playing through the story mode. I thought the story was shit (duh, it's a fighting game) and the backgrounds in the stages were kinda dull.

Finished the story mode and started playing Arcade...WOW...that's when the backgrounds started coming into effect. Online is ok but the netcode is average. TTT2 is a much better game but for some reason I keep playing DOA5!

LOL...Can't work it out.


Whether a game is worthy of being played at tournament level is often decided earlier. Look at SFxTK.

This game deserves a chance to patch before writing it off.

I don't even think you should write the game off, but you should be able to critique it without constantly getting, "Well, wait and see." as a response. There's no need to wait several months to a year. People's comments and impressions are valid right now in relation to how the game is right now. If they patch later, reassess later.


TTT2 is a much better game but for some reason I keep playing DOA5!

LOL...Can't work it out.

Same here, just finished unlocking an outfit for Lei fang on hard. Sarah was KILLING me, but finally I manage to win, still had fun. It's annoying not because I lost but because I find it hard to learn ANYTHING when I do lose because it happens so fast. I'm learning more about the characters and I'm actually doing the moves I want instead of button mashing but, winning is so strange in this game for me, you either win, look good doing it and dominate, or lose pathetically and probably would have lasted longer just putting the controller down.
I disagree. Why do you care about other people seeing your costumes? I don't understand.

And downloading a patch with all the DLC included would be ridiculous. If someone picks it up a few months down, they have to download a few hundred MB just so that you can show off your bikini? Get outta town.

If you don't understand why some people like to dress up their characters and show off, I can't help you with that.

I don't see what's so ridiculous about it. If you pick up a game a year after it comes out, and it's had two patches since release, you'd have to get your game up to date before you could play online. I don't see why the update being costumes makes a difference.

Actually, it's not on me, since I'm not the one with the issue. I'm getting exactly what I want. I didn't have to download anything I didn't want in SF4, in SC5, in VF5, and now in DoA5. Apparently MK9 was this way, too? So, yeah, not my issue.

Why should I be forced to download things I don't want just so I can see the things you want? What if you have shitty silly clown outfits I don't want to see? What if you have swimsuits I have no interest in seeing? What about the costumes I would never buy at all ever for characters I'm not going to use? Why should I have to download ANYTHING AT ALL for things I don't care about. The ONLY thing that should mandatory to go online are balance patches since those affect gameplay.

It is on you, because you chose to have a small harddrive. You have to be careful of space requirements and how you use it because it's limited. That is completely on you. The fact the games you listed don't have mandatory DLC downloads has nothing to do with the quote you responded to.

I guess the real thing you aren't considering, or maybe just don't care about, is that the people that spent extra money on the game, whether talking about the CE swimsuits in DOA5 or just DLC costumes in general, are the one potentially getting shafted. If one of the reasons you buy the extra cosmetic stuff is to show it off, and you can't actually show it off, it might feel like you wasted your money.

And to clarify, I haven't been online once, nor do I plan on going online anytime soon, so I don't really care that the costumes working the way they do. But, I can still empathize with people that might and understand why it's not the best situation for them.
Got this game last Thursday... Been playing through the story mode. I thought the story was shit (duh, it's a fighting game) and the backgrounds in the stages were kinda dull.

Finished the story mode and started playing Arcade...WOW...that's when the backgrounds started coming into effect. Online is ok but the netcode is average. TTT2 is a much better game but for some reason I keep playing DOA5!

LOL...Can't work it out.

I love both games. If only DOA5 had the content and the polish of TTT2. I like DOA5s style of gameplay more fun.


It is on you, because you chose to have a small harddrive. You have to be careful of space requirements and how you use it because it's limited. That is completely on you. The fact the games you listed don't have mandatory DLC downloads has nothing to do with the quote you responded to.

I guess the real thing you aren't considering, or maybe just don't care about, is that the people that spent extra money on the game, whether talking about the CE swimsuits in DOA5 or just DLC costumes in general, are the one potentially getting shafted. If one of the reasons you buy the extra cosmetic stuff is to show it off, and you can't actually show it off, it might feel like you wasted your money.

And to clarify, I haven't been online once, nor do I plan on going online anytime soon, so I don't really care that the costumes working the way they do. But, I can still empathize with people that might and understand why it's not the best situation for them.

Well, since I only use it for fighters, I really haven't had any problems. I don't have to worry about space, since fighters don't make me download much. 4gbs has been plenty across a dozen releases. So no, it isn't on me, since I haven't had an issue for exactly this reason. If I had to download all of the SF4 costume packs to practice with my friends, it would be an issue, but I don't.

And the annoyance is entirely placebo. You don't know if people can see your outfits or not, so why does it matter? For all you know, everybody online has the CE version of the game, or traded to get the bunny outfits. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Yes. You don't know either way, so why does it matter?

And no, I don't care. I bought the CE, I have the swimsuits. I don't care if you can see them. I bought them so that I could. I don't understand why anybody would care whether or not another person saw the outfits I purchased. This isn't VF, there is no customization. And even then, I customize things so that they're aesthetically pleasing to me.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have to see the penis-laden character customization in SC5. I'd be happier not being able to see other people's customization in Tekken, VF, and SC.


Have you tried port forwarding? That worked for me. You might want it to be NAT2

Check your internet connection settings through your game console. If you have NAT type 3 connection and UPNP unavailable, then that's probably the cause.

Thanks for the help, but I originally had NAT2 with UPNP enabled, and port forwarding didn't do the trick. I don't understand why this one game doesn't work online, even when it clearly shows me lobbies to join. :(

edit: And now it works! No idea why it started working, but I'm okay with that.


I don't see what's so ridiculous about it. If you pick up a game a year after it comes out, and it's had two patches since release, you'd have to get your game up to date before you could play online. I don't see why the update being costumes makes a difference.

Patches are there to benefit the player. If I download a 200MB patch, it's a pain, but I'm downloading some serious additions and tweaks. 200MB so that I can see your DLC is not worth delaying playing the game for.


Wow, Kasumi's
Ninja Gaiden-style
outfit is smoking hot...holy crap. That's almost enough to convert me back to being a Kasumi player. It's about time they gave her standard outfit an update. Ayane lost the ridiculous bow years ago. Kasumi's no-pants combat outfit looked more out of place than ever in this edition.

I finished Story mode, and I don't understand a lot of what went on (not just in the typical ways), I mean like:

Why was that Kasumi-clone going around trying to find and kill Alpha-152? Where did she come from?

Did anybody other than Ryu, Hayate, and Ayane realize she wasn't the real Kasumi?

What was up with the crazy Ninja-alpha at the end that could change shapes? As far as I'm aware, only Hayate and Kasumi were ever captured for DNA sampling, yet it could change into Ayane and Ryu also?
This isn't VF, there is no customization. And even then, I customize things so that they're aesthetically pleasing to me.

As do others, I'm sure. The difference is that while you don't care if other people see your customizations, other people do.

Patches are there to benefit the player. If I download a 200MB patch, it's a pain, but I'm downloading some serious additions and tweaks. 200MB so that I can see your DLC is not worth delaying playing the game for.

For the person that bought DLC to show off, the patch is beneficial. I'm sure most players don't care about minor (or major) balances and tweaks that would make up a fighting game patch, but they're beneficial to the competitive players that do.

Anyway, you both only seem to be interested in how something directly affects you, which means I've got nothing more to say on the matter.
TTT2 is a much better game but for some reason I keep playing DOA5!

LOL...Can't work it out.
Because it's really fun.
The control scheme is easy and makes sense.
Stage interaction is so dynamic and you can't get that anywhere else.
When you guess right you can perform some amazing looking sequences.

But the deeper you go the more it will irritate you (assuming you're decent in any of the other big 3D fighters).


Dumb question, but is there anywhere where I can see all of the outfits that you get for having the collectors edition? Can you ONLY get them from the CE, or can you unlock them in game somehow?

I'm still having trouble justifying $80 for this, so I haven't opened it yet :(


Dumb question, but is there anywhere where I can see all of the outfits that you get for having the collectors edition? Can you ONLY get them from the CE, or can you unlock them in game somehow?

I'm still having trouble justifying $80 for this, so I haven't opened it yet :(

You can only get them in the CE right now. Others have said they'll be released later for everybody to buy. I would wait and see how much this upcoming costume patch being released costs to decide whether or not it's worth it.

No, they can't be unlocked ingame. The outfits in the CE are 12 swimsuits for the female characters.


Dumb question, but is there anywhere where I can see all of the outfits that you get for having the collectors edition? Can you ONLY get them from the CE, or can you unlock them in game somehow?

I'm still having trouble justifying $80 for this, so I haven't opened it yet :(

They're all on Tecmo's Facebook page. Most of them are actually pretty good.


Can you ONLY get them from the CE, or can you unlock them in game somehow?

I'm still having trouble justifying $80 for this, so I haven't opened it yet :(

For now you can only get them from the CE. But they might already be in next week's DLC batch, so you might want to hold off until the next store update.


For now you can only get them from the CE. But they might already be in next week's DLC batch, so you might want to hold off until the next store update.

Haven't the outfits in next week's dlc been revealed? Thought it was the outfits for Koko, Tina, Helena, and Mila.

I doubt they'd release the CE costumes 1 week after the game's launch.


Haven't the outfits in next week's dlc been revealed? Thought it was the outfits for Koko, Tina, Helena, and Mila.

I doubt they'd release the CE costumes 1 week after the game's launch.

The guy who posted the screen said there's a couple more in it. I doubt they're the CE ones though.


irresponsible vagina leak
Haven't the outfits in next week's dlc been revealed? Thought it was the outfits for Koko, Tina, Helena, and Mila.

I doubt they'd release the CE costumes 1 week after the game's launch.

FSD I think someone said there were more just not shown yet.


Neo Member
Hey great read really interesting to know a bit of team ninja's history and changes post itagaki.
DOA4 was a Xbox 360 exclusive, so most of the time they'll have that extra polish that multiplatform games can't achieve. So its understandable how it may look better than DOA5 in some areas.
Any info on the price of the costume packs?


Is anyone here doing a lobby for this game? There seem to be very few people playing online.
Yeah, I'm having trouble finding matches quickly too.

I'm rocking Mila. I suck big time but I feel like an underdog boxer. I can never land her ground grabs though, everyone is too damn quick to get up.


I only went by its demo, but I think the stages in DOA4 did look a little more lively.

The one stage in the demo has more interactive elements than any stage in DOA4. Weather its bright or colorful is one thing, but these are the most interactive stages ever in DOA.
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