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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Neo Member
Got 2 Desert Roses last night.
Anyone know how to get that new backpack? Is that also from the same chests or something else? That one looks pretty sweet actually.


I tried logging on to GW1 yesterday but I forgot my password and the client password retrieval is down. I would have to file a support ticket in order to recover my password and I'm all aintnobodygottimefodat.gif

Got 2 Desert Roses last night.
Anyone know how to get that new backpack? Is that also from the same chests or something else? That one looks pretty sweet actually.

Play Kiel's Aspect Arena.



Back from the autoshop and $615.48 poorer. Turns out the nut that goes on the valve which holds the pressure sensor in place completely broke and fell off, which caused the issue. I was told most of the time when it happens the entire sensor falls into the tire while driving and the tire instantly deflates and completely shreds. Got lucky there.

It also turns out my other three tires shared the same issue, which I noticed awhile ago but never really thought anything of it. Had to get all four sensors and nuts replaced, $147 a pop. Not so lucky.

Good thing I just paid my car off a month ago. I can at least afford the repairs now.


Getting caps is easy,

Killing crystal carriers is much more annoying.

You do understand what you're saying here right? Both things happen on both sides. However I have a genuine question: Do you know if the sun aspect's movement skill has to be held down? I noticed people are able to move extremely long distances whereas when I do it, I dash no farther than about two inches when having a crystal on me. Air and lightning are more reliable but when they swarm you, they swarm you.

Haven't tried Aspect Arena, but Katoki hates so I will probably wind up enjoying it quite a bit.

Never said I explicitly hated it. It's just annoying with the back and forth swarming since people're also after the crystal crusher achievement. It's also too bad that pushing someone off the arena doesn't count as a proper kill towards the achievement.

Also keep in mind that my goals are much different than yours. I grind these things because I have this need to fill bars up before they're no longer able to be filled while being part of the lack of WvW coverage problem.

Have not seen a back skin out of the Aspect Arena chests yet.


not sure I like these achievements for the meta stuff this time.

so much grindy shit again. going to be gone all weekend and really only got a week to finish this too :|


I don't care for the rewards, nor most of the achievements, so I don't really get bothered by any of it.

I'm enjoying the new games though, so I'm getting a few achievements here and there. I much prefer looking at it that way.

I'll grind for that braham armor, though. You hear me, Anet? I'll grind for that armor if I have to. Put it in.


not sure I like these achievements for the meta stuff this time.

so much grindy shit again. going to be gone all weekend and really only got a week to finish this too :|

I don't understand this attitude that you need to grind out every single possible achievement. Do what you can do, and more importantly what you have fun doing, and don't worry about the rest. They're not designed so that every single player regardless of play time can achieve them all.

I mean, they're even specifically tiered. Some people will only get the first tier of each one. And they still get rewarded for that. Others who have more play time can "grind" out more tiers and thus they gain a little more reward.

Asking anet to make all the achievements easier, might help you, but everyone that plays more than you now has fewer things to focus their time on.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I mean, with all the metas, it's do any 6 (or whatever) out of 11 (or whatever) possible achievements... I don't think they could make it much friendlier to the vast majority of users. You can pick the "least grindy" of them and still get the same reward.


I look at this this way...I go after the rewards whether they be minis, titles, backpieces, helms, etc. After I get all of those then I spend time on the extra achievement points. If I don't get all of them, it's not a huge deal since I can make them up through doing extra sPvP or WvW daily stuff I don't normally find time to do anyways.

I mean, with all the metas, it's do any 6 (or whatever) out of 11 (or whatever) possible achievements... I don't think they could make it much friendlier to the vast majority of users. You can pick the "least grindy" of them and still get the same reward.

That's how I see it as well.





I miss the daily achievement reward boxes already. Need to hit 8k now because we get another weapon skin at that point.


achievement point totals don't mean very much in this game, to me at least. by far the biggest source of points is logging in every day and getting 15 points from dailies. then you have the monthlies, which are worth 110. meanwhile you can spend five hundred hours in wvw/pvp and not even reach 250 points.

in my mind, achievements should be more about truly achieving something and less about consistently playing the game.

i would like to see achievements that reward extraordinary feats that actually take rigorous planning or skill and can't be boosted (i see so many people not even playing keg brawl but boosting, it's quite sad)

these are a few i thought of just now:
  • kill lupicus in under 30 seconds
  • keep hodgins at no lower than 90% health during burrow spawns in AC p1
  • entire party avoids all arrows fighting the legendary imbued shaman in the volcanic fractal at level 30+
  • poison gas is only active a maximum of three seconds during old tom fight at level 30+
  • in coe, no one in the party dies while jumping past the laser hallway
  • without using a mesmer portal, finish the obsidium sanctum jumping puzzle in under 4 minutes
  • kill all three targets within three seconds of each other during the branded for termination guild challenge
  • finish a guild rush without using any of the skills (i suppose the spider one is out for this achievement)

in other words achievements that reward going above and beyond the minimum requirements to finish content and are actually hard.


I think it should be both. Having difficult to achieve stuff is good, and there should be more of it, but I think loyalty should be rewarded as well. And I feel the vast majority of people who will play this game don't want achievements just to go to super hard things.
meanwhile you can spend five hundred hours in wvw/pvp and not even reach 250 points.
They said this will change "soon". It will be easier to get points if you WvW often.
Very recent comment about this. Can't remember where.

  • entire party avoids all arrows fighting the legendary imbued shaman in the volcanic fractal at level 30+
ONLY if they add some form of red ring/icon (ala Maw) for it. Can't see shit during that fight, and always get hit by that arrow.


The Cryptarch's Bane
achievement point totals don't mean very much in this game, to me at least. by far the biggest source of points is logging in every day and getting 15 points from dailies. then you have the monthlies, which are worth 110. meanwhile you can spend five hundred hours in wvw/pvp and not even reach 250 points.

in my mind, achievements should be more about truly achieving something and less about consistently playing the game.

i would like to see achievements that reward extraordinary feats that actually take rigorous planning or skill and can't be boosted (i see so many people not even playing keg brawl but boosting, it's quite sad)

these are a few i thought of just now:
  • kill lupicus in under 30 seconds
  • keep hodgins at no lower than 90% health during burrow spawns in AC p1
  • entire party avoids all arrows fighting the legendary imbued shaman in the volcanic fractal at level 30+
  • poison gas is only active a maximum of three seconds during old tom fight at level 30+
  • in coe, no one in the party dies while jumping past the laser hallway
  • without using a mesmer portal, finish the obsidium sanctum jumping puzzle in under 4 minutes
  • kill all three targets within three seconds of each other during the branded for termination guild challenge
  • finish a guild rush without using any of the skills (i suppose the spider one is out for this achievement)

in other words achievements that reward going above and beyond the minimum requirements to finish content and are actually hard.
Hmm, fractals especially have a bit of this stuff, though not that hardcore.
The Floor Is Lava. Don't Step In It
You've completed the Volcanic Fractal inside the Fractal of the Mists without falling in the lava. All those childhood games finally paid off

Carrier Cacophony
You made it through Rabsovich's onslaught without dying while inside the Fractal of the Mists

Open Grave
Your party killed all of the monsters in the Solid Ocean fractal inside the Fractal of the Mists

Fancy Footwork
You've made it through the Swampland inside the Fractal of the Mists without triggering a single trap

Guild Missions are dying for some stuff like this though


Big thanks to those of you that have been joining my groups lately. I always try to ask in gaf before going to lfg. My friends and I have been doing late night runs to plow through the less popular paths for dungeon completer. I'm excited to finally give CoE and SF a go.

Ploid 3.0

Greater Marks: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.

Whoa shots fired :( Nerf to 30 30 10 0 0.

Staff is good without greater marks now at least. The 120 to 180 radius looks very good. I wonder how big it is with greater marks.


Hmm, fractals especially have a bit of this stuff, though not that hardcore.


Guild Missions are dying for some stuff like this though

yeah i have every single one of those fractal achievements. a few of them are just "go slightly out of your way to do something simple" like ascalon chickens or kill all solid ocean mobs.

the lava and trap ones are selfish and can be cheesed if the rest of your group is willing to carry you. i've had someone just ask "may i afk for trap achievement?" when we were trying to open the wisp door in the swamp fractal. had a different guy that didn't even ask and just afked during the uncategorized fractal so he wouldn't fall and get his achievement.

better design would preempt this kind of player action. you should not be able to circumvent achievements by letting other people do all the work for you. the trap achievement would have been much better if instead it required you to avoid traps while carrying a wisp back successfully. maybe requiring you to refrain from using a mesmer portal too.

it's not that i mind easy achievements, it's that
1) there are no really hard execution-heavy achievements in the game
2) the ones that ostensibly do require skill can be more easily obtained at the expense of others (swamp traps, personal space, not falling in uncategorized fractal)
3) there are barely any team-oriented achievements, just personal ones

I know this was just a quick list you made, but no achievement should ever require the player to form a specific team or use a specific build to achieve it.

any kind of speedkill achievement requires build/team optimization, the question is how much. 30s is definitely too crazy though, 3 min would probably be the sweetspot. something like unfriendly skies was really easy but that's okay because the dungeon was temporary. a lupicus speedkill achievement will always be available for players to complete so it can be harder.
Gotta disagree with some of those achievement types. Anything that requires you to ignore intended mechanics of the fight for forced difficulty is asinine imo. May as well ask for players to play one-handed at that point. I also feel like speed kills are bad business as well as it's primarily a gear check more than anything which then leads down the idiotic path of gear check/gear score and I would hate for that to be in the game anymore than it is already with Fractals.

Actually, thinking about it, nevermind. They can go ahead and add all that stuff. But keep it specifically limited to Fractal content.


Big thanks to those of you that have been joining my groups lately. I always try to ask in gaf before going to lfg. My friends and I have been doing late night runs to plow through the less popular paths for dungeon completer. I'm excited to finally give CoE and SF a go.

What time do you usually run these at? I'd love to finally get dungeon master. I've finished CoE, AC, Hotw, and a whole bunch of random paths for the rest.


Anything above and beyond playing the game organically shouldn't come with in game recognition, in my opinion. Leave speed running and the like to youtube fame.


So they're fixing the issue with instruments in the Aug 6th update:


Hello everyone.

Thank you for voicing your concerns with the flute.

Again, we apologize for your struggles with this instrument after the latest build. I would like to reconfirm that it was never our intention to negatively impact songs you’ve been previously able to play or with new performances. The scenarios described above regarding extreme difficulty playing the same note back-to-back were not reproducible in-house or reported by play testers, even those with musical talent playing popular songs discussed in many other threads.

That said, there will be a fix for the problem, one that reverts functionality to the way it was before. Additionally, by popular request, the ability to stop the currently playing note will be moved to the ‘0’ key. This fix is currently targeted for release with the next Living World update. Thank you for your patience as we address your concerns.

I’d like to add that we are committed to providing a fun experience with each of the instruments and are always open to healthy, constructive feedback.


Quick update here too. Currently scheduled for the next living world update we’re changing it back; and adding a 0 skill to stop playing the current note instead of double-tap.
phew. I have to get it off my chest that I wish they would focus more on fewer mini games and really work on them.

To me, games like Crab Toss and Aspect Arena, really are sort of broken, squishy and they are just not fun to me. The tightness and responsiveness of GW2 combat is not here, and I find myself playing only for the achievements.

I think the Hunger Games mini game could be excellent, with more random elements and levels. It actually has a good bit of strategy in it.
I also think the Sanctum Sprint has great potential, if they work more on it. And I liked the community driven spass of the Moa Races betting.


Greater Marks: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.

Whoa shots fired :( Nerf to 30 30 10 0 0.

Staff is good without greater marks now at least. The 120 to 180 radius looks very good. I wonder how big it is with greater marks.

Still 240. :/


Hi, just set up GW2 today, really liking it so far, only thing is the controls need some getting used to.

I'm a Sylvari warrior, I'm not sure if it's my time zone or if this race is not a popular choice in the stormbluff server, I'm literally doing most events alone and dying a lot
I made a Sylvari character hehe.

The most annoying part of the controls for me is the freaking jumping.. and you have to jump a lot if you want to get all vista's/areas v_v


The Cryptarch's Bane
Congrats Seda! You have more legendaries than I have fully-geared characters.
Hi, just set up GW2 today, really liking it so far, only thing is the controls need some getting used to.

I'm a Sylvari warrior, I'm not sure if it's my time zone or if this race is not a popular choice in the stormbluff server, I'm literally doing most events alone and dying a lot
I made a Sylvari character hehe.

The most annoying part of the controls for me is the freaking jumping.. and you have to jump a lot if you want to get all vista's/areas v_v
Ya'll should play with a controller ;) Jumping is heaven.

Pyros, what time zone/hours are you playing? The Sylvari starting area (Caledon Forest) is beautiful, and filled with secrets and cool events, but Sylvari are both a less popular race and it happens to be one of the tougher starting zones (I stubbornly leveled mostly solo there with my baby Mesmer, but it was lots of dying and playing naked. Forced me to get good early on, but it can be frustrating too!).

I have a variety of good news for you, though:

1. Have you joined the GAF Guild? Post your account or character name! Lots of us have many alts, and if you just ask in guild chat if anyone wants to come level in Caledon you'll probably get a couple bites.

2. Just because you're a Sylvari doesn't limit you to your own starting zone in any way. Find the portal to Lion's Arch in the Grove, or use the PvP menu to go to the Mists and then take the Lion's Arch portal. Then look for the Gate Hub, and take a portal to any other race's starting zone. On our server, Queensdale and Plains of Ashford (human and charr respectively) tend to have stable populations running around.

3. If you do stick around doing tough events solo, you'll get good with your class because you need to rely on the "true GW2 mechanics" (dodging, positioning, weapon swapping) to succeed. If you play with a bunch of other people early on, strength in numbers can allow you to tackle the game like it was any other MMO and be relatively successful up until a certain point where you'll hit a wall. I've seen it in a variety of players when they first get into dungeons.



formerly "chigiri"
I made a Sylvari character hehe.

The most annoying part of the controls for me is the freaking jumping.. and you have to jump a lot if you want to get all vista's/areas v_v

I'm mostly soloing apart from some adhoc groups now and again with my newb Asura Engineer as well (level 16 now). Though I don't really have a problem with dying currently.

Also it does seem like using bomb/explosive kits as primary attacks is the way to go? Doing truly massive damage with those compared to using guns/rifles.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Wait what.. GW2 has controller support? I don't even see how it would be useful.. unless you only use it out of combat or something..
Out of combat? Whatchu talkin bout DreadLord

No native support sadly. But the setup for our solution is simple: File -> Download and follow teh instructions (stuff only has to be done once). Not yet compatible with win8 unfortunately :(

It's borderline useless unless you're in combat though (or jumping around). I wonder what you meant by that, lol
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